文件: model.go 项目: mboersma/router
func buildAppConfig(kubeClient *kubernetes.Clientset, service v1.Service, routerConfig *RouterConfig) (*AppConfig, error) {
	appConfig := newAppConfig(routerConfig)
	appConfig.Name = service.Labels["app"]
	// If we didn't get the app name from the app label, fall back to inferring the app name from
	// the service's own name.
	if appConfig.Name == "" {
		appConfig.Name = service.Name
	// if app name and Namespace are not same then combine the two as it
	// makes deis services (as an example) clearer, such as deis/controller
	if appConfig.Name != service.Namespace {
		appConfig.Name = service.Namespace + "/" + appConfig.Name
	err := modeler.MapToModel(service.Annotations, "", appConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// If no domains are found, we don't have the information we need to build routes
	// to this application.  Abort.
	if len(appConfig.Domains) == 0 {
		return nil, nil
	// Step through the domains, and decide which cert, if any, will be used for securing each.
	// For each that is a FQDN, we'll look to see if a corresponding cert-bearing secret also
	// exists.  If so, that will be used.  If a domain isn't an FQDN we will use the default cert--
	// even if that is nil.
	for _, domain := range appConfig.Domains {
		if strings.Contains(domain, ".") {
			// Look for a cert-bearing secret for this domain.
			if certMapping, ok := appConfig.CertMappings[domain]; ok {
				secretName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-cert", certMapping)
				certSecret, err := getSecret(kubeClient, secretName, service.Namespace)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				if certSecret != nil {
					certificate, err := buildCertificate(certSecret, domain)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					appConfig.Certificates[domain] = certificate
		} else {
			appConfig.Certificates[domain] = routerConfig.PlatformCertificate
	appConfig.ServiceIP = service.Spec.ClusterIP
	endpointsClient := kubeClient.Endpoints(service.Namespace)
	endpoints, err := endpointsClient.Get(service.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	appConfig.Available = len(endpoints.Subsets) > 0 && len(endpoints.Subsets[0].Addresses) > 0
	return appConfig, nil