func drawFrame() { gl.LoadIdentity() gl.LineWidth(5.0) gl.Enable(gl.POINT_SMOOTH) gl.Enable(gl.LINE_SMOOTH) gl.Color4f(gl.GLfloat(FrameColor[0]), gl.GLfloat(FrameColor[1]), gl.GLfloat(FrameColor[2]), 0.1) m := PlayArea t := 1.0 * m b := -1.0 * m r := 1.0 * m l := -1.0 * m gl.Begin(gl.LINE_STRIP) zo := -5.0 gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(l), gl.GLfloat(t), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(r), gl.GLfloat(t), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(r), gl.GLfloat(b), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(l), gl.GLfloat(b), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(l), gl.GLfloat(t), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.End() }
func (pen *Pen) lineTo(p Point) { gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.Enable(gl.POINT_SMOOTH) gl.Enable(gl.LINE_SMOOTH) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.Color4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1) gl.Begin(gl.LINES) for _, s := range pen.points { if s.x == 0 && s.y == 0 { continue } if p.distanceTo(s) < 20.0 { gl.Vertex2i(int(p.x), int(p.y)) gl.Vertex2i(int(s.x), int(s.y)) } } gl.End() pen.n = (pen.n + 1) % len(pen.points) pen.points[pen.n] = p pen.moveTo(p) }
// general OpenGL initialization func initGL() { LoadGLTexture("data/star.bmp") gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE) gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) gl.ClearDepth(1.0) gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) }
func init_() { //pos := []float64{5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0.0} colors := map[string][]float32{ "0": {0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0}, "1": {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, "2": {1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0}, "3": {1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, "4": {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, "5": {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, "6": {0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0}, "7": {1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, "8": {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, "9": {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0}, } fetchChunks(2, 2) gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) gl.ClearColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 0.0) gl.ClearDepth(1.0) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.DepthFunc(gl.LEQUAL) gl.Enable(gl.COLOR_MATERIAL) gl.Enable(gl.CULL_FACE) gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) gl.Hint(gl.LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, gl.NICEST) gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT0, gl.AMBIENT, lightAmbient) gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT0, gl.DIFFUSE, lightDiffuse) gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT0, gl.POSITION, lightPosition) gl.Enable(gl.LIGHT0) gl.Enable(gl.LIGHTING) for name, color := range colors { /* make a cube */ cubes[name] = gl.GenLists(1) gl.NewList(cubes[name], gl.COMPILE) cube(color) gl.EndList() } if *printInfo { print("GL_RENDERER = ", gl.GetString(gl.RENDERER), "\n") print("GL_VERSION = ", gl.GetString(gl.VERSION), "\n") print("GL_VENDOR = ", gl.GetString(gl.VENDOR), "\n") print("GL_EXTENSIONS = ", gl.GetString(gl.EXTENSIONS), "\n") } }
func (f *Font) setupTextRendering(color [3]byte, txt string) (gl.GLuint, *sdl.Surface, *sdl.Surface, *sdl.Surface, int, int) { // var texture gl.GLuint /* Use SDL_TTF to render our text */ var col sdl.Color col.R = color[0] col.G = color[1] col.B = color[2] // get surface with text initial := ttf.RenderText_Blended(f.font, txt, col) /* Convert the rendered text to a known format */ w := next_p2(int(initial.W)) h := next_p2(int(initial.H)) intermediarya := sdl.CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000) var rr *sdl.Rect = nil intermediarya.Blit(rr, initial, rr) intermediary := intermediarya.DisplayFormatAlpha() /* Tell GL about our new texture */ gl.GenTextures(1, &texture) gl.BindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture) gl.TexImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, gl.GLsizei(w), gl.GLsizei(h), 0, gl.BGRA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, unsafe.Pointer(intermediary.Pixels)) gl.TexEnvi(gl.TEXTURE_ENV, gl.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, gl.MODULATE) /* GL_NEAREST looks horrible, if scaled... */ gl.TexParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR) gl.TexParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR) /* prepare to render our texture */ gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.BindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture) gl.Color4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) // gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.BlendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR) // TODO : MAke real alpha work! return texture, initial, intermediarya, intermediary, w, h }
// handle key press events func handleKeyPress(keysym sdl.Keysym) { switch keysym.Sym { case sdl.K_f: // f key pages through filters filter = (filter + 1) % 3 p("new filter:", filter) case sdl.K_l: // l key toggles light light = !light if light { p("light on") gl.Enable(gl.LIGHTING) } else { p("light off") gl.Disable(gl.LIGHTING) } case sdl.K_PAGEUP: // page up zooms into the scene z -= 0.02 case sdl.K_PAGEDOWN: // zoom out of the scene z += 0.02 case sdl.K_UP: // up arrow affects x rotation xspeed -= 0.01 case sdl.K_DOWN: // down arrow affects x rotation xspeed += 0.01 case sdl.K_RIGHT: // affect y rotation yspeed += 0.01 case sdl.K_LEFT: // affect y rotation yspeed -= 0.01 case sdl.K_ESCAPE: Quit(0) case sdl.K_F1: sdl.WM_ToggleFullScreen(surface) } }
func (f *Font) DrawText2D(x int, y int, color [3]byte, scale float, txt string) (endw int, endh int) { gl.LoadIdentity() // gl.Translatef(0.0, 0.0, -2.0); glEnable2D() gl.Disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) texture, initial, intermediarya, intermediary, w, h := f.setupTextRendering(color, txt) locX := gl.GLfloat(x) locY := gl.GLfloat(y) wi := gl.GLfloat(w) * gl.GLfloat(scale) he := gl.GLfloat(h) * gl.GLfloat(scale) /* Draw a quad at location */ gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) /* Recall that the origin is in the lower-left corner That is why the TexCoords specify different corners than the Vertex coors seem to. */ gl.TexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) gl.Vertex2f(locX, locY) gl.TexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) gl.Vertex2f(locX+wi, locY) gl.TexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) gl.Vertex2f(locX+wi, locY+he) gl.TexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) gl.Vertex2f(locX, locY+he) gl.End() endw, endh = f.teardownTextRendering(texture, initial, intermediarya, intermediary) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) glDisable2D() return }
func main() { // We need to lock the goroutine to one thread due time.Ticker runtime.LockOSThread() var err os.Error err = glfw.Init() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("GLFW: %s\n", err) return } defer glfw.Terminate() // You could probably change the required versions down glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMajor, 3) glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMinor, 3) glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLProfile, 1) // Open Window with 8 bit Alpha err = glfw.OpenWindow(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, glfw.Windowed) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("GLFW: %s\n", err) return } defer glfw.CloseWindow() glfw.SetWindowTitle(WindowTitle) major, minor, rev := glfw.GLVersion() if major < 3 { fmt.Printf("Error your graphic card does not support OpenGL 3.3\n Your GL-Version is: %d, %d, %d\n", major, minor, rev) fmt.Println("You can try to lower the settings in glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMajor/Minor.") } initStatus := gl.Init() // Init glew if initStatus != 0 { fmt.Printf("Error-code: %d Init-Status: %d\n", gl.GetError(), initStatus) } // Enable transparency in OpenGL gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) initResources() // We are limiting the calls to display() (frames per second) to 60. This prevents the 100% cpu usage. ticker := time.NewTicker(int64(second) / 60) // max 60 fps for { <-ticker.C move := float32(math.Sin(glfw.Time())) angle := float32(glfw.Time()) matrix = math3d.MakeTranslationMatrix(move, 0.0, 0.0) matrix = matrix.Multiply(math3d.MakeZRotationMatrix(angle)).Transposed() display() } // Free resources free() runtime.UnlockOSThread() }
func initGL() { gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) gl.ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0) gl.ClearDepth(1) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.DepthFunc(gl.LEQUAL) gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) }
// general OpenGL initialization func initGL() { gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) gl.ClearDepth(1.0) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.DepthFunc(gl.LEQUAL) gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) // Setup the light gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.AMBIENT, lightAmbient[:]) // ambient lighting gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.DIFFUSE, lightDiffuse[:]) // make it diffuse gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.POSITION, lightPosition[:]) // and place it gl.Enable(gl.LIGHT1) // and finally turn it on. gl.Color4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) // Full Brightness, 50% Alpha ( NEW ) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE) // Blending Function For Translucency Based On Source Alpha Value ( NEW ) }
// general OpenGL initialization func initGL() { LoadGLTextures("data/mud.bmp") gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) gl.ClearDepth(1.0) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.DepthFunc(gl.LEQUAL) gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.AMBIENT, lightAmbient[:]) gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.DIFFUSE, lightDiffuse[:]) gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.POSITION, lightPosition[:]) gl.Enable(gl.LIGHT1) gl.Color4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE) }
// general OpenGL initialization func initGL() { gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) gl.ClearDepth(1.0) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.DepthFunc(gl.LEQUAL) gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) // Setup the light gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.AMBIENT, lightAmbient1[:]) // ambient lighting gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.DIFFUSE, lightDiffuse1[:]) // make it diffuse gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.POSITION, lightPosition1[:]) // and place it gl.Enable(gl.LIGHT1) // and finally turn it on. gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT2, gl.AMBIENT, lightAmbient2[:]) // ambient lighting gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT2, gl.DIFFUSE, lightDiffuse2[:]) // make it diffuse gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT2, gl.POSITION, lightPosition2[:]) // and place it gl.Enable(gl.LIGHT2) // and finally turn it on. }
func main() { var err os.Error if err = glfw.Init(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err) return } defer glfw.Terminate() // Open window with FSAA samples (if possible). glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.FsaaSamples, 4) if err = glfw.OpenWindow(400, 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, glfw.Windowed); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err) return } defer glfw.CloseWindow() glfw.SetWindowTitle("Aliasing Detector") glfw.SetSwapInterval(1) if samples := glfw.WindowParam(glfw.FsaaSamples); samples != 0 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Context reports FSAA is supported with %d samples\n", samples) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Context reports FSAA is unsupported\n") } gl.MatrixMode(gl.PROJECTION) glu.Perspective(0, 1, 0, 1) for glfw.WindowParam(glfw.Opened) == 1 { time := float32(glfw.Time()) gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translatef(0.5, 0, 0) gl.Rotatef(time, 0, 0, 1) gl.Enable(GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB) gl.Color3f(1, 1, 1) gl.Rectf(-0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0.25) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translatef(-0.5, 0, 0) gl.Rotatef(time, 0, 0, 1) gl.Disable(GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB) gl.Color3f(1, 1, 1) gl.Rectf(-0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0.25) glfw.SwapBuffers() } }
func init_() { pos := []float32{5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0.0} red := []float32{0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0} green := []float32{0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0} blue := []float32{0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0} gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT0, gl.POSITION, pos) gl.Enable(gl.CULL_FACE) gl.Enable(gl.LIGHTING) gl.Enable(gl.LIGHT0) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) /* make the gears */ gear1 = gl.GenLists(1) gl.NewList(gear1, gl.COMPILE) gl.Materialfv(gl.FRONT, gl.AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, red) gear(1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 20, 0.7) gl.EndList() gear2 = gl.GenLists(1) gl.NewList(gear2, gl.COMPILE) gl.Materialfv(gl.FRONT, gl.AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, green) gear(0.5, 2.0, 2.0, 10, 0.7) gl.EndList() gear3 = gl.GenLists(1) gl.NewList(gear3, gl.COMPILE) gl.Materialfv(gl.FRONT, gl.AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, blue) gear(1.3, 2.0, 0.5, 10, 0.7) gl.EndList() gl.Enable(gl.NORMALIZE) if *printInfo { print("GL_RENDERER = ", gl.GetString(gl.RENDERER), "\n") print("GL_VERSION = ", gl.GetString(gl.VERSION), "\n") print("GL_VENDOR = ", gl.GetString(gl.VENDOR), "\n") print("GL_EXTENSIONS = ", gl.GetString(gl.EXTENSIONS), "\n") } }
// general OpenGL initialization func initGL() { // Enable Texture Mapping gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) // enable smooth shading gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) // Set the background to black gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) // Depth buffer setup gl.ClearDepth(1.0) // Enable depth testing gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) // The type of test gl.DepthFunc(gl.LEQUAL) // Nicest perspective correction gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) }
func special(key, x, y int) { switch key { case glut.KEY_F1: gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.Enable(gl.LINE_SMOOTH) gl.Enable(gl.POINT_SMOOTH) case glut.KEY_F2: gl.Disable(gl.BLEND) gl.Disable(gl.LINE_SMOOTH) gl.Disable(gl.POINT_SMOOTH) case glut.KEY_UP: thrust = true thrustTime = glut.Get(glut.ELAPSED_TIME) case glut.KEY_LEFT: left = true leftTime = glut.Get(glut.ELAPSED_TIME) case glut.KEY_RIGHT: right = true rightTime = glut.Get(glut.ELAPSED_TIME) } }
func main() { var err os.Error err = glfw.Init() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("GLFW: %s\n", err) return } defer glfw.Terminate() glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.WindowNoResize, 1) glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLDebugContext, 1) // You could probably change the required versions down glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMajor, 3) glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMinor, 3) glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLProfile, 1) // Open Window with 8 bit Alpha err = glfw.OpenWindow(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, glfw.Windowed) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("GLFW: %s\n", err) return } defer glfw.CloseWindow() glfw.SetWindowTitle(WindowTitle) major, minor, rev := glfw.GLVersion() if major < 3 { fmt.Printf("Error your graphic card does not support OpenGL 3.3\n Your GL-Version is: %d, %d, %d\n", major, minor, rev) fmt.Println("You can try to lower the settings in glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMajor/Minor.") } initStatus := gl.Init() // Init glew if initStatus != 0 { fmt.Printf("Error-code: %d Init-Status: %d\n", gl.GetError(), initStatus) } // Enable transparency in OpenGL gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) initResources() for { display() } // Free resources free() }
func SetupVideo() { if sdl.Init(sdl.INIT_VIDEO) < 0 { panic("Couldn't initialize sdl") } w := WinW h := WinH var screen = sdl.SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, SDL_FLAGS) // var screen = sdl.SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, sdl.OPENGLBLIT | sdl.DOUBLEBUF | sdl.HWSURFACE) // var screen = sdl.SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, sdl.OPENGL) if screen == nil { panic("sdl error") } if ttf.Init() != 0 { panic("ttf init error") } if gl.Init() != 0 { panic("Couldn't init gl") } ResizeWindow(screen.W, screen.H) gl.ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0) // gl.ClearColor(1, 1, 1, 0) gl.ClearDepth(1.0) gl.DepthFunc(gl.LEQUAL) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) /* if gl.Init() != 0 { panic("glew error") } */ // gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ) // gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) // initGL // gl.Ortho(0, gl.GLdouble(screen.W), gl.GLdouble(screen.H), 0, -1.0, 1.0) }
func reshape(w, h int) { /* Because Gil specified "screen coordinates" (presumably with an upper-left origin), this short bit of code sets up the coordinate system to correspond to actual window coodrinates. This code wouldn't be required if you chose a (more typical in 3D) abstract coordinate system. */ gl.ClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1) //fmt.Println(gl.GetString(gl.EXTENSIONS)) gl.Viewport(0, 0, w, h) /* Establish viewing area to cover entire window. */ gl.MatrixMode(gl.PROJECTION) /* Start modifying the projection matrix. */ gl.LoadIdentity() /* Reset project matrix. */ gl.Ortho(0, float64(w), 0, float64(h), -1, 1) /* Map abstract coords directly to window coords. */ gl.Scalef(1, -1, 1) /* Invert Y axis so increasing Y goes down. */ gl.Translatef(0, float32(-h), 0) /* Shift origin up to upper-left corner. */ gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.Disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) width, height = w, h }
func drawWin(d float) { gl.LoadIdentity() // gl.LineWidth(5.0) // gl.Enable(gl.POINT_SMOOTH) // gl.Enable(gl.LINE_SMOOTH) gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) if d > 1.0 { d = 1.0 } c := WinColor gl.Color4f(gl.GLfloat(c[0]), gl.GLfloat(c[1]), gl.GLfloat(c[2]), gl.GLfloat(d)) m := PlayArea * 4 t := 1.0 * m b := -1.0 * m r := 1.0 * m l := -1.0 * m gl.Begin(gl.POLYGON) zo := -10.0 gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(l), gl.GLfloat(t), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(r), gl.GLfloat(t), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(r), gl.GLfloat(b), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(l), gl.GLfloat(b), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(l), gl.GLfloat(t), gl.GLfloat(zo)) gl.End() gl.Disable(gl.BLEND) }
func (f *Font) DrawText3D(pos Vector3, color [3]byte, scale float, txt string) (endw int, endh int) { gl.LoadIdentity() // gl.Translatef(gl.GLfloat(pos.X), gl.GLfloat(pos.Y), gl.GLfloat(-4.99)); gl.Translatef(gl.GLfloat(pos.X), gl.GLfloat(pos.Y), gl.GLfloat(-4.99)) gl.Scalef(gl.GLfloat(1.0/64.0*scale), gl.GLfloat(1.0/64.0*scale), gl.GLfloat(1.0)) gl.Disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) texture, initial, intermediarya, intermediary, w, h := f.setupTextRendering(color, txt) wi := gl.GLfloat(w) he := gl.GLfloat(h) locX := gl.GLfloat(0) - wi*0.5 locY := gl.GLfloat(0) - he*0.5 /* Draw a quad at location */ gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) /* Recall that the origin is in the lower-left corner That is why the TexCoords specify different corners than the Vertex coors seem to. */ gl.Color4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.TexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) gl.Vertex3f(locX, locY, 0.0) gl.TexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) gl.Vertex3f(locX+wi, locY, 0.0) gl.TexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) gl.Vertex3f(locX+wi, locY+he, 0.0) gl.TexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) gl.Vertex3f(locX, locY+he, 0.0) gl.End() endw, endh = f.teardownTextRendering(texture, initial, intermediarya, intermediary) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) return }
func drawCircle(t *trigger) { radius := float64(t.Size) pos := t.Pos gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Color4f(gl.GLfloat(t.Col[0]), gl.GLfloat(t.Col[1]), gl.GLfloat(t.Col[2]), gl.GLfloat(t.Col[3])) gl.LineWidth(2.0) gl.Translatef(gl.GLfloat(pos.X), gl.GLfloat(pos.Y), gl.GLfloat(pos.Z)) gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.Begin(gl.POLYGON) for i := 0; i < 360; i++ { var degInRad float64 = float64(i) * DEG2RAD gl.Vertex3f(gl.GLfloat(math.Cos(degInRad)*radius), gl.GLfloat(math.Sin(degInRad)*radius), gl.GLfloat(0.0)) } gl.End() gl.Disable(gl.BLEND) }
func main() { runtime.LockOSThread() flag.Parse() buildPalette() sdl.Init(sdl.INIT_VIDEO) defer sdl.Quit() sdl.GL_SetAttribute(sdl.GL_SWAP_CONTROL, 1) if sdl.SetVideoMode(512, 512, 32, sdl.OPENGL) == nil { panic("sdl error") } if gl.Init() != 0 { panic("gl error") } sdl.WM_SetCaption("Gomandel", "Gomandel") gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Viewport(0, 0, 512, 512) gl.MatrixMode(gl.PROJECTION) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Ortho(0, 512, 512, 0, -1, 1) gl.ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var dndDragging bool = false var dndStart Point var dndEnd Point var tex gl.Texture var tc TexCoords var lastProgress int initialRect := Rect{-1.5, -1.5, 3, 3} rect := initialRect rc := new(MandelbrotRequest) rc.MakeRequest(512, 512, rect) rc.WaitFor(Small, &tex, &tc) running := true e := new(sdl.Event) for running { for e.Poll() { switch e.Type { case sdl.QUIT: running = false case sdl.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: dndDragging = true sdl.GetMouseState(&dndStart.X, &dndStart.Y) dndEnd = dndStart case sdl.MOUSEBUTTONUP: dndDragging = false sdl.GetMouseState(&dndEnd.X, &dndEnd.Y) if e.MouseButton().Button == 3 { rect = initialRect } else { rect = rectFromSelection(dndStart, dndEnd, 512, 512, rect) tc = texCoordsFromSelection(dndStart, dndEnd, 512, 512, tc) } // make request rc.MakeRequest(512, 512, rect) case sdl.MOUSEMOTION: if dndDragging { sdl.GetMouseState(&dndEnd.X, &dndEnd.Y) } } } // if we're waiting for a result, check if it's ready p := rc.Update(&tex, &tc) if p != -1 { lastProgress = p } gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) tex.Bind(gl.TEXTURE_2D) drawQuad(0, 0, 512, 512, tc.TX, tc.TY, tc.TX2, tc.TY2) gl.BindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0) if dndDragging { drawSelection(dndStart, dndEnd) } drawProgress(512, 512, lastProgress, rc.Pending) sdl.GL_SwapBuffers() } }
func main() { //ABSPTest() //return glfw.Init(800, 600) InitPhysics() world := new(World) world.Init() world.GameObjects = new(list.List) player := MakeMan(Vec3{10, 20, 10}) world.Add(player) world.Add(ropetest(Vec3{0, 40, 0}, 4, 4)) world.Add(treeThing(Vec3{20, 20, 20}, 3)) world.Add(MakePlayer(Vec3{-20, 20, 0}).Body) world.Add(MakePlayer(Vec3{-20, 50, 0}).Body) world.Add(MakePlayer(Vec3{-20, 70, 0}).Body) world.Add(MakePlayer(Vec3{-20, 90, 0}).Body) world.Add(MakePlayer(Vec3{-20, 110, 0}).Body) /*for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { world.Add(SetPlayerAnimation(MakePlayer(Vec3{float32(int(i%10))*50,0,float32(i*2) - 200})).Body) }*/ world.Add(NewGameObj(Vec3{0, -20, 0}, Vec3{10000, 10, 10000}, Vec3{0, 0.5, 0.1}, float32(math.Inf(1)), 10, nil)) //world.Add(SetPlayerAnimation(MakePlayer(Vec3{-20,120,0})).Body) qtn := new(ABSPNode) qtn.Root = qtn //qtn.Position = Vec3{-10000,-10000,-10000} //qtn.Size = Vec3{20000,20000,20000} for i := world.GameObjects.Front(); i != nil; i = i.Next() { gobj := i.Value.(*GameObj) all := gobj.GetSubs() for i := 0; i < len(all); i++ { qtn.Insert(all[i]) } } world.GameObjectTree = qtn fmt.Println("Total:", len(qtn.Data)) qtn.Divide() cols := 0, obj2 SPData) { cols += 1 }) fmt.Println(cols) //qtn.Traverse(0) //return gl.Init() vs := gl.CreateShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER) vs.Source( LoadFileToString("s1.vert")) vs.Compile() fs := gl.CreateShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER) fs.Source(LoadFileToString("s1.frag")) fs.Compile() pg := gl.CreateProgram() pg.AttachShader(vs) pg.AttachShader(fs) pg.Link() pg.Validate() pg.Use() fmt.Println("**Shader log**") fmt.Println(fs.GetInfoLog()) fmt.Println(vs.GetInfoLog()) fmt.Println(pg.GetInfoLog()) fmt.Println("******END*****") gl.ClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 1, 0) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.Enable(gl.POLYGON_SMOOTH) gl.Hint(gl.POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, gl.NICEST) var t float64 t = float64(time.Nanoseconds()) / 1000000000 cam1 := Camera{player, 100, Vec3{0, 0, 0}} glfw.AddListener(func(m glfw.MouseMoveEvent) { cam1.Angle.X = float32(m.X-400) / 400 * 3.14 * 2 cam1.Angle.Y = float32(m.Y-300) / 300 * 3.14 * 2 //player.Rotation = Vec3{cam1.Angle.X,cam1.Angle.Y,0} }) glfw.AddListener(func(mw glfw.MouseWheelEvent) { cam1.Distance = 100 + float32(mw.Pos*mw.Pos*mw.Pos) }) world.CompilePhysicsObjects() for it := 0; it < 10000; it += 1 { cam1.Setup() dt := float32(0.005) t = float64(float64(time.Nanoseconds()) / 1000000000) UpdatePositions(world.PhysicsObjects, dt) UpdateModelStates(world.PhysicsObjects) UpdateCollisions(world.GameObjectTree, dt) UpdateModelStates(world.PhysicsObjects) gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) DrawWorld(world.GameObjects, dt, pg) glfw.SwapBuffers() pt := float64(float64(time.Nanoseconds()) / 1000000000) sleeptime := (float64(dt) - (pt - t)) * 10e8 fmt.Println("Sleep for:", sleeptime) time.Sleep(int64(sleeptime)) } }
func main() { // We need to lock the goroutine to one thread due time.Ticker runtime.LockOSThread() var err os.Error err = glfw.Init() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("GLFW: %s\n", err) return } defer glfw.Terminate() // You could probably change the required versions down glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMajor, 3) glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMinor, 3) glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLProfile, 1) // Open Window with 8 bit Alpha err = glfw.OpenWindow(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, glfw.Windowed) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("GLFW: %s\n", err) return } defer glfw.CloseWindow() glfw.SetWindowTitle(WindowTitle) glfw.SetWindowSizeCallback(onResize) major, minor, rev := glfw.GLVersion() if major < 3 { fmt.Printf("Error your graphic card does not support OpenGL 3.3\n Your GL-Version is: %d, %d, %d\n", major, minor, rev) fmt.Println("You can try to lower the settings in glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.OpenGLVersionMajor/Minor.") } initStatus := gl.Init() // Init glew if initStatus != 0 { fmt.Printf("Error-code: %d Init-Status: %d\n", gl.GetError(), initStatus) } // Enable transparency in OpenGL gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) //gl.DepthFunc(gl.LESS) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) initResources() // We are limiting the calls to display() (frames per second) to 60. This prevents the 100% cpu usage. ticker := time.NewTicker(int64(second) / 60) // max 60 fps for { <-ticker.C angle := float32(glfw.Time()) anim := math3d.MakeYRotationMatrix(angle) model := math3d.MakeTranslationMatrix(0, 0, -4) view := math3d.MakeLookAtMatrix(math3d.Vector3{0, 2, 0}, math3d.Vector3{0, 0, -4}, math3d.Vector3{0, 1, 0}) projection := math3d.MakePerspectiveMatrix(45, float32(ScreenWidth)/float32(ScreenHeight), 0.1, 10.0) matrix = math3d.MakeIdentity().Multiply(projection).Multiply(view).Multiply(model).Multiply(anim) program.Use() uniformMTransform.UniformMatrix4fv(1, false, matrix.Transposed()) display() } // Free resources free() runtime.UnlockOSThread() }
func NewOpenGLGraphicsDevice() GraphicsDevice { gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) return &openGLGraphicsDevice{} }
func main() { runtime.LockOSThread() flag.Parse() sdl.Init(sdl.INIT_VIDEO) defer sdl.Quit() sdl.GL_SetAttribute(sdl.GL_SWAP_CONTROL, 1) if sdl.SetVideoMode(640, 480, 32, sdl.OPENGL) == nil { panic("sdl error") } sdl.WM_SetCaption("Gotris", "Gotris") sdl.EnableKeyRepeat(250, 45) gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.Viewport(0, 0, 640, 480) gl.MatrixMode(gl.PROJECTION) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Ortho(0, 640, 480, 0, -1, 1) gl.ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- font, err := LoadFontFromFile("dejavu.font") if err != nil { panic(err) } rand.Seed(int64(sdl.GetTicks())) gs := NewGameSession(*initLevel, font) lastTime := sdl.GetTicks() running := true for running { for ev := sdl.PollEvent(); ev != nil; ev = sdl.PollEvent() { switch e := ev.(type) { case *sdl.QuitEvent: running = false case *sdl.KeyboardEvent: if e.Type == sdl.KEYDOWN { running = gs.HandleKey(e.Keysym.Sym) } } } now := sdl.GetTicks() delta := now - lastTime lastTime = now gs.Update(delta) gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) font.Draw(5, 5, fmt.Sprintf("Level: %d | Score: %d", gs.Level, gs.Score)) gs.Draw() gl.Color3ub(255, 255, 255) sdl.GL_SwapBuffers() } }