func (nc *NamespaceController) reconcileNamespace(namespace string) { if !nc.isSynced() { nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } baseNamespaceObj, exist, err := nc.namespaceInformerStore.GetByKey(namespace) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to query main namespace store for %v: %v", namespace, err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true) return } if !exist { // Not federated namespace, ignoring. return } baseNamespace := baseNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace) if baseNamespace.DeletionTimestamp != nil { if err := nc.delete(baseNamespace); err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to delete %s: %v", namespace, err) nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "DeleteFailed", "Namespace delete failed: %v", err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true) } return } clusters, err := nc.namespaceFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0) for _, cluster := range clusters { clusterNamespaceObj, found, err := nc.namespaceFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, namespace) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get %s from %s: %v", namespace, cluster.Name, err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true) return } desiredNamespace := &api_v1.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: util.CopyObjectMeta(baseNamespace.ObjectMeta), Spec: baseNamespace.Spec, } if !found { nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster", "Creating namespace in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeAdd, Obj: desiredNamespace, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } else { clusterNamespace := clusterNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace) // Update existing namespace, if needed. if !util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(desiredNamespace.ObjectMeta, clusterNamespace.ObjectMeta) || !reflect.DeepEqual(desiredNamespace.Spec, clusterNamespace.Spec) { nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster", "Updating namespace in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeUpdate, Obj: desiredNamespace, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } } } if len(operations) == 0 { // Everything is in order return } err = nc.federatedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, nc.updateTimeout, func(op util.FederatedOperation, operror error) { nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInClusterFailed", "Namespace update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror) }) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", namespace, err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true) return } // Evertyhing is in order but lets be double sure nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.namespaceReviewDelay, false) }
func equivalentReplicaSet(fedReplicaSet, localReplicaSet *v1beta1.ReplicaSet) bool { localReplicaSetSpec := localReplicaSet.Spec localReplicaSetSpec.Replicas = fedReplicaSet.Spec.Replicas return fedutil.ObjectMetaEquivalent(fedReplicaSet.ObjectMeta, localReplicaSet.ObjectMeta) && reflect.DeepEqual(fedReplicaSet.Spec, localReplicaSetSpec) }
func TestIngressController(t *testing.T) { fakeClusterList := federation_api.ClusterList{Items: []federation_api.Cluster{}} fakeConfigMapList1 := api_v1.ConfigMapList{Items: []api_v1.ConfigMap{}} fakeConfigMapList2 := api_v1.ConfigMapList{Items: []api_v1.ConfigMap{}} cluster1 := NewCluster("cluster1", api_v1.ConditionTrue) cluster2 := NewCluster("cluster2", api_v1.ConditionTrue) cfg1 := NewConfigMap("foo") cfg2 := NewConfigMap("bar") // Different UID from cfg1, so that we can check that they get reconciled. t.Log("Creating fake infrastructure") fedClient := &fake_federation_release_1_4.Clientset{} RegisterFakeList("clusters", &fedClient.Fake, &fakeClusterList) RegisterFakeList("ingresses", &fedClient.Fake, &extensions_v1beta1.IngressList{Items: []extensions_v1beta1.Ingress{}}) fedIngressWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("ingresses", &fedClient.Fake) clusterWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("clusters", &fedClient.Fake) fedClusterUpdateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnUpdate("clusters", &fedClient.Fake, clusterWatch) fedIngressUpdateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnUpdate("ingresses", &fedClient.Fake, fedIngressWatch) cluster1Client := &fake_kube_release_1_4.Clientset{} RegisterFakeList("ingresses", &cluster1Client.Fake, &extensions_v1beta1.IngressList{Items: []extensions_v1beta1.Ingress{}}) RegisterFakeList("configmaps", &cluster1Client.Fake, &fakeConfigMapList1) cluster1IngressWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("ingresses", &cluster1Client.Fake) cluster1ConfigMapWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("configmaps", &cluster1Client.Fake) cluster1IngressCreateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnCreate("ingresses", &cluster1Client.Fake, cluster1IngressWatch) cluster1IngressUpdateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnUpdate("ingresses", &cluster1Client.Fake, cluster1IngressWatch) cluster2Client := &fake_kube_release_1_4.Clientset{} RegisterFakeList("ingresses", &cluster2Client.Fake, &extensions_v1beta1.IngressList{Items: []extensions_v1beta1.Ingress{}}) RegisterFakeList("configmaps", &cluster2Client.Fake, &fakeConfigMapList2) cluster2IngressWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("ingresses", &cluster2Client.Fake) cluster2ConfigMapWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("configmaps", &cluster2Client.Fake) cluster2IngressCreateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnCreate("ingresses", &cluster2Client.Fake, cluster2IngressWatch) cluster2ConfigMapUpdateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnUpdate("configmaps", &cluster2Client.Fake, cluster2ConfigMapWatch) clientFactoryFunc := func(cluster *federation_api.Cluster) (kube_release_1_4.Interface, error) { switch cluster.Name { case cluster1.Name: return cluster1Client, nil case cluster2.Name: return cluster2Client, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown cluster") } } ingressController := NewIngressController(fedClient) ingressInformer := ToFederatedInformerForTestOnly(ingressController.ingressFederatedInformer) ingressInformer.SetClientFactory(clientFactoryFunc) configMapInformer := ToFederatedInformerForTestOnly(ingressController.configMapFederatedInformer) configMapInformer.SetClientFactory(clientFactoryFunc) ingressController.clusterAvailableDelay = time.Second ingressController.ingressReviewDelay = 50 * time.Millisecond ingressController.configMapReviewDelay = 50 * time.Millisecond ingressController.smallDelay = 20 * time.Millisecond ingressController.updateTimeout = 5 * time.Second stop := make(chan struct{}) t.Log("Running Ingress Controller") ingressController.Run(stop) ing1 := extensions_v1beta1.Ingress{ ObjectMeta: api_v1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "test-ingress", Namespace: "mynamespace", SelfLink: "/api/v1/namespaces/mynamespace/ingress/test-ingress", // TODO: Remove: Annotations: map[string]string{}, }, Status: extensions_v1beta1.IngressStatus{ LoadBalancer: api_v1.LoadBalancerStatus{ Ingress: make([]api_v1.LoadBalancerIngress, 0, 0), }, }, } t.Log("Adding cluster 1") clusterWatch.Add(cluster1) t.Log("Adding Ingress UID ConfigMap to cluster 1") cluster1ConfigMapWatch.Add(cfg1) t.Log("Checking that UID annotation on Cluster 1 annotation was correctly updated") cluster := GetClusterFromChan(fedClusterUpdateChan) assert.NotNil(t, cluster) assert.Equal(t, cluster.ObjectMeta.Annotations[uidAnnotationKey], cfg1.Data[uidKey]) // Test add federated ingress. t.Log("Adding Federated Ingress") fedIngressWatch.Add(&ing1) t.Log("Checking that Ingress was correctly created in cluster 1") createdIngress := GetIngressFromChan(t, cluster1IngressCreateChan) assert.NotNil(t, createdIngress) assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(ing1.Spec, createdIngress.Spec), "Spec of created ingress is not equal") assert.True(t, util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(ing1.ObjectMeta, createdIngress.ObjectMeta), "Metadata of created object is not equivalent") // Test that IP address gets transferred from cluster ingress to federated ingress. t.Log("Checking that IP address gets transferred from cluster ingress to federated ingress") createdIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress = append(createdIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress, api_v1.LoadBalancerIngress{IP: ""}) cluster1IngressWatch.Modify(createdIngress) updatedIngress := GetIngressFromChan(t, fedIngressUpdateChan) assert.NotNil(t, updatedIngress, "Cluster's ingress load balancer status was not correctly transferred to the federated ingress") if updatedIngress != nil { assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(createdIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress, updatedIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress), fmt.Sprintf("Ingress IP was not transferred from cluster ingress to federated ingress. %v is not equal to %v", createdIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress, updatedIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress)) } // Test update federated ingress. if updatedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations == nil { updatedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations = make(map[string]string) } updatedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations["A"] = "B" t.Log("Modifying Federated Ingress") fedIngressWatch.Modify(updatedIngress) t.Log("Checking that Ingress was correctly updated in cluster 1") updatedIngress2 := GetIngressFromChan(t, cluster1IngressUpdateChan) assert.NotNil(t, updatedIngress2) assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(updatedIngress2.Spec, updatedIngress.Spec), "Spec of updated ingress is not equal") assert.Equal(t, updatedIngress2.ObjectMeta.Annotations["A"], updatedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations["A"], "Updated annotation not transferred from federated to cluster ingress.") // Test add cluster t.Log("Adding a second cluster") ing1.Annotations[staticIPNameKeyWritable] = "foo" // Make sure that the base object has a static IP name first. fedIngressWatch.Modify(&ing1) clusterWatch.Add(cluster2) // First check that the original values are not equal - see above comment assert.NotEqual(t, cfg1.Data[uidKey], cfg2.Data[uidKey], fmt.Sprintf("ConfigMap in cluster 2 must initially not equal that in cluster 1 for this test - please fix test")) cluster2ConfigMapWatch.Add(cfg2) t.Log("Checking that the ingress got created in cluster 2") createdIngress2 := GetIngressFromChan(t, cluster2IngressCreateChan) assert.NotNil(t, createdIngress2) assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(ing1.Spec, createdIngress2.Spec), "Spec of created ingress is not equal") assert.True(t, util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(ing1.ObjectMeta, createdIngress2.ObjectMeta), "Metadata of created object is not equivalent") t.Log("Checking that the configmap in cluster 2 got updated.") updatedConfigMap2 := GetConfigMapFromChan(cluster2ConfigMapUpdateChan) assert.NotNil(t, updatedConfigMap2, fmt.Sprintf("ConfigMap in cluster 2 was not updated (or more likely the test is broken and the API type written is wrong)")) if updatedConfigMap2 != nil { assert.Equal(t, cfg1.Data[uidKey], updatedConfigMap2.Data[uidKey], fmt.Sprintf("UID's in configmaps in cluster's 1 and 2 are not equal (%q != %q)", cfg1.Data["uid"], updatedConfigMap2.Data["uid"])) } close(stop) }
func TestIngressController(t *testing.T) { fakeClusterList := federationapi.ClusterList{Items: []federationapi.Cluster{}} fakeConfigMapList1 := apiv1.ConfigMapList{Items: []apiv1.ConfigMap{}} fakeConfigMapList2 := apiv1.ConfigMapList{Items: []apiv1.ConfigMap{}} cluster1 := NewCluster("cluster1", apiv1.ConditionTrue) cluster2 := NewCluster("cluster2", apiv1.ConditionTrue) cfg1 := NewConfigMap("foo") cfg2 := NewConfigMap("bar") // Different UID from cfg1, so that we can check that they get reconciled. t.Log("Creating fake infrastructure") fedClient := &fakefedclientset.Clientset{} RegisterFakeList("clusters", &fedClient.Fake, &fakeClusterList) RegisterFakeList("ingresses", &fedClient.Fake, &extensionsv1beta1.IngressList{Items: []extensionsv1beta1.Ingress{}}) fedIngressWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("ingresses", &fedClient.Fake) clusterWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("clusters", &fedClient.Fake) fedClusterUpdateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnUpdate("clusters", &fedClient.Fake, clusterWatch) fedIngressUpdateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnUpdate("ingresses", &fedClient.Fake, fedIngressWatch) cluster1Client := &fakekubeclientset.Clientset{} RegisterFakeList("ingresses", &cluster1Client.Fake, &extensionsv1beta1.IngressList{Items: []extensionsv1beta1.Ingress{}}) RegisterFakeList("configmaps", &cluster1Client.Fake, &fakeConfigMapList1) cluster1IngressWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("ingresses", &cluster1Client.Fake) cluster1ConfigMapWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("configmaps", &cluster1Client.Fake) cluster1IngressCreateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnCreate("ingresses", &cluster1Client.Fake, cluster1IngressWatch) cluster1IngressUpdateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnUpdate("ingresses", &cluster1Client.Fake, cluster1IngressWatch) cluster2Client := &fakekubeclientset.Clientset{} RegisterFakeList("ingresses", &cluster2Client.Fake, &extensionsv1beta1.IngressList{Items: []extensionsv1beta1.Ingress{}}) RegisterFakeList("configmaps", &cluster2Client.Fake, &fakeConfigMapList2) cluster2IngressWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("ingresses", &cluster2Client.Fake) cluster2ConfigMapWatch := RegisterFakeWatch("configmaps", &cluster2Client.Fake) cluster2IngressCreateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnCreate("ingresses", &cluster2Client.Fake, cluster2IngressWatch) cluster2ConfigMapUpdateChan := RegisterFakeCopyOnUpdate("configmaps", &cluster2Client.Fake, cluster2ConfigMapWatch) clientFactoryFunc := func(cluster *federationapi.Cluster) (kubeclientset.Interface, error) { switch cluster.Name { case cluster1.Name: return cluster1Client, nil case cluster2.Name: return cluster2Client, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown cluster") } } ingressController := NewIngressController(fedClient) ingressInformer := ToFederatedInformerForTestOnly(ingressController.ingressFederatedInformer) ingressInformer.SetClientFactory(clientFactoryFunc) configMapInformer := ToFederatedInformerForTestOnly(ingressController.configMapFederatedInformer) configMapInformer.SetClientFactory(clientFactoryFunc) ingressController.clusterAvailableDelay = time.Second ingressController.ingressReviewDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond ingressController.configMapReviewDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond ingressController.smallDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond ingressController.updateTimeout = 5 * time.Second stop := make(chan struct{}) t.Log("Running Ingress Controller") ingressController.Run(stop) // TODO: Here we are creating the ingress with first cluster annotation. // Add another test without that annotation when // is fixed. fedIngress := extensionsv1beta1.Ingress{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "test-ingress", Namespace: "mynamespace", SelfLink: "/api/v1/namespaces/mynamespace/ingress/test-ingress", Annotations: map[string]string{ firstClusterAnnotation: cluster1.Name, }, }, Status: extensionsv1beta1.IngressStatus{ LoadBalancer: apiv1.LoadBalancerStatus{ Ingress: make([]apiv1.LoadBalancerIngress, 0, 0), }, }, } t.Log("Adding cluster 1") clusterWatch.Add(cluster1) t.Log("Adding Ingress UID ConfigMap to cluster 1") cluster1ConfigMapWatch.Add(cfg1) // Test add federated ingress. t.Log("Adding Federated Ingress") fedIngressWatch.Add(&fedIngress) t.Log("Checking that UID annotation on Cluster 1 annotation was correctly updated after adding Federated Ingress") cluster := GetClusterFromChan(fedClusterUpdateChan) assert.NotNil(t, cluster) assert.Equal(t, cluster.ObjectMeta.Annotations[uidAnnotationKey], cfg1.Data[uidKey]) t.Logf("Checking that appropriate finalizers are added") // There should be 2 updates to add both the finalizers. updatedIngress := GetIngressFromChan(t, fedIngressUpdateChan) assert.True(t, ingressController.hasFinalizerFunc(updatedIngress, deletionhelper.FinalizerDeleteFromUnderlyingClusters)) updatedIngress = GetIngressFromChan(t, fedIngressUpdateChan) assert.True(t, ingressController.hasFinalizerFunc(updatedIngress, apiv1.FinalizerOrphan), fmt.Sprintf("ingress does not have the orphan finalizer: %v", updatedIngress)) fedIngress = *updatedIngress t.Log("Checking that Ingress was correctly created in cluster 1") createdIngress := GetIngressFromChan(t, cluster1IngressCreateChan) assert.NotNil(t, createdIngress) cluster1Ingress := *createdIngress assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(fedIngress.Spec, cluster1Ingress.Spec), "Spec of created ingress is not equal") assert.True(t, util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(fedIngress.ObjectMeta, cluster1Ingress.ObjectMeta), "Metadata of created object is not equivalent") // Wait for finalizers to appear in federation store. assert.NoError(t, WaitForFinalizersInFederationStore(ingressController, ingressController.ingressInformerStore, types.NamespacedName{Namespace: fedIngress.Namespace, Name: fedIngress.Name}.String()), "finalizers not found in federated ingress") // Wait for the cluster ingress to appear in cluster store. assert.NoError(t, WaitForIngressInClusterStore(ingressController.ingressFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore(), cluster1.Name, types.NamespacedName{Namespace: createdIngress.Namespace, Name: createdIngress.Name}.String()), "Created ingress not found in underlying cluster store") // Test that IP address gets transferred from cluster ingress to federated ingress. t.Log("Checking that IP address gets transferred from cluster ingress to federated ingress") cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress = append(cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress, apiv1.LoadBalancerIngress{IP: ""}) glog.Infof("Setting artificial IP address for cluster1 ingress") for trial := 0; trial < maxTrials; trial++ { cluster1IngressWatch.Modify(&cluster1Ingress) // Wait for store to see the updated cluster ingress. key := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: createdIngress.Namespace, Name: createdIngress.Name}.String() if err := WaitForStatusUpdate(t, ingressController.ingressFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore(), cluster1.Name, key, cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer, time.Second); err != nil { continue } if err := WaitForFedStatusUpdate(t, ingressController.ingressInformerStore, key, cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer, time.Second); err != nil { continue } } for trial := 0; trial < maxTrials; trial++ { updatedIngress = GetIngressFromChan(t, fedIngressUpdateChan) assert.NotNil(t, updatedIngress, "Cluster's ingress load balancer status was not correctly transferred to the federated ingress") if updatedIngress == nil { return } if reflect.DeepEqual(cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress, updatedIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) { fedIngress.Status.LoadBalancer = updatedIngress.Status.LoadBalancer break } else { glog.Infof("Status check failed: expected: %v actual: %v", cluster1Ingress.Status, updatedIngress.Status) } } glog.Infof("Status check: expected: %v actual: %v", cluster1Ingress.Status, updatedIngress.Status) assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress, updatedIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress), fmt.Sprintf("Ingress IP was not transferred from cluster ingress to federated ingress. %v is not equal to %v", cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress, updatedIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress)) assert.NoError(t, WaitForStatusUpdate(t, ingressController.ingressFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore(), cluster1.Name, types.NamespacedName{Namespace: createdIngress.Namespace, Name: createdIngress.Name}.String(), cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer, time.Second)) assert.NoError(t, WaitForFedStatusUpdate(t, ingressController.ingressInformerStore, types.NamespacedName{Namespace: createdIngress.Namespace, Name: createdIngress.Name}.String(), cluster1Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer, time.Second)) t.Logf("expected: %v, actual: %v", createdIngress, updatedIngress) // Test update federated ingress. if fedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations == nil { fedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations = make(map[string]string) } fedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations["A"] = "B" t.Log("Modifying Federated Ingress") fedIngressWatch.Modify(&fedIngress) t.Log("Checking that Ingress was correctly updated in cluster 1") var updatedIngress2 *extensionsv1beta1.Ingress for trial := 0; trial < maxTrials; trial++ { updatedIngress2 = GetIngressFromChan(t, cluster1IngressUpdateChan) assert.NotNil(t, updatedIngress2) if updatedIngress2 == nil { return } if reflect.DeepEqual(fedIngress.Spec, updatedIngress.Spec) && updatedIngress2.ObjectMeta.Annotations["A"] == fedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations["A"] { break } } assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(updatedIngress2.Spec, fedIngress.Spec), "Spec of updated ingress is not equal") assert.Equal(t, updatedIngress2.ObjectMeta.Annotations["A"], fedIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations["A"], "Updated annotation not transferred from federated to cluster ingress.") // Test add cluster t.Log("Adding a second cluster") fedIngress.Annotations[staticIPNameKeyWritable] = "foo" // Make sure that the base object has a static IP name first. fedIngressWatch.Modify(&fedIngress) clusterWatch.Add(cluster2) // First check that the original values are not equal - see above comment assert.NotEqual(t, cfg1.Data[uidKey], cfg2.Data[uidKey], fmt.Sprintf("ConfigMap in cluster 2 must initially not equal that in cluster 1 for this test - please fix test")) cluster2ConfigMapWatch.Add(cfg2) t.Log("Checking that the ingress got created in cluster 2") createdIngress2 := GetIngressFromChan(t, cluster2IngressCreateChan) assert.NotNil(t, createdIngress2) assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(fedIngress.Spec, createdIngress2.Spec), "Spec of created ingress is not equal") t.Logf("created meta: %v fed meta: %v", createdIngress2.ObjectMeta, fedIngress.ObjectMeta) assert.True(t, util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(fedIngress.ObjectMeta, createdIngress2.ObjectMeta), "Metadata of created object is not equivalent") t.Log("Checking that the configmap in cluster 2 got updated.") updatedConfigMap2 := GetConfigMapFromChan(cluster2ConfigMapUpdateChan) assert.NotNil(t, updatedConfigMap2, fmt.Sprintf("ConfigMap in cluster 2 was not updated (or more likely the test is broken and the API type written is wrong)")) if updatedConfigMap2 != nil { assert.Equal(t, cfg1.Data[uidKey], updatedConfigMap2.Data[uidKey], fmt.Sprintf("UID's in configmaps in cluster's 1 and 2 are not equal (%q != %q)", cfg1.Data["uid"], updatedConfigMap2.Data["uid"])) } close(stop) }
func daemonsetsEqual(a, b extensionsv1.DaemonSet) bool { return util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(a.ObjectMeta, b.ObjectMeta) && reflect.DeepEqual(a.Spec, b.Spec) }
func (daemonsetcontroller *DaemonSetController) reconcileDaemonSet(namespace string, daemonsetName string) { glog.V(4).Infof("Reconciling daemonset %s/%s", namespace, daemonsetName) if !daemonsetcontroller.isSynced() { glog.V(4).Infof("Daemonset controller is not synced") daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, daemonsetcontroller.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } key := getDaemonSetKey(namespace, daemonsetName) baseDaemonSetObjFromStore, exist, err := daemonsetcontroller.daemonsetInformerStore.GetByKey(key) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to query main daemonset store for %v: %v", key, err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, true) return } if !exist { glog.V(4).Infof("Skipping daemonset %s/%s - not federated", namespace, daemonsetName) // Not federated daemonset, ignoring. return } baseDaemonSetObj, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(baseDaemonSetObjFromStore) baseDaemonSet, ok := baseDaemonSetObj.(*extensionsv1.DaemonSet) if err != nil || !ok { glog.Errorf("Error in retrieving obj %s from store: %v, %v", daemonsetName, ok, err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, true) return } if baseDaemonSet.DeletionTimestamp != nil { if err := daemonsetcontroller.delete(baseDaemonSet); err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to delete %s: %v", daemonsetName, err) daemonsetcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseDaemonSet, api.EventTypeNormal, "DeleteFailed", "DaemonSet delete failed: %v", err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, true) } return } glog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring delete object from underlying clusters finalizer for daemonset: %s", baseDaemonSet.Name) // Add the required finalizers before creating a daemonset in underlying clusters. updatedDaemonSetObj, err := daemonsetcontroller.deletionHelper.EnsureFinalizers(baseDaemonSet) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to ensure delete object from underlying clusters finalizer in daemonset %s: %v", baseDaemonSet.Name, err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, false) return } baseDaemonSet = updatedDaemonSetObj.(*extensionsv1.DaemonSet) glog.V(3).Infof("Syncing daemonset %s in underlying clusters", baseDaemonSet.Name) clusters, err := daemonsetcontroller.daemonsetFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, daemonsetcontroller.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0) for _, cluster := range clusters { clusterDaemonSetObj, found, err := daemonsetcontroller.daemonsetFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, key) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get %s from %s: %v", key, cluster.Name, err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, true) return } // Do not modify. Otherwise make a deep copy. desiredDaemonSet := &extensionsv1.DaemonSet{ ObjectMeta: util.DeepCopyRelevantObjectMeta(baseDaemonSet.ObjectMeta), Spec: util.DeepCopyApiTypeOrPanic(baseDaemonSet.Spec).(extensionsv1.DaemonSetSpec), } if !found { glog.V(4).Infof("Creating daemonset %s/%s in cluster %s", namespace, daemonsetName, cluster.Name) daemonsetcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseDaemonSet, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster", "Creating daemonset in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeAdd, Obj: desiredDaemonSet, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } else { clusterDaemonSet := clusterDaemonSetObj.(*extensionsv1.DaemonSet) // Update existing daemonset, if needed. if !util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(desiredDaemonSet.ObjectMeta, clusterDaemonSet.ObjectMeta) || !reflect.DeepEqual(desiredDaemonSet.Spec, clusterDaemonSet.Spec) { glog.V(4).Infof("Upadting daemonset %s/%s in cluster %s", namespace, daemonsetName, cluster.Name) daemonsetcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseDaemonSet, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster", "Updating daemonset in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeUpdate, Obj: desiredDaemonSet, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } } } if len(operations) == 0 { glog.V(4).Infof("No operation needed for %s/%s", namespace, daemonsetName) // Everything is in order return } err = daemonsetcontroller.federatedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, daemonsetcontroller.updateTimeout, func(op util.FederatedOperation, operror error) { daemonsetcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseDaemonSet, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInClusterFailed", "DaemonSet update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror) }) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v, retrying shortly", key, err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, true) return } }
func (frsc *ReplicaSetController) reconcileReplicaSet(key string) (reconciliationStatus, error) { if !frsc.isSynced() { return statusNotSynced, nil } glog.V(4).Infof("Start reconcile replicaset %q", key) startTime := time.Now() defer glog.V(4).Infof("Finished reconcile replicaset %q (%v)", key, time.Now().Sub(startTime)) obj, exists, err := frsc.replicaSetStore.Indexer.GetByKey(key) if err != nil { return statusError, err } if !exists { // don't delete local replicasets for now. Do not reconcile it anymore. return statusAllOk, nil } frs := obj.(*extensionsv1.ReplicaSet) clusters, err := frsc.fedReplicaSetInformer.GetReadyClusters() if err != nil { return statusError, err } // collect current status and do schedule allPods, err := frsc.fedPodInformer.GetTargetStore().List() if err != nil { return statusError, err } podStatus, err := AnalysePods(frs, allPods, time.Now()) current := make(map[string]int64) estimatedCapacity := make(map[string]int64) for _, cluster := range clusters { lrsObj, exists, err := frsc.fedReplicaSetInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, key) if err != nil { return statusError, err } if exists { lrs := lrsObj.(*extensionsv1.ReplicaSet) current[cluster.Name] = int64(podStatus[cluster.Name].RunningAndReady) // include pending as well? unschedulable := int64(podStatus[cluster.Name].Unschedulable) if unschedulable > 0 { estimatedCapacity[cluster.Name] = int64(*lrs.Spec.Replicas) - unschedulable } } } scheduleResult := frsc.schedule(frs, clusters, current, estimatedCapacity) glog.V(4).Infof("Start syncing local replicaset %s: %v", key, scheduleResult) fedStatus := extensionsv1.ReplicaSetStatus{ObservedGeneration: frs.Generation} operations := make([]fedutil.FederatedOperation, 0) for clusterName, replicas := range scheduleResult { lrsObj, exists, err := frsc.fedReplicaSetInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(clusterName, key) if err != nil { return statusError, err } lrs := &extensionsv1.ReplicaSet{ ObjectMeta: fedutil.CopyObjectMeta(frs.ObjectMeta), Spec: frs.Spec, } specReplicas := int32(replicas) lrs.Spec.Replicas = &specReplicas if !exists { if replicas > 0 { frsc.eventRecorder.Eventf(frs, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster", "Creating replicaset in cluster %s", clusterName) operations = append(operations, fedutil.FederatedOperation{ Type: fedutil.OperationTypeAdd, Obj: lrs, ClusterName: clusterName, }) } } else { currentLrs := lrsObj.(*extensionsv1.ReplicaSet) // Update existing replica set, if needed. if !fedutil.ObjectMetaEquivalent(lrs.ObjectMeta, currentLrs.ObjectMeta) || !reflect.DeepEqual(lrs.Spec, currentLrs.Spec) { frsc.eventRecorder.Eventf(frs, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster", "Updating replicaset in cluster %s", clusterName) operations = append(operations, fedutil.FederatedOperation{ Type: fedutil.OperationTypeUpdate, Obj: lrs, ClusterName: clusterName, }) } fedStatus.Replicas += currentLrs.Status.Replicas fedStatus.FullyLabeledReplicas += currentLrs.Status.FullyLabeledReplicas // leave the replicaset even the replicas dropped to 0 } } if fedStatus.Replicas != frs.Status.Replicas || fedStatus.FullyLabeledReplicas != frs.Status.FullyLabeledReplicas { frs.Status = fedStatus _, err = frsc.fedClient.Extensions().ReplicaSets(frs.Namespace).UpdateStatus(frs) if err != nil { return statusError, err } } if len(operations) == 0 { // Everything is in order return statusAllOk, nil } err = frsc.fedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, updateTimeout, func(op fedutil.FederatedOperation, operror error) { frsc.eventRecorder.Eventf(frs, api.EventTypeNormal, "FailedUpdateInCluster", "Replicaset update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror) }) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", key, err) return statusError, err } // Some operations were made, reconcile after a while. return statusNeedRecheck, nil }
func (secretcontroller *SecretController) reconcileSecret(namespace string, secretName string) { if !secretcontroller.isSynced() { secretcontroller.deliverSecret(namespace, secretName, secretcontroller.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } key := getSecretKey(namespace, secretName) baseSecretObj, exist, err := secretcontroller.secretInformerStore.GetByKey(key) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to query main secret store for %v: %v", key, err) secretcontroller.deliverSecret(namespace, secretName, 0, true) return } if !exist { // Not federated secret, ignoring. return } baseSecret := baseSecretObj.(*api_v1.Secret) clusters, err := secretcontroller.secretFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err) secretcontroller.deliverSecret(namespace, secretName, secretcontroller.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0) for _, cluster := range clusters { clusterSecretObj, found, err := secretcontroller.secretFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, key) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get %s from %s: %v", key, cluster.Name, err) secretcontroller.deliverSecret(namespace, secretName, 0, true) return } desiredSecret := &api_v1.Secret{ ObjectMeta: util.CopyObjectMeta(baseSecret.ObjectMeta), Data: baseSecret.Data, Type: baseSecret.Type, } if !found { secretcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseSecret, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster", "Creating secret in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeAdd, Obj: desiredSecret, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } else { clusterSecret := clusterSecretObj.(*api_v1.Secret) // Update existing secret, if needed. if !util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(desiredSecret.ObjectMeta, clusterSecret.ObjectMeta) || !reflect.DeepEqual(desiredSecret.Data, clusterSecret.Data) || !reflect.DeepEqual(desiredSecret.Type, clusterSecret.Type) { secretcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseSecret, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster", "Updating secret in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeUpdate, Obj: desiredSecret, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } } } if len(operations) == 0 { // Everything is in order return } err = secretcontroller.federatedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, secretcontroller.updateTimeout, func(op util.FederatedOperation, operror error) { secretcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseSecret, api.EventTypeNormal, "FailedUpdateInCluster", "Update secret in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror) }) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", key, err) secretcontroller.deliverSecret(namespace, secretName, 0, true) return } // Evertyhing is in order but lets be double sure secretcontroller.deliverSecret(namespace, secretName, secretcontroller.secretReviewDelay, false) }
func (ic *IngressController) reconcileIngress(ingress types.NamespacedName) { glog.V(4).Infof("Reconciling ingress %q for all clusters", ingress) if !ic.isSynced() { ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } key := ingress.String() baseIngressObj, exist, err := ic.ingressInformerStore.GetByKey(key) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to query main ingress store for %v: %v", ingress, err) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, 0, true) return } if !exist { // Not federated ingress, ignoring. glog.V(4).Infof("Ingress %q is not federated. Ignoring.", ingress) return } baseIngress, ok := baseIngressObj.(*extensions_v1beta1.Ingress) if !ok { glog.Errorf("Internal Error: Object retrieved from ingressInformerStore with key %q is not of correct type *extensions_v1beta1.Ingress: %v", key, baseIngressObj) } else { glog.V(4).Infof("Base (federated) ingress: %v", baseIngress) } clusters, err := ic.ingressFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } else { glog.V(4).Infof("Found %d ready clusters across which to reconcile ingress %q", len(clusters), ingress) } operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0) for clusterIndex, cluster := range clusters { baseIPName, baseIPAnnotationExists := baseIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations[staticIPNameKeyWritable] clusterIngressObj, clusterIngressFound, err := ic.ingressFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, key) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get cached ingress %s for cluster %s, will retry: %v", ingress, cluster.Name, err) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, 0, true) return } desiredIngress := &extensions_v1beta1.Ingress{} objMeta, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(baseIngress.ObjectMeta) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Error deep copying ObjectMeta: %v", err) } objSpec, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(baseIngress.Spec) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Error deep copying Spec: %v", err) } desiredIngress.ObjectMeta, ok = objMeta.(v1.ObjectMeta) if !ok { glog.Errorf("Internal error: Failed to cast to v1.ObjectMeta: %v", objMeta) } desiredIngress.Spec = objSpec.(extensions_v1beta1.IngressSpec) if !ok { glog.Errorf("Internal error: Failed to cast to extensions_v1beta1.IngressSpec: %v", objSpec) } glog.V(4).Infof("Desired Ingress: %v", desiredIngress) if !clusterIngressFound { glog.V(4).Infof("No existing Ingress %s in cluster %s - checking if appropriate to queue a create operation", ingress, cluster.Name) // We can't supply server-created fields when creating a new object. desiredIngress.ObjectMeta = util.DeepCopyObjectMeta(baseIngress.ObjectMeta) ic.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseIngress, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster", "Creating ingress in cluster %s", cluster.Name) // We always first create an ingress in the first available cluster. Once that ingress // has been created and allocated a global IP (visible via an annotation), // we record that annotation on the federated ingress, and create all other cluster // ingresses with that same global IP. // Note: If the first cluster becomes (e.g. temporarily) unavailable, the second cluster will be allocated // index 0, but eventually all ingresses will share the single global IP recorded in the annotation // of the federated ingress. if baseIPAnnotationExists || (clusterIndex == 0) { glog.V(4).Infof("No existing Ingress %s in cluster %s (index %d) and static IP annotation (%q) on base ingress - queuing a create operation", ingress, cluster.Name, clusterIndex, staticIPNameKeyWritable) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeAdd, Obj: desiredIngress, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } else { glog.V(4).Infof("No annotation %q exists on ingress %q in federation, and index of cluster %q is %d and not zero. Not queueing create operation for ingress %q until annotation exists", staticIPNameKeyWritable, ingress, cluster.Name, clusterIndex, ingress) } } else { clusterIngress := clusterIngressObj.(*extensions_v1beta1.Ingress) glog.V(4).Infof("Found existing Ingress %s in cluster %s - checking if update is required (in either direction)", ingress, cluster.Name) clusterIPName, clusterIPNameExists := clusterIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations[staticIPNameKeyReadonly] baseLBStatusExists := len(baseIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0 clusterLBStatusExists := len(clusterIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0 logStr := fmt.Sprintf("Cluster ingress %q has annotation %q=%q, loadbalancer status exists? [%v], federated ingress has annotation %q=%q, loadbalancer status exists? [%v]. %%s annotation and/or loadbalancer status from cluster ingress to federated ingress.", ingress, staticIPNameKeyReadonly, clusterIPName, clusterLBStatusExists, staticIPNameKeyWritable, baseIPName, baseLBStatusExists) if (!baseIPAnnotationExists && clusterIPNameExists) || (!baseLBStatusExists && clusterLBStatusExists) { // copy the IP name from the readonly annotation on the cluster ingress, to the writable annotation on the federated ingress glog.V(4).Infof(logStr, "Transferring") if !baseIPAnnotationExists && clusterIPNameExists { baseIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations[staticIPNameKeyWritable] = clusterIPName glog.V(4).Infof("Attempting to update base federated ingress annotations: %v", baseIngress) if updatedFedIngress, err := ic.federatedApiClient.Extensions().Ingresses(baseIngress.Namespace).Update(baseIngress); err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to add static IP annotation to federated ingress %q, will try again later: %v", ingress, err) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true) return } else { glog.V(4).Infof("Successfully updated federated ingress %q (added IP annotation), after update: %q", ingress, updatedFedIngress) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.smallDelay, false) return } } if !baseLBStatusExists && clusterLBStatusExists { lbstatusObj, lbErr := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(&clusterIngress.Status.LoadBalancer) lbstatus, ok := lbstatusObj.(*v1.LoadBalancerStatus) if lbErr != nil || !ok { glog.Errorf("Internal error: Failed to clone LoadBalancerStatus of %q in cluster %q while attempting to update master loadbalancer ingress status, will try again later. error: %v, Object to be cloned: %v", ingress, cluster.Name, lbErr, lbstatusObj) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true) return } baseIngress.Status.LoadBalancer = *lbstatus glog.V(4).Infof("Attempting to update base federated ingress status: %v", baseIngress) if updatedFedIngress, err := ic.federatedApiClient.Extensions().Ingresses(baseIngress.Namespace).UpdateStatus(baseIngress); err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to update federated ingress status of %q (loadbalancer status), will try again later: %v", ingress, err) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true) return } else { glog.V(4).Infof("Successfully updated federated ingress status of %q (added loadbalancer status), after update: %q", ingress, updatedFedIngress) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.smallDelay, false) return } } } else { glog.V(4).Infof(logStr, "Not transferring") } // Update existing cluster ingress, if needed. if util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(baseIngress.ObjectMeta, clusterIngress.ObjectMeta) && reflect.DeepEqual(baseIngress.Spec, clusterIngress.Spec) { glog.V(4).Infof("Ingress %q in cluster %q does not need an update: cluster ingress is equivalent to federated ingress", ingress, cluster.Name) } else { glog.V(4).Infof("Ingress %s in cluster %s needs an update: cluster ingress %v is not equivalent to federated ingress %v", ingress, cluster.Name, clusterIngress, desiredIngress) objMeta, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(clusterIngress.ObjectMeta) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Error deep copying ObjectMeta: %v", err) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true) } desiredIngress.ObjectMeta, ok = objMeta.(v1.ObjectMeta) if !ok { glog.Errorf("Internal error: Failed to cast to v1.ObjectMeta: %v", objMeta) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true) } // Merge any annotations and labels on the federated ingress onto the underlying cluster ingress, // overwriting duplicates. if desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations == nil { desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations = make(map[string]string) } for key, val := range baseIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations { desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations[key] = val } if desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Labels == nil { desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Labels = make(map[string]string) } for key, val := range baseIngress.ObjectMeta.Labels { desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Labels[key] = val } ic.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseIngress, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster", "Updating ingress in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeUpdate, Obj: desiredIngress, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) // TODO: Transfer any readonly (target-proxy, url-map etc) annotations from the master cluster to the federation, if this is the master cluster. // This is only for consistency, so that the federation ingress metadata matches the underlying clusters. It's not actually required } } } } if len(operations) == 0 { // Everything is in order glog.V(4).Infof("Ingress %q is up-to-date in all clusters - no propagation to clusters required.", ingress) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, false) return } glog.V(4).Infof("Calling federatedUpdater.Update() - operations: %v", operations) err = ic.federatedIngressUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, ic.updateTimeout, func(op util.FederatedOperation, operror error) { ic.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseIngress, api.EventTypeNormal, "FailedClusterUpdate", "Ingress update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror) }) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", ingress, err) ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true) return } // Schedule another periodic reconciliation, only to account for possible bugs in watch processing. ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, false) }
func equivalentDeployment(fedDeployment, localDeployment *v1beta1.Deployment) bool { localDeploymentSpec := localDeployment.Spec localDeploymentSpec.Replicas = fedDeployment.Spec.Replicas return fedutil.ObjectMetaEquivalent(fedDeployment.ObjectMeta, localDeployment.ObjectMeta) && reflect.DeepEqual(fedDeployment.Spec, localDeploymentSpec) }
func (nc *NamespaceController) reconcileNamespace(namespace string) { if !nc.isSynced() { nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } baseNamespaceObj, exist, err := nc.namespaceInformerStore.GetByKey(namespace) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to query main namespace store for %v: %v", namespace, err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true) return } if !exist { // Not federated namespace, ignoring. return } baseNamespace := baseNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace) if baseNamespace.Status.Phase == api_v1.NamespaceTerminating { // TODO: What about namespaces in subclusters ??? err = nc.federatedApiClient.Core().Namespaces().Delete(baseNamespace.Name, &api.DeleteOptions{}) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to delete namespace %s: %v", baseNamespace.Name, err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true) } return } clusters, err := nc.namespaceFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0) for _, cluster := range clusters { clusterNamespaceObj, found, err := nc.namespaceFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, namespace) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get %s from %s: %v", namespace, cluster.Name, err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true) return } desiredNamespace := &api_v1.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: util.CopyObjectMeta(baseNamespace.ObjectMeta), Spec: baseNamespace.Spec, } if !found { operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeAdd, Obj: desiredNamespace, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } else { clusterNamespace := clusterNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace) // Update existing namespace, if needed. if !util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(desiredNamespace.ObjectMeta, clusterNamespace.ObjectMeta) || !reflect.DeepEqual(desiredNamespace.Spec, clusterNamespace.Spec) { operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeUpdate, Obj: desiredNamespace, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } } } if len(operations) == 0 { // Everything is in order return } err = nc.federatedUpdater.Update(operations, nc.updateTimeout) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", namespace, err) nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true) return } // Evertyhing is in order but lets be double sure nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.namespaceReviewDelay, false) }
func (daemonsetcontroller *DaemonSetController) reconcileDaemonSet(namespace string, daemonsetName string) { glog.V(4).Infof("Reconciling daemonset %s/%s", namespace, daemonsetName) if !daemonsetcontroller.isSynced() { glog.V(4).Infof("Daemonset controller is not synced") daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, daemonsetcontroller.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } key := getDaemonSetKey(namespace, daemonsetName) baseDaemonSetObj, exist, err := daemonsetcontroller.daemonsetInformerStore.GetByKey(key) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to query main daemonset store for %v: %v", key, err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, true) return } if !exist { glog.V(4).Infof("Skipping daemonset %s/%s - not federated", namespace, daemonsetName) // Not federated daemonset, ignoring. return } baseDaemonSet := baseDaemonSetObj.(*extensionsv1.DaemonSet) clusters, err := daemonsetcontroller.daemonsetFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, daemonsetcontroller.clusterAvailableDelay, false) return } operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0) for _, cluster := range clusters { clusterDaemonSetObj, found, err := daemonsetcontroller.daemonsetFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, key) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to get %s from %s: %v", key, cluster.Name, err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, true) return } desiredDaemonSet := &extensionsv1.DaemonSet{ ObjectMeta: util.CopyObjectMeta(baseDaemonSet.ObjectMeta), Spec: baseDaemonSet.Spec, } if !found { glog.V(4).Infof("Creating daemonset %s/%s in cluster %s", namespace, daemonsetName, cluster.Name) daemonsetcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseDaemonSet, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster", "Creating daemonset in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeAdd, Obj: desiredDaemonSet, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } else { clusterDaemonSet := clusterDaemonSetObj.(*extensionsv1.DaemonSet) // Update existing daemonset, if needed. if !util.ObjectMetaEquivalent(desiredDaemonSet.ObjectMeta, clusterDaemonSet.ObjectMeta) || !reflect.DeepEqual(desiredDaemonSet.Spec, clusterDaemonSet.Spec) { glog.V(4).Infof("Upadting daemonset %s/%s in cluster %s", namespace, daemonsetName, cluster.Name) daemonsetcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseDaemonSet, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster", "Updating daemonset in cluster %s", cluster.Name) operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{ Type: util.OperationTypeUpdate, Obj: desiredDaemonSet, ClusterName: cluster.Name, }) } } } if len(operations) == 0 { glog.V(4).Infof("No operation needed for %s/%s", namespace, daemonsetName) // Everything is in order return } err = daemonsetcontroller.federatedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, daemonsetcontroller.updateTimeout, func(op util.FederatedOperation, operror error) { daemonsetcontroller.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseDaemonSet, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInClusterFailed", "DaemonSet update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror) }) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v, retrying shortly", key, err) daemonsetcontroller.deliverDaemonSet(namespace, daemonsetName, 0, true) return } }