func main() { /* Host/device data structures */ var platform [1]cl.CL_platform_id var device [1]cl.CL_device_id var flag interface{} //cl.CL_device_fp_config; var err cl.CL_int /* Identify a platform */ err = cl.CLGetPlatformIDs(1, platform[:], nil) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't identify a platform") return } /* Access a device */ err = cl.CLGetDeviceIDs(platform[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, device[:], nil) if err == cl.CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND { err = cl.CLGetDeviceIDs(platform[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, 1, device[:], nil) } if err < 0 { println("Couldn't access any devices") return } /* Check float-processing features */ err = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(device[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_SINGLE_FP_CONFIG, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(flag)), &flag, nil) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't read floating-point properties") return } fmt.Printf("Float Processing Features:\n") if (flag.(cl.CL_device_fp_config) & cl.CL_FP_INF_NAN) > 0 { fmt.Printf("INF and NaN values supported.\n") } if (flag.(cl.CL_device_fp_config) & cl.CL_FP_DENORM) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Denormalized numbers supported.\n") } if (flag.(cl.CL_device_fp_config) & cl.CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Round To Nearest Even mode supported.\n") } if (flag.(cl.CL_device_fp_config) & cl.CL_FP_ROUND_TO_INF) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Round To Infinity mode supported.\n") } if (flag.(cl.CL_device_fp_config) & cl.CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Round To Zero mode supported.\n") } if (flag.(cl.CL_device_fp_config) & cl.CL_FP_FMA) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Floating-point multiply-and-add operation supported.\n") } if (flag.(cl.CL_device_fp_config) & cl.CL_FP_SOFT_FLOAT) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Basic floating-point processing performed in software.\n") } }
func main() { // Use this to check the output of each API call var status cl.CL_int //----------------------------------------------------- // STEP 1: Discover and initialize the platforms //----------------------------------------------------- var numPlatforms cl.CL_uint // Use clGetPlatformIDs() to retrieve the number of // platforms status = cl.CLGetPlatformIDs(0, nil, &numPlatforms) utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLGetPlatformIDs") // Allocate enough space for each platform platforms := make([]cl.CL_platform_id, numPlatforms) // Fill in platforms with clGetPlatformIDs() status = cl.CLGetPlatformIDs(numPlatforms, platforms, nil) utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLGetPlatformIDs") //----------------------------------------------------- // STEP 2: Discover and initialize the GPU devices //----------------------------------------------------- var numDevices cl.CL_uint // Use clGetDeviceIDs() to retrieve the number of // devices present status = cl.CLGetDeviceIDs(platforms[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 0, nil, &numDevices) utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLGetDeviceIDs") // Allocate enough space for each device devices := make([]cl.CL_device_id, numDevices) // Fill in devices with clGetDeviceIDs() status = cl.CLGetDeviceIDs(platforms[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, numDevices, devices, nil) utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLGetDeviceIDs") var caps cl.CL_device_svm_capabilities var caps_value interface{} status = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo( devices[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_SVM_CAPABILITIES, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(caps)), &caps_value, nil) caps = caps_value.(cl.CL_device_svm_capabilities) // Coarse-grained buffer SVM should be available on any OpenCL 2.0 device. // So it is either not an OpenCL 2.0 device or it must support coarse-grained buffer SVM: if !(status == cl.CL_SUCCESS && (caps&cl.CL_DEVICE_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_BUFFER) != 0) { fmt.Printf("Cannot detect fine-grained buffer SVM capabilities on the device. The device seemingly doesn't support fine-grained buffer SVM. caps=%x\n", caps) println("") return } //----------------------------------------------------- // STEP 3: Create a context //----------------------------------------------------- // Create a context using clCreateContext() and // associate it with the devices context := cl.CLCreateContext(nil, numDevices, devices, nil, nil, &status) utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLCreateContext") defer cl.CLReleaseContext(context) //----------------------------------------------------- // STEP 4: Create a command queue //----------------------------------------------------- // Create a command queue using clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(), // and associate it with the device you want to execute queue := cl.CLCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(context, devices[0], nil, &status) utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLCreateCommandQueueWithProperties") defer cl.CLReleaseCommandQueue(queue) //----------------------------------------------------- // STEP 5: Create and compile the program //----------------------------------------------------- programSource, programeSize := utils.Load_programsource("") // Create a program using clCreateProgramWithSource() program := cl.CLCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, programSource[:], programeSize[:], &status) utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLCreateProgramWithSource") defer cl.CLReleaseProgram(program) // Build (compile) the program for the devices with // clBuildProgram() options := "-cl-std=CL2.0" status = cl.CLBuildProgram(program, numDevices, devices, []byte(options), nil, nil) if status != cl.CL_SUCCESS { var log interface{} var log_size cl.CL_size_t /* Find size of log and print to std output */ cl.CLGetProgramBuildInfo(program, devices[0], cl.CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, nil, &log_size) cl.CLGetProgramBuildInfo(program, devices[0], cl.CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, log_size, &log, nil) fmt.Printf("%s\n", log) return } //utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLBuildProgram") //----------------------------------------------------- // STEP 7: Create the kernel //----------------------------------------------------- // Use clCreateKernel() to create a kernel kernel := cl.CLCreateKernel(program, []byte("svmbasic"), &status) utils.CHECK_STATUS(status, cl.CL_SUCCESS, "CLCreateKernel") defer cl.CLReleaseKernel(kernel) // Then call the main sample routine - resource allocations, OpenCL kernel // execution, and so on. svmbasic(1024*1024, context, queue, kernel) // All resource deallocations happen in defer. }
func main() { /* Host/device data structures */ var platform [1]cl.CL_platform_id var devices []cl.CL_device_id var num_devices cl.CL_uint var i, err cl.CL_int /* Extension data */ var paramValueSize cl.CL_size_t var name_data interface{} var ext_data interface{} var addr_data interface{} /* Identify a platform */ err = cl.CLGetPlatformIDs(1, platform[:], nil) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { println("Couldn't find any platforms") return } /* Determine number of connected devices */ err = cl.CLGetDeviceIDs(platform[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, nil, &num_devices) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { println("Couldn't find any devices") return } /* Access connected devices */ devices = make([]cl.CL_device_id, num_devices) err = cl.CLGetDeviceIDs(platform[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, num_devices, devices, nil) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { println("Couldn't get any devices.") return } /* Obtain data for each connected device */ for i = 0; i < cl.CL_int(num_devices); i++ { err = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], cl.CL_DEVICE_NAME, 0, nil, ¶mValueSize) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { fmt.Printf("Failed to find OpenCL device info %s.\n", "NAME") return } err = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], cl.CL_DEVICE_NAME, paramValueSize, &name_data, nil) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { fmt.Printf("Failed to find OpenCL device info %s.\n", "NAME") return } err = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], cl.CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS, 0, nil, ¶mValueSize) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { fmt.Printf("Failed to find OpenCL device info %s.\n", "NAME") return } err = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], cl.CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS, paramValueSize, &addr_data, nil) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { fmt.Printf("Failed to find OpenCL device info %s.\n", "NAME") return } err = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], cl.CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, 0, nil, ¶mValueSize) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { fmt.Printf("Failed to find OpenCL device info %s.\n", "NAME") return } err = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], cl.CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, paramValueSize, &ext_data, nil) if err != cl.CL_SUCCESS { fmt.Printf("Failed to find OpenCL device info %s.\n", "NAME") return } fmt.Printf("NAME: %s\nADDRESS_WIDTH: %d\nEXTENSIONS: %s\n\n", name_data.(string), addr_data.(cl.CL_uint), ext_data.(string)) } }
func main() { /* OpenCL data structures */ var device []cl.CL_device_id var context cl.CL_context var queue cl.CL_command_queue var program *cl.CL_program var kernel cl.CL_kernel var err cl.CL_int /* Data and buffers */ var a float32 = 6.0 var b float32 = 2.0 var result float32 var a_buffer, b_buffer, output_buffer cl.CL_mem /* Extension data */ var sizeofuint cl.CL_uint var addr_data interface{} var ext_data interface{} fp64_ext := "cl_khr_fp64" var ext_size cl.CL_size_t var options []byte /* Create a device and context */ device = utils.Create_device() context = cl.CLCreateContext(nil, 1, device[:], nil, nil, &err) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't create a context") return } /* Obtain the device data */ if cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(device[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(sizeofuint)), &addr_data, nil) < 0 { println("Couldn't read extension data") return } fmt.Printf("Address width: %v\n", addr_data.(cl.CL_uint)) /* Define "FP_64" option if doubles are supported */ cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(device[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, 0, nil, &ext_size) // ext_data = (char*)malloc(ext_size + 1); // ext_data[ext_size] = '\0'; cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(device[0], cl.CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, ext_size, &ext_data, nil) if strings.Contains(ext_data.(string), fp64_ext) { fmt.Printf("The %s extension is supported.\n", fp64_ext) options = []byte("-DFP_64 ") } else { fmt.Printf("The %s extension is not supported. %s\n", fp64_ext, ext_data.(string)) } /* Build the program and create the kernel */ program = utils.Build_program(context, device[:], PROGRAM_FILE, options) kernel = cl.CLCreateKernel(*program, KERNEL_FUNC, &err) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't create a kernel") return } /* Create CL buffers to hold input and output data */ a_buffer = cl.CLCreateBuffer(context, cl.CL_MEM_READ_ONLY| cl.CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(a)), unsafe.Pointer(&a), &err) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't create a memory object") return } b_buffer = cl.CLCreateBuffer(context, cl.CL_MEM_READ_ONLY| cl.CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(b)), unsafe.Pointer(&b), nil) output_buffer = cl.CLCreateBuffer(context, cl.CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(b)), nil, nil) /* Create kernel arguments */ err = cl.CLSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(a_buffer)), unsafe.Pointer(&a_buffer)) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't set a kernel argument") return } cl.CLSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(b_buffer)), unsafe.Pointer(&b_buffer)) cl.CLSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(output_buffer)), unsafe.Pointer(&output_buffer)) /* Create a command queue */ queue = cl.CLCreateCommandQueue(context, device[0], 0, &err) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't create a command queue") return } /* Enqueue kernel */ err = cl.CLEnqueueTask(queue, kernel, 0, nil, nil) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't enqueue the kernel") return } /* Read and print the result */ err = cl.CLEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, output_buffer, cl.CL_TRUE, 0, cl.CL_size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(result)), unsafe.Pointer(&result), 0, nil, nil) if err < 0 { println("Couldn't read the output buffer") return } fmt.Printf("The kernel result is %f\n", result) /* Deallocate resources */ cl.CLReleaseMemObject(a_buffer) cl.CLReleaseMemObject(b_buffer) cl.CLReleaseMemObject(output_buffer) cl.CLReleaseKernel(kernel) cl.CLReleaseCommandQueue(queue) cl.CLReleaseProgram(*program) cl.CLReleaseContext(context) }
func DisplayDeviceInfo(id cl.CL_device_id, name cl.CL_device_info, str string) { var errNum cl.CL_int var paramValueSize cl.CL_size_t errNum = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(id, name, 0, nil, ¶mValueSize) if errNum != cl.CL_SUCCESS { fmt.Printf("Failed to find OpenCL device info %s.\n", str) return } var info interface{} errNum = cl.CLGetDeviceInfo(id, name, paramValueSize, &info, nil) if errNum != cl.CL_SUCCESS { fmt.Printf("Failed to find OpenCL device info %s.\n", str) return } // Handle a few special cases switch name { case cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE: var deviceTypeStr string appendBitfield(cl.CL_bitfield(info.(cl.CL_device_type)), cl.CL_bitfield(cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU), "CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU", &deviceTypeStr) appendBitfield(cl.CL_bitfield(info.(cl.CL_device_type)), cl.CL_bitfield(cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU), "CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU", &deviceTypeStr) appendBitfield(cl.CL_bitfield(info.(cl.CL_device_type)), cl.CL_bitfield(cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR), "CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR", &deviceTypeStr) appendBitfield(cl.CL_bitfield(info.(cl.CL_device_type)), cl.CL_bitfield(cl.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT), "CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT", &deviceTypeStr) info = deviceTypeStr /* case CL_DEVICE_SINGLE_FP_CONFIG: { std::string fpType; appendBitfield<cl_device_fp_config>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_fp_config*>(info)), CL_FP_DENORM, "CL_FP_DENORM", fpType); appendBitfield<cl_device_fp_config>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_fp_config*>(info)), CL_FP_INF_NAN, "CL_FP_INF_NAN", fpType); appendBitfield<cl_device_fp_config>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_fp_config*>(info)), CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST, "CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST", fpType); appendBitfield<cl_device_fp_config>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_fp_config*>(info)), CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO, "CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO", fpType); appendBitfield<cl_device_fp_config>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_fp_config*>(info)), CL_FP_ROUND_TO_INF, "CL_FP_ROUND_TO_INF", fpType); appendBitfield<cl_device_fp_config>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_fp_config*>(info)), CL_FP_FMA, "CL_FP_FMA", fpType); #ifdef CL_FP_SOFT_FLOAT appendBitfield<cl_device_fp_config>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_fp_config*>(info)), CL_FP_SOFT_FLOAT, "CL_FP_SOFT_FLOAT", fpType); #endif std::cout << "\t\t" << str << ":\t" << fpType << std::endl; } case CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_TYPE: { std::string memType; appendBitfield<cl_device_mem_cache_type>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_mem_cache_type*>(info)), CL_NONE, "CL_NONE", memType); appendBitfield<cl_device_mem_cache_type>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_mem_cache_type*>(info)), CL_READ_ONLY_CACHE, "CL_READ_ONLY_CACHE", memType); appendBitfield<cl_device_mem_cache_type>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_mem_cache_type*>(info)), CL_READ_WRITE_CACHE, "CL_READ_WRITE_CACHE", memType); std::cout << "\t\t" << str << ":\t" << memType << std::endl; } break; case CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE: { std::string memType; appendBitfield<cl_device_local_mem_type>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_local_mem_type*>(info)), CL_GLOBAL, "CL_LOCAL", memType); appendBitfield<cl_device_local_mem_type>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_local_mem_type*>(info)), CL_GLOBAL, "CL_GLOBAL", memType); std::cout << "\t\t" << str << ":\t" << memType << std::endl; } break; case CL_DEVICE_EXECUTION_CAPABILITIES: { std::string memType; appendBitfield<cl_device_exec_capabilities>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_exec_capabilities*>(info)), CL_EXEC_KERNEL, "CL_EXEC_KERNEL", memType); appendBitfield<cl_device_exec_capabilities>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_exec_capabilities*>(info)), CL_EXEC_NATIVE_KERNEL, "CL_EXEC_NATIVE_KERNEL", memType); std::cout << "\t\t" << str << ":\t" << memType << std::endl; } break; case CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_PROPERTIES: { std::string memType; appendBitfield<cl_device_exec_capabilities>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_exec_capabilities*>(info)), CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, "CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE", memType); appendBitfield<cl_device_exec_capabilities>( *(reinterpret_cast<cl_device_exec_capabilities*>(info)), CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, "CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE", memType); std::cout << "\t\t" << str << ":\t" << memType << std::endl; } break; */ default: } fmt.Printf("\t\t%-20s: %v\n", str, info) }