func LoadActualScreeningForWalkthrough(db ab.DB, ec *ab.EntityController, wid string) (*Screening, error) {
	screeningFields := ec.FieldList("screening")
	screenings, err := ec.LoadFromQuery(db, "screening", "SELECT "+screeningFields+" FROM screening s WHERE wid = $1 AND published = true ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", wid)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(screenings) != 1 {
		return nil, nil

	return screenings[0].(*Screening), nil
func LoadActualRevision(db ab.DB, ec *ab.EntityController, UUID string) (*Walkthrough, error) {
	walkthroughFields := ec.FieldList("walkthrough")
	entities, err := ec.LoadFromQuery(db, "walkthrough", "SELECT "+walkthroughFields+" FROM walkthrough w WHERE UUID = $1 AND published = true ORDER BY Updated DESC LIMIT 1", UUID)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(entities) != 1 {
		return nil, nil

	return entities[0].(*Walkthrough), nil
func LoadAllActualWalkthroughs(db ab.DB, ec *ab.EntityController, start, limit int) ([]*Walkthrough, error) {
	walkthroughFields := ec.FieldList("walkthrough")
	entities, err := ec.LoadFromQuery(db, "walkthrough", `WITH
	latestwt AS (SELECT uuid, MAX(updated) u FROM walkthrough WHERE published = true GROUP BY uuid ORDER BY u DESC),
	latestuuid AS (SELECT w.revision FROM latestwt l JOIN walkthrough w ON l.uuid = w.uuid AND l.u = w.updated)
	SELECT `+walkthroughFields+` FROM walkthrough w JOIN latestuuid l ON l.revision = w.revision ORDER BY updated DESC`)

	if err != nil {
		return []*Walkthrough{}, err

	wts := make([]*Walkthrough, len(entities))
	for i, e := range entities {
		wts[i] = e.(*Walkthrough)

	return wts, nil
func LoadActualRevisions(db ab.DB, ec *ab.EntityController, uuids []string) ([]*Walkthrough, error) {
	walkthroughFields := ec.FieldList("walkthrough")
	placeholders := util.GeneratePlaceholders(1, uint(len(uuids))+1)
	entities, err := ec.LoadFromQuery(db, "walkthrough", `WITH
	latestwt AS (SELECT uuid, MAX(updated) u FROM walkthrough WHERE published = true GROUP BY uuid ORDER BY u DESC),
	latestuuid AS (SELECT w.revision FROM latestwt l JOIN walkthrough w ON l.uuid = w.uuid AND l.u = w.updated)
	SELECT `+walkthroughFields+` FROM walkthrough w JOIN latestuuid l ON l.revision = w.revision WHERE w.uuid IN (`+placeholders+`)
	`, util.StringSliceToInterfaceSlice(uuids)...)

	if err != nil {
		return []*Walkthrough{}, err

	wts := make([]*Walkthrough, len(entities))
	for i, e := range entities {
		wts[i] = e.(*Walkthrough)

	return wts, nil