func (cs *ConsensusState) newStep() {
	cs.nSteps += 1
	// newStep is called by updateToStep in NewConsensusState before the evsw is set!
	if cs.evsw != nil {
		cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringNewRoundStep(), cs.RoundStateEvent())
// Listens for new steps and votes,
// broadcasting the result to peers
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) registerEventCallbacks() {

	conR.evsw.AddListenerForEvent("conR", types.EventStringNewRoundStep(), func(data events.EventData) {
		rs := data.(*types.EventDataRoundState).RoundState.(*RoundState)

	conR.evsw.AddListenerForEvent("conR", types.EventStringVote(), func(data events.EventData) {
		edv := data.(*types.EventDataVote)
		conR.broadcastHasVoteMessage(edv.Vote, edv.Index)
// replay all msgs or start the console
func (cs *ConsensusState) replay(file string, console bool) error {
	if cs.IsRunning() {
		return errors.New("cs is already running, cannot replay")
	if cs.wal != nil {
		return errors.New("cs wal is open, cannot replay")


	// ensure all new step events are regenerated as expected
	newStepCh := subscribeToEvent(cs.evsw, "replay-test", types.EventStringNewRoundStep(), 1)

	// just open the file for reading, no need to use wal
	fp, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	pb := newPlayback(file, fp, cs, cs.state.Copy())
	defer pb.fp.Close()

	var nextN int // apply N msgs in a row
	for pb.scanner.Scan() {
		if nextN == 0 && console {
			nextN = pb.replayConsoleLoop()

		if err := pb.cs.readReplayMessage(pb.scanner.Bytes(), newStepCh); err != nil {
			return err

		if nextN > 0 {
			nextN -= 1
		pb.count += 1
	return nil
// 4 vals
// a polka at round 1 but we miss it
// then a polka at round 2 that we lock on
// then we see the polka from round 1 but shouldn't unlock
func TestLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
	cs1, vss := randConsensusState(4)
	cs2, cs3, cs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]

	proposalCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringCompleteProposal(), 1)
	timeoutProposeCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringTimeoutPropose(), 1)
	timeoutWaitCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringTimeoutWait(), 1)
	newRoundCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewRound(), 1)
	voteCh := subscribeToVoter(cs1, cs1.privValidator.Address)

	// start round and wait for propose and prevote
	startTestRound(cs1, cs1.Height, 0)
	re := <-proposalCh
	rs := re.(types.EventDataRoundState).RoundState.(*RoundState)
	propBlock := rs.ProposalBlock

	<-voteCh // prevote

	validatePrevote(t, cs1, 0, vss[0], propBlock.Hash())

	// the others sign a polka but we don't see it
	prevotes := signVoteMany(types.VoteTypePrevote, propBlock.Hash(), propBlock.MakePartSet().Header(), cs2, cs3, cs4)

	// before we time out into new round, set next proposer
	// and next proposal block
		_, v1 := cs1.Validators.GetByAddress(vss[0].Address)
		v1.VotingPower = 1
		if updated := cs1.Validators.Update(v1); !updated {
			t.Fatal("failed to update validator")

	log.Warn("old prop", "hash", fmt.Sprintf("%X", propBlock.Hash()))

	// we do see them precommit nil
	signAddVoteToFromMany(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs1, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}, cs2, cs3, cs4)

	prop, propBlock := decideProposal(cs1, cs2, cs2.Height, cs2.Round+1)
	propBlockHash := propBlock.Hash()
	propBlockParts := propBlock.MakePartSet()

	incrementRound(cs2, cs3, cs4)

	//XXX: this isnt gauranteed to get there before the timeoutPropose ...
	cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(prop, propBlock, propBlockParts, "some peer")

	log.Notice("### ONTO ROUND 1")
	// we timeout and prevote our lock
	// a polka happened but we didn't see it!

	// now we're on a new round and not the proposer,
	// but we should receive the proposal
	select {
	case re = <-proposalCh:
	case <-timeoutProposeCh:
		re = <-proposalCh

	rs = re.(types.EventDataRoundState).RoundState.(*RoundState)

	if rs.LockedBlock != nil {
		t.Fatal("we should not be locked!")
	log.Warn("new prop", "hash", fmt.Sprintf("%X", propBlockHash))
	// go to prevote, prevote for proposal block
	validatePrevote(t, cs1, 1, vss[0], propBlockHash)

	// now we see the others prevote for it, so we should lock on it
	signAddVoteToFromMany(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs1, propBlockHash, propBlockParts.Header(), cs2, cs3, cs4)

	<-voteCh // precommit

	// we should have precommitted
	validatePrecommit(t, cs1, 1, 1, vss[0], propBlockHash, propBlockHash)

	signAddVoteToFromMany(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs1, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}, cs2, cs3)


	incrementRound(cs2, cs3, cs4)


	log.Notice("### ONTO ROUND 2")
	we see the polka from round 1 but we shouldn't unlock!

	// timeout of propose

	// finish prevote

	// we should prevote what we're locked on
	validatePrevote(t, cs1, 2, vss[0], propBlockHash)

	newStepCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewRoundStep(), 1)

	// add prevotes from the earlier round
	addVoteToFromMany(cs1, prevotes, cs2, cs3, cs4)

	log.Warn("Done adding prevotes!")

// console function for parsing input and running commands
func (pb *playback) replayConsoleLoop() int {
	for {
		fmt.Printf("> ")
		bufReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
		line, more, err := bufReader.ReadLine()
		if more {
			Exit("input is too long")
		} else if err != nil {

		tokens := strings.Split(string(line), " ")
		if len(tokens) == 0 {

		switch tokens[0] {
		case "next":
			// "next" -> replay next message
			// "next N" -> replay next N messages

			if len(tokens) == 1 {
				return 0
			} else {
				i, err := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1])
				if err != nil {
					fmt.Println("next takes an integer argument")
				} else {
					return i

		case "back":
			// "back" -> go back one message
			// "back N" -> go back N messages

			// NOTE: "back" is not supported in the state machine design,
			// so we restart and replay up to

			// ensure all new step events are regenerated as expected
			newStepCh := subscribeToEvent(pb.cs.evsw, "replay-test", types.EventStringNewRoundStep(), 1)
			if len(tokens) == 1 {
				pb.replayReset(1, newStepCh)
			} else {
				i, err := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1])
				if err != nil {
					fmt.Println("back takes an integer argument")
				} else if i > pb.count {
					fmt.Printf("argument to back must not be larger than the current count (%d)\n", pb.count)
				} else {
					pb.replayReset(i, newStepCh)

		case "rs":
			// "rs" -> print entire round state
			// "rs short" -> print height/round/step
			// "rs <field>" -> print another field of the round state

			rs := pb.cs.RoundState
			if len(tokens) == 1 {
			} else {
				switch tokens[1] {
				case "short":
					fmt.Printf("%v/%v/%v\n", rs.Height, rs.Round, rs.Step)
				case "validators":
				case "proposal":
				case "proposal_block":
					fmt.Printf("%v %v\n", rs.ProposalBlockParts.StringShort(), rs.ProposalBlock.StringShort())
				case "locked_round":
				case "locked_block":
					fmt.Printf("%v %v\n", rs.LockedBlockParts.StringShort(), rs.LockedBlock.StringShort())
				case "votes":
					fmt.Println(rs.Votes.StringIndented("    "))

					fmt.Println("Unknown option", tokens[1])
		case "n":
	return 0