func Test_GetAttachedVolumesForNode_Positive_TwoVolumeTwoNodes(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volume1Name := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume1-name")
	volume1Spec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volume1Name), volume1Name)
	node1Name := "node1-name"
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"
	_, add1Err := asw.AddVolumeNode(volume1Spec, node1Name, devicePath)
	if add1Err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", add1Err)
	volume2Name := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume2-name")
	volume2Spec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volume2Name), volume2Name)
	node2Name := "node2-name"
	generatedVolumeName2, add2Err := asw.AddVolumeNode(volume2Spec, node2Name, devicePath)
	if add2Err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", add2Err)

	// Act
	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumesForNode(node2Name)

	// Assert
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName2, string(volume2Name), node2Name, true /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
// Populates data struct with new pod/volume1/node.
// Calls VolumeExists() on that volume2/node.
// Verifies volume2/node does not exist, and one volume to attach.
func Test_VolumeExists_Positive_VolumeDoesntExistNodeExists(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	podName := types.UniquePodName("pod-uid")
	volume1Name := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume1-name")
	volume1Spec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volume1Name), volume1Name)
	generatedVolume1Name, podAddErr := dsw.AddPod(podName, volume1Spec, nodeName)
	if podAddErr != nil {
			"AddPod failed for pod %q. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>",
	volume2Name := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume2-name")

	// Act
	volumeExists := dsw.VolumeExists(volume2Name, nodeName)

	// Assert
	if volumeExists {
		t.Fatalf("Volume %q exists, it should not.", volume2Name)

	volumesToAttach := dsw.GetVolumesToAttach()
	if len(volumesToAttach) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(volumesToAttach) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(volumesToAttach))

	verifyVolumeToAttach(t, volumesToAttach, nodeName, generatedVolume1Name, string(volume1Name))
// Populates data struct with two nodes with one volume/pod each and an extra
// pod for the second node/volume pair.
// Calls GetVolumesToAttach()
// Verifies two volumes to attach.
func Test_GetVolumesToAttach_Positive_TwoNodesOneVolumeEachExtraPod(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	node1Name := "node1-name"
	pod1Name := types.UniquePodName("pod1-uid")
	volume1Name := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume1-name")
	volume1Spec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volume1Name), volume1Name)
	generatedVolume1Name, podAddErr := dsw.AddPod(pod1Name, volume1Spec, node1Name)
	if podAddErr != nil {
			"AddPod failed for pod %q. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>",
	node2Name := "node2-name"
	pod2Name := types.UniquePodName("pod2-uid")
	volume2Name := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume2-name")
	volume2Spec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volume2Name), volume2Name)
	generatedVolume2Name, podAddErr := dsw.AddPod(pod2Name, volume2Spec, node2Name)
	if podAddErr != nil {
			"AddPod failed for pod %q. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>",
	pod3Name := types.UniquePodName("pod3-uid")
	dsw.AddPod(pod3Name, volume2Spec, node2Name)
	_, podAddErr = dsw.AddPod(pod3Name, volume2Spec, node2Name)
	if podAddErr != nil {
			"AddPod failed for pod %q. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>",

	// Act
	volumesToAttach := dsw.GetVolumesToAttach()

	// Assert
	if len(volumesToAttach) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("len(volumesToAttach) Expected: <2> Actual: <%v>", len(volumesToAttach))

	verifyVolumeToAttach(t, volumesToAttach, node1Name, generatedVolume1Name, string(volume1Name))
	verifyVolumeToAttach(t, volumesToAttach, node2Name, generatedVolume2Name, string(volume2Name))
// Populates data struct with one volume/node entry.
// Calls SetDetachRequestTime twice and sleep maxWaitTime (1 second) in between
// The elapsed time returned from the first SetDetachRequestTime call should be smaller than maxWaitTime
// The elapsed time returned from the second SetDetachRequestTime call should be larger than maxWaitTime
func Test_SetDetachRequestTime_Positive(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := types.NodeName("node-name")
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"
	generatedVolumeName, addErr := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName, devicePath)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)

	maxWaitTime := 1 * time.Second
	etime, err := asw.SetDetachRequestTime(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SetDetachRequestTime failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err)
	if etime >= maxWaitTime {
		t.Logf("SetDetachRequestTim Expected: <elapsed time %v is smaller than maxWaitTime %v> Actual <elapsed time is larger than maxWaitTime>", etime, maxWaitTime)
	// Sleep and call SetDetachRequestTime again
	etime, err = asw.SetDetachRequestTime(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SetDetachRequestTime failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err)
	if etime < maxWaitTime {
		t.Fatalf("SetDetachRequestTim Expected: <elapsed time %v is larger than maxWaitTime %v> Actual <elapsed time is smaller>", etime, maxWaitTime)
// Populates data struct with one volume/node entry.
// Calls RemoveVolumeFromReportAsAttached
// Verifyies there is no valume as reported as attached
func Test_RemoveVolumeFromReportAsAttached(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := types.NodeName("node-name")
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"
	generatedVolumeName, addErr := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName, devicePath)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)

	removeVolumeDetachErr := asw.RemoveVolumeFromReportAsAttached(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if removeVolumeDetachErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("RemoveVolumeFromReportAsAttached failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", removeVolumeDetachErr)

	reportAsAttachedVolumesMap := asw.GetVolumesToReportAttached()
	volumes, exists := reportAsAttachedVolumesMap[nodeName]
	if !exists {
		t.Fatalf("MarkDesireToDetach_UnmarkDesireToDetach failed. Expected: <node %q exist> Actual: <node does not exist in the reportedAsAttached map", nodeName)
	if len(volumes) > 0 {
		t.Fatalf("len(reportAsAttachedVolumes) Expected: <0> Actual: <%v>", len(volumes))

// Populates data struct with one volume/node entry.
// Calls DeleteVolumeNode() to delete volume/node.
// Verifies no volume/node entries exists.
func Test_DeleteVolumeNode_Positive_VolumeExistsNodeExists(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"
	generatedVolumeName, addErr := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName, devicePath)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)

	// Act
	asw.DeleteVolumeNode(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)

	// Assert
	volumeNodeComboExists := asw.VolumeNodeExists(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if volumeNodeComboExists {
		t.Fatalf("%q/%q volume/node combo exists, it should not.", generatedVolumeName, nodeName)

	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <0> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))
func Test_NewGoRoutineMap_Positive_WaitWithExpBackoff(t *testing.T) {
	// Test that Wait() really blocks until the last operation succeeds
	// Arrange
	grm := NewNestedPendingOperations(true /* exponentialBackOffOnError */)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	operation1DoneCh := make(chan interface{}, 0 /* bufferSize */)
	operation1 := generateWaitFunc(operation1DoneCh)
	err := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation1)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err)

	// Act
	waitDoneCh := make(chan interface{}, 1)
	go func() {
		waitDoneCh <- true

	// Finish the operation
	operation1DoneCh <- true

	// Assert
	err = waitChannelWithTimeout(waitDoneCh, testTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error waiting for GoRoutineMap.Wait: %v", err)
// Populates data struct with one volume1/node1 entry.
// Calls VolumeNodeExists() with volume1/node2.
// Verifies requested entry does not exist, but populated entry does.
func Test_VolumeNodeExists_Positive_VolumeExistsNodeDoesntExist(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	node1Name := "node1-name"
	node2Name := "node2-name"
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"
	generatedVolumeName, addErr := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, node1Name, devicePath)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)

	// Act
	volumeNodeComboExists := asw.VolumeNodeExists(generatedVolumeName, node2Name)

	// Assert
	if volumeNodeComboExists {
		t.Fatalf("%q/%q volume/node combo exists, it should not.", generatedVolumeName, node2Name)

	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName, string(volumeName), node1Name, true /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
func Test_NewGoRoutineMap_Positive_SecondOpAfterFirstCompletesWithExpBackoff(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	grm := NewNestedPendingOperations(true /* exponentialBackOffOnError */)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	operation1DoneCh := make(chan interface{}, 0 /* bufferSize */)
	operation1 := generateCallbackFunc(operation1DoneCh)
	err1 := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation1)
	if err1 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err1)
	operation2 := generateNoopFunc()
	<-operation1DoneCh // Force operation1 to complete

	// Act
	err2 := retryWithExponentialBackOff(
		func() (bool, error) {
			err := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation2)
			if err != nil {
				t.Logf("Warning: NewGoRoutine failed with %v. Will retry.", err)
				return false, nil
			return true, nil

	// Assert
	if err2 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err2)
// Populates data struct with one volume/node entry.
// Calls SetVolumeMountedByNode twice, first setting mounted to true then false.
// Verifies mountedByNode is false.
func Test_SetVolumeMountedByNode_Positive_UnsetWithInitialSet(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"
	generatedVolumeName, addErr := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName, devicePath)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)

	// Act
	setVolumeMountedErr1 := asw.SetVolumeMountedByNode(generatedVolumeName, nodeName, true /* mounted */)
	setVolumeMountedErr2 := asw.SetVolumeMountedByNode(generatedVolumeName, nodeName, false /* mounted */)

	// Assert
	if setVolumeMountedErr1 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SetVolumeMountedByNode1 failed. Expected <no error> Actual: <%v>", setVolumeMountedErr1)
	if setVolumeMountedErr2 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SetVolumeMountedByNode2 failed. Expected <no error> Actual: <%v>", setVolumeMountedErr2)

	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName, string(volumeName), nodeName, false /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
// Populates data struct with one volume/node entry.
// Calls MarkDesireToDetach() once on volume/node entry.
// Calls AddVolumeNode() to re-add the same volume/node entry.
// Verifies mountedByNode is true and detachRequestedTime is reset to zero.
func Test_MarkDesireToDetach_Positive_MarkedAddVolumeNodeReset(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"
	generatedVolumeName, addErr := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName, devicePath)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)

	// Act
	_, markDesireToDetachErr := asw.MarkDesireToDetach(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	generatedVolumeName, addErr = asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName, devicePath)

	// Assert
	if markDesireToDetachErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("MarkDesireToDetach failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", markDesireToDetachErr)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)

	// Assert
	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName, string(volumeName), nodeName, true /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
func Test_GetAttachedVolumesForNode_Positive_OneVolumeTwoNodes(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	node1Name := "node1-name"
	generatedVolumeName1, add1Err := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, node1Name)
	if add1Err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", add1Err)
	node2Name := "node2-name"
	generatedVolumeName2, add2Err := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, node2Name)
	if add2Err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", add2Err)

	if generatedVolumeName1 != generatedVolumeName2 {
			"Generated volume names for the same volume should be the same but they are not: %q and %q",

	// Act
	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumesForNode(node1Name)

	// Assert
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName1, string(volumeName), node1Name, true /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
// Populates desiredStateOfWorld cache with one node/volume/pod tuple.
// Calls Run()
// Verifies there is one attach call and no detach calls.
func Test_Run_Positive_OneDesiredVolumeAttach(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, fakePlugin := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := cache.NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	asw := cache.NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	ad := operationexecutor.NewOperationExecutor(volumePluginMgr)
	reconciler := NewReconciler(
		reconcilerLoopPeriod, maxWaitForUnmountDuration, dsw, asw, ad)
	podName := types.UniquePodName("pod-uid")
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	volumeExists := dsw.VolumeExists(volumeName, nodeName)
	if volumeExists {
			"Volume %q/node %q should not exist, but it does.",

	_, podErr := dsw.AddPod(podName, volumeSpec, nodeName)
	if podErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddPod failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", podErr)

	// Act
	go reconciler.Run(wait.NeverStop)

	// Assert
	waitForNewAttacherCallCount(t, 1 /* expectedCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	waitForAttachCallCount(t, 1 /* expectedAttachCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	verifyNewDetacherCallCount(t, true /* expectZeroNewDetacherCallCount */, fakePlugin)
// Calls AddVolumeNode() once.
// Verifies a single volume/node entry exists.
func Test_AddVolumeNode_Positive_NewVolumeNewNode(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)

	nodeName := "node-name"

	// Act
	generatedVolumeName, err := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName)

	// Assert
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err)

	volumeNodeComboExists := asw.VolumeNodeExists(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if !volumeNodeComboExists {
		t.Fatalf("%q/%q volume/node combo does not exist, it should.", generatedVolumeName, nodeName)

	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName, string(volumeName), nodeName, true /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
func Test_NewGoRoutineMap_Positive_SecondOpAfterFirstPanicsWithExpBackoff(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	grm := NewNestedPendingOperations(true /* exponentialBackOffOnError */)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	operation1 := generatePanicFunc()
	err1 := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation1)
	if err1 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err1)
	operation2 := generateNoopFunc()

	// Act
	err2 := retryWithExponentialBackOff(
		time.Duration(initialOperationWaitTimeLong), // Longer duration to accommodate for backoff
		func() (bool, error) {
			err := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation2)
			if err != nil {
				t.Logf("Warning: NewGoRoutine failed with %v. Will retry.", err)
				return false, nil
			return true, nil

	// Assert
	if err2 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err2)
// Populates data struct with new pod/volume/node.
// Calls VolumeExists() on that volume/node.
// Verifies volume/node exists, and one volume to attach.
func Test_VolumeExists_Positive_VolumeExistsNodeExists(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	podName := types.UniquePodName("pod-uid")
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	generatedVolumeName, _ := dsw.AddPod(podName, volumeSpec, nodeName)

	// Act
	volumeExists := dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)

	// Assert
	if !volumeExists {
		t.Fatalf("Volume %q does not exist, it should.", generatedVolumeName)

	volumesToAttach := dsw.GetVolumesToAttach()
	if len(volumesToAttach) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(volumesToAttach) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(volumesToAttach))

	verifyVolumeToAttach(t, volumesToAttach, nodeName, generatedVolumeName, string(volumeName))
// Populates desiredStateOfWorld cache with one node/volume/pod tuple.
// Calls Run()
// Verifies there is one attach call and no detach calls.
// Marks the node/volume as unmounted.
// Deletes the node/volume/pod tuple from desiredStateOfWorld cache.
// Verifies there is one detach call and no (new) attach calls.
func Test_Run_Positive_OneDesiredVolumeAttachThenDetachWithUnmountedVolume(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, fakePlugin := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := cache.NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	asw := cache.NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	fakeKubeClient := controllervolumetesting.CreateTestClient()
	ad := operationexecutor.NewOperationExecutor(fakeKubeClient, volumePluginMgr)
	nsu := statusupdater.NewFakeNodeStatusUpdater(false /* returnError */)
	reconciler := NewReconciler(
		reconcilerLoopPeriod, maxWaitForUnmountDuration, dsw, asw, ad, nsu)
	podName := "pod-uid"
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	volumeExists := dsw.VolumeExists(volumeName, nodeName)
	if volumeExists {
			"Volume %q/node %q should not exist, but it does.",

	generatedVolumeName, podAddErr := dsw.AddPod(types.UniquePodName(podName), controllervolumetesting.NewPod(podName, podName), volumeSpec, nodeName)
	if podAddErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddPod failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", podAddErr)

	// Act
	ch := make(chan struct{})
	go reconciler.Run(ch)
	defer close(ch)

	// Assert
	waitForNewAttacherCallCount(t, 1 /* expectedCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	verifyNewAttacherCallCount(t, false /* expectZeroNewAttacherCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	waitForAttachCallCount(t, 1 /* expectedAttachCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	verifyNewDetacherCallCount(t, true /* expectZeroNewDetacherCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	waitForDetachCallCount(t, 0 /* expectedDetachCallCount */, fakePlugin)

	// Act
	dsw.DeletePod(types.UniquePodName(podName), generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	volumeExists = dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if volumeExists {
			"Deleted pod %q from volume %q/node %q. Volume should also be deleted but it still exists.",
	asw.SetVolumeMountedByNode(generatedVolumeName, nodeName, true /* mounted */)
	asw.SetVolumeMountedByNode(generatedVolumeName, nodeName, false /* mounted */)

	// Assert
	waitForNewDetacherCallCount(t, 1 /* expectedCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	verifyNewAttacherCallCount(t, false /* expectZeroNewAttacherCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	waitForAttachCallCount(t, 1 /* expectedAttachCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	verifyNewDetacherCallCount(t, false /* expectZeroNewDetacherCallCount */, fakePlugin)
	waitForDetachCallCount(t, 1 /* expectedDetachCallCount */, fakePlugin)
func TestGetMountedVolumesForPodAndGetVolumesInUse(t *testing.T) {
	tmpDir, err := utiltesting.MkTmpdir("volumeManagerTest")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("can't make a temp dir: %v", err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
	podManager := kubepod.NewBasicPodManager(podtest.NewFakeMirrorClient())

	node, pod, pv, claim := createObjects()
	kubeClient := fake.NewSimpleClientset(node, pod, pv, claim)

	manager, err := newTestVolumeManager(tmpDir, podManager, kubeClient)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to initialize volume manager: %v", err)

	stopCh := make(chan struct{})
	go manager.Run(stopCh)
	defer close(stopCh)


	// Fake node status update
	go simulateVolumeInUseUpdate(

	err = manager.WaitForAttachAndMount(pod)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Expected success: %v", err)

	expectedMounted := pod.Spec.Volumes[0].Name
	actualMounted := manager.GetMountedVolumesForPod(types.UniquePodName(pod.ObjectMeta.UID))
	if _, ok := actualMounted[expectedMounted]; !ok || (len(actualMounted) != 1) {
		t.Errorf("Expected %v to be mounted to pod but got %v", expectedMounted, actualMounted)

	expectedInUse := []api.UniqueVolumeName{api.UniqueVolumeName(node.Status.VolumesAttached[0].Name)}
	actualInUse := manager.GetVolumesInUse()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedInUse, actualInUse) {
		t.Errorf("Expected %v to be in use but got %v", expectedInUse, actualInUse)
// Populates data struct with pod1/volume/node and pod2/volume/node.
// Calls DeleteNode() to delete the pod1/volume/node.
// Verifies volume still exists, and one volumes to attach.
func Test_DeletePod_Positive_2PodsExistNodeExistsVolumesExist(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	pod1Name := types.UniquePodName("pod1-uid")
	pod2Name := types.UniquePodName("pod2-uid")
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	generatedVolumeName1, pod1AddErr := dsw.AddPod(pod1Name, volumeSpec, nodeName)
	if pod1AddErr != nil {
			"AddPod failed for pod %q. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>",
	generatedVolumeName2, pod2AddErr := dsw.AddPod(pod2Name, volumeSpec, nodeName)
	if pod2AddErr != nil {
			"AddPod failed for pod %q. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>",
	if generatedVolumeName1 != generatedVolumeName2 {
			"Generated volume names for the same volume should be the same but they are not: %q and %q",
	volumeExists := dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName1, nodeName)
	if !volumeExists {
			"Volume %q does not exist under node %q, it should.",

	// Act
	dsw.DeletePod(pod1Name, generatedVolumeName1, nodeName)

	// Assert
	volumeExists = dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName1, nodeName)
	if !volumeExists {
			"Volume %q under node %q should still exist, but it does not.",

	volumesToAttach := dsw.GetVolumesToAttach()
	if len(volumesToAttach) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(volumesToAttach) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(volumesToAttach))

	verifyVolumeToAttach(t, volumesToAttach, nodeName, generatedVolumeName1, string(volumeName))
func Test_NewGoRoutineMap_Positive_TwoOps(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	grm := NewNestedPendingOperations(false /* exponentialBackOffOnError */)
	volume1Name := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume1-name")
	volume2Name := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume2-name")
	operation := func() error { return nil }

	// Act
	err1 := grm.Run(volume1Name, "" /* operationSubName */, operation)
	err2 := grm.Run(volume2Name, "" /* operationSubName */, operation)

	// Assert
	if err1 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine %q failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", volume1Name, err1)

	if err2 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine %q failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", volume2Name, err2)
// Populates data struct with pod/volume/node1.
// Calls DeleteNode() to delete the pod/volume/node2.
// Verifies volume still exists, and one volumes to attach.
func Test_DeletePod_Positive_NodeDoesNotExist(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	podName := "pod-uid"
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	node1Name := "node1-name"
	generatedVolumeName, podAddErr := dsw.AddPod(types.UniquePodName(podName), controllervolumetesting.NewPod(podName, podName), volumeSpec, node1Name)
	if podAddErr != nil {
			"AddPod failed for pod %q. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>",
	volumeExists := dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName, node1Name)
	if !volumeExists {
			"Added pod %q to volume %q/node %q. Volume does not exist, it should.",
	node2Name := "node2-name"

	// Act
	dsw.DeletePod(types.UniquePodName(podName), generatedVolumeName, node2Name)

	// Assert
	volumeExists = dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName, node1Name)
	if !volumeExists {
			"Volume %q/node %q does not exist, it should.",
	volumeExists = dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName, node2Name)
	if volumeExists {
			"node %q exists, it should not.",

	volumesToAttach := dsw.GetVolumesToAttach()
	if len(volumesToAttach) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(volumesToAttach) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(volumesToAttach))

	verifyVolumeToAttach(t, volumesToAttach, node1Name, generatedVolumeName, string(volumeName))
func Test_NewGoRoutineMap_Positive_SingleOpWithExpBackoff(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	grm := NewNestedPendingOperations(true /* exponentialBackOffOnError */)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	operation := func() error { return nil }

	// Act
	err := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation)

	// Assert
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err)
// Calls AddVolumeNode() twice. Second time use a different node name.
// Verifies two volume/node entries exist with the same volumeSpec.
func Test_AddVolumeNode_Positive_ExistingVolumeNewNode(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	node1Name := "node1-name"
	node2Name := "node2-name"
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"

	// Act
	generatedVolumeName1, add1Err := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, node1Name, devicePath)
	generatedVolumeName2, add2Err := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, node2Name, devicePath)

	// Assert
	if add1Err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", add1Err)
	if add2Err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", add2Err)

	if generatedVolumeName1 != generatedVolumeName2 {
			"Generated volume names for the same volume should be the same but they are not: %q and %q",

	volumeNode1ComboExists := asw.VolumeNodeExists(generatedVolumeName1, node1Name)
	if !volumeNode1ComboExists {
		t.Fatalf("%q/%q volume/node combo does not exist, it should.", generatedVolumeName1, node1Name)

	volumeNode2ComboExists := asw.VolumeNodeExists(generatedVolumeName1, node2Name)
	if !volumeNode2ComboExists {
		t.Fatalf("%q/%q volume/node combo does not exist, it should.", generatedVolumeName1, node2Name)

	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <2> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName1, string(volumeName), node1Name, true /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName1, string(volumeName), node2Name, true /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
func Test_NewGoRoutineMap_Positive_ThirdOpAfterFirstCompletesWithExpBackoff(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	grm := NewNestedPendingOperations(true /* exponentialBackOffOnError */)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	operation1DoneCh := make(chan interface{}, 0 /* bufferSize */)
	operation1 := generateWaitFunc(operation1DoneCh)
	err1 := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation1)
	if err1 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err1)
	operation2 := generateNoopFunc()
	operation3 := generateNoopFunc()

	// Act
	err2 := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation2)

	// Assert
	if err2 == nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine did not fail. Expected: <Failed to create operation with name \"%s\". An operation with that name already exists.> Actual: <no error>", volumeName)
	if !IsAlreadyExists(err2) {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine did not return alreadyExistsError, got: %v", err2)

	// Act
	operation1DoneCh <- true // Force operation1 to complete
	err3 := retryWithExponentialBackOff(
		func() (bool, error) {
			err := grm.Run(volumeName, "" /* operationSubName */, operation3)
			if err != nil {
				t.Logf("Warning: NewGoRoutine failed with %v. Will retry.", err)
				return false, nil
			return true, nil

	// Assert
	if err3 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewGoRoutine failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err3)
// Populates data struct with new pod/volume/node.
// Calls DeleteNode() to delete the pod/volume/node.
// Verifies volume no longer exists, and zero volumes to attach.
func Test_DeletePod_Positive_PodExistsNodeExistsVolumeExists(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	podName := types.UniquePodName("pod-uid")
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	generatedVolumeName, podAddErr := dsw.AddPod(podName, volumeSpec, nodeName)
	if podAddErr != nil {
			"AddPod failed for pod %q. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>",
	volumeExists := dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if !volumeExists {
			"Added pod %q to volume %q/node %q. Volume does not exist, it should.",

	// Act
	dsw.DeletePod(podName, generatedVolumeName, nodeName)

	// Assert
	volumeExists = dsw.VolumeExists(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if volumeExists {
			"Deleted pod %q from volume %q/node %q. Volume should also be deleted but it still exists.",

	volumesToAttach := dsw.GetVolumesToAttach()
	if len(volumesToAttach) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("len(volumesToAttach) Expected: <0> Actual: <%v>", len(volumesToAttach))
// Calls VolumeNodeExists() on empty data struct.
// Verifies requested entry does not exist.
func Test_VolumeNodeExists_Positive_VolumeAndNodeDontExist(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	nodeName := "node-name"

	// Act
	volumeNodeComboExists := asw.VolumeNodeExists(volumeName, nodeName)

	// Assert
	if volumeNodeComboExists {
		t.Fatalf("%q/%q volume/node combo exists, it should not.", volumeName, nodeName)

	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <0> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))
// Calls VolumeExists() on some volume/node.
// Verifies volume/node do not exist, and zero volumes to attach.
func Test_VolumeExists_Positive_VolumeDoesntExistNodeDoesntExists(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	dsw := NewDesiredStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")

	// Act
	volumeExists := dsw.VolumeExists(volumeName, nodeName)

	// Assert
	if volumeExists {
		t.Fatalf("Volume %q exists, it should not.", volumeName)

	volumesToAttach := dsw.GetVolumesToAttach()
	if len(volumesToAttach) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("len(volumesToAttach) Expected: <0> Actual: <%v>", len(volumesToAttach))
// Populates data struct with one volume/node entry.
// Verifies mountedByNode is true and DetachRequestedTime is zero.
func Test_SetVolumeMountedByNode_Positive_Set(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	generatedVolumeName, addErr := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)

	// Act: do not mark -- test default value

	// Assert
	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName, string(volumeName), nodeName, true /* expectedMountedByNode */, false /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
// Populates data struct with one volume/node entry.
// Calls MarkDesireToDetach() once on volume/node entry.
// Calls SetVolumeMountedByNode() twice, first setting mounted to true then false.
// Verifies mountedByNode is false and detachRequestedTime is NOT zero.
func Test_SetVolumeMountedByNode_Positive_UnsetWithInitialSetVerifyDetachRequestedTimePerserved(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld(volumePluginMgr)
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("volume-name")
	volumeSpec := controllervolumetesting.GetTestVolumeSpec(string(volumeName), volumeName)
	nodeName := "node-name"
	generatedVolumeName, addErr := asw.AddVolumeNode(volumeSpec, nodeName)
	if addErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("AddVolumeNode failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", addErr)
	_, err := asw.MarkDesireToDetach(generatedVolumeName, nodeName)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("MarkDesireToDetach failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err)
	expectedDetachRequestedTime := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()[0].DetachRequestedTime

	// Act
	setVolumeMountedErr1 := asw.SetVolumeMountedByNode(generatedVolumeName, nodeName, true /* mounted */)
	setVolumeMountedErr2 := asw.SetVolumeMountedByNode(generatedVolumeName, nodeName, false /* mounted */)

	// Assert
	if setVolumeMountedErr1 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SetVolumeMountedByNode1 failed. Expected <no error> Actual: <%v>", setVolumeMountedErr1)
	if setVolumeMountedErr2 != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SetVolumeMountedByNode2 failed. Expected <no error> Actual: <%v>", setVolumeMountedErr2)

	attachedVolumes := asw.GetAttachedVolumes()
	if len(attachedVolumes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("len(attachedVolumes) Expected: <1> Actual: <%v>", len(attachedVolumes))

	verifyAttachedVolume(t, attachedVolumes, generatedVolumeName, string(volumeName), nodeName, false /* expectedMountedByNode */, true /* expectNonZeroDetachRequestedTime */)
	if !expectedDetachRequestedTime.Equal(attachedVolumes[0].DetachRequestedTime) {
		t.Fatalf("DetachRequestedTime changed. Expected: <%v> Actual: <%v>", expectedDetachRequestedTime, attachedVolumes[0].DetachRequestedTime)
// Calls MarkVolumeAsAttached() once to add volume, specifying a name --
// establishes that the supplied volume name is used to register the volume
// rather than the generated one.
// Verifies newly added volume exists in GetUnmountedVolumes()
// Verifies newly added volume doesn't exist in GetGloballyMountedVolumes()
func Test_MarkVolumeAsAttached_SuppliedVolumeName_Positive_NewVolume(t *testing.T) {
	// Arrange
	volumePluginMgr, _ := volumetesting.GetTestVolumePluginMgr(t)
	asw := NewActualStateOfWorld("mynode" /* nodeName */, volumePluginMgr)
	pod := &api.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
			Name: "pod1",
			UID:  "pod1uid",
		Spec: api.PodSpec{
			Volumes: []api.Volume{
					Name: "volume-name",
					VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{
						GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{
							PDName: "fake-device1",
	volumeSpec := &volume.Spec{Volume: &pod.Spec.Volumes[0]}
	devicePath := "fake/device/path"
	volumeName := api.UniqueVolumeName("this-would-never-be-a-volume-name")

	// Act
	err := asw.MarkVolumeAsAttached(volumeName, volumeSpec, "" /* nodeName */, devicePath)

	// Assert
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("MarkVolumeAsAttached failed. Expected: <no error> Actual: <%v>", err)

	verifyVolumeExistsAsw(t, volumeName, true /* shouldExist */, asw)
	verifyVolumeExistsInUnmountedVolumes(t, volumeName, asw)
	verifyVolumeDoesntExistInGloballyMountedVolumes(t, volumeName, asw)