// verifyCondition verifies specific node condition is generated, if reason and message are empty, they will not be checked func verifyCondition(n client.NodeInterface, nodeName string, condition api.NodeConditionType, status api.ConditionStatus, reason, message string) error { node, err := n.Get(nodeName) if err != nil { return err } _, c := api.GetNodeCondition(&node.Status, condition) if c == nil { return fmt.Errorf("node condition %q not found", condition) } if c.Status != status || c.Reason != reason || c.Message != message { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected node condition %q: %+v", condition, c) } return nil }
func waitForPDInVolumesInUse( nodeClient client.NodeInterface, diskName string, nodeName types.NodeName, timeout time.Duration, shouldExist bool) error { logStr := "to contain" if !shouldExist { logStr = "to NOT contain" } framework.Logf( "Waiting for node %s's VolumesInUse Status %s PD %q", nodeName, logStr, diskName) for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(nodeStatusPollTime) { nodeObj, err := nodeClient.Get(string(nodeName)) if err != nil || nodeObj == nil { framework.Logf( "Failed to fetch node object %q from API server. err=%v", nodeName, err) continue } exists := false for _, volumeInUse := range nodeObj.Status.VolumesInUse { volumeInUseStr := string(volumeInUse) if strings.Contains(volumeInUseStr, diskName) { if shouldExist { framework.Logf( "Found PD %q in node %q's VolumesInUse Status: %q", diskName, nodeName, volumeInUseStr) return nil } exists = true } } if !shouldExist && !exists { framework.Logf( "Verified PD %q does not exist in node %q's VolumesInUse Status.", diskName, nodeName) return nil } } return fmt.Errorf( "Timed out waiting for node %s VolumesInUse Status %s diskName %q", nodeName, logStr, diskName) }