func main() { var placeNames []string var placeName string color.Println("@M Note: @m Use an empty string to begin the war!") for i := 0; ; i++ { placeName = "" // Prompt the user to enter their place name. fmt.Printf("Place: ") fmt.Scanf("%s", &placeName) if len(placeName) == 0 { // We've got all of the places we need to begin the process of comparing // the weather! break } // Voila! We have another place name so let's add it to the array of strings for later. placeNames = append(placeNames, placeName) } // At this point we're ready to begin the whole process. color.Println("@gPreparing the war with " + strconv.Itoa(len(placeNames)) + " places...") }
func showResult(r *BenchmarkResult) { if r.Score == 0.0 { color.Println("@{r}Result: FAIL") } else { color.Println("@{g}Result: SUCCESS") } fmt.Printf("RawScore: %.1f\n", r.RawScore) fmt.Printf("Fails: %d\n", r.Fails) fmt.Printf("Score: %.1f\n", r.Score) }
func main() { reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) for { color.Print("@b>> ") words, _ := reader.ReadString('\n') text, err := request(strings.TrimSpace(words)) if err != nil { color.Println("@rERROR : ", err) } color.Println("@r>> ", text) } }
func getFuncNames(filecontent []string) ([]string, []string) { r := make([]string, 0) r2 := make([]string, 0) var funcCounter int64 functionRx := regexp.MustCompile(FUNCTION_NAME_REGEX) functionDefRx := regexp.MustCompile(FUNCTION_DEFINITION_REGEX) for lineno, line := range filecontent { if functionRx.MatchString(line) { funcnameB := functionRx.FindSubmatch([]byte(line)) funcname := string(funcnameB[1]) funcCounter = funcCounter + 1 fmt.Printf("%v %d ", funcCounter, lineno) color.Print("@g", funcname) color.Println("@y|", line) r = append(r, funcname) if functionDefRx.MatchString(line) { funcdefB := functionDefRx.FindSubmatch([]byte(line)) funcdef := string(funcdefB[1]) r2 = append(r2, funcdef) } else { log.Fatal("Can detect the funciton name but not the function definition! That is not acceptable") } } } return r, r2 }
// Display project details // func (p *Project) Show() error { err := p.Fetch() if err != nil { return err } if config.RawFormat { return nil } color.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", p.Name, utils.StatusDots(p.Color))) table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetRowLine(true) table.Append([]string{"Slug", p.Slug}) table.Append([]string{"Description", p.Description}) table.Append([]string{"Origin", p.Origin}) table.Append([]string{"Private", strconv.FormatBool(p.Private)}) table.Append([]string{"Monitored", strconv.FormatBool(p.Monitored)}) if !p.Monitored { table.Append([]string{"Unmonitored reason", p.UnmonitoredReason}) } table.Render() return nil }
func register(newApiKey string) { if err := ioutil.WriteFile(apiKeyFile, []byte(newApiKey), 0600); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) os.Exit(1) } apiKey = newApiKey apiRes := callAPI("register", url.Values{"api_key": {newApiKey}}) if !apiRes.Ok { if apiRes.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound { color.Println(messageInvalidAPIKey) } else { color.Println(messageAPIError) color.Println(apiRes.Message) } os.Exit(1) } log.Printf("OK: %s", apiRes.Message) }
// uses color if availible func smartPrintln(str string) (cnt int, err error) { pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`@.`) if useColor { cnt, err = color.Println(str) } else { rawStr := pattern.ReplaceAll([]byte(str), []byte("")) cnt, err = fmt.Println(string(rawStr)) } return }
/** * Central function for printing */ func print(level int, message string) { if !beenhere { startTime = time.Now() beenhere = true } if _level >= level { // // Escape newlines and carriage returns // message = strings.Replace(message, "\n", "\\n", -1) message = strings.Replace(message, "\r", "\\r", -1) // // Escape anything else that is below ASCII 32 (space) // This is done because backspace (ASCII 8) is especially evil, // as an attrack could inject backspaces to hide their tracks // re, _ := regexp.Compile("([\x00-\x1f])") message = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(message, func(in string) string { return (fmt.Sprintf("[0x%x]", in)) }) // // If displayTime is uninitialized, default to true // if displayTime == 0 || displayTime == 2 { now := time.Now() elapsed := now.Sub(startTime) if UseColor() { color_string := getColor(level) color.Printf(color_string+"[%s] %s\n", elapsed, message) } else { fmt.Printf("[%s] %s\n", elapsed, message) } } else { if UseColor() { color_string := getColor(level) color.Println(color_string + message) } else { fmt.Println(message) } } } } // End of print()
func initializeData(initScript string) { log.Printf("initialize data...\n") sh := []string{ "#!/bin/sh", "set -e", "cd " + initialDataDir, "md5sum -c checksum", "pigz -dc init.sql.gz | mysql -uisucon isucon", } defer os.Remove(initialLoader) if err := ioutil.WriteFile(initialLoader, []byte(strings.Join(sh, "\n")), 0700); err != nil { color.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s %v", messageInitFailed, err)) os.Exit(1) } checksum := initialDataDir + "/checksum" defer os.Remove(checksum) if err := ioutil.WriteFile(checksum, []byte(initialDataMD5), 0600); err != nil { color.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s %v", messageInitFailed, err)) os.Exit(1) } loader := exec.Command(initialLoader) if err := loader.Run(); err != nil { color.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s %v", messageInitFailed, err)) os.Exit(1) } if initScript == "" { return } log.Printf("run %s timeout %s sec...\n", initScript, userInitTimeout) userInit := exec.Command("timeout", userInitTimeout, initScript) if err := userInit.Run(); err != nil { color.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s %v", messageUserInitFailed, err)) os.Exit(1) } log.Println("done") }
// checkLocalPackages warns if there are local (pip or easy_install) versions of // Python packages and returns how many were found. func checkLocalPackages() int { localPkgs := findLocalPackages() if len(localPkgs) > 0 { for _, p := range localPkgs { warn("Found a local version of",, "in", p.dir) } names := []string{} for _, p := range localPkgs { names = append(names, } cmd := ("@{c}while sudo pip uninstall " + strings.Join(names, " ") + "; do echo Continuing; done@{|}") color.Println("You may want to run", cmd) } return len(localPkgs) }
func (c *ListItemCommand) Run() error { // find category by title category := &models.Category{} if c.CategoryTitle != "" { err := category.FindByParams(map[string]interface{}{"title": c.CategoryTitle}).Error if err == nil { return errors.New("Undefine Category") } } // find all items items := []models.Item{} params := map[string]interface{}{"type": c.ItemType, "user_id": db.USERID} if category.Id != 0 { params["category_id"] = category.Id } db.Connection().Find(&items, params) // prepare table view data := [][]string{} for _, item := range items { data = append(data, []string{ strconv.Itoa(item.Id), strconv.FormatFloat(item.Amount, 'f', 2, 64), item.GetCategoryTitle(), item.Comment, }) } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"Id", "Amount", "Category", "Comments"}) table.SetAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) for _, v := range data { table.Append(v) } // render table views color.Println("@gSpent items:") table.Render() return nil }
// Create a project config gile (.gemnasium.yml) func (p *Project) Configure(slug string, r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error { if slug == "" { fmt.Printf("Enter project slug: ") _, err := fmt.Scanln(&slug) if err != nil { return err } } // We just create a file with project_config for now. projectConfig := &map[string]string{"project_slug": slug} body, err := yaml.Marshal(&projectConfig) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error: %v", err) } // write content to the file _, err = w.Write(body) if err != nil { return err } color.Println("@gYour .gemnasium.yml was created!") return nil }
func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) if DEBUG { log.Println("<<<DEBUG build>>>") instanceType = "m3.xlarge" instanceId = "i-isucondebug" amiId = "ami-isucondebug" cpuInfo = "dummy" } else { instanceType = getMetaData("instance-type") instanceId = getMetaData("instance-id") amiId = getMetaData("ami-id") cpuInfo = getCpuInfo() } if instanceType != instanceTypeRequired { color.Printf(messageInvalidInstanceType, instanceTypeRequired, instanceType) os.Exit(1) } var newApiKey *string = flag.String("register", "", "register a new API key") flag.Parse() if *newApiKey != "" { register(*newApiKey) os.Exit(0) } apiKey = loadApiKey() if apiKey == "" { color.Println(messagePleaseRegister) os.Exit(1) } if len(flag.Args()) == 0 { showUsageAndExit() } command := flag.Args()[0] if command == "test" { var testWorkload *int = flag.Int("workload", 1, "benchmark workload") var testEndpoint *string = flag.String("endpoint", endpoint, "debugging endpoint") var testSeconds *int = flag.Int("seconds", 60, "running seconds") var accessLog *bool = flag.Bool("accesslog", false, "show access log") if DEBUG { os.Args = flag.Args() flag.Parse() } workload := *testWorkload endpoint = *testEndpoint seconds = *testSeconds bench.AccessLog = *accessLog log.Println("test mode") result := runBenchmark(workload) showResult(result) } else if command == "benchmark" { var workload *int = flag.Int("workload", 1, "benchmark workload") var initScript *string = flag.String("init", "", "init script") os.Args = flag.Args() flag.Parse() if *workload < 1 { *workload = 1 } log.Println("benchmark mode") apiRes := callAPI("start", url.Values{}) if !apiRes.Ok { color.Println(messageAPIError) os.Exit(1) } initializeData(*initScript) log.Printf("sleeping %d sec...", 5) time.Sleep(time.Duration(5) * time.Second) result := runBenchmark(*workload) showResult(result) if result.Score == 0.0 { os.Exit(0) } if DEBUG { os.Exit(0) } apiRes = callAPI("result", url.Values{ "score": {fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", result.Score)}, "cpuinfo": {cpuInfo}, "log": {strings.Join(*result.Logs, "\n")}, }) if apiRes.Ok { color.Println(messageResultOk) } else { color.Println(messageAPIError) os.Exit(1) } } else { showUsageAndExit() } }
func main() { //originalFile := "./OriginalPlotClusters.m" //className := "PC" originalFile := "./OriginalAllVPCs.m" className := "AllV" b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(originalFile) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Cant read the original,", err) } lines := strings.Split(string(b), "\n") funcnames, funcdefs := getFuncNames(lines) //revese the funcnames, to reduce the change of collision, like a funcname being embded inside another function name funcnames = reversSortStringSlice(funcnames) //TODO: in all the function declaration lines, replace `=([A-z])` with '= \1' functionRx := regexp.MustCompile(FUNCTION_NAME_REGEX) var funcCounter int64 //insidefunc := false //TODO: the assuption is the original file STARTS with a function declaration line, no comments of white space before it funclines := make([]string, 0) funcname := "" lineno := 0 line := "" for lineno, line = range lines { if functionRx.MatchString(line) { if len(funclines) != 0 { patchedfunclines := renameFuncs(className, funclines, funcnames) color.Println("@rWriting: ", funcname) err = ioutil.WriteFile(funcname+".m", []byte(strings.Join(patchedfunclines, "")), os.ModePerm) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing the file", err) } funclines = make([]string, 0) } funcnameB := functionRx.FindSubmatch([]byte(line)) funcname = string(funcnameB[1]) funcCounter = funcCounter + 1 fmt.Printf("%v %d ", funcCounter, lineno) color.Print("@g", funcname) color.Println("@y|", line) } funclines = append(funclines, line) } //write the last function if len(funclines) != 0 { patchedfunclines := renameFuncs(className, funclines, funcnames) color.Println("@rWriting: ", funcname) err = ioutil.WriteFile(funcname+".m", []byte(strings.Join(patchedfunclines, "")), os.ModePerm) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing the file", err) } funclines = make([]string, 0) } //TODO: do the main class def file classdeflines := "" classdeflines = classdeflines + "classdef " + className + "\r" classdeflines = classdeflines + `properties Version = '1' end methods (Static) ` classdeflines = classdeflines + strings.Join(funcdefs, "\r") classdeflines = classdeflines + ` end end ` err = ioutil.WriteFile(className+".m", []byte(classdeflines), os.ModePerm) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing the Classdefninition file", err) } }
func warn(args ...string) { color.Println("@{r}Warning@{|}:", strings.Join(args, " ")) }
// Live evaluation of dependency files Several files can be sent, not only from // the same language (ie: package.json + Gemfile + Gemfile.lock) LiveEvaluation // will return 2 stases (color for Runtime / Dev.) and the list of deps with // their color. func LiveEvaluation(files []string) error { dfiles, err := models.LookupDependencyFiles(files) if err != nil { return err } requestDeps := map[string][]*models.DependencyFile{"dependency_files": dfiles} var jsonResp map[string]interface{} opts := &gemnasium.APIRequestOptions{ Method: "POST", URI: LIVE_EVAL_PATH, Body: requestDeps, Result: &jsonResp, } err = gemnasium.APIRequest(opts) if err != nil { return err } // Wait until job is done url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s", config.APIEndpoint, LIVE_EVAL_PATH, jsonResp["job_id"]) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) if err != nil { return err } req.SetBasicAuth("x", config.APIKey) req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json") var response struct { Status string `json:"status"` Result struct { RuntimeStatus string `json:"runtime_status"` DevelopmentStatus string `json:"development_status"` Dependencies []models.Dependency `json:"dependencies"` } `json:"result"` } var iter int // used to display the little dots for each loop bellow client := &http.Client{} for { // use the same request again and again resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return err } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return err } if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { response.Status = "error" } if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &response); err != nil { return err } if !config.RawFormat { // don't display status if RawFormat iter += 1 fmt.Printf("\rJob Status: %s%s", response.Status, strings.Repeat(".", iter)) } if response.Status != "working" && response.Status != "queued" { // Job has completed or failed or whatever if config.RawFormat { fmt.Printf("%s\n", body) return nil } break } // Wait 1s before trying again time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) } color.Println(fmt.Sprintf("\n\n%-12.12s %s", "Run. Status", utils.StatusDots(response.Result.RuntimeStatus))) color.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%-12.12s %s\n\n", "Dev. Status", utils.StatusDots(response.Result.DevelopmentStatus))) // Display deps in an ascii table models.RenderDepsAsTable(response.Result.Dependencies, os.Stdout) if response.Result.RuntimeStatus == "red" { return fmt.Errorf("There are important updates available.\n") } return nil }
func ExitWithError(err error) { color.Println("@{r!}" + err.Error()) os.Exit(1) }