// initPopPros initializes popular projects.
func initPopPros() {
	var err error
	err, recentUpdatedExs, recentViewedPros, topRankPros, topViewedPros, RockPros =
		models.GetPopulars(maxProInfoNum, maxExamNum)
	if err != nil {
		panic("initPopPros -> " + err.Error())
// initPopPros initializes popular projects.
func initPopPros() {
	var err error
	err, recentUpdatedExs, recentViewedPros, topRankPros, topViewedPros, RockPros =
		models.GetPopulars(maxProInfoNum, maxExamNum)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("initPopPros -> %v", err)
文件: home.go 项目: JoeyFan/gowalker
// initPopPros initializes popular projects.
func initPopPros() {
	popPros := make([][]*models.PkgInfo, 4)
	var err error
	err, recentUpdatedExs, popPros[0], popPros[1], popPros[2], popPros[3] =
		models.GetPopulars(maxProInfoNum, maxExamNum)
	if err != nil {
		panic("initPopPros -> " + err.Error())

	for i, ps := range popPros {
		tmpPros := make([]*proInfo, 0, maxProInfoNum)
		for _, p := range ps {
			tmpPros = append(tmpPros,
					Pid:      p.Id,
					Path:     p.Path,
					Synopsis: p.Synopsis,
					IsGoRepo: p.ProName == "Go" &&
						strings.Index(p.Path, ".") == -1,
					Views:      p.Views,
					ViewedTime: p.ViewedTime,
					Rank:       p.Rank,

		switch i {
		case 0:
			recentViewedPros = tmpPros
		case 1:
			topRankPros = tmpPros
		case 2:
			topViewedPros = tmpPros
		case 3:
			RockPros = tmpPros
// Get implemented Get method for HomeRouter.
func (this *HomeRouter) Get() {
	// Filter unusual User-Agent.
	ua := this.Ctx.Request.Header.Get("User-Agent")
	if len(ua) < 20 {
		beego.Warn("User-Agent:", this.Ctx.Request.Header.Get("User-Agent"))

	// Set language version.
	curLang := setLangVer(this.Ctx, this.Input(), this.Data)

	// Get query field.
	q := strings.TrimSpace(this.Input().Get("q"))

	// Remove last "/".
	q = strings.TrimRight(q, "/")

	if path, ok := utils.IsBrowseURL(q); ok {
		q = path

	// Get pure URL.
	reqUrl := this.Ctx.Request.RequestURI[1:]
	if i := strings.Index(reqUrl, "?"); i > -1 {
		reqUrl = reqUrl[:i]
		if path, ok := utils.IsBrowseURL(reqUrl); ok {
			reqUrl = path

	// Redirect to query string.
	if len(reqUrl) == 0 && len(q) > 0 {
		reqUrl = q
		this.Redirect("/"+reqUrl, 302)

	// Check show home page or documentation page.
	if len(reqUrl) == 0 && len(q) == 0 {
		// Home page.
		this.Data["IsHome"] = true
		this.TplNames = "home_" + curLang.Lang + ".html"

		// Recent projects
		this.Data["RecentPros"] = recentViewedPros
		// Get popular project and examples list from database.
		this.Data["PopPros"], this.Data["RecentExams"] = models.GetPopulars(20, 12)
		// Set standard library keyword type-ahead.
		this.Data["DataSrc"] = utils.GoRepoSet
	} else {
		// Documentation page.
		this.TplNames = "docs_" + curLang.Lang + ".html"
		broPath := reqUrl // Browse path.

		// Check if it is standard library.
		if utils.IsGoRepoPath(broPath) {
			broPath = "code.google.com/p/go/source/browse/src/pkg/" + broPath

		// Check if it is a remote path that can be used for 'gopm get', if not means it's a keyword.
		if !utils.IsValidRemotePath(broPath) {
			// Show search page
			this.Redirect("/search?q="+reqUrl, 302)

		// Get tag field.
		tag := strings.TrimSpace(this.Input().Get("tag"))
		if tag == "master" || tag == "default" {
			tag = ""

		// Check documentation of this import path, and update automatically as needed.
		pdoc, err := doc.CheckDoc(reqUrl, tag, doc.HUMAN_REQUEST)
		if err == nil || pdoc == nil {
			pdoc.UserExamples = getUserExamples(pdoc.ImportPath)
			// Generate documentation page.
			if generatePage(this, pdoc, broPath, tag, curLang.Lang) {
				// Update recent project list.
				// Update project views.
				pinfo := &models.PkgInfo{
					Path:        pdoc.ImportPath,
					Synopsis:    pdoc.Synopsis,
					Created:     pdoc.Created,
					ProName:     pdoc.ProjectName,
					ViewedTime:  pdoc.ViewedTime,
					Views:       pdoc.Views,
					IsCmd:       pdoc.IsCmd,
					Etag:        pdoc.Etag,
					Labels:      pdoc.Labels,
					Tags:        strings.Join(pdoc.Tags, "|||"),
					ImportedNum: pdoc.ImportedNum,
					ImportPid:   pdoc.ImportPid,
		} else {
			beego.Error("HomeRouter.Get ->", err)

		// Show search page
		this.Redirect("/search?q="+reqUrl, 302)