// powerOffset computes the offset by (n + 2^exp) % (2^mod)
func powerOffset(id []byte, exp int, mod int) []byte {
	// Copy the existing slice
	off := make([]byte, len(id))
	copy(off, id)

	// Convert the ID to a bigint
	idInt := big.Int{}

	// Get the offset
	two := big.NewInt(2)
	offset := big.Int{}
	offset.Exp(two, big.NewInt(int64(exp)), nil)

	// Sum
	sum := big.Int{}
	sum.Add(&idInt, &offset)

	// Get the ceiling
	ceil := big.Int{}
	ceil.Exp(two, big.NewInt(int64(mod)), nil)

	// Apply the mod
	idInt.Mod(&sum, &ceil)

	// Add together
	return idInt.Bytes()
func (c *Conversation) processSMP1(mpis []*big.Int) error {
	if len(mpis) != 6 {
		return errors.New("otr: incorrect number of arguments in SMP1 message")
	g2a := mpis[0]
	c2 := mpis[1]
	d2 := mpis[2]
	g3a := mpis[3]
	c3 := mpis[4]
	d3 := mpis[5]
	h := sha256.New()

	r := new(big.Int).Exp(g, d2, p)
	s := new(big.Int).Exp(g2a, c2, p)
	r.Mul(r, s)
	r.Mod(r, p)
	t := new(big.Int).SetBytes(hashMPIs(h, 1, r))
	if c2.Cmp(t) != 0 {
		return errors.New("otr: ZKP c2 incorrect in SMP1 message")
	r.Exp(g, d3, p)
	s.Exp(g3a, c3, p)
	r.Mul(r, s)
	r.Mod(r, p)
	t.SetBytes(hashMPIs(h, 2, r))
	if c3.Cmp(t) != 0 {
		return errors.New("otr: ZKP c3 incorrect in SMP1 message")

	c.smp.g2a = g2a
	c.smp.g3a = g3a
	return nil
func plus(z *big.Int, x *big.Int, y *big.Int) *big.Int {
	var lim big.Int
	lim.Exp(big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(256), big.NewInt(0))
	z.Add(x, y)
	return z.Mod(z, &lim)

文件: rsa.go 项目: klueska/go-akaros
// Validate performs basic sanity checks on the key.
// It returns nil if the key is valid, or else an error describing a problem.
func (priv *PrivateKey) Validate() error {
	if err := checkPub(&priv.PublicKey); err != nil {
		return err

	// Check that Πprimes == n.
	modulus := new(big.Int).Set(bigOne)
	for _, prime := range priv.Primes {
		modulus.Mul(modulus, prime)
	if modulus.Cmp(priv.N) != 0 {
		return errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid modulus")

	// Check that de ≡ 1 mod p-1, for each prime.
	// This implies that e is coprime to each p-1 as e has a multiplicative
	// inverse. Therefore e is coprime to lcm(p-1,q-1,r-1,...) =
	// exponent(ℤ/nℤ). It also implies that a^de ≡ a mod p as a^(p-1) ≡ 1
	// mod p. Thus a^de ≡ a mod n for all a coprime to n, as required.
	congruence := new(big.Int)
	de := new(big.Int).SetInt64(int64(priv.E))
	de.Mul(de, priv.D)
	for _, prime := range priv.Primes {
		pminus1 := new(big.Int).Sub(prime, bigOne)
		congruence.Mod(de, pminus1)
		if congruence.Cmp(bigOne) != 0 {
			return errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid exponents")
	return nil
文件: signature.go 项目: decred/dcrd
// signRFC6979 generates a deterministic ECDSA signature according to RFC 6979
// and BIP 62.
func signRFC6979(privateKey *PrivateKey, hash []byte) (*Signature, error) {

	privkey := privateKey.ToECDSA()
	N := order
	k := NonceRFC6979(privkey.D, hash, nil, nil)
	inv := new(big.Int).ModInverse(k, N)
	r, _ := privkey.Curve.ScalarBaseMult(k.Bytes())
	if r.Cmp(N) == 1 {
		r.Sub(r, N)

	if r.Sign() == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("calculated R is zero")

	e := hashToInt(hash, privkey.Curve)
	s := new(big.Int).Mul(privkey.D, r)
	s.Add(s, e)
	s.Mul(s, inv)
	s.Mod(s, N)

	if s.Cmp(halforder) == 1 {
		s.Sub(N, s)
	if s.Sign() == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("calculated S is zero")
	return &Signature{R: r, S: s}, nil
文件: bigInt.go 项目: hotei/simple
func gcd2(a, b *big.Int) *big.Int {
	b = newB.Set(b)
	for b.Sign() != 0 {
		a, b = b, a.Mod(a, b)
	return a
文件: threshold.go 项目: alexlyp/dcrd
// schnorrCombineSigs combines a list of partial Schnorr signatures s values
// into a complete signature s for some group public key. This is achieved
// by simply adding the s values of the partial signatures as scalars.
func schnorrCombineSigs(curve *secp256k1.KoblitzCurve, sigss [][]byte) (*big.Int,
	error) {
	combinedSigS := new(big.Int).SetInt64(0)
	for i, sigs := range sigss {
		sigsBI := EncodedBytesToBigInt(copyBytes(sigs))
		if sigsBI.Cmp(bigZero) == 0 {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("sig s %v is zero", i)
			return nil, schnorrError(ErrInputValue, str)
		if sigsBI.Cmp(curve.N) >= 0 {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("sig s %v is out of bounds", i)
			return nil, schnorrError(ErrInputValue, str)

		combinedSigS.Add(combinedSigS, sigsBI)
		combinedSigS.Mod(combinedSigS, curve.N)

	if combinedSigS.Cmp(bigZero) == 0 {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("combined sig s %v is zero", combinedSigS)
		return nil, schnorrError(ErrZeroSigS, str)

	return combinedSigS, nil
// Decrypt takes two integers, resulting from an ElGamal encryption, and
// returns the plaintext of the message. An error can result only if the
// ciphertext is invalid. Users should keep in mind that this is a padding
// oracle and thus, if exposed to an adaptive chosen ciphertext attack, can
// be used to break the cryptosystem.  See ``Chosen Ciphertext Attacks
// Against Protocols Based on the RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1'', Daniel
// Bleichenbacher, Advances in Cryptology (Crypto '98),
func Decrypt(priv *PrivateKey, c1, c2 *big.Int) (msg []byte, err error) {
	s := new(big.Int).Exp(c1, priv.X, priv.P)
	s.ModInverse(s, priv.P)
	s.Mul(s, c2)
	s.Mod(s, priv.P)
	em := s.Bytes()

	firstByteIsTwo := subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(em[0], 2)

	// The remainder of the plaintext must be a string of non-zero random
	// octets, followed by a 0, followed by the message.
	//   lookingForIndex: 1 iff we are still looking for the zero.
	//   index: the offset of the first zero byte.
	var lookingForIndex, index int
	lookingForIndex = 1

	for i := 1; i < len(em); i++ {
		equals0 := subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(em[i], 0)
		index = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect(lookingForIndex&equals0, i, index)
		lookingForIndex = subtle.ConstantTimeSelect(equals0, 0, lookingForIndex)

	if firstByteIsTwo != 1 || lookingForIndex != 0 || index < 9 {
		return nil, errors.New("elgamal: decryption error")
	return em[index+1:], nil
// Adapted from from crypto/rsa decrypt
func blind(random io.Reader, key *rsa.PublicKey, c *big.Int) (blinded, unblinder *big.Int, err error) {
	// Blinding enabled. Blinding involves multiplying c by r^e.
	// Then the decryption operation performs (m^e * r^e)^d mod n
	// which equals mr mod n. The factor of r can then be removed
	// by multiplying by the multiplicative inverse of r.

	var r *big.Int

	for {
		r, err = rand.Int(random, key.N)
		if err != nil {
		if r.Cmp(bigZero) == 0 {
			r = bigOne
		ir, ok := modInverse(r, key.N)
		if ok {
			bigE := big.NewInt(int64(key.E))
			rpowe := new(big.Int).Exp(r, bigE, key.N)
			cCopy := new(big.Int).Set(c)
			cCopy.Mul(cCopy, rpowe)
			cCopy.Mod(cCopy, key.N)
			return cCopy, ir, nil
// ComputeKey computes the session key given the salt and the value of B.
func (cs *ClientSession) ComputeKey(salt, B []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	cs.salt = salt

	err := cs.setB(B)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// x = H(s, p)                 (user enters password)
	x := new(big.Int).SetBytes(cs.SRP.KeyDerivationFunc(cs.salt, cs.password))

	// S = (B - kg^x) ^ (a + ux)   (computes session key)
	// t1 = g^x
	t1 := new(big.Int).Exp(cs.SRP.Group.Generator, x, cs.SRP.Group.Prime)
	// unblind verifier
	t1.Sub(cs.SRP.Group.Prime, t1)
	t1.Mul(cs.SRP._k, t1)
	t1.Add(t1, cs._B)
	t1.Mod(t1, cs.SRP.Group.Prime)

	// t2 = ux
	t2 := new(big.Int).Mul(cs._u, x)
	// t2 = a + ux
	t2.Add(cs._a, t2)

	// t1 = (B - kg^x) ^ (a + ux)
	t3 := new(big.Int).Exp(t1, t2, cs.SRP.Group.Prime)
	// K = H(S)
	cs.key = quickHash(cs.SRP.HashFunc, t3.Bytes())

	return cs.key, nil
func main() {

	var iban string
	var r, s, t, st []string
	u := new(big.Int)
	v := new(big.Int)
	w := new(big.Int)

	iban = "GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32"
	r = strings.Split(iban, " ")
	s = strings.Split(r[0], "")
	t = strings.Split(r[1], "")

	st = []string{strconv.Itoa(sCode[t[0]]),
		strings.Join(r[2:6], ""),
		strings.Join(s[2:4], ""),

	u.SetString(strings.Join(st, ""), 10)
	w.Mod(u, v)

	if w.Uint64() == 1 && lCode[strings.Join(s[0:2], "")] == len(strings.Join(r, "")) {
		fmt.Printf("IBAN %s looks good!\n", iban)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("IBAN %s looks wrong!\n", iban)
func main() {
	lim := 1000
	primes := allPrimes(lim)
	mx_cyc := 0
	mx_len := 0

	for _, i := range primes {
		j := 1
		for j < i {
			p := new(big.Int)
			*p = bigPow(10, j)
			res := new(big.Int)
			res.Mod(p, big.NewInt(int64(i)))
			if res.Int64() == 1 {
				if mx_len < j {
					mx_len = i
					mx_cyc = j
	fmt.Printf("Found: 1/%d yields %d cycles\n", mx_len, mx_cyc)
func main() {
	filename := "rosalind_pper.txt"
	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error is %s", err.Error())

	input := string(b)
	lines := strings.Split(input, "\n")[0]

	tokens := strings.Split(lines, " ")

	totalVals, _ := strconv.ParseInt(tokens[0], 10, 64)
	numSelections, _ := strconv.ParseInt(tokens[1], 10, 64)

	min = totalVals - numSelections + 1

	result := Factorial(big.NewInt(totalVals))

	var mod big.Int

	mod.Mod(result, big.NewInt(1000000))

	The Join function
	The first fuction to be executed
	Alaows it gives the hash and id and request the finger table for the boost node
func Join(test bool) { //

	//generate id
	me.nodeId = Index(generateNodeId(), BITS)
	nodeIdInt := me.nodeId
	me.storage = map[string]string{}

	//prepare finger table
	if test { //firstnode in the ring
		me.offset = 0
		for i, _ := range me.FingerTable {
			//compute the ith node
			two := big.NewInt(2)
			dist := big.Int{}
			dist.Exp(two, big.NewInt(int64(i)), nil)
			var ithNode big.Int
			ithNode.Add(&dist, &nodeIdInt)
			x := ringSize(BITS)
			ithNode.Mod(&ithNode, &x)
			//fill the fingr table row
			me.FingerTable[i][0] = ithNode.String()
			me.FingerTable[i][1] = me.nodeId.String()
			me.FingerTable[i][2] = me.address //this node address
	} else { //not first node in the ring
		//initialize offset
		updateFingerTable(nodeIdInt, me.target) //target server required
		go infornMySuccessor()
		go AutoUpdate() // initialize auto update

文件: util.go 项目: Titotix/skyDrive
// (n + 2^(k-1)) mod (2^m)
func calcFinger(n []byte, k int, m int) (string, []byte) {

	// convert the n to a bigint
	nBigInt := big.Int{}

	// get the right addend, i.e. 2^(k-1)
	two := big.NewInt(2)
	addend := big.Int{}
	addend.Exp(two, big.NewInt(int64(k-1)), nil)

	// calculate sum
	sum := big.Int{}
	sum.Add(&nBigInt, &addend)

	// calculate 2^m
	ceil := big.Int{}
	ceil.Exp(two, big.NewInt(int64(m)), nil)

	// apply the mod
	result := big.Int{}
	result.Mod(&sum, &ceil)

	resultBytes := result.Bytes()
	resultHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", resultBytes)

	return resultHex, resultBytes
// Sign creates a signature on the hash under the given secret key.
func Sign(sk *eckey.SecretKey, hash []byte) (*Signature, error) {
	// Generate random nonce
	k, kG, err := eckey.GenerateKeyPair()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Try again if kG is nil (point at infinity)
	if kG == nil {
		goto nonce
	// Clear nonce after completion
	defer k.Zero()

	// Compute non-interactive challenge
	e := util.Hash256d(append([]byte(hash), kG[:]...))

	kInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(k[:])
	eInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(e[:])
	rInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sk[:])

	// Compute s = k - er
	s := new(big.Int)
	s.Mul(eInt, rInt)
	s.Sub(kInt, s)
	s.Mod(s, eckey.S256.N)

	// Serialize signature
	sig := new(Signature)
	copy(sig[:SignatureSize/2], e[:])
	util.PaddedCopy(sig[SignatureSize/2:], s.Bytes(), SignatureSize/2)

	return sig, nil
文件: util.go 项目: Titotix/skyDrive
// (n - 2^(k-1)) mod 2^m
func calcLastFinger(n []byte, k int) (string, []byte) {

	// convert the n to a bigint
	nBigInt := big.Int{}

	// get the right addend, i.e. 2^(k-1)
	two := big.NewInt(2)
	addend := big.Int{}
	addend.Exp(two, big.NewInt(int64(k-1)), nil)

	addend.Mul(&addend, big.NewInt(-1))
	neg := big.Int{}
	neg.Add(&addend, &nBigInt)

	// calculate 2^m
	m := 160
	ceil := big.Int{}
	ceil.Exp(two, big.NewInt(int64(m)), nil)

	// apply the mod
	result := big.Int{}
	result.Mod(&neg, &ceil)

	resultBytes := result.Bytes()
	resultHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", resultBytes)

	return resultHex, resultBytes
文件: threshold.go 项目: alexlyp/dcrd
// schnorrCombineSigs combines a list of partial Schnorr signatures s values
// into a complete signature s for some group public key. This is achieved
// by simply adding the s values of the partial signatures as scalars.
func schnorrCombineSigs(curve *TwistedEdwardsCurve, sigss [][]byte) (*big.Int,
	error) {
	combinedSigS := new(big.Int).SetInt64(0)
	for i, sigs := range sigss {
		sigsBI := EncodedBytesToBigInt(copyBytes(sigs))
		if sigsBI.Cmp(zero) == 0 {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("sig s %v is zero", i)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v", str)
		if sigsBI.Cmp(curve.N) >= 0 {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("sig s %v is out of bounds", i)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v", str)

		combinedSigS = ScalarAdd(combinedSigS, sigsBI)
		combinedSigS.Mod(combinedSigS, curve.N)

	if combinedSigS.Cmp(zero) == 0 {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("combined sig s %v is zero", combinedSigS)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v", str)

	return combinedSigS, nil
// GenerateKey generates a public and private key pair using random source rand.
func GenerateKey(rand io.Reader) (priv PrivateKey, err error) {
	/* See Certicom's SEC1 3.2.1, pg.23 */
	/* See NSA's Suite B Implementer’s Guide to FIPS 186-3 (ECDSA) A.1.1, pg.18 */

	/* Select private key d randomly from [1, n) */

	/* Read N bit length random bytes + 64 extra bits  */
	b := make([]byte, secp256k1.N.BitLen()/8+8)
	_, err = io.ReadFull(rand, b)
	if err != nil {
		return priv, fmt.Errorf("Reading random reader: %v", err)

	d := new(big.Int).SetBytes(b)

	/* Mod n-1 to shift d into [0, n-1) range */
	d.Mod(d, new(big.Int).Sub(secp256k1.N, big.NewInt(1)))
	/* Add one to shift d to [1, n) range */
	d.Add(d, big.NewInt(1))

	priv.D = d

	/* Derive public key from private key */

	return priv, nil
func (d *ecdsa) Sign(m []byte) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {
	h := sha1.New()
	if n, err := h.Write(m); n != len(m) || err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error calculating hash")
	e := h.Sum(nil)
	r, s := new(big.Int), new(big.Int)
	n := d.g.Size()
	z := new(big.Int).SetBytes(e)
	z.Mod(z, n)
	for r.Cmp(new(big.Int)) == 0 || s.Cmp(new(big.Int)) == 0 {
		k := new(big.Int).Rand(rnd, n)
		if k.Cmp(new(big.Int)) == 0 {
		p := d.g.Pow(d.g.Generator(), k)
		r.Mod(p.(*ellipticCurveElement).x, n)

		k.ModInverse(k, n)
		s.Mul(r, d.key)
		s.Add(s, z)
		s.Mul(s, k)
		s.Mod(s, n)
	return r, s
func (E *EccKeyPair) EccdsaVerify(md *big.Int, S *Signature) bool {

	v := false

	if S.r.Cmp(E.C.p) >= 0 || S.s.Cmp(E.C.p) >= 0 {

		return v

	w := new(big.Int).ModInverse(S.s, E.C.n)

	u1 := new(big.Int).Mul(w, md)
	u1.Mod(u1, E.C.n)

	u2 := new(big.Int).Mul(w, S.r)
	u2.Mod(u2, E.C.n)

	Gv := new(Point)
	Qv := new(Point)

	Gv.Mul(u1, E.C.G, E.C)
	Qv.Mul(u2, E.Q, E.C)

	Qv.Add(Gv, Qv, E.C)

	if S.r.Cmp(Qv.x) == 0 {
		v = true
	return v
func transform(msg []byte, r, s, q *big.Int, bias uint) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {
	h := sha1.New()
	if n, err := h.Write(msg); n != len(msg) || err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error calculating hash")
	e := h.Sum(nil)
	z := new(big.Int).SetBytes(e)
	z.Mod(z, q)

	t := big.NewInt(1 << bias)
	t.Mul(t, new(big.Int).Set(s))
	t.ModInverse(t, q)
	t.Mul(r, t)
	t.Mod(t, q)

	u := big.NewInt(1 << bias)
	u.Mul(u, s)
	u.Mod(u, q)
	u.ModInverse(u, q)
	u.Mul(z, u)
	u.Mod(u, q)
	u.Sub(q, u)

	return t, u
func Unblind(key *rsa.PublicKey, blindedSig, unblinder []byte) []byte {
	m := new(big.Int).SetBytes(blindedSig)
	unblinderBig := new(big.Int).SetBytes(unblinder)
	m.Mul(m, unblinderBig)
	m.Mod(m, key.N)
	return m.Bytes()
文件: dsa.go 项目: 2thetop/go
// Verify verifies the signature in r, s of hash using the public key, pub. It
// reports whether the signature is valid.
// Note that FIPS 186-3 section 4.6 specifies that the hash should be truncated
// to the byte-length of the subgroup. This function does not perform that
// truncation itself.
func Verify(pub *PublicKey, hash []byte, r, s *big.Int) bool {
	// FIPS 186-3, section 4.7

	if pub.P.Sign() == 0 {
		return false

	if r.Sign() < 1 || r.Cmp(pub.Q) >= 0 {
		return false
	if s.Sign() < 1 || s.Cmp(pub.Q) >= 0 {
		return false

	w := new(big.Int).ModInverse(s, pub.Q)

	n := pub.Q.BitLen()
	if n&7 != 0 {
		return false
	z := new(big.Int).SetBytes(hash)

	u1 := new(big.Int).Mul(z, w)
	u1.Mod(u1, pub.Q)
	u2 := w.Mul(r, w)
	u2.Mod(u2, pub.Q)
	v := u1.Exp(pub.G, u1, pub.P)
	u2.Exp(pub.Y, u2, pub.P)
	v.Mul(v, u2)
	v.Mod(v, pub.P)
	v.Mod(v, pub.Q)

	return v.Cmp(r) == 0
func (c *Conversation) processSMP4(mpis []*big.Int) error {
	if len(mpis) != 3 {
		return errors.New("otr: incorrect number of arguments in SMP4 message")
	rb := mpis[0]
	cr := mpis[1]
	d7 := mpis[2]
	h := sha256.New()

	r := new(big.Int).Exp(c.smp.qaqb, d7, p)
	s := new(big.Int).Exp(rb, cr, p)
	r.Mul(r, s)
	r.Mod(r, p)

	s.Exp(g, d7, p)
	t := new(big.Int).Exp(c.smp.g3b, cr, p)
	s.Mul(s, t)
	s.Mod(s, p)
	t.SetBytes(hashMPIs(h, 8, s, r))
	if t.Cmp(cr) != 0 {
		return errors.New("otr: ZKP cR failed in SMP4 message")

	r.Exp(rb, c.smp.a3, p)
	if r.Cmp(c.smp.papb) != 0 {
		return smpFailureError

	return nil
// Try to generate a point on this curve from a chosen x-coordinate,
// with a random sign.
func (p *curvePoint) genPoint(x *big.Int, rand cipher.Stream) bool {

	// Compute the corresponding Y coordinate, if any
	y2 := new(big.Int).Mul(x, x)
	y2.Mul(y2, x)
	threeX := new(big.Int).Lsh(x, 1)
	threeX.Add(threeX, x)
	y2.Sub(y2, threeX)
	y2.Add(y2, p.c.p.B)
	y2.Mod(y2, p.c.p.P)
	y := p.c.sqrt(y2)

	// Pick a random sign for the y coordinate
	b := make([]byte, 1)
	rand.XORKeyStream(b, b)
	if (b[0] & 0x80) != 0 {
		y.Sub(p.c.p.P, y)

	// Check that it's a valid point
	y2t := new(big.Int).Mul(y, y)
	y2t.Mod(y2t, p.c.p.P)
	if y2t.Cmp(y2) != 0 {
		return false // Doesn't yield a valid point!

	p.x = x
	p.y = y
	return true
//Hardened child key derivation (private key parent and child)
func (parent *ExtendedKey) HCKDpriv(index uint32) (*ExtendedKey, error) {
	//update w errors
	if len(parent.PrivateKey) != 32 {
		return nil, nil
	//update w errors
	if len(parent.Chaincode) != 32 {
		return nil, nil
	data := make([]byte, 37)
	copy(data[1:], parent.PrivateKey)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[33:], index)
	hmac512 := hmac.New(sha512.New, parent.Chaincode)
	raw := hmac512.Sum(nil)
	//child Chaincode is the right 32 bytes of the result
	childChaincode := raw[32:]
	// child Private Key = parse256(left 32 bits) + parent key (mod n)
	// where n is the order of the curve
	// n is defined here on page 13: http://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf
	leftInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(raw[:32])
	parentKeyInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(parent.PrivateKey)
	leftInt.Add(leftInt, parentKeyInt)
	leftInt.Mod(leftInt, btcec.S256().N)
	ParentFingerPrint := parent.GetFingerPrint()
	depthBytes := []byte{parent.Depth}
	depthInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(depthBytes)
	depthInt.Add(depthInt, big.NewInt(1))
	depth := depthInt.Bytes()
	childExtendedKey := NewExtendedKey(depth[len(depth)-1], ParentFingerPrint, index, childChaincode, leftInt.Bytes())

	return childExtendedKey, nil
文件: p256.go 项目: ArtemL/GCC
// p256FromBig sets out = R*in.
func p256FromBig(out *[p256Limbs]uint32, in *big.Int) {
	tmp := new(big.Int).Lsh(in, 257)
	tmp.Mod(tmp, p256.P)

	for i := 0; i < p256Limbs; i++ {
		if bits := tmp.Bits(); len(bits) > 0 {
			out[i] = uint32(bits[0]) & bottom29Bits
		} else {
			out[i] = 0
		tmp.Rsh(tmp, 29)

		if i == p256Limbs {

		if bits := tmp.Bits(); len(bits) > 0 {
			out[i] = uint32(bits[0]) & bottom28Bits
		} else {
			out[i] = 0
		tmp.Rsh(tmp, 28)
文件: rcurve.go 项目: ebfe/brainpool
func (curve *rcurve) fromTwisted(tx, ty *big.Int) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {
	var x, y big.Int
	x.Mul(tx, curve.zinv2)
	x.Mod(&x, curve.params.P)
	y.Mul(ty, curve.zinv3)
	y.Mod(&y, curve.params.P)
	return &x, &y
文件: rcurve.go 项目: ebfe/brainpool
func (curve *rcurve) toTwisted(x, y *big.Int) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {
	var tx, ty big.Int
	tx.Mul(x, curve.z2)
	tx.Mod(&tx, curve.params.P)
	ty.Mul(y, curve.z3)
	ty.Mod(&ty, curve.params.P)
	return &tx, &ty