// Test encoding and decoding a doc.
func TestEncodeDecode(t *testing.T) {
	assert := audit.NewTestingAssertion(t, true)
	a1 := &atom.Feed{
		XMLNS:   atom.XMLNS,
		Id:      "http://tideland.biz/feed/atom",
		Title:   &atom.Text{"Test Encode/Decode", "", "text"},
		Updated: atom.ComposeTime(time.Now()),
		Entries: []*atom.Entry{
				Id:      "http://tideland.biz/feed/atom/1",
				Title:   &atom.Text{"Entry 1", "", "text"},
				Updated: atom.ComposeTime(time.Now()),
				Id:      "http://tideland.biz/feed/atom/2",
				Title:   &atom.Text{"Entry 2", "", "text"},
				Updated: atom.ComposeTime(time.Now()),
	b := &bytes.Buffer{}

	err := atom.Encode(b, a1)
	assert.Nil(err, "Encoding returns no error.")
	assert.Substring(`<title type="text">Test Encode/Decode</title>`, b.String(), "Title has been encoded correctly.")

	a2, err := atom.Decode(b)
	assert.Nil(err, "Decoding returns no error.")
	assert.Equal(a2.Title.Text, "Test Encode/Decode", "Title has been decoded correctly.")
	assert.Length(a2.Entries, 2, "Decoded feed has the right number of items.")
// Test parsing and composing of date/times.
func TestParseComposeTime(t *testing.T) {
	assert := audit.NewTestingAssertion(t, true)
	nowOne := time.Now()
	nowStr := atom.ComposeTime(nowOne)

	assert.Logf("now as string: %s", nowStr)

	year, month, day := nowOne.Date()
	hour, min, sec := nowOne.Clock()
	loc := nowOne.Location()
	nowCmp := time.Date(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, 0, loc)
	nowTwo, err := atom.ParseTime(nowStr)

	assert.Nil(err, "No error during time parsing.")
	assert.Equal(nowCmp, nowTwo, "Both times have to be equal.")