func NewRegistrator(client *clientset.Clientset, lookupNode LookupFunc) *clientRegistrator { return &clientRegistrator{ lookupNode: lookupNode, client: client, queue: queue.NewHistorical(nil), } }
func NewRegistrator(client unversionedcore.NodesGetter, lookupNode LookupFunc) *clientRegistrator { return &clientRegistrator{ lookupNode: lookupNode, client: client, queue: queue.NewHistorical(nil), } }
func New(c *config.Config, fw framework.Framework, ps podschedulers.PodScheduler, client *client.Client, recorder record.EventRecorder, terminate <-chan struct{}, mux *http.ServeMux, lw *cache.ListWatch) scheduler.Scheduler { core := &sched{ framework: fw, taskRegistry: podtask.NewInMemoryRegistry(), } // Watch and queue pods that need scheduling. podUpdatesBypass := make(chan queue.Entry, c.UpdatesBacklog) podUpdates := &podStoreAdapter{queue.NewHistorical(podUpdatesBypass)} reflector := cache.NewReflector(lw, &api.Pod{}, podUpdates, 0) q := queuer.New(queue.NewDelayFIFO(), podUpdates) algorithm := algorithm.New(core, podUpdates, ps) podDeleter := deleter.New(core, q) core.podReconciler = podreconciler.New(core, client, q, podDeleter) bo := backoff.New(c.InitialPodBackoff.Duration, c.MaxPodBackoff.Duration) newBC := func(podKey string) queue.BreakChan { return queue.BreakChan(core.Offers().Listen(podKey, func(offer *mesos.Offer) bool { core.Lock() defer core.Unlock() switch task, state := core.Tasks().ForPod(podKey); state { case podtask.StatePending: // Assess fitness of pod with the current offer. The scheduler normally // "backs off" when it can't find an offer that matches up with a pod. // The backoff period for a pod can terminate sooner if an offer becomes // available that matches up. return !task.Has(podtask.Launched) && ps.FitPredicate()(task, offer, nil) default: // no point in continuing to check for matching offers return true } })) } errorHandler := errorhandler.New(core, bo, q, newBC) binder := binder.New(core) startLatch := make(chan struct{}) runtime.On(startLatch, func() { reflector.Run() // TODO(jdef) should listen for termination podDeleter.Run(podUpdatesBypass, terminate) q.Run(terminate) q.InstallDebugHandlers(mux) podtask.InstallDebugHandlers(core.Tasks(), mux) }) core.controller = controller.New(client, algorithm, recorder, q.Yield, errorHandler.Error, binder, startLatch) return core }
func (k *KubernetesScheduler) NewPluginConfig(terminate <-chan struct{}, mux *http.ServeMux, podsWatcher *cache.ListWatch) *PluginConfig { // Watch and queue pods that need scheduling. updates := make(chan queue.Entry, k.schedcfg.UpdatesBacklog) podUpdates := &podStoreAdapter{queue.NewHistorical(updates)} reflector := cache.NewReflector(podsWatcher, &api.Pod{}, podUpdates, 0) // lock that guards critial sections that involve transferring pods from // the store (cache) to the scheduling queue; its purpose is to maintain // an ordering (vs interleaving) of operations that's easier to reason about. kapi := &k8smScheduler{internal: k} q := newQueuer(podUpdates) podDeleter := &deleter{ api: kapi, qr: q, } eh := &errorHandler{ api: kapi, backoff: backoff.New(k.schedcfg.InitialPodBackoff.Duration, k.schedcfg.MaxPodBackoff.Duration), qr: q, } startLatch := make(chan struct{}) eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster() runtime.On(startLatch, func() { eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(k.client.Events("")) reflector.Run() // TODO(jdef) should listen for termination podDeleter.Run(updates, terminate) q.Run(terminate) q.installDebugHandlers(mux) podtask.InstallDebugHandlers(k.taskRegistry, mux) }) return &PluginConfig{ Config: &plugin.Config{ MinionLister: nil, Algorithm: &kubeScheduler{ api: kapi, podUpdates: podUpdates, defaultContainerCPULimit: k.defaultContainerCPULimit, defaultContainerMemLimit: k.defaultContainerMemLimit, }, Binder: &binder{api: kapi}, NextPod: q.yield, Error: eh.handleSchedulingError, Recorder: eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(api.EventSource{Component: "scheduler"}), }, api: kapi, client: k.client, qr: q, deleter: podDeleter, starting: startLatch, } }