文件: appliance.go 项目: jak-atx/vic
func (d *Dispatcher) reconfigureApplianceSpec(vm *vm.VirtualMachine, conf *metadata.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec) (*types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec, error) {
	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))

	var devices object.VirtualDeviceList
	var err error

	spec := &types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
		Name:    conf.Name,
		GuestId: "other3xLinux64Guest",
		Files:   &types.VirtualMachineFileInfo{VmPathName: fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", conf.ImageStores[0].Host)},

	if devices, err = d.configIso(conf, vm); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	deviceChange, err := devices.ConfigSpec(types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationAdd)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Failed to create config spec for appliance: %s", err)
		return nil, err

	spec.DeviceChange = deviceChange

	cfg := make(map[string]string)
	extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(cfg), conf)
	spec.ExtraConfig = append(spec.ExtraConfig, extraconfig.OptionValueFromMap(cfg)...)
	return spec, nil
文件: handle.go 项目: vmware/vic
func (h *Handle) Commit(ctx context.Context, sess *session.Session, waitTime *int32) error {
	cfg := make(map[string]string)

	// Set timestamps based on target state
	switch h.TargetState() {
	case StateRunning:
		for _, sc := range h.ExecConfig.Sessions {
			sc.StartTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
			sc.Started = ""
			sc.ExitStatus = 0
	case StateStopped:
		for _, sc := range h.ExecConfig.Sessions {
			sc.StopTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()

	extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(cfg), h.ExecConfig)
	s := h.Spec.Spec()
	s.ExtraConfig = append(s.ExtraConfig, vmomi.OptionValueFromMap(cfg)...)

	if err := Commit(ctx, sess, h, waitTime); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
func StartAttachTether(t *testing.T, cfg *metadata.ExecutorConfig) (tether.Tether, extraconfig.DataSource, net.Conn) {
	store := map[string]string{}
	sink := extraconfig.MapSink(store)
	src := extraconfig.MapSource(store)
	extraconfig.Encode(sink, cfg)
	log.Debugf("Test configuration: %#v", sink)

	tthr := tether.New(src, sink, &Mocked)
	tthr.Register("mocker", &Mocked)
	tthr.Register("Attach", server)

	// run the tether to service the attach
	go func() {
		erR := tthr.Start()
		if erR != nil {

	// create client on the mock pipe
	conn, err := mockBackChannel(context.Background())
	if err != nil && (err != io.EOF || server.(*testAttachServer).enabled) {
		// we accept the case where the error is end-of-file and the attach server is disabled because that's
		// expected when the tether is shut down.

	return tthr, src, conn
func TestToExtraConfig(t *testing.T) {
	exec := metadata.ExecutorConfig{
		Common: metadata.Common{
			ID:   "deadbeef",
			Name: "configtest",
		Sessions: map[string]metadata.SessionConfig{
			"deadbeef": metadata.SessionConfig{
				Cmd: metadata.Cmd{
					Path: "/bin/bash",
					Args: []string{"/bin/bash", "-c", "echo hello"},
					Dir:  "/",
					Env:  []string{"HOME=/", "PATH=/bin"},
			"beefed": metadata.SessionConfig{
				Cmd: metadata.Cmd{
					Path: "/bin/bash",
					Args: []string{"/bin/bash", "-c", "echo goodbye"},
					Dir:  "/",
					Env:  []string{"HOME=/", "PATH=/bin"},
		Networks: map[string]*metadata.NetworkEndpoint{
			"eth0": &metadata.NetworkEndpoint{
				Static: &net.IPNet{IP: localhost, Mask: lmask.Mask},
				Network: metadata.ContainerNetwork{
					Common: metadata.Common{
						Name: "notsure",
					Gateway:     net.IPNet{IP: gateway, Mask: gmask.Mask},
					Nameservers: []net.IP{},

	// encode metadata package's ExecutorConfig
	encoded := map[string]string{}
	extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(encoded), exec)

	// decode into this package's ExecutorConfig
	var decoded ExecutorConfig
	extraconfig.Decode(extraconfig.MapSource(encoded), &decoded)

	// the networks should be identical
	assert.Equal(t, exec.Networks["eth0"], decoded.Networks["eth0"])

	// the source and destination structs are different - we're doing a sparse comparison
	expected := exec.Sessions["deadbeef"]
	actual := *decoded.Sessions["deadbeef"]

	assert.Equal(t, expected.Cmd.Path, actual.Cmd.Path)
	assert.Equal(t, expected.Cmd.Args, actual.Cmd.Args)
	assert.Equal(t, expected.Cmd.Dir, actual.Cmd.Dir)
	assert.Equal(t, expected.Cmd.Env, actual.Cmd.Env)
func testConfig() *Configuration {
	return &Configuration{
		source:     extraconfig.MapSource(map[string]string{}),
		sink:       extraconfig.MapSink(map[string]string{}),
		BridgeLink: &mockLink{},
		Network: config.Network{
			BridgeNetwork: "bridge",
			ContainerNetworks: map[string]*executor.ContainerNetwork{
				"bridge": {
					Common: executor.Common{
						Name: "bridge",
					Type: constants.BridgeScopeType,
				"bar7": {
					Common: executor.Common{
						Name: "external",
					Gateway:     net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP(""), Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)},
					Nameservers: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")},
					Pools:       []ip.Range{*ip.ParseRange(""), *ip.ParseRange("")},
					Type:        constants.ExternalScopeType,
				"bar71": {
					Common: executor.Common{
						Name: "external",
					Gateway:     net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP(""), Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)},
					Nameservers: []net.IP{net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP("")},
					Pools:       []ip.Range{*ip.ParseRange("")},
					Type:        constants.ExternalScopeType,
				"bar72": {
					Common: executor.Common{
						Name: "external",
					Type: constants.ExternalScopeType,
				"bar73": {
					Common: executor.Common{
						Name: "external",
					Gateway: net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP(""), Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)},
					Type:    constants.ExternalScopeType,
		PortGroups: map[string]object.NetworkReference{
			"bridge": testBridgeNetwork,
			"bar7":   testExternalNetwork,
			"bar71":  testExternalNetwork,
			"bar72":  testExternalNetwork,
			"bar73":  testExternalNetwork,
文件: tether.go 项目: vmware/vic
func logConfig(config *ExecutorConfig) {
	// just pretty print the json for now
	log.Info("Loaded executor config")

	if log.GetLevel() == log.DebugLevel && config.DebugLevel > 1 {
		sink := map[string]string{}
		extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(sink), config)

		for k, v := range sink {
			log.Debugf("%s: %s", k, v)
func RunTether(t *testing.T, cfg *metadata.ExecutorConfig) (Tether, extraconfig.DataSource, error) {
	store := map[string]string{}
	sink := extraconfig.MapSink(store)
	src := extraconfig.MapSource(store)
	extraconfig.Encode(sink, cfg)
	log.Debugf("Test configuration: %#v", sink)

	tthr := New(src, sink, &Mocked)
	tthr.Register("Mocker", &Mocked)

	// run the tether to service the attach
	erR := tthr.Start()

	return tthr, src, erR
文件: tether.go 项目: jak-atx/vic
func logConfig(config *ExecutorConfig) {
	// just pretty print the json for now
	log.Info("Loaded executor config")

	// TODO: investigate whether it's the govmomi types package cause the binary size
	// inflation - if so we need an alternative approach here or in extraconfig
	if log.GetLevel() == log.DebugLevel {
		sink := map[string]string{}
		extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(sink), config)

		for k, v := range sink {
			log.Debugf("%s: %s", k, v)
文件: appliance.go 项目: vmware/vic
func (d *Dispatcher) encodeConfig(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec) (map[string]string, error) {
	if d.secret == nil {
		log.Debug("generating new config secret key")

		s, err := extraconfig.NewSecretKey()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		d.secret = s

	cfg := make(map[string]string)
	extraconfig.Encode(d.secret.Sink(extraconfig.MapSink(cfg)), conf)

	return cfg, nil
文件: appliance.go 项目: jak-atx/vic
func (d *Dispatcher) createApplianceSpec(conf *metadata.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, vConf *data.InstallerData) (*types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec, error) {
	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))

	var devices object.VirtualDeviceList
	var err error

	cfg := make(map[string]string)
	extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(cfg), conf)

	spec := &spec.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
		VirtualMachineConfigSpec: &types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
			Name:     conf.Name,
			GuestId:  "other3xLinux64Guest",
			Files:    &types.VirtualMachineFileInfo{VmPathName: fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", conf.ImageStores[0].Host)},
			NumCPUs:  int32(vConf.ApplianceSize.CPU.Limit),
			MemoryMB: vConf.ApplianceSize.Memory.Limit,
			// Encode the config both here and after the VMs created so that it can be identified as a VCH appliance as soon as
			// creation is complete.
			ExtraConfig: extraconfig.OptionValueFromMap(cfg),

	if devices, err = d.addIDEController(devices); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if devices, err = d.addParaVirtualSCSIController(devices); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if devices, err = d.addNetworkDevices(conf, spec, devices); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	deviceChange, err := devices.ConfigSpec(types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationAdd)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	spec.DeviceChange = deviceChange
	return spec.VirtualMachineConfigSpec, nil
文件: handle.go 项目: kjplatz/vic
func (h *Handle) Commit(ctx context.Context, sess *session.Session, waitTime *int32) error {
	if h.committed {
		return nil // already committed

	// make sure there is a spec
	cfg := make(map[string]string)
	extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(cfg), h.ExecConfig)
	s := h.Spec.Spec()
	s.ExtraConfig = append(s.ExtraConfig, vmomi.OptionValueFromMap(cfg)...)

	if err := h.Container.Commit(ctx, sess, h, waitTime); err != nil {
		return err

	h.committed = true
	return nil
文件: config_test.go 项目: vmware/vic
func TestToExtraConfig(t *testing.T) {
	exec := executor.ExecutorConfig{
		Common: executor.Common{
			ID:   "deadbeef",
			Name: "configtest",
		Sessions: map[string]*executor.SessionConfig{
			"deadbeef": &executor.SessionConfig{
				Cmd: executor.Cmd{
					Path: "/bin/bash",
					Args: []string{"/bin/bash", "-c", "echo hello"},
					Dir:  "/",
					Env:  []string{"HOME=/", "PATH=/bin"},
			"beefed": &executor.SessionConfig{
				Cmd: executor.Cmd{
					Path: "/bin/bash",
					Args: []string{"/bin/bash", "-c", "echo goodbye"},
					Dir:  "/",
					Env:  []string{"HOME=/", "PATH=/bin"},
		Networks: map[string]*executor.NetworkEndpoint{
			"eth0": &executor.NetworkEndpoint{
				Static: true,
				IP:     &net.IPNet{IP: localhost, Mask: lmask.Mask},
				Network: executor.ContainerNetwork{
					Common: executor.Common{
						Name: "notsure",
					Gateway:     net.IPNet{IP: gateway, Mask: gmask.Mask},
					Nameservers: []net.IP{},
					Pools:       []ip.Range{},
					Aliases:     []string{},

	// encode exec package's ExecutorConfig
	encoded := map[string]string{}
	extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(encoded), exec)

	// decode into this package's ExecutorConfig
	var decoded ExecutorConfig
	extraconfig.Decode(extraconfig.MapSource(encoded), &decoded)

	// the source and destination structs are different - we're doing a sparse comparison
	expectedNet := exec.Networks["eth0"]
	actualNet := decoded.Networks["eth0"]

	assert.Equal(t, expectedNet.Common, actualNet.Common)
	assert.Equal(t, expectedNet.Static, actualNet.Static)
	assert.Equal(t, expectedNet.Assigned, actualNet.Assigned)
	assert.Equal(t, expectedNet.Network, actualNet.Network)

	expectedSession := exec.Sessions["deadbeef"]
	actualSession := decoded.Sessions["deadbeef"]

	assert.Equal(t, expectedSession.Cmd.Path, actualSession.Cmd.Path)
	assert.Equal(t, expectedSession.Cmd.Args, actualSession.Cmd.Args)
	assert.Equal(t, expectedSession.Cmd.Dir, actualSession.Cmd.Dir)
	assert.Equal(t, expectedSession.Cmd.Env, actualSession.Cmd.Env)
文件: spec.go 项目: kjplatz/vic
// NewVirtualMachineConfigSpec returns a VirtualMachineConfigSpec
func NewVirtualMachineConfigSpec(ctx context.Context, session *session.Session, config *VirtualMachineConfigSpecConfig) (*VirtualMachineConfigSpec, error) {
	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(config.ID))

	log.Debugf("Adding metadata to the configspec: %+v", config.Metadata)

	// set VM name to prettyname-ID, to make it readable a little bit
	// if prettyname-ID is longer than max vm name length, truncate pretty name, instead of UUID, to make it unique
	nameMaxLen := maxVMNameLength - len(config.ID)
	prettyName := config.Name
	if len(prettyName) > nameMaxLen-1 {
		prettyName = prettyName[:nameMaxLen-1]
	fullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", prettyName, config.ID)
	config.VMFullName = fullName

	VMPathName := config.VMPathName
	if !session.IsVSAN(ctx) {
		// VMFS requires the full path to vmx or everything but the datastore is ignored
		VMPathName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s.vmx", config.VMPathName, config.VMFullName, config.ID)

	s := &types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
		Name: fullName,
		Uuid: config.BiosUUID,
		Files: &types.VirtualMachineFileInfo{
			VmPathName: VMPathName,
		NumCPUs:             config.NumCPUs,
		CpuHotAddEnabled:    &config.VMForkEnabled, // this disables vNUMA when true
		MemoryMB:            config.MemoryMB,
		MemoryHotAddEnabled: &config.VMForkEnabled,

		ExtraConfig: []types.BaseOptionValue{
			// lets us see the UUID for the containerfs disk (hidden from daemon)
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "disk.EnableUUID", Value: "true"},
			// needed to avoid the questions that occur when attaching multiple disks with the same uuid (bugzilla 1362918)
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "answer.msg.disk.duplicateUUID", Value: "Yes"},
			// needed to avoid the question that occur when opening a file backed serial port
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "answer.msg.serial.file.open", Value: "Append"},

			&types.OptionValue{Key: "sched.mem.lpage.maxSharedPages", Value: "256"},
			// seems to be needed to avoid children hanging shortly after fork
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "vmotion.checkpointSVGAPrimarySize", Value: "4194304"},

			// trying this out - if it works then we need to determine if we can rely on serial0 being the correct index.
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "serial0.hardwareFlowControl", Value: "TRUE"},

			// https://enatai-jira.eng.vmware.com/browse/BON-257
			// Hotadd memory above 3 GB not working
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "memory.noHotAddOver4GB", Value: "FALSE"},
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "memory.maxGrow", Value: "512"},

			// http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2030189
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "tools.remindInstall", Value: "FALSE"},
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "tools.upgrade.policy", Value: "manual"},

	// encode the config as optionvalues
	cfg := map[string]string{}
	extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(cfg), config.Metadata)
	metaCfg := vmomi.OptionValueFromMap(cfg)

	// merge it with the sec
	s.ExtraConfig = append(s.ExtraConfig, metaCfg...)

	vmcs := &VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
		Session:                  session,
		VirtualMachineConfigSpec: s,
		config: config,

	log.Debugf("Virtual machine config spec created: %+v", vmcs)
	return vmcs, nil
文件: spec.go 项目: jak-atx/vic
// NewVirtualMachineConfigSpec returns a VirtualMachineConfigSpec
func NewVirtualMachineConfigSpec(ctx context.Context, session *session.Session, config *VirtualMachineConfigSpecConfig) (*VirtualMachineConfigSpec, error) {
	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(config.ID))

	VMPathName := config.VMPathName
	if !session.IsVSAN(ctx) {
		// VMFS requires the full path to vmx or everything but the datastore is ignored
		VMPathName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%[2]s.vmx", config.VMPathName, config.ID)

	log.Debugf("Adding metadata to the configspec: %+v", config.Metadata)

	s := &types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
		Name: config.ID,
		Files: &types.VirtualMachineFileInfo{
			VmPathName: VMPathName,
		NumCPUs:             config.NumCPUs,
		CpuHotAddEnabled:    &config.VMForkEnabled, // this disables vNUMA when true
		MemoryMB:            config.MemoryMB,
		MemoryHotAddEnabled: &config.VMForkEnabled,

		// needed to cause the disk uuid to propogate into linux for presentation via /dev/disk/by-id/
		ExtraConfig: []types.BaseOptionValue{
			// lets us see the UUID for the containerfs disk (hidden from daemon)
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "disk.EnableUUID", Value: "true"},
			// needed to avoid the questions that occur when attaching multiple disks with the same uuid (bugzilla 1362918)
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "answer.msg.disk.duplicateUUID", Value: "Yes"},
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "answer.msg.serial.file.open", Value: "Replace"},

			&types.OptionValue{Key: "sched.mem.lpage.maxSharedPages", Value: "256"},
			// seems to be needed to avoid children hanging shortly after fork
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "vmotion.checkpointSVGAPrimarySize", Value: "4194304"},

			// trying this out - if it works then we need to determine if we can rely on serial0 being the correct index.
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "serial0.hardwareFlowControl", Value: "TRUE"},

			// https://enatai-jira.eng.vmware.com/browse/BON-257
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "memory.noHotAddOver4GB", Value: "FALSE"},
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "memory.maxGrow", Value: "512"},

			// http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2030189
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "tools.remindInstall", Value: "FALSE"},
			&types.OptionValue{Key: "tools.upgrade.policy", Value: "manual"},

	// encode the config as optionvalues
	cfg := map[string]string{}
	extraconfig.Encode(extraconfig.MapSink(cfg), config.Metadata)
	metaCfg := extraconfig.OptionValueFromMap(cfg)

	// merge it with the sec
	s.ExtraConfig = append(s.ExtraConfig, metaCfg...)

	return &VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
		Session:                  session,
		VirtualMachineConfigSpec: s,
		config: config,
	}, nil