// ChecktabletMysqlPort will check the mysql port for the tablet is good,
// and if not will try to update it
func CheckTabletMysqlPort(ts topo.Server, mysqlDaemon mysqlctl.MysqlDaemon, tablet *topo.TabletInfo) *topo.TabletInfo {
	mport, err := mysqlDaemon.GetMysqlPort()
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("Cannot get current mysql port, not checking it: %v", err)
		return nil

	if mport == tablet.Portmap["mysql"] {
		return nil

	log.Warningf("MySQL port has changed from %v to %v, updating it in tablet record", tablet.Portmap["mysql"], mport)
	tablet.Portmap["mysql"] = mport
	if err := topo.UpdateTablet(ts, tablet); err != nil {
		log.Warningf("Failed to update tablet record, may use old mysql port")
		return nil

	return tablet
// NewActionAgent creates a new ActionAgent and registers all the
// associated services.
// batchCtx is the context that the agent will use for any background tasks
// it spawns.
func NewActionAgent(
	batchCtx context.Context,
	mysqld mysqlctl.MysqlDaemon,
	queryServiceControl tabletserver.QueryServiceControl,
	tabletAlias topo.TabletAlias,
	dbcfgs *dbconfigs.DBConfigs,
	mycnf *mysqlctl.Mycnf,
	port, securePort, gRPCPort int,
	overridesFile string,
	lockTimeout time.Duration,
) (agent *ActionAgent, err error) {
	schemaOverrides := loadSchemaOverrides(overridesFile)

	topoServer := topo.GetServer()

	agent = &ActionAgent{
		QueryServiceControl: queryServiceControl,
		HealthReporter:      health.DefaultAggregator,
		batchCtx:            batchCtx,
		TopoServer:          topoServer,
		TabletAlias:         tabletAlias,
		MysqlDaemon:         mysqld,
		DBConfigs:           dbcfgs,
		SchemaOverrides:     schemaOverrides,
		LockTimeout:         lockTimeout,
		History:             history.New(historyLength),
		lastHealthMapCount:  stats.NewInt("LastHealthMapCount"),
		_healthy:            fmt.Errorf("healthcheck not run yet"),
		healthStreamMap:     make(map[int]chan<- *actionnode.HealthStreamReply),

	// try to initialize the tablet if we have to
	if err := agent.InitTablet(port, securePort, gRPCPort); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("agent.InitTablet failed: %v", err)

	// Publish and set the TargetTabletType. Not a global var
	// since it should never be changed.
	statsTabletType := stats.NewString("TargetTabletType")

	// Start the binlog player services, not playing at start.
	agent.BinlogPlayerMap = NewBinlogPlayerMap(topoServer, &dbcfgs.Filtered, mysqld)

	// try to figure out the mysql port
	mysqlPort := mycnf.MysqlPort
	if mysqlPort == 0 {
		// we don't know the port, try to get it from mysqld
		var err error
		mysqlPort, err = mysqld.GetMysqlPort()
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("Cannot get current mysql port, will use 0 for now: %v", err)

	if err := agent.Start(batchCtx, mysqlPort, port, securePort, gRPCPort); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// register the RPC services from the agent

	// two cases then:
	// - restoreFromBackup is set: we restore, then initHealthCheck, all
	//   in the background
	// - restoreFromBackup is not set: we initHealthCheck right away
	if *restoreFromBackup {
		go func() {
			// restoreFromBackup wil just be a regular action
			// (same as if it was triggered remotely)
			if err := agent.RestoreFromBackup(batchCtx); err != nil {
				println(fmt.Sprintf("RestoreFromBackup failed: %v", err))
				log.Fatalf("RestoreFromBackup failed: %v", err)

			// after the restore is done, start health check
	} else {
		// synchronously start health check if needed

	return agent, nil
// NewActionAgent creates a new ActionAgent and registers all the
// associated services.
// batchCtx is the context that the agent will use for any background tasks
// it spawns.
func NewActionAgent(
	batchCtx context.Context,
	mysqld mysqlctl.MysqlDaemon,
	queryServiceControl tabletserver.Controller,
	tabletAlias *topodatapb.TabletAlias,
	dbcfgs dbconfigs.DBConfigs,
	mycnf *mysqlctl.Mycnf,
	port, gRPCPort int32,
	overridesFile string,
) (agent *ActionAgent, err error) {
	schemaOverrides := loadSchemaOverrides(overridesFile)

	topoServer := topo.GetServer()

	agent = &ActionAgent{
		QueryServiceControl: queryServiceControl,
		HealthReporter:      health.DefaultAggregator,
		batchCtx:            batchCtx,
		TopoServer:          topoServer,
		TabletAlias:         tabletAlias,
		MysqlDaemon:         mysqld,
		DBConfigs:           dbcfgs,
		SchemaOverrides:     schemaOverrides,
		History:             history.New(historyLength),
		lastHealthMapCount:  stats.NewInt("LastHealthMapCount"),
		_healthy:            fmt.Errorf("healthcheck not run yet"),

	// try to initialize the tablet if we have to
	if err := agent.InitTablet(port, gRPCPort); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("agent.InitTablet failed: %v", err)

	// Publish and set the TargetTabletType. Not a global var
	// since it should never be changed.
	statsTabletType := stats.NewString("TargetTabletType")

	// Create the TabletType stats
	agent.exportStats = true
	agent.statsTabletType = stats.NewString("TabletType")

	// Start the binlog player services, not playing at start.
	agent.BinlogPlayerMap = NewBinlogPlayerMap(topoServer, mysqld, func() binlogplayer.VtClient {
		return binlogplayer.NewDbClient(&agent.DBConfigs.Filtered)
	// Stop all binlog players upon entering lameduck.

	// try to figure out the mysql port
	mysqlPort := mycnf.MysqlPort
	if mysqlPort == 0 {
		// we don't know the port, try to get it from mysqld
		var err error
		mysqlPort, err = mysqld.GetMysqlPort()
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("Cannot get current mysql port, will use 0 for now: %v", err)

	// Start will get the tablet info, and update our state from it
	if err := agent.Start(batchCtx, int32(mysqlPort), port, gRPCPort, true); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// register the RPC services from the agent

	// two cases then:
	// - restoreFromBackup is set: we restore, then initHealthCheck, all
	//   in the background
	// - restoreFromBackup is not set: we initHealthCheck right away
	if *restoreFromBackup {
		go func() {
			// restoreFromBackup wil just be a regular action
			// (same as if it was triggered remotely)
			if err := agent.RestoreFromBackup(batchCtx); err != nil {
				println(fmt.Sprintf("RestoreFromBackup failed: %v", err))
				log.Fatalf("RestoreFromBackup failed: %v", err)

			// after the restore is done, start health check
	} else {
		// synchronously start health check if needed

	return agent, nil
// NewActionAgent creates a new ActionAgent and registers all the
// associated services.
// batchCtx is the context that the agent will use for any background tasks
// it spawns.
func NewActionAgent(
	batchCtx context.Context,
	mysqld mysqlctl.MysqlDaemon,
	queryServiceControl tabletserver.Controller,
	tabletAlias *topodatapb.TabletAlias,
	dbcfgs dbconfigs.DBConfigs,
	mycnf *mysqlctl.Mycnf,
	port, gRPCPort int32,
) (agent *ActionAgent, err error) {
	topoServer := topo.GetServer()

	orc, err := newOrcClient()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	agent = &ActionAgent{
		QueryServiceControl: queryServiceControl,
		HealthReporter:      health.DefaultAggregator,
		batchCtx:            batchCtx,
		TopoServer:          topoServer,
		TabletAlias:         tabletAlias,
		MysqlDaemon:         mysqld,
		DBConfigs:           dbcfgs,
		History:             history.New(historyLength),
		_healthy:            fmt.Errorf("healthcheck not run yet"),
		orc:                 orc,

	// try to initialize the tablet if we have to
	if err := agent.InitTablet(port, gRPCPort); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("agent.InitTablet failed: %v", err)

	// Create the TabletType stats
	agent.exportStats = true
	agent.statsTabletType = stats.NewString("TabletType")

	// Start the binlog player services, not playing at start.
	agent.BinlogPlayerMap = NewBinlogPlayerMap(topoServer, mysqld, func() binlogplayer.VtClient {
		return binlogplayer.NewDbClient(&agent.DBConfigs.Filtered)
	// Stop all binlog players upon entering lameduck.

	// try to figure out the mysql port
	mysqlPort := mycnf.MysqlPort
	if mysqlPort == 0 {
		// we don't know the port, try to get it from mysqld
		var err error
		mysqlPort, err = mysqld.GetMysqlPort()
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("Cannot get current mysql port, will use 0 for now: %v", err)

	// Start will get the tablet info, and update our state from it
	if err := agent.Start(batchCtx, int32(mysqlPort), port, gRPCPort, true); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// register the RPC services from the agent
	servenv.OnRun(func() {

	// two cases then:
	// - restoreFromBackup is set: we restore, then initHealthCheck, all
	//   in the background
	// - restoreFromBackup is not set: we initHealthCheck right away
	if *restoreFromBackup {
		go func() {
			// restoreFromBackup wil just be a regular action
			// (same as if it was triggered remotely)
			if err := agent.RestoreData(batchCtx, logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), false /* deleteBeforeRestore */); err != nil {
				println(fmt.Sprintf("RestoreFromBackup failed: %v", err))
				log.Fatalf("RestoreFromBackup failed: %v", err)

			// after the restore is done, start health check
	} else {
		// update our state
		if err := agent.refreshTablet(batchCtx, "Start"); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// synchronously start health check if needed

	// Start periodic Orchestrator self-registration, if configured.
	if agent.orc != nil {
		go agent.orc.DiscoverLoop(agent)

	return agent, nil