文件: adapter.go 项目: ycaihua/chat
// SubsForTopic fetches all subsciptions for a topic.
func (a *RethinkDbAdapter) SubsForTopic(topic string) ([]t.Subscription, error) {
	//log.Println("Loading subscriptions for topic ", topic)

	// must load User.Public for p2p topics
	var p2p []t.User
	var err error
	if t.GetTopicCat(topic) == t.TopicCat_P2P {
		uid1, uid2, _ := t.ParseP2P(topic)
		if p2p, err = a.UserGetAll(uid1, uid2); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		} else if len(p2p) != 2 {
			return nil, errors.New("failed to load two p2p users")

	q := rdb.DB(a.dbName).Table("subscriptions").GetAllByIndex("Topic", topic).Limit(MAX_RESULTS)
	//log.Println("Loading subscription q=", q)

	rows, err := q.Run(a.conn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var subs []t.Subscription
	var ss t.Subscription
	for rows.Next(&ss) {
		if p2p != nil {
			if p2p[0].Id == ss.User {
			} else {
		subs = append(subs, ss)
		//log.Printf("SubsForTopic: loaded sub %#+v", ss)
	return subs, rows.Err()
文件: adapter.go 项目: ycaihua/chat
// TopicsForUser loads user's contact list: p2p and grp topics, except for 'me' subscription.
func (a *RethinkDbAdapter) TopicsForUser(uid t.Uid) ([]t.Subscription, error) {
	// Fetch user's subscriptions
	// Subscription have Topic.UpdatedAt denormalized into Subscription.UpdatedAt
	q := rdb.DB(a.dbName).Table("subscriptions").GetAllByIndex("User", uid.String()).Limit(MAX_RESULTS)
	//log.Printf("RethinkDbAdapter.TopicsForUser q: %+v", q)
	rows, err := q.Run(a.conn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Fetch subscriptions. Two queries are needed: users table (me & p2p) and topics table (p2p and grp).
	// Prepare a list of Separate subscriptions to users vs topics
	var sub t.Subscription
	join := make(map[string]t.Subscription) // Keeping these to make a join with table for .private and .access
	topq := make([]interface{}, 0, 16)
	usrq := make([]interface{}, 0, 16)
	for rows.Next(&sub) {
		tcat := t.GetTopicCat(sub.Topic)

		// 'me' subscription, skip
		if tcat == t.TopicCat_Me || tcat == t.TopicCat_Fnd {

			// p2p subscription, find the other user to get user.Public
		} else if tcat == t.TopicCat_P2P {
			uid1, uid2, _ := t.ParseP2P(sub.Topic)
			if uid1 == uid {
				usrq = append(usrq, uid2.String())
			} else {
				usrq = append(usrq, uid1.String())
			topq = append(topq, sub.Topic)

			// grp subscription
		} else {
			topq = append(topq, sub.Topic)
		join[sub.Topic] = sub

	//log.Printf("RethinkDbAdapter.TopicsForUser topq, usrq: %+v, %+v", topq, usrq)
	var subs []t.Subscription
	if len(topq) > 0 || len(usrq) > 0 {
		subs = make([]t.Subscription, 0, len(join))

	if len(topq) > 0 {
		// Fetch grp & p2p topics
		rows, err = rdb.DB(a.dbName).Table("topics").GetAll(topq...).Run(a.conn)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		var top t.Topic
		for rows.Next(&top) {
			sub = join[top.Id]
			if t.GetTopicCat(sub.Topic) == t.TopicCat_Grp {
				// all done with a grp topic
				subs = append(subs, sub)
			} else {
				// put back the updated value of a p2p subsription, will process further below
				join[top.Id] = sub

		//log.Printf("RethinkDbAdapter.TopicsForUser 1: %#+v", subs)

	// Fetch p2p users and join to p2p tables
	if len(usrq) > 0 {
		rows, err = rdb.DB(a.dbName).Table("users").GetAll(usrq...).Run(a.conn)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		var usr t.User
		for rows.Next(&usr) {
			uid2 := t.ParseUid(usr.Id)
			topic := uid.P2PName(uid2)
			if sub, ok := join[topic]; ok {
				sub.SetLastSeenAndUA(usr.LastSeen, usr.UserAgent)
				subs = append(subs, sub)

		//log.Printf("RethinkDbAdapter.TopicsForUser 2: %#+v", subs)

	return subs, nil