func (s *ResumerSuite) TestResumerCalls(c *C) {
	// Shorter interval and mock help to count
	// the resumer calls in a given timespan.
	testInterval := 10 * time.Millisecond
	defer resumer.RestoreInterval()

	tr := &transactionResumerMock{[]time.Time{}}
	rr := resumer.NewResumer(tr)
	defer func() { c.Assert(rr.Stop(), IsNil) }()

	time.Sleep(10 * testInterval)

	// Check that a numner of calls has happened with a time
	// difference somewhere between the interval and twice the
	// interval. A more precise time behavior cannot be
	// specified due to the load during the test.
	c.Assert(len(tr.timestamps) > 0, Equals, true)
	for i := 1; i < len(tr.timestamps); i++ {
		diff := tr.timestamps[i].Sub(tr.timestamps[i-1])

		c.Assert(diff >= testInterval, Equals, true)
		c.Assert(diff <= 2*testInterval, Equals, true)
func (s *ResumerSuite) TestRunStopWithState(c *C) {
	// Test with state ensures that state fulfills the
	// TransactionResumer interface.
	rr := resumer.NewResumer(s.State)

	c.Assert(rr.Stop(), IsNil)
// StateJobs returns a worker running all the workers that require
// a *state.State connection.
func (a *MachineAgent) StateWorker() (worker.Worker, error) {
	st, entity, err := openState(a.Conf.Conf, a)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// If this fails, other bits will fail, so we just log the error, and
	// let the other failures actually restart runners
	if err := EnsureAPIInfo(a.Conf.Conf, st, entity); err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to EnsureAPIInfo: %v", err)
	m := entity.(*state.Machine)
	// TODO(rog) use more discriminating test for errors
	// rather than taking everything down indiscriminately.
	dataDir := a.Conf.DataDir
	runner := worker.NewRunner(allFatal, moreImportant)
	runner.StartWorker("upgrader", func() (worker.Worker, error) {
		// TODO(rog) use id instead of *Machine (or introduce Clone method)
		return NewUpgrader(st, m, dataDir), nil
	// At this stage, since we don't embed lxc containers, just start an lxc
	// provisioner task for non-lxc containers.  Since we have only LXC
	// containers and normal machines, this effectively means that we only
	// have an LXC provisioner when we have a normally provisioned machine
	// (through the environ-provisioner).  With the upcoming advent of KVM
	// containers, it is likely that we will want an LXC provisioner on a KVM
	// machine, and once we get nested LXC containers, we can remove this
	// check.
	providerType := os.Getenv("JUJU_PROVIDER_TYPE")
	if providerType != provider.Local && m.ContainerType() != instance.LXC {
		workerName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-provisioner", provisioner.LXC)
		runner.StartWorker(workerName, func() (worker.Worker, error) {
			return provisioner.NewProvisioner(provisioner.LXC, st, a.MachineId, dataDir), nil
	// Take advantage of special knowledge here in that we will only ever want
	// the storage provider on one machine, and that is the "bootstrap" node.
	if providerType == provider.Local && m.Id() == bootstrapMachineId {
		runner.StartWorker("local-storage", func() (worker.Worker, error) {
			return localstorage.NewWorker(), nil
	for _, job := range m.Jobs() {
		switch job {
		case state.JobHostUnits:
			runner.StartWorker("deployer", func() (worker.Worker, error) {
				return newDeployer(st, m.Id(), dataDir), nil
		case state.JobManageEnviron:
			runner.StartWorker("environ-provisioner", func() (worker.Worker, error) {
				return provisioner.NewProvisioner(provisioner.ENVIRON, st, a.MachineId, dataDir), nil
			runner.StartWorker("firewaller", func() (worker.Worker, error) {
				return firewaller.NewFirewaller(st), nil
		case state.JobManageState:
			runner.StartWorker("apiserver", func() (worker.Worker, error) {
				// If the configuration does not have the required information,
				// it is currently not a recoverable error, so we kill the whole
				// agent, potentially enabling human intervention to fix
				// the agent's configuration file. In the future, we may retrieve
				// the state server certificate and key from the state, and
				// this should then change.
				if len(a.Conf.StateServerCert) == 0 || len(a.Conf.StateServerKey) == 0 {
					return nil, &fatalError{"configuration does not have state server cert/key"}
				return apiserver.NewServer(st, fmt.Sprintf(":%d", a.Conf.APIPort), a.Conf.StateServerCert, a.Conf.StateServerKey)
			runner.StartWorker("cleaner", func() (worker.Worker, error) {
				return cleaner.NewCleaner(st), nil
			runner.StartWorker("resumer", func() (worker.Worker, error) {
				// The action of resumer is so subtle that it is not tested,
				// because we can't figure out how to do so without brutalising
				// the transaction log.
				return resumer.NewResumer(st), nil
			log.Warningf("ignoring unknown job %q", job)
	return newCloseWorker(runner, st), nil