文件: ssh.go 项目: tombell/sqrrl
func HandleSSH(argv []string) error {
	usage := `Open an SSH session on the specified environment

  sqrrl ssh <environment>

	args, err := docopt.Parse(usage, argv, true, "", false)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	env := args["<environment>"].(string)

	cfg, err := config.LoadConfig("")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	dpl := cfg.Deploy[env]
	if dpl == (config.Deploy{}) {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to find configuration for the environment %s", env)

	session, err := sshkit.NewSession(cfg, env)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return session.Exec()
文件: deploy.go 项目: tombell/sqrrl
func HandleDeploy(argv []string) error {
	usage := `Deploy to the specified environment

  sqrrl deploy <environment>

  -h, --help     show this help screen
  -v, --verbose  show command stdout/stderr

	args, err := docopt.Parse(usage, argv, true, "", false)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	env := args["<environment>"].(string)

	cfg, err := config.LoadConfig("")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	dpl := cfg.Deploy[env]
	if dpl == (config.Deploy{}) {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to find configuration for the environment %s", env)

	session, err := sshkit.NewSession(cfg, env)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	session.Command = fmt.Sprintf("cd %s/source && git fetch --all", dpl.Path)

	if rc, err := session.Run(); err != nil && rc != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch updates: %v", err)

	ref := dpl.Ref

	if ref == "" {
		ref = "origin/master"

	session.Command = fmt.Sprintf("cd %s/source && git reset --hard %s", dpl.Path, ref)

	if rc, err := session.Run(); err != nil && rc != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to reset git head: %v", err)

	session.Command = fmt.Sprintf("ln -sfn %s/source %s/current", dpl.Path, dpl.Path)

	if rc, err := session.Run(); err != nil && rc != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to symlink current source: %v", err)

	return nil
文件: setup.go 项目: tombell/sqrrl
func HandleSetup(argv []string) error {
	usage := `Setup an environment for deployment

  sqrrl setup <environment>

  -h, --help     show this help screen
  -v, --verbose  show command stdout/stderr

	args, err := docopt.Parse(usage, argv, true, "", false)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	env := args["<environment>"].(string)

	cfg, err := config.LoadConfig("")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	dpl := cfg.Deploy[env]
	if dpl == (config.Deploy{}) {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to find configuration for the environment %s", env)

	session, err := sshkit.NewSession(cfg, env)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	session.Command = fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s/{shared/{logs,pids},source}", dpl.Path)

	if rc, err := session.Run(); err != nil && rc != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup path: %v", err)

	session.Command = fmt.Sprintf("git clone %s %s/source", dpl.Repo, dpl.Path)

	if rc, err := session.Run(); err != nil && rc != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to clone the repository: %v", err)

	session.Command = fmt.Sprintf("ln -sfn %s/source %s/current", dpl.Path, dpl.Path)

	if rc, err := session.Run(); err != nil && rc != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to symlink current source: %v", err)

	return nil