func ProcessSMS(warning *models.Warning, db gorp.SqlExecutor, status *models.DefaultStruct) { if isWarnSentLimitByIpOver(warning, db) { status.Id = http.StatusBadRequest status.Name = strings.Replace(messages.GetLocaleMessage(warning.Lang_key, "MSG_SMS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED"), "{{ip}}", warning.Ip, 1) status.Lang_key = warning.Lang_key } else { go sendSMSWarn(warning, db) } }
// After registered in the Database, the warn is processed in order to verify: // - @isSameWarnSentByIp // - @isSameWarnSentTwiceOrMoreDifferentIp // - if none of above occurs the warn is processed by its type(Email, SMS, Whatsapp, etc...) // - // - @routers.sms.ProcessSMS func processWarn(warning *models.Warning, db gorp.SqlExecutor, status *models.DefaultStruct) { fmt.Println("processWarn") status.Lang_key = warning.Lang_key if isSameWarnSentByIp(warning, db) { status.Id = http.StatusBadRequest status.Name = strings.Replace(messages.GetLocaleMessage(warning.Lang_key, "MSG_SMS_SAME_WARN_BY_IP"), "{{ip}}", warning.Ip, 1) status.Name = strings.Replace(status.Name, "{{time}}", "2", 1) } else if isSameWarnSentTwiceOrMoreDifferentIp(warning, db) { status.Id = http.StatusBadRequest status.Name = strings.Replace(messages.GetLocaleMessage(warning.Lang_key, "MSG_SMS_SAME_WARN_DIFF_IP"), "{{time}}", "2", 1) } else { if warning.WarnResp != nil && warning.WarnResp.Reply_to != "" { ProcessWarnReply(warning, db) } else { warning.WarnResp = nil } switch warning.Id_contact_type { case 1: go ProcessEmail(warning, db) case 2: ProcessSMS(warning, db, status) case 3: go ProcessWhatsapp(warning, db) default: return } } }
func UpdateContact_type(entity models.DefaultStruct, enc Encoder, db gorp.SqlExecutor, parms martini.Params) (int, string) { id, err := strconv.Atoi(parms["id"]) obj, _ := db.Get(models.DefaultStruct{}, id) if err != nil || obj == nil { checkErr(err, "GET CONTACT TYPE FAILED") // Invalid id, or does not exist return http.StatusBadRequest, "" } oldEntity := obj.(*models.DefaultStruct) entity.Id = oldEntity.Id _, err = db.Update(&entity) if err != nil { checkErr(err, "UPDATE CONTACT TYPE FAILED") return http.StatusBadRequest, "" } return http.StatusOK, Must(enc.EncodeOne(entity)) }