// blockParts:     Must be parts of the block
// seenValidation: The +2/3 commits that were seen which finalized the height.
//                 If all the nodes restart after committing a block,
//                 we need this to reload the commits to catch-up nodes to the
//                 most recent height.  Otherwise they'd stall at H-1.
//				   Also good to have to debug consensus issues & punish wrong-signers
// 				   whose commits weren't included in the block.
func (bs *BlockStore) SaveBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet, seenValidation *types.Validation) {
	height := block.Height
	if height != bs.height+1 {
		panic(Fmt("BlockStore can only save contiguous blocks. Wanted %v, got %v", bs.height+1, height))
	if !blockParts.IsComplete() {
		panic(Fmt("BlockStore can only save complete block part sets"))

	// Save block meta
	meta := types.NewBlockMeta(block, blockParts)
	metaBytes := binary.BinaryBytes(meta)
	bs.db.Set(calcBlockMetaKey(height), metaBytes)

	// Save block parts
	for i := uint(0); i < blockParts.Total(); i++ {
		bs.saveBlockPart(height, i, blockParts.GetPart(i))

	// Save block validation (duplicate and separate from the Block)
	blockValidationBytes := binary.BinaryBytes(block.Validation)
	bs.db.Set(calcBlockValidationKey(height), blockValidationBytes)

	// Save seen validation (seen +2/3 commits)
	seenValidationBytes := binary.BinaryBytes(seenValidation)
	bs.db.Set(calcSeenValidationKey(height), seenValidationBytes)

	// Save new BlockStoreStateJSON descriptor
	BlockStoreStateJSON{Height: height}.Save(bs.db)

	// Done!
	bs.height = height
// Queues a message to be sent to channel.
// Nonblocking, returns true if successful.
func (c *MConnection) TrySend(chId byte, msg interface{}) bool {
	if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) == 1 {
		return false

	log.Debug("TrySend", "channel", chId, "connection", c, "msg", msg)

	// Send message to channel.
	channel, ok := c.channelsIdx[chId]
	if !ok {
		log.Error(Fmt("Cannot send bytes, unknown channel %X", chId))
		return false

	ok = channel.trySendBytes(binary.BinaryBytes(msg))
	if ok {
		// Wake up sendRoutine if necessary
		select {
		case c.send <- struct{}{}:

	return ok
func (bs *BlockStore) saveBlockPart(height uint, index uint, part *types.Part) {
	if height != bs.height+1 {
		panic(Fmt("BlockStore can only save contiguous blocks. Wanted %v, got %v", bs.height+1, height))
	partBytes := binary.BinaryBytes(part)
	bs.db.Set(calcBlockPartKey(height, index), partBytes)
func (voteSet *VoteSet) addVote(valIndex uint, vote *types.Vote) (bool, uint, error) {
	// If vote already exists, return false.
	if existingVote := voteSet.votes[valIndex]; existingVote != nil {
		if bytes.Equal(existingVote.BlockHash, vote.BlockHash) {
			return false, valIndex, nil
		} else {
			return false, valIndex, &types.ErrVoteConflictingSignature{
				VoteA: existingVote,
				VoteB: vote,

	// Add vote.
	_, val := voteSet.valSet.GetByIndex(valIndex)
	if val == nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Missing validator for index %v", valIndex))
	voteSet.votes[valIndex] = vote
	voteSet.votesBitArray.SetIndex(valIndex, true)
	blockKey := string(vote.BlockHash) + string(binary.BinaryBytes(vote.BlockParts))
	totalBlockHashVotes := voteSet.votesByBlock[blockKey] + val.VotingPower
	voteSet.votesByBlock[blockKey] = totalBlockHashVotes
	voteSet.totalVotes += val.VotingPower

	// If we just nudged it up to two thirds majority, add it.
	if totalBlockHashVotes > voteSet.valSet.TotalVotingPower()*2/3 &&
		(totalBlockHashVotes-val.VotingPower) <= voteSet.valSet.TotalVotingPower()*2/3 {
		voteSet.maj23Hash = vote.BlockHash
		voteSet.maj23Parts = vote.BlockParts
		voteSet.maj23Exists = true

	return true, valIndex, nil
func gen_tx() {

	// Get State, which may be nil.
	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	state := sm.LoadState(stateDB)

	// Get source pubkey
	srcPubKeyBytes := getByteSliceFromHex("Enter source pubkey: ")
	r, n, err := bytes.NewReader(srcPubKeyBytes), new(int64), new(error)
	srcPubKey := binary.ReadBinary(struct{ account.PubKey }{}, r, n, err).(struct{ account.PubKey }).PubKey
	if *err != nil {
		Exit(Fmt("Invalid PubKey. Error: %v", err))

	// Get the state of the account.
	var srcAccount *account.Account
	var srcAccountAddress = srcPubKey.Address()
	var srcAccountBalanceStr = "unknown"
	var srcAccountSequenceStr = "unknown"
	srcAddress := srcPubKey.Address()
	if state != nil {
		srcAccount = state.GetAccount(srcAddress)
		srcAccountBalanceStr = Fmt("%v", srcAccount.Balance)
		srcAccountSequenceStr = Fmt("%v", srcAccount.Sequence+1)

	// Get the amount to send from src account
	srcSendAmount := getUint64(Fmt("Enter amount to send from %X (total: %v): ", srcAccountAddress, srcAccountBalanceStr))

	// Get the next sequence of src account
	srcSendSequence := uint(getUint64(Fmt("Enter next sequence for %X (guess: %v): ", srcAccountAddress, srcAccountSequenceStr)))

	// Get dest address
	dstAddress := getByteSliceFromHex("Enter destination address: ")

	// Get the amount to send to dst account
	dstSendAmount := getUint64(Fmt("Enter amount to send to %X: ", dstAddress))

	// Construct SendTx
	tx := &types.SendTx{
		Inputs: []*types.TxInput{
				Address:   srcAddress,
				Amount:    srcSendAmount,
				Sequence:  srcSendSequence,
				Signature: account.SignatureEd25519{},
				PubKey:    srcPubKey,
		Outputs: []*types.TxOutput{
				Address: dstAddress,
				Amount:  dstSendAmount,

	// Show the intermediate form.
	fmt.Printf("Generated tx: %X\n", binary.BinaryBytes(tx))

	// Get source privkey (for signing)
	srcPrivKeyBytes := getByteSliceFromHex("Enter source privkey (for signing): ")
	r, n, err = bytes.NewReader(srcPrivKeyBytes), new(int64), new(error)
	srcPrivKey := binary.ReadBinary(struct{ account.PrivKey }{}, r, n, err).(struct{ account.PrivKey }).PrivKey
	if *err != nil {
		Exit(Fmt("Invalid PrivKey. Error: %v", err))

	// Sign
	tx.Inputs[0].Signature = srcPrivKey.Sign(account.SignBytes(tx))
	fmt.Printf("Signed tx: %X\n", binary.BinaryBytes(tx))
func (b *Block) MakePartSet() *PartSet {
	return NewPartSetFromData(binary.BinaryBytes(b))
文件: pol.go 项目: jaekwon/GuppyCamp
func (pol *POL) MakePartSet() *types.PartSet {
	return types.NewPartSetFromData(binary.BinaryBytes(pol))
func TestSwitches(t *testing.T) {
	s1, s2 := makeSwitchPair(t, func(sw *Switch) *Switch {
		// Make two reactors of two channels each
		sw.AddReactor("foo", NewTestReactor([]*ChannelDescriptor{
			&ChannelDescriptor{Id: byte(0x00), Priority: 10},
			&ChannelDescriptor{Id: byte(0x01), Priority: 10},
		}, true)).Start(sw) // Start the reactor
		sw.AddReactor("bar", NewTestReactor([]*ChannelDescriptor{
			&ChannelDescriptor{Id: byte(0x02), Priority: 10},
			&ChannelDescriptor{Id: byte(0x03), Priority: 10},
		}, true)).Start(sw) // Start the reactor
		return sw
	defer s1.Stop()
	defer s2.Stop()

	// Lets send a message from s1 to s2.
	if s1.Peers().Size() != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected exactly 1 peer in s1, got %v", s1.Peers().Size())
	if s2.Peers().Size() != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected exactly 1 peer in s2, got %v", s2.Peers().Size())

	ch0Msg := "channel zero"
	ch1Msg := "channel foo"
	ch2Msg := "channel bar"

	s1.Broadcast(byte(0x00), ch0Msg)
	s1.Broadcast(byte(0x01), ch1Msg)
	s1.Broadcast(byte(0x02), ch2Msg)

	// Wait for things to settle...
	time.Sleep(5000 * time.Millisecond)

	// Check message on ch0
	ch0Msgs := s2.Reactor("foo").(*TestReactor).msgsReceived[byte(0x00)]
	if len(ch0Msgs) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected to have received 1 message in ch0")
	if !bytes.Equal(ch0Msgs[0].Bytes, binary.BinaryBytes(ch0Msg)) {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected message bytes. Wanted: %X, Got: %X", binary.BinaryBytes(ch0Msg), ch0Msgs[0].Bytes)

	// Check message on ch1
	ch1Msgs := s2.Reactor("foo").(*TestReactor).msgsReceived[byte(0x01)]
	if len(ch1Msgs) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected to have received 1 message in ch1")
	if !bytes.Equal(ch1Msgs[0].Bytes, binary.BinaryBytes(ch1Msg)) {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected message bytes. Wanted: %X, Got: %X", binary.BinaryBytes(ch1Msg), ch1Msgs[0].Bytes)

	// Check message on ch2
	ch2Msgs := s2.Reactor("bar").(*TestReactor).msgsReceived[byte(0x02)]
	if len(ch2Msgs) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected to have received 1 message in ch2")
	if !bytes.Equal(ch2Msgs[0].Bytes, binary.BinaryBytes(ch2Msg)) {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected message bytes. Wanted: %X, Got: %X", binary.BinaryBytes(ch2Msg), ch2Msgs[0].Bytes)
