文件: line.go 项目: alexozer/go-verb
// Generate the control points, weights, and knots of a polyline curve
// **params**
// + array of points in curve
// **returns**
// + a NurbsCurveData object representing a NURBS curve
func Polyline(pts []vec3.T) *verb.NurbsCurve {
	knots := make([]float64, len(pts)+1)

	var lsum float64
	for i := 0; i < len(pts)-1; i++ {
		lsum += vec3.Distance(&pts[i], &pts[i+1])
		knots[i+2] = lsum
	knots[len(knots)-1] = lsum

	// normalize the knot array
	for i := range knots {
		knots[i] /= lsum

	weights := make([]float64, len(pts))
	for i := range weights {
		weights[i] = 1

	return verb.NewNurbsCurveUnchecked(1, pts, weights, knots)
文件: trig.go 项目: alexozer/go-verb
func distToSegment(a, b, c *vec3.T) float64 {
	// check if ac is zero length
	acv := vec3.Sub(c, a)
	acl := acv.Length()

	// subtract b from a
	var bma = vec3.Sub(b, a)

	if acl < Tolerance {
		return bma.Length()

	// normalize acv

	// project b - a to acv = p
	p := vec3.Dot(&bma, &acv)

	// multiply ac by d = acd

	return vec3.Distance(&acv, b)
文件: ray.go 项目: alexozer/go-verb
// Find the distance of a point to a ray
// **params**
// + point to project
// + origin for ray
// + direction of ray 1, assumed normalized
// **returns**
// + the distance
func (this Ray) DistToPoint(pt vec3.T) float64 {
	d := this.ClosestPoint(pt)

	return vec3.Distance(&d, &pt)
文件: sweep.go 项目: alexozer/go-verb
func interpCurve(points []vec3.T, degree int, _startTangent, _endTangent *vec3.T) (deg int, controlPoints []vec3.T, weights []float64, knots KnotVec) {
	// 0) build knot vector for curve by normalized chord length
	// 1) construct effective basis function in square matrix (W)
	// 2) construct set of coordinattes to interpolate vector (p)
	// 3) set of control points (c)

	// Wc = p

	// 4) solve for c in all 3 dimensions

	if len(points) < degree+1 {
		panic("Must supply at least degree + 1 points")

	us := make([]float64, len(points))
	for i := 1; i < len(points); i++ {
		chord := vec3.Distance(&points[1], &points[i-1])
		us[i] = us[i-1] + chord

	// normalize
	max := us[len(us)-1]
	for i := range us {
		us[i] /= max

	// we need two more control points, two more knots

	hasTangents := _startTangent != nil && _endTangent != nil
	var start, end int
	if hasTangents {
		end = len(us) - degree + 1
	} else {
		start = 1
		end = len(us) - degree

	knots = make(KnotVec, 2*(degree+1)+(end-start))
	middleKnots := knots[degree+1 : len(knots)-(degree+1)]

	for i := range middleKnots {
		var weightSums float64
		for j := 0; j < degree; j++ {
			weightSums += us[i+j]

		middleKnots[i] = (1.0 / float64(degree) * weightSums)

	for i := (degree + 1) + len(middleKnots); i < len(knots); i++ {
		knots[i] = 1

	// build matrix of basis function coeffs (TODO: use sparse rep)
	oldA := make(Matrix, len(us)+2)
	A := oldA[1 : len(oldA)-1]

	var n, ld int
	if hasTangents {
		n = len(points) + 1
		ld = len(points) - (degree - 1)
	} else {
		n = len(points) - 1
		ld = len(points) - (degree + 1)

	for i, u := range us {
		span := knots.SpanGivenN(n, degree, u)
		basisFuncs := BasisFunctionsGivenKnotSpanIndex(span, u, degree, knots)

		row := make([]float64, ld+len(basisFuncs))

		ls := span - degree
		copy(row[ls:], basisFuncs)
		A[i] = row

	if hasTangents {
		tanRow0 := make([]float64, len(A[0]))
		tanRow1 := make([]float64, len(A[0]))

		tanRow0[0], tanRow0[1] = -1, 1
		tanRow1[len(tanRow1)-2], tanRow1[len(tanRow1)-1] = -1, 1

		A = oldA
		A[0], A[1] = A[1], tanRow0
		A[len(A)-1] = tanRow1

	// for each dimension, solve
	xs := make(Matrix, 3)

	mult1 := (1 - knots[len(knots)-degree-2]) / float64(degree)
	mult0 := knots[degree+1] / float64(degree)

	for i := range xs {
		var b []float64

		if !hasTangents {
			b = make([]float64, len(points))
			for j := range b {
				b[j] = points[j][i]
		} else {
			b = make([]float64, len(points)+2)

			// insert the tangents at the second and second to last index
			b[0] = points[0][i]
			b[1] = mult0 * (*_startTangent)[i]
			for j := 1; j < len(points)-1; j++ {
				b[j+1] = points[j][i]
			b[len(b)-2] = mult1 * (*_endTangent)[i]
			b[len(b)-1] = points[len(points)-1][i]

		xs[i] = A.Solve(b)

	controlPoints = make([]vec3.T, len(xs[0]))
	for i := range xs[0] {
		controlPoints[i][0] = xs[0][i]
		controlPoints[i][1] = xs[1][i]
		controlPoints[i][2] = xs[2][i]

	weights = make([]float64, len(controlPoints))
	for i := range weights {
		weights[i] = 1

	deg = degree

func (this *NurbsSurface) ClosestParam(p vec3.T) UV {
	// for surfaces, we try to minimize the following:
	// f = Su(u,v) * r = 0
	// g = Sv(u,v) * r = 0
	//  where r = S(u,v) - P
	// Again, this requires newton iteration, but this time our objective function is vector valued
	//    J d = k
	//      d =   [ u* - u, v* - v ]
	//		k = - [ f(u,v), g(u,v) ]
	//		J =
	//          |Su|^2   +  Suu * r       Su*Sv  +  Suv * r
	//		     Su*Sv   +  Svu * r      |Sv|^2  +  Svv * r
	// 	we have similar halting conditions:
	//  point coincidence
	//		|S(u,v) - p| < e1
	//  cosine
	//   |Su(u,v)*(S(u,v) - P)|
	//   ----------------------  < e2
	//   |Su(u,v)| |S(u,v) - P|
	//   |Sv(u,v)*(S(u,v) - P)|
	//   ----------------------  < e2
	//   |Sv(u,v)| |S(u,v) - P|
	//  1) first check 2 & 3
	// 	2) if at least one of these is not, compute new value, otherwise halt
	// 	3) ensure the parameter stays within range
	// 			* if not closed, don't allow outside of range a-b
	// 			* if closed (e.g. circle), allow to move back to beginning
	//  4)  if |(u* - u)C'(u)| < e1, halt

	maxits := 5
	var i int
	var e [][]vec3.T
	eps1, eps2 := 0.0001, 0.0005
	var dif vec3.T
	minu, maxu := this.knotsU[0], this.knotsU[len(this.knotsU)-1]
	minv, maxv := this.knotsV[0], this.knotsV[len(this.knotsV)-1]
	closedu, closedv := this.isClosed(true), this.isClosed(false)
	var cuv UV

	// TODO divide surface instead of a full on tessellation

	// approximate closest point with tessellation
	tess := this.tessellateAdaptive(&defaultAdaptiveRefinementOptions)

	dmin := math.MaxFloat64

	for i, x := range tess.Points {
		d := vec3.SquareDistance(&p, &x)

		if d < dmin {
			dmin = d
			cuv = tess.UVs[i]

	f := func(uv UV) [][]vec3.T {
		return this.Derivatives(uv, 2)

	n := func(uv UV, e [][]vec3.T, r vec3.T) UV {
		// f = Su(u,v) * r = 0
		// g = Sv(u,v) * r = 0

		Su, Sv := e[1][0], e[0][1]
		Suu, Svv := e[2][0], e[0][2]
		Suv, Svu := e[1][1], e[1][1]

		f := vec3.Dot(&Su, &r)
		g := vec3.Dot(&Sv, &r)

		k := [2]float64{-f, -g}

		J00 := vec3.Dot(&Su, &Su) + vec3.Dot(&Suu, &r)
		J01 := vec3.Dot(&Su, &Sv) + vec3.Dot(&Suv, &r)
		J10 := vec3.Dot(&Su, &Sv) + vec3.Dot(&Svu, &r)
		J11 := vec3.Dot(&Sv, &Sv) + vec3.Dot(&Svv, &r)

		//J := [2][2]float64{{J00, J01}, {J10, J11}}
		//J := Mat2{J00, J01, J10, J11}

		//    d =   [ u* - u, v* - v ]
		//		k = - [ f(u,v), g(u,v) ]
		//		J =
		//          |Su|^2   +  Suu * r       Su*Sv  +  Suv * r
		//		     Su*Sv   +  Svu * r      |Sv|^2  +  Svv * r

		//d := J.Solve(k)
		x, y := Mat2Solve(J00, J01, J10, J11, k[0], k[1])

		//return UV{d[0] + uv[0], d[1] + uv[1]}
		return UV{x + uv[0], y + uv[1]}

	for i < maxits {
		e = f(cuv)

		//  point coincidence
		//		|S(u,v) - p| < e1
		c1v := vec3.Distance(&e[0][0], &p)

		//  cosine
		//   |Su(u,v)*(S(u,v) - P)|
		//   ----------------------  < e2
		//   |Su(u,v)| |S(u,v) - P|
		//   |Sv(u,v)*(S(u,v) - P)|
		//   ----------------------  < e2
		//   |Sv(u,v)| |S(u,v) - P|
		c2an := vec3.Dot(&e[1][0], &dif)
		c2ad := e[1][0].Length() * c1v

		c2bn := vec3.Dot(&e[0][1], &dif)
		c2bd := e[0][1].Length() * c1v

		c2av := c2an / c2ad
		c2bv := c2bn / c2bd

		c1 := c1v < eps1
		c2a := c2av < eps2
		c2b := c2bv < eps2

		// if all of the tolerance are met, we're done
		if c1 && c2a && c2b {
			return cuv

		// otherwise, take a step
		ct := n(cuv, e, dif)

		// correct for exceeding bounds
		if ct[0] < minu {
			if closedu {
				ct = UV{maxu - (ct[0] - minu), ct[1]}
			} else {
				ct = UV{minu + Epsilon, ct[1]}
		} else if ct[0] > maxu {
			if closedu {
				ct = UV{minu + (ct[0] - maxu), ct[1]}
			} else {
				ct = UV{maxu - Epsilon, ct[1]}

		if ct[1] < minv {
			if closedv {
				ct = UV{ct[0], maxv - (ct[1] - minv)}
			} else {
				ct = UV{ct[0], minv + Epsilon}
		} else if ct[1] > maxv {
			if closedv {
				ct = UV{ct[0], minv + (ct[0] - maxv)}
			} else {
				ct = UV{ct[0], maxv - Epsilon}

		// if |(u* - u) C'(u)| < e1, halt
		c3v0v := e[1][0].Scaled(ct[0] - cuv[0])
		c3v0 := c3v0v.Length()
		c3v1v := e[0][1].Scaled(ct[1] - cuv[1])
		c3v1 := c3v1v.Length()

		if c3v0+c3v1 < eps1 {
			return cuv

		cuv = ct


	return cuv