// probe probes the container.
func (pb *prober) probe(probeType probeType, pod *api.Pod, status api.PodStatus, container api.Container, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID) (results.Result, error) {
	var probeSpec *api.Probe
	switch probeType {
	case readiness:
		probeSpec = container.ReadinessProbe
	case liveness:
		probeSpec = container.LivenessProbe
		return results.Failure, fmt.Errorf("Unknown probe type: %q", probeType)

	ctrName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", format.Pod(pod), container.Name)
	if probeSpec == nil {
		glog.Warningf("%s probe for %s is nil", probeType, ctrName)
		return results.Success, nil

	result, output, err := pb.runProbeWithRetries(probeSpec, pod, status, container, containerID, maxProbeRetries)
	if err != nil || result != probe.Success {
		// Probe failed in one way or another.
		ref, hasRef := pb.refManager.GetRef(containerID)
		if !hasRef {
			glog.Warningf("No ref for container %q (%s)", containerID.String(), ctrName)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(1).Infof("%s probe for %q errored: %v", probeType, ctrName, err)
			if hasRef {
				pb.recorder.Eventf(ref, api.EventTypeWarning, kubecontainer.ContainerUnhealthy, "%s probe errored: %v", probeType, err)
		} else { // result != probe.Success
			glog.V(1).Infof("%s probe for %q failed (%v): %s", probeType, ctrName, result, output)
			if hasRef {
				pb.recorder.Eventf(ref, api.EventTypeWarning, kubecontainer.ContainerUnhealthy, "%s probe failed: %s", probeType, output)
		return results.Failure, err
	glog.V(3).Infof("%s probe for %q succeeded", probeType, ctrName)
	return results.Success, nil
func (hr *FakeHandlerRunner) Run(containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID, pod *api.Pod, container *api.Container, handler *api.Handler) (string, error) {
	defer hr.Unlock()

	if hr.Err != nil {
		return "", hr.Err

	switch {
	case handler.Exec != nil:
		hr.HandlerRuns = append(hr.HandlerRuns, fmt.Sprintf("exec on pod: %v, container: %v: %v", format.Pod(pod), container.Name, containerID.String()))
	case handler.HTTPGet != nil:
		hr.HandlerRuns = append(hr.HandlerRuns, fmt.Sprintf("http-get on pod: %v, container: %v: %v", format.Pod(pod), container.Name, containerID.String()))
	case handler.TCPSocket != nil:
		hr.HandlerRuns = append(hr.HandlerRuns, fmt.Sprintf("tcp-socket on pod: %v, container: %v: %v", format.Pod(pod), container.Name, containerID.String()))
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid handler: %v", handler)
	return "", nil
func TestSetContainerReadiness(t *testing.T) {
	cID1 := kubecontainer.ContainerID{Type: "test", ID: "1"}
	cID2 := kubecontainer.ContainerID{Type: "test", ID: "2"}
	containerStatuses := []api.ContainerStatus{
			Name:        "c1",
			ContainerID: cID1.String(),
			Ready:       false,
		}, {
			Name:        "c2",
			ContainerID: cID2.String(),
			Ready:       false,
	status := api.PodStatus{
		ContainerStatuses: containerStatuses,
		Conditions: []api.PodCondition{{
			Type:   api.PodReady,
			Status: api.ConditionFalse,
	pod := getTestPod()
	pod.Spec.Containers = []api.Container{{Name: "c1"}, {Name: "c2"}}

	// Verify expected readiness of containers & pod.
	verifyReadiness := func(step string, status *api.PodStatus, c1Ready, c2Ready, podReady bool) {
		for _, c := range status.ContainerStatuses {
			switch c.ContainerID {
			case cID1.String():
				if c.Ready != c1Ready {
					t.Errorf("[%s] Expected readiness of c1 to be %v but was %v", step, c1Ready, c.Ready)
			case cID2.String():
				if c.Ready != c2Ready {
					t.Errorf("[%s] Expected readiness of c2 to be %v but was %v", step, c2Ready, c.Ready)
				t.Fatalf("[%s] Unexpected container: %+v", step, c)
		if status.Conditions[0].Type != api.PodReady {
			t.Fatalf("[%s] Unexpected condition: %+v", step, status.Conditions[0])
		} else if ready := (status.Conditions[0].Status == api.ConditionTrue); ready != podReady {
			t.Errorf("[%s] Expected readiness of pod to be %v but was %v", step, podReady, ready)

	m := newTestManager(&fake.Clientset{})
	// Add test pod because the container spec has been changed.

	t.Log("Setting readiness before status should fail.")
	m.SetContainerReadiness(pod.UID, cID1, true)
	verifyUpdates(t, m, 0)
	if status, ok := m.GetPodStatus(pod.UID); ok {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected PodStatus: %+v", status)

	t.Log("Setting initial status.")
	m.SetPodStatus(pod, status)
	verifyUpdates(t, m, 1)
	status = expectPodStatus(t, m, pod)
	verifyReadiness("initial", &status, false, false, false)

	t.Log("Setting unchanged readiness should do nothing.")
	m.SetContainerReadiness(pod.UID, cID1, false)
	verifyUpdates(t, m, 0)
	status = expectPodStatus(t, m, pod)
	verifyReadiness("unchanged", &status, false, false, false)

	t.Log("Setting container readiness should generate update but not pod readiness.")
	m.SetContainerReadiness(pod.UID, cID1, true)
	verifyUpdates(t, m, 1)
	status = expectPodStatus(t, m, pod)
	verifyReadiness("c1 ready", &status, true, false, false)

	t.Log("Setting both containers to ready should update pod readiness.")
	m.SetContainerReadiness(pod.UID, cID2, true)
	verifyUpdates(t, m, 1)
	status = expectPodStatus(t, m, pod)
	verifyReadiness("all ready", &status, true, true, true)

	t.Log("Setting non-existant container readiness should fail.")
	m.SetContainerReadiness(pod.UID, kubecontainer.ContainerID{Type: "test", ID: "foo"}, true)
	verifyUpdates(t, m, 0)
	status = expectPodStatus(t, m, pod)
	verifyReadiness("ignore non-existant", &status, true, true, true)