文件: lobby.go 项目: demipixel/Helen
func (Lobby) LobbySpectatorJoin(server *wsevent.Server, so *wsevent.Client, data []byte) []byte {
	reqerr := chelpers.FilterRequest(so, authority.AuthAction(0), true)

	if reqerr != nil {
		bytes, _ := json.Marshal(reqerr)
		return bytes

	var args struct {
		Id *uint `json:"id"`

	if err := chelpers.GetParams(data, &args); err != nil {
		return helpers.NewTPErrorFromError(err).Encode()

	var lob *models.Lobby
	lob, tperr := models.GetLobbyById(*args.Id)

	if tperr != nil {
		return tperr.Encode()

	player, tperr := models.GetPlayerBySteamId(chelpers.GetSteamId(so.Id()))
	if tperr != nil {
		return tperr.Encode()

	var specSameLobby bool

	arr, tperr := player.GetSpectatingIds()
	if len(arr) != 0 {
		for _, id := range arr {
			if id == *args.Id {
				specSameLobby = true

			lobby, _ := models.GetLobbyById(id)
			lobby.RemoveSpectator(player, true)

			server.RemoveClient(so.Id(), fmt.Sprintf("%d_public", id))

	// If the player is already in the lobby (either joined a slot or is spectating), don't add them.
	// Just Broadcast the lobby to them, so the frontend displays it.
	if id, _ := player.GetLobbyId(); id != *args.Id && !specSameLobby {
		tperr = lob.AddSpectator(player)

		if tperr != nil {
			return tperr.Encode()

		chelpers.AfterLobbySpec(server, so, lob)

	models.BroadcastLobbyToUser(lob, player.SteamId)
	return chelpers.EmptySuccessJS
func LobbyNoLoginSpectatorJoin(so socketio.Socket) func(string) string {
	return chelpers.FilterRequest(so, lobbyNoLoginSpectatorJoinFilters,
		func(params map[string]interface{}) string {
			id := params["id"].(uint)

			lobby, err := models.GetLobbyById(id)
			if err != nil {
				bytes, _ := err.ErrorJSON().Encode()
				return string(bytes)

			chelpers.AfterLobbySpec(so, lobby)
			bytes, _ := models.DecorateLobbyDataJSON(lobby, true).Encode()
			so.Emit("lobbyData", string(bytes))

			bytes, _ = chelpers.BuildSuccessJSON(simplejson.New()).Encode()
			return string(bytes)
func LobbySpectatorJoin(so socketio.Socket) func(string) string {
	return chelpers.FilterRequest(so, lobbySpectatorJoinFilters,
		func(params map[string]interface{}) string {

			lobbyid := params["id"].(uint)

			player, tperr := models.GetPlayerBySteamId(chelpers.GetSteamId(so.Id()))
			if tperr != nil {
				bytes, _ := tperr.ErrorJSON().Encode()
				return string(bytes)

			var lob *models.Lobby
			lob, tperr = models.GetLobbyById(uint(lobbyid))

			if tperr != nil {
				bytes, _ := tperr.ErrorJSON().Encode()
				return string(bytes)

			if id, _ := player.GetLobbyId(); id != lobbyid {
				helpers.LockRecord(lob.ID, lob)
				tperr = lob.AddSpectator(player)
				helpers.UnlockRecord(lob.ID, lob)

			bytes, _ := chelpers.BuildSuccessJSON(simplejson.New()).Encode()

			if tperr != nil {
				bytes, _ := tperr.ErrorJSON().Encode()
				return string(bytes)

			chelpers.AfterLobbySpec(so, lob)
			models.BroadcastLobbyToUser(lob, player.SteamId)
			return string(bytes)
文件: socket.go 项目: demipixel/Helen
func ServerInit(server *wsevent.Server, noAuthServer *wsevent.Server) {
	server.OnDisconnect = onDisconnect
	server.Extractor = getEvent

	noAuthServer.OnDisconnect = onDisconnect
	noAuthServer.Extractor = getEvent

	server.On("authenticationTest", func(server *wsevent.Server, so *wsevent.Client, data []byte) []byte {
		reqerr := chelpers.FilterRequest(so, 0, true)

		if reqerr != nil {
			bytes, _ := json.Marshal(reqerr)
			return bytes

		bytes, _ := json.Marshal(struct {
			Message string `json:"message"`
		return bytes
	//Global Handlers
	//Lobby Handlers
	//server.On("lobbyCreate", handler.LobbyCreate)
	//Player Handlers
	//Chat Handlers
	//Admin Handlers
	//Debugging handlers
	// if config.Constants.ServerMockUp {
	// 	server.On("debugLobbyFill", handler.DebugLobbyFill)
	// 	server.On("debugLobbyReady", handler.DebugLobbyReady)
	// 	server.On("debugUpdateStatsFilter", handler.DebugUpdateStatsFilter)
	// 	server.On("debugPlayerSub", handler.DebugPlayerSub)
	// }

	noAuthServer.On("lobbySpectatorJoin", func(s *wsevent.Server, so *wsevent.Client, data []byte) []byte {
		var args struct {
			Id *uint `json:"id"`

		if err := chelpers.GetParams(data, &args); err != nil {
			return helpers.NewTPErrorFromError(err).Encode()

		var lob *models.Lobby
		lob, tperr := models.GetLobbyById(*args.Id)

		if tperr != nil {
			return tperr.Encode()

		chelpers.AfterLobbySpec(s, so, lob)
		bytes, _ := json.Marshal(models.DecorateLobbyData(lob, true))

		so.EmitJSON(helpers.NewRequest("lobbyData", string(bytes)))

		return chelpers.EmptySuccessJS
	noAuthServer.On("getSocketInfo", (handler.Global{}).GetSocketInfo)

	noAuthServer.DefaultHandler = func(_ *wsevent.Server, so *wsevent.Client, data []byte) []byte {
		return helpers.NewTPError("Player isn't logged in.", -4).Encode()