func Example() { var ( g = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "Program Options") bindFlag = cflag.String(g, "bind", ":80", "Address to bind server to (e.g. :80)") fooFlag = cflag.String(g, "foo", "", "Some flag") barFlag = cflag.Int(g, "bar", 42, "Some other flag") doStuffFlag = cflag.Bool(g, "doStuff", false, "Do stuff?") ) adaptflag.Adapt() flag.Parse() fmt.Printf("Bind: %s\n", bindFlag.Value()) fmt.Printf("Foo: %s\n", fooFlag.Value()) fmt.Printf("Bar: %d\n", barFlag.Value()) fmt.Printf("Do Stuff: %v\n", doStuffFlag.Value()) }
"" "" "" "html" "io" "mime/multipart" "net/http" "net/mail" "net/textproto" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "time" ) var authGroup = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "auth") var registerCAPTCHAFlag = cflag.Bool(authGroup, "registercaptcha", false, "Require CAPTCHA on register?") var log, Log = xlog.New("web.auth") type Backend interface { GetDatabase() *pgx.ConnPool GetCAPTCHA() *captcha.Config } type GetBackendFunc func(req *http.Request) Backend var GetBackend GetBackendFunc func Auth_Login_GET(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { tpl.MustShow(req, "auth/login", nil)
"" "io" "net/http" _ "net/http/pprof" // register pprof handler for debug server "os" "os/signal" "runtime/pprof" "sync" "syscall" "time" ) // Flags var ( fg = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "service") cpuProfileFlag = cflag.String(fg, "cpuprofile", "", "Write CPU profile to file") debugServerAddrFlag = cflag.String(fg, "debugserveraddr", "", "Address for debug server to listen on (do not specify a public address) (default: disabled)") ) type nullWriter struct{} func (nw nullWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return len(p), nil } func init() { expvar.NewString("service.startTime").Set(time.Now().String()) } // This function should typically be called directly from func main(). It takes
package examplelib import "" var g = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "Server Options") var bindFlag = cflag.String(g, "bind", ":53", "Address to bind to (e.g.") var publicKeyFlag = cflag.String(g, "publicKey", "", "Path to the DNSKEY KSK public key file") var privateKeyFlag = cflag.String(g, "privateKey", "", "Path to the KSK's corresponding private key file") var zonePublicKeyFlag = cflag.String(g, "zonePublicKey", "", "Path to the DNSKEY ZSK public key file; if one is not specified, a temporary one is generated on startup and used only for the duration of that process") var zonePrivateKeyFlag = cflag.String(g, "zonePrivateKey", "", "Path to the ZSK's corresponding private key file") var namecoinRPCUsernameFlag = cflag.String(g, "namecoinRPCUsername", "", "Namecoin RPC username") var namecoinRPCPasswordFlag = cflag.String(g, "namecoinRPCPassword", "", "Namecoin RPC password") var namecoinRPCAddressFlag = cflag.String(g, "namecoinRPCAddress", "localhost:8336", "Namecoin RPC server address") var cacheMaxEntriesFlag = cflag.Int(g, "cacheMaxEntries", 100, "Maximum name cache entries") var selfNameFlag = cflag.String(g, "selfName", "", "The FQDN of this nameserver; if empty, a psuedo-hostname is generated") var selfIPFlag = cflag.String(g, "selfIP", "", "The canonical IP address for this service") var httpListenAddrFlag = cflag.String(g, "httpListenAddr", "", "Address for the webserver to listen at (default: disabled)") var canonicalSuffixFlag = cflag.String(g, "canonicalSuffix", "bit", "Suffix to advertise via HTTP") var canonicalNameserversFlag = cflag.String(g, "canonicalNameservers", "", "Comma-separated list of nameservers to use for NS records; if blank, selfName (or autogenerated psuedo-hostname) is used") var hostmasterFlag = cflag.String(g, "hostmaster", "", "Hostmaster e. mail address") var vanityIPs = cflag.String(g, "vanityIPs", "", "Comma separated list of IP addresses to place in A/AAAA records at the zone apex (default: don't add any records)") var doStuff = cflag.Bool(g, "doStuff", false, "Do stuff")
import "" import "" import "path/filepath" import "" import "sync" import "io" import "" import "mime/multipart" import "net/textproto" var cEmailsSent = cexp.NewCounter("sendemail.emailsSent") var log, Log = xlog.New("sendemail") var ( fg = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "sendemail") smtpAddressFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtpaddress", "", "SMTP address (hostname[:port])") smtpUsernameFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtpusername", "", "SMTP username") smtpPasswordFlag = cflag.String(fg, "smtppassword", "", "SMTP password") sendmailPathFlag = cflag.String(fg, "sendmailpath", "", "path to /usr/sbin/sendmail") numSendersFlag = cflag.Int(fg, "numsenders", 2, "number of asynchronous e. mail senders") fromFlag = cflag.String(fg, "from", "nobody@localhost", "Default from address") ) var sendChan = make(chan *Email, 32) var startOnce sync.Once func sendLoop() { for e := range sendChan { err := Send(e) log.Errore(err, "cannot send e. mail")