// buildInstanceInMemory makes fully functional PackageInstance object that uses
// memory buffer as a backing store.
func buildInstanceInMemory(pkgName string, files []local.File) local.PackageInstance {
	out := bytes.Buffer{}
	err := local.BuildInstance(local.BuildInstanceOptions{
		Input:       files,
		Output:      &out,
		PackageName: pkgName,
	So(err, ShouldBeNil)
	inst, err := local.OpenInstance(bytes.NewReader(out.Bytes()), "")
	So(err, ShouldBeNil)
	return inst
func buildInstanceFile(instanceFile string, inputOpts InputOptions) error {
	// Read the list of files to add to the package.
	buildOpts, err := inputOpts.prepareInput()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Prepare the destination, update build options with io.Writer to it.
	out, err := os.OpenFile(instanceFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	buildOpts.Output = out

	// Build the package.
	err = local.BuildInstance(buildOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
func TestRegisterInstance(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Mocking a package instance", t, func() {
		// Build an empty package to be uploaded.
		out := bytes.Buffer{}
		err := local.BuildInstance(local.BuildInstanceOptions{
			Input:       []local.File{},
			Output:      &out,
			PackageName: "testing",
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)

		// Open it for reading.
		inst, err := local.OpenInstance(bytes.NewReader(out.Bytes()), "")
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		Reset(func() { inst.Close() })

		Convey("RegisterInstance full flow", func(c C) {
			client := mockClient(c, "", []expectedHTTPCall{
					Method: "POST",
					Path:   "/_ah/api/repo/v1/instance",
					Query: url.Values{
						"instance_id":  []string{inst.Pin().InstanceID},
						"package_name": []string{inst.Pin().PackageName},
					Reply: `{
						"status": "UPLOAD_FIRST",
						"upload_session_id": "12345",
						"upload_url": "http://localhost"
					Method: "POST",
					Path:   "/_ah/api/cas/v1/finalize/12345",
					Reply:  `{"status":"PUBLISHED"}`,
					Method: "POST",
					Path:   "/_ah/api/repo/v1/instance",
					Query: url.Values{
						"instance_id":  []string{inst.Pin().InstanceID},
						"package_name": []string{inst.Pin().PackageName},
					Reply: `{
						"status": "REGISTERED",
						"instance": {
							"registered_by": "user:[email protected]",
							"registered_ts": "0"
			client.storage = &mockedStorage{c, nil}
			err = client.RegisterInstance(inst)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)

		Convey("RegisterInstance already registered", func(c C) {
			client := mockClient(c, "", []expectedHTTPCall{
					Method: "POST",
					Path:   "/_ah/api/repo/v1/instance",
					Query: url.Values{
						"instance_id":  []string{inst.Pin().InstanceID},
						"package_name": []string{inst.Pin().PackageName},
					Reply: `{
							"status": "ALREADY_REGISTERED",
							"instance": {
								"registered_by": "user:[email protected]",
								"registered_ts": "0"
			client.storage = &mockedStorage{c, nil}
			err = client.RegisterInstance(inst)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)