// logDensityTimeSeries logs the time series data of operation and resource usage
func logDensityTimeSeries(rc *ResourceCollector, create, watch map[string]unversioned.Time, testInfo map[string]string) {
	timeSeries := &NodeTimeSeries{
		Labels:  testInfo,
		Version: currentDataVersion,
	// Attach operation time series.
	timeSeries.OperationData = map[string][]int64{
		"create":  getCumulatedPodTimeSeries(create),
		"running": getCumulatedPodTimeSeries(watch),
	// Attach resource time series.
	timeSeries.ResourceData = rc.GetResourceTimeSeries()
	// Log time series with tags
	framework.Logf("%s %s\n%s", TimeSeriesTag, framework.PrettyPrintJSON(timeSeries), TimeSeriesEnd)
// verifyLatency verifies that whether pod creation latency satisfies the limit.
func verifyLatency(batchLag time.Duration, e2eLags []framework.PodLatencyData, testArg densityTest) {
	framework.PrintLatencies(e2eLags, "worst client e2e total latencies")

	// Zhou: do not trust `kubelet' metrics since they are not reset!
	latencyMetrics, _ := getPodStartLatency(kubeletAddr)
	framework.Logf("Kubelet Prometheus metrics (not reset):\n%s", framework.PrettyPrintJSON(latencyMetrics))

	// check whether e2e pod startup time is acceptable.
	podCreateLatency := framework.PodStartupLatency{Latency: framework.ExtractLatencyMetrics(e2eLags)}
	framework.Logf("Pod create latency: %s", framework.PrettyPrintJSON(podCreateLatency))
	framework.ExpectNoError(verifyPodStartupLatency(testArg.podStartupLimits, podCreateLatency.Latency))

	// check bactch pod creation latency
	if testArg.podBatchStartupLimit > 0 {
		Expect(batchLag <= testArg.podBatchStartupLimit).To(Equal(true), "Batch creation startup time %v exceed limit %v",
			batchLag, testArg.podBatchStartupLimit)

	// calculate and log throughput
	throughputBatch := float64(testArg.podsNr) / batchLag.Minutes()
	framework.Logf("Batch creation throughput is %.1f pods/min", throughputBatch)
	throughputSequential := 1.0 / e2eLags[len(e2eLags)-1].Latency.Minutes()
	framework.Logf("Sequential creation throughput is %.1f pods/min", throughputSequential)
// logAndVerifyLatency verifies that whether pod creation latency satisfies the limit.
func logAndVerifyLatency(batchLag time.Duration, e2eLags []framework.PodLatencyData, podStartupLimits framework.LatencyMetric,
	podBatchStartupLimit time.Duration, testName string, isVerify bool) {
	framework.PrintLatencies(e2eLags, "worst client e2e total latencies")

	// TODO(coufon): do not trust 'kubelet' metrics since they are not reset!
	latencyMetrics, _ := getPodStartLatency(kubeletAddr)
	framework.Logf("Kubelet Prometheus metrics (not reset):\n%s", framework.PrettyPrintJSON(latencyMetrics))

	podCreateLatency := framework.PodStartupLatency{Latency: framework.ExtractLatencyMetrics(e2eLags)}

	// log latency perf data
	framework.PrintPerfData(getLatencyPerfData(podCreateLatency.Latency, testName))

	if isVerify {
		// check whether e2e pod startup time is acceptable.
		framework.ExpectNoError(verifyPodStartupLatency(podStartupLimits, podCreateLatency.Latency))

		// check bactch pod creation latency
		if podBatchStartupLimit > 0 {
			Expect(batchLag <= podBatchStartupLimit).To(Equal(true), "Batch creation startup time %v exceed limit %v",
				batchLag, podBatchStartupLimit)
	var masters sets.String

	// Gathers data prior to framework namespace teardown
	AfterEach(func() {
		saturationThreshold := time.Duration((totalPods / MinPodsPerSecondThroughput)) * time.Second
		if saturationThreshold < MinSaturationThreshold {
			saturationThreshold = MinSaturationThreshold
		Expect(e2eStartupTime).NotTo(BeNumerically(">", saturationThreshold))
		saturationData := framework.SaturationTime{
			TimeToSaturate: e2eStartupTime,
			NumberOfNodes:  nodeCount,
			NumberOfPods:   totalPods,
			Throughput:     float32(totalPods) / float32(e2eStartupTime/time.Second),
		framework.Logf("Cluster saturation time: %s", framework.PrettyPrintJSON(saturationData))

		// Verify latency metrics.
		highLatencyRequests, err := framework.HighLatencyRequests(c)
		Expect(highLatencyRequests).NotTo(BeNumerically(">", 0), "There should be no high-latency requests")

		// Verify scheduler metrics.
		// TODO: Reset metrics at the beginning of the test.
		// We should do something similar to how we do it for APIserver.

	// Explicitly put here, to delete namespace at the end of the test
	// (after measuring latency metrics, etc.).
	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("density")