func init() { flag.StringVar(&configFile, "config", "httpdb.conf.json", "specify a config file") showconf = flag.Bool("showconf", false, "prints the configuration and exists.") flag.Parse() logger = lumberjack.NewLoggerWithDefaults() done = make(chan struct{}) data = DataStore{Entries: make(map[string]*Entry)} locks = LockStore{Locks: make(map[string]struct{})} }
func init() { usr := flag.String("user", "", "Github username.") rep := flag.String("repo", "", "Name of the repo to generate.") txt := flag.String("text", "", "Text to set for the histogram.") dbg := flag.Bool("debug", false, "Turns on debug loggerging.") dry := flag.Bool("dryrun", false, "Disables output of generated bash script, only histogram preview.") ssh := flag.Bool("ssh", false, "Enables output of script using git with SSH instead of the default HTTPS.") flag.Parse() user = *usr repo = *rep text = *txt dryrun = *dry usessh = *ssh logger = lumberjack.NewLoggerWithDefaults() if *dbg { logger.AddLevel(lumberjack.DEBUG) } }