func NewPicture(bounds image.Rectangle) *Picture {
	return &Picture{
		Data:  make([]float64, bounds.Dx()*bounds.Dy()),
		Gamma: 1.0, //2.2,
		Rect:  bounds,
文件: draw.go 项目: h8liu/golang
func drawGlyphOver(dst *image.RGBA, r image.Rectangle, src *image.Uniform, mask *image.Alpha, mp image.Point) {
	i0 := dst.PixOffset(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y)
	i1 := i0 + r.Dx()*4
	mi0 := mask.PixOffset(mp.X, mp.Y)
	sr, sg, sb, sa := src.RGBA()
	for y, my := r.Min.Y, mp.Y; y != r.Max.Y; y, my = y+1, my+1 {
		for i, mi := i0, mi0; i < i1; i, mi = i+4, mi+1 {
			ma := uint32(mask.Pix[mi])
			if ma == 0 {
			ma |= ma << 8

			dr := uint32(dst.Pix[i+0])
			dg := uint32(dst.Pix[i+1])
			db := uint32(dst.Pix[i+2])
			da := uint32(dst.Pix[i+3])

			// The 0x101 is here for the same reason as in drawRGBA.
			a := (m - (sa * ma / m)) * 0x101

			dst.Pix[i+0] = uint8((dr*a + sr*ma) / m >> 8)
			dst.Pix[i+1] = uint8((dg*a + sg*ma) / m >> 8)
			dst.Pix[i+2] = uint8((db*a + sb*ma) / m >> 8)
			dst.Pix[i+3] = uint8((da*a + sa*ma) / m >> 8)
		i0 += dst.Stride
		i1 += dst.Stride
		mi0 += mask.Stride
func (c *NativeCanvas) BlitToContext(nc NativeContext, x int, y int, srcRc *image.Rectangle) {
	// log.Printf("NativeCanvas.BlitToContext(...)")
	var srcDC = c.BeginPaint()

	if srcRc == nil {
		var tempRc = image.Rect(0, 0, c.W(), c.H())
		srcRc = &tempRc

	var copyWidth = srcRc.Dx()
	var copyHeight = srcRc.Dy()

	if c.Opaque() {
		// log.Printf("BitBlt(%v %v %v)", x, y, *srcRc)

		var err = BitBlt(Handle(nc),
			int32(x), int32(y), int32(copyWidth), int32(copyHeight),
			int32(srcRc.Min.X), int32(srcRc.Min.Y),

		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("BitBlt(...) %v", err)
	} else {
			int32(x), int32(y), int32(copyWidth), int32(copyHeight),
			int32(srcRc.Min.X), int32(srcRc.Min.Y), int32(copyWidth), int32(copyHeight),

文件: rgb.go 项目: runningwild/argus
func MakeWithData(r image.Rectangle, pix []byte) *Image {
	return &Image{
		Pix:    pix,
		Stride: r.Dx() * 3,
		Rect:   image.Rect(0, 0, r.Dx(), r.Dy()),
文件: handlers.go 项目: athom/tenpu
func (ts *ThumbnailSpec) CalculateRect(rect image.Rectangle) (w int, h int) {
	if ts.Width == 0 && ts.Height == 0 {
		panic("tenpu/thumbnails: must provide width, or height for thumbnails.")

	if ts.Height == 0 {
		w = ts.Width
		h = int((float64(ts.Width) / float64(rect.Dx())) * float64(rect.Dy()))

	if ts.Width == 0 {
		h = ts.Height
		w = int((float64(ts.Height) / float64(rect.Dy())) * float64(rect.Dx()))

	if (float64(ts.Width)/float64(rect.Dx()))*float64(rect.Dy()) > float64(ts.Height) {
		h = ts.Height
		w = int((float64(ts.Height) / float64(rect.Dy())) * float64(rect.Dx()))

	w = ts.Width
	h = int((float64(ts.Width) / float64(rect.Dx())) * float64(rect.Dy()))
func RelBounds(r, b image.Rectangle) (n Bounds) {
	n.Min.X = float32(r.Min.X-b.Min.X) / float32(b.Dx())
	n.Min.Y = float32(r.Min.Y-b.Min.Y) / float32(b.Dy())
	n.Max.X = float32(r.Max.X-b.Min.X) / float32(b.Dx())
	n.Max.Y = float32(r.Max.Y-b.Min.Y) / float32(b.Dy())
	return n
文件: resize.go 项目: eliquious/gift
func (p *resizeToFitFilter) Bounds(srcBounds image.Rectangle) image.Rectangle {
	w, h := p.width, p.height
	srcw, srch := srcBounds.Dx(), srcBounds.Dy()

	if w <= 0 || h <= 0 || srcw <= 0 || srch <= 0 {
		return image.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)

	if srcw <= w && srch <= h {
		return image.Rect(0, 0, srcw, srch)

	wratio := float64(srcw) / float64(w)
	hratio := float64(srch) / float64(h)

	var dstw, dsth int
	if wratio > hratio {
		dstw = w
		dsth = minint(int(float64(srch)/wratio+0.5), h)
	} else {
		dsth = h
		dstw = minint(int(float64(srcw)/hratio+0.5), w)

	return image.Rect(0, 0, dstw, dsth)
func newEanCoordinateConverter(outerBound image.Rectangle, fm fontMeasurer) (*eanCoordinateConverter, error) {
	const rightMargin = digitBarSize
	const logicalWidth = 13*digitBarSize + startMarkerSize + endMarkerSize + centerMarkerSize + rightMargin
	scale := outerBound.Dx() / logicalWidth
	if scale <= 0 {
		return nil, errAreaTooSmall
	xMargin := (outerBound.Dx() % logicalWidth) / 2
	fSize, fWidth, fHeight := fm(digitBarSize * scale)
	if digitBarSize*scale < fWidth {
		return nil, errFontTooBig
	if outerBound.Dy() < fHeight*2 {
		return nil, errAreaTooSmall
	return &eanCoordinateConverter{
		bound: image.Rectangle{
			Min: outerBound.Min.Add(image.Pt(xMargin, 0)),
			Max: outerBound.Max.Sub(image.Pt(xMargin, 0)),
		fontDim:  image.Rect(0, 0, fWidth, fHeight),
		scale:    scale,
		fontSize: fSize,
	}, nil
文件: draw.go 项目: machinaut/go
func drawGlyphOver(dst *image.RGBA, r image.Rectangle, src *image.ColorImage, mask *image.Alpha, mp image.Point) {
	i0 := (r.Min.Y-dst.Rect.Min.Y)*dst.Stride + r.Min.X - dst.Rect.Min.X
	i1 := i0 + r.Dx()
	j0 := (mp.Y-mask.Rect.Min.Y)*mask.Stride + mp.X - mask.Rect.Min.X
	cr, cg, cb, ca := src.RGBA()
	for y, my := r.Min.Y, mp.Y; y != r.Max.Y; y, my = y+1, my+1 {
		dpix := dst.Pix[i0:i1]
		mpix := mask.Pix[j0:]
		for i, rgba := range dpix {
			ma := uint32(mpix[i].A)
			if ma == 0 {
			ma |= ma << 8
			dr := uint32(rgba.R)
			dg := uint32(rgba.G)
			db := uint32(rgba.B)
			da := uint32(rgba.A)
			// The 0x101 is here for the same reason as in drawRGBA.
			a := (m - (ca * ma / m)) * 0x101
			dr = (dr*a + cr*ma) / m
			dg = (dg*a + cg*ma) / m
			db = (db*a + cb*ma) / m
			da = (da*a + ca*ma) / m
			dpix[i] = image.RGBAColor{uint8(dr >> 8), uint8(dg >> 8), uint8(db >> 8), uint8(da >> 8)}
		i0 += dst.Stride
		i1 += dst.Stride
		j0 += mask.Stride
文件: average.go 项目: buth/imageutil
func AverageNRGBA64(rect image.Rectangle, img *image.NRGBA64) color.NRGBA64 {

	// Only use the area of the rectangle that overlaps with the image bounds.
	rect = rect.Intersect(img.Bounds())

	// Determine whether or not there's any area over which to determine an
	// average.
	d := uint64(rect.Dx() * rect.Dy())
	if d == 0 {
		return color.NRGBA64{}

	var r, g, b, a uint64
		func(pt image.Point) {
			c := img.NRGBA64At(pt.X, pt.Y)
			r += uint64(c.R)
			g += uint64(c.G)
			b += uint64(c.B)
			a += uint64(c.A)

	return color.NRGBA64{
		R: uint16(r / d),
		G: uint16(g / d),
		B: uint16(b / d),
		A: uint16(a / d),
func (opts *DecodeOpts) wantRescale(b image.Rectangle) bool {
	return opts != nil &&
		(opts.MaxWidth > 0 && opts.MaxWidth < b.Dx() ||
			opts.MaxHeight > 0 && opts.MaxHeight < b.Dy() ||
			opts.ScaleWidth > 0.0 && opts.ScaleWidth < float32(b.Dx()) ||
			opts.ScaleHeight > 0.0 && opts.ScaleHeight < float32(b.Dy()))
func (opts *DecodeOpts) wantRescale(b image.Rectangle, swapDimensions bool) bool {
	if opts == nil {
		return false

	// In rescale Scale* trumps Max* so we assume the same relationship here.

	// Floating point compares probably only allow this to work if the values
	// were specified as the literal 1 or 1.0, computed values will likely be
	// off.  If Scale{Width,Height} end up being 1.0-epsilon we'll rescale
	// when it probably wouldn't even be noticible but that's okay.
	if opts.ScaleWidth == 1.0 && opts.ScaleHeight == 1.0 {
		return false
	if opts.ScaleWidth > 0 && opts.ScaleWidth < 1.0 ||
		opts.ScaleHeight > 0 && opts.ScaleHeight < 1.0 {
		return true

	w, h := b.Dx(), b.Dy()
	if swapDimensions {
		w, h = h, w

	// Same size, don't rescale.
	if opts.MaxWidth == w && opts.MaxHeight == h {
		return false
	return opts.MaxWidth > 0 && opts.MaxWidth < w ||
		opts.MaxHeight > 0 && opts.MaxHeight < h
文件: crop.go 项目: urlist/avatar
func Crop(m image.Image, r image.Rectangle, w, h int) image.Image {
	if w < 0 || h < 0 {
		return nil
	if w == 0 || h == 0 || r.Dx() <= 0 || r.Dy() <= 0 {
		return image.NewRGBA64(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
	curw, curh := r.Min.X, r.Min.Y

	img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))

	for y := 0; y < h; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < w; x++ {
			// Get a source pixel.
			subx := curw + x
			suby := curh + y

			r32, g32, b32, a32 := m.At(subx, suby).RGBA()
			r := uint8(r32 >> 8)
			g := uint8(g32 >> 8)
			b := uint8(b32 >> 8)
			a := uint8(a32 >> 8)

			img.SetRGBA(x, y, color.RGBA{r, g, b, a})

	return img
文件: draw.go 项目: imagexec/go-1
func drawCopySrc(dst *image.RGBA, r image.Rectangle, src *image.RGBA, sp image.Point) {
	n, dy := 4*r.Dx(), r.Dy()
	d0 := dst.PixOffset(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y)
	s0 := src.PixOffset(sp.X, sp.Y)
	var ddelta, sdelta int
	if r.Min.Y <= sp.Y {
		ddelta = dst.Stride
		sdelta = src.Stride
	} else {
		// If the source start point is higher than the destination start
		// point, then we compose the rows in bottom-up order instead of
		// top-down. Unlike the drawCopyOver function, we don't have to check
		// the x coordinates because the built-in copy function can handle
		// overlapping slices.
		d0 += (dy - 1) * dst.Stride
		s0 += (dy - 1) * src.Stride
		ddelta = -dst.Stride
		sdelta = -src.Stride
	for ; dy > 0; dy-- {
		copy(dst.Pix[d0:d0+n], src.Pix[s0:s0+n])
		d0 += ddelta
		s0 += sdelta
文件: rect.go 项目: jvlmdr/go-cv
// Takes a bounding box in an image r.
// Coerces it to the aspect ratio of target.Int according to mode.
// Returns the rectangle which, when resized to target.Size,
// will have the bounding box in target.Int.
// Panics if the target has non-positive interior.
func FitRect(orig image.Rectangle, target PadRect, mode string) (scale float64, fit image.Rectangle) {
	if target.Int.Dx() <= 0 || target.Int.Dy() <= 0 {
		panic("empty interior")
	if mode == "stretch" {
		panic("stretch mode not supported by FitRect")
	aspect := float64(target.Int.Dx()) / float64(target.Int.Dy())
	// Width and height of box in image.
	w, h := float64(orig.Dx()), float64(orig.Dy())
	// Co-erce size to match aspect ratio.
	w, h = SetAspect(w, h, aspect, mode)
	// If source is smaller than target, then scale is > 1 (i.e. need to magnify).
	scale = float64(target.Int.Dx()) / w // == float64(target.Int.Dy()) / h
	// Get position of interior centroid in target rectangle.
	left, top := centroid(target.Int)
	right, bottom := float64(target.Size.X)-left, float64(target.Size.Y)-top
	// Get position of centroid of original bounding box in image.
	x, y := centroid(orig)
	// Scale offsets on all sides and add to centroid for final rectangle.
	// If scale is greater than 1 then source is smaller than target.
	// Then the rectangle in the source image is shrunk (i.e. divide by scale).
	x0, x1 := x-left/scale, x+right/scale
	y0, y1 := y-top/scale, y+bottom/scale
	fit = image.Rect(round(x0), round(y0), round(x1), round(y1))
// Thumbnail scales and crops src so it fits in dst.
func Thumbnail(dst draw.Image, src image.Image) error {
	// Scale down src in the dimension that is closer to dst.
	sb := src.Bounds()
	db := dst.Bounds()
	rx := float64(sb.Dx()) / float64(db.Dx())
	ry := float64(sb.Dy()) / float64(db.Dy())
	var b image.Rectangle
	if rx < ry {
		b = image.Rect(0, 0, db.Dx(), int(float64(sb.Dy())/rx))
	} else {
		b = image.Rect(0, 0, int(float64(sb.Dx())/ry), db.Dy())

	buf := image.NewRGBA(b)
	if err := Scale(buf, src); err != nil {
		return err

	// Crop.
	// TODO(crawshaw): improve on center-alignment.
	var pt image.Point
	if rx < ry {
		pt.Y = (b.Dy() - db.Dy()) / 2
	} else {
		pt.X = (b.Dx() - db.Dx()) / 2
	draw.Draw(dst, db, buf, pt, draw.Src)
	return nil
// PackHorzontal finds the Pos for a horizontally packed sprite
func (l *ImageList) PackHorizontal(pos int) Pos {
	if pos == -1 || pos == 0 {
		return Pos{0, 0}
	var x, y int
	var rect image.Rectangle

	// there are n-1 paddings in an image list
	x = l.Padding * pos
	// No padding on the outside of the image
	if pos == len(l.GoImages) {
		x -= l.Padding
	for i := 1; i <= pos; i++ {
		rect = l.GoImages[i-1].Bounds()
		x += rect.Dx()
		if pos == len(l.GoImages) {
			y = int(math.Max(float64(y), float64(rect.Dy())))

	return Pos{
		x, y,
// NewYCbCrAligned Allocates YCbCr image with padding.
// Because LibJPEG needs extra padding to decoding buffer, This func add an
// extra alignSize (16) padding to cover overflow from any such modes.
func NewYCbCrAligned(r image.Rectangle, subsampleRatio image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio) *image.YCbCr {
	w, h, cw, ch := r.Dx(), r.Dy(), 0, 0
	switch subsampleRatio {
	case image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio422:
		cw = (r.Max.X+1)/2 - r.Min.X/2
		ch = h
	case image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio420:
		cw = (r.Max.X+1)/2 - r.Min.X/2
		ch = (r.Max.Y+1)/2 - r.Min.Y/2
	case image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio440:
		cw = w
		ch = (r.Max.Y+1)/2 - r.Min.Y/2
		cw = w
		ch = h

	// TODO: check the padding size to minimize memory allocation.
	yStride := pad(w, alignSize) + alignSize
	cStride := pad(cw, alignSize) + alignSize
	yHeight := pad(h, alignSize) + alignSize
	cHeight := pad(ch, alignSize) + alignSize

	b := make([]byte, yStride*yHeight+2*cStride*cHeight)
	return &image.YCbCr{
		Y:              b[:yStride*yHeight],
		Cb:             b[yStride*yHeight+0*cStride*cHeight : yStride*yHeight+1*cStride*cHeight],
		Cr:             b[yStride*yHeight+1*cStride*cHeight : yStride*yHeight+2*cStride*cHeight],
		SubsampleRatio: subsampleRatio,
		YStride:        yStride,
		CStride:        cStride,
		Rect:           r,
// CenterFit produces the affine transform, centered around the rectangles.
// It is equivalent to
//   I.Translate(-<center of src>).Mul(a).Translate(<center of dst>)
func (a Affine) CenterFit(dst, src image.Rectangle) Affine {
	dx := float64(dst.Min.X) + float64(dst.Dx())/2
	dy := float64(dst.Min.Y) + float64(dst.Dy())/2
	sx := float64(src.Min.X) + float64(src.Dx())/2
	sy := float64(src.Min.Y) + float64(src.Dy())/2
	return I.Translate(-sx, -sy).Mul(a).Translate(dx, dy)
文件: nycbcra.go 项目: 2722/lantern
// New returns a new Image with the given bounds and subsample ratio.
func New(r image.Rectangle, subsampleRatio image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio) *Image {
	// TODO: share code with image.NewYCbCr when this type moves into the
	// standard image package.
	w, h, cw, ch := r.Dx(), r.Dy(), 0, 0
	switch subsampleRatio {
	case image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio422:
		cw = (r.Max.X+1)/2 - r.Min.X/2
		ch = h
	case image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio420:
		cw = (r.Max.X+1)/2 - r.Min.X/2
		ch = (r.Max.Y+1)/2 - r.Min.Y/2
	case image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio440:
		cw = w
		ch = (r.Max.Y+1)/2 - r.Min.Y/2
		// Default to 4:4:4 subsampling.
		cw = w
		ch = h
	b := make([]byte, 2*w*h+2*cw*ch)
	// TODO: use s[i:j:k] notation to set the cap.
	return &Image{
		YCbCr: image.YCbCr{
			Y:              b[:w*h],
			Cb:             b[w*h+0*cw*ch : w*h+1*cw*ch],
			Cr:             b[w*h+1*cw*ch : w*h+2*cw*ch],
			SubsampleRatio: subsampleRatio,
			YStride:        w,
			CStride:        cw,
			Rect:           r,
		A:       b[w*h+2*cw*ch:],
		AStride: w,
文件: area_unix.go 项目: sjn1978/ui
func (a *area) Repaint(r image.Rectangle) {
	r = image.Rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height).Intersect(r)
	if r.Empty() {
	C.gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(a.widget, C.gint(r.Min.X), C.gint(r.Min.Y), C.gint(r.Dx()), C.gint(r.Dy()))
// Resample returns a resampled copy of the image slice r of m.
// The returned image has width w and height h.
func Resample(m image.Image, r image.Rectangle, w, h int) image.Image {
	if w < 0 || h < 0 {
		return nil
	if w == 0 || h == 0 || r.Dx() <= 0 || r.Dy() <= 0 {
		return image.NewRGBA64(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
	img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
	xStep := float64(r.Dx()) / float64(w)
	yStep := float64(r.Dy()) / float64(h)
	for y := 0; y < h; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < w; x++ {
			xSrc := int(float64(r.Min.X) + float64(x)*xStep)
			ySrc := int(float64(r.Min.Y) + float64(y)*yStep)
			r, g, b, a := m.At(xSrc, ySrc).RGBA()
			img.SetRGBA(x, y, color.RGBA{
				R: uint8(r >> 8),
				G: uint8(g >> 8),
				B: uint8(b >> 8),
				A: uint8(a >> 8),
	return img
// PackHorzontal finds the Pos for a horizontally packed sprite
func (l *Sprite) PackHorizontal(pos int) Pos {
	if pos == -1 || pos == 0 {
		return Pos{0, 0}
	var x, y int
	var rect image.Rectangle
	padding := l.opts.Padding

	// there are n-1 paddings in an image list
	x = padding * pos
	// No padding on the outside of the image
	numimages := l.Len()
	if pos == numimages {
		x -= padding
	for i := 1; i <= pos; i++ {
		rect = l.imgs[i-1].Bounds()
		x += rect.Dx()
		if pos == numimages {
			y = int(math.Max(float64(y), float64(rect.Dy())))

	return Pos{
		x, y,
// Create a new Image64 with the rectangle's width and height.
func NewImage64(r image.Rectangle) *Image64 {
	width, height := r.Dx(), r.Dy()
	return &Image64{
		Pix:    make([]Color64, width*height),
		Stride: width,
		Rect:   image.Rectangle{image.ZP, image.Point{width, height}},
func saneRectangle(rect image.Rectangle) image.Rectangle {
	rect = rect.Canon()
	width, height := rect.Dx(), rect.Dy()
	if width < 1 || width > 4096 || height < 1 || height > 4096 {
		return image.Rect(0, 0, 16, 16)
	return rect
文件: frame.go 项目: Ostsol/console
// New creates a new Frame bounded by a rectangle r
func New(r image.Rectangle) *Frame {
	var w, h = r.Dx(), r.Dy()
	return &Frame{
		Data:   make([]Cell, w*h),
		Bounds: r,
		Stride: r.Dx(),
// Scale implements the Scale method of the screen.Drawer interface by calling
// the Draw method of that same interface.
func Scale(dst screen.Drawer, dr image.Rectangle, src screen.Texture, sr image.Rectangle, op draw.Op, opts *screen.DrawOptions) {
	rx := float64(dr.Dx()) / float64(sr.Dx())
	ry := float64(dr.Dy()) / float64(sr.Dy())
		rx, 0, float64(dr.Min.X) - rx*float64(sr.Min.X),
		0, ry, float64(dr.Min.Y) - ry*float64(sr.Min.Y),
	}, src, sr, op, opts)
// SetOrtho sets this camera's Projection matrix to an orthographic one.
// The view parameter is the viewing rectangle for the orthographic
// projection in window coordinates.
// The near and far parameters describe the minimum closest and maximum
// furthest clipping points of the view frustum.
// Clients who need advanced control over how the orthographic viewing frustum
// is set up may use this method's source as a reference (e.g. to change the
// center point, which this method sets at the bottom-left).
// Write access is required for this method to operate safely.
func (c *Camera) SetOrtho(view image.Rectangle, near, far float64) {
	w := float64(view.Dx())
	w = float64(int((w / 2.0)) * 2)
	h := float64(view.Dy())
	h = float64(int((h / 2.0)) * 2)
	m := math.Mat4Ortho(0, w, 0, h, near, far)
	c.Projection = ConvertMat4(m)
func (p *transformFilter) Bounds(srcBounds image.Rectangle) (dstBounds image.Rectangle) {
	if p.tt == ttRotate90 || p.tt == ttRotate270 || p.tt == ttTranspose || p.tt == ttTransverse {
		dstBounds = image.Rect(0, 0, srcBounds.Dy(), srcBounds.Dx())
	} else {
		dstBounds = image.Rect(0, 0, srcBounds.Dx(), srcBounds.Dy())
文件: skia.go 项目: phaikawl/gosui
//DrawElementsInArea is used for redrawing
func (b *Backend) DrawElementsInArea(l gs.DrawPriorityList, area image.Rectangle) {
	gl.Scissor(area.Min.X, area.Min.Y, area.Dx(), area.Dy())
	for _, o := range l {