文件: heat.go 项目: sksullivan/plot
// NewHeatMap creates as new heat map plotter for the given data,
// using the provided palette. If g has Min and Max methods that return
// a float, those returned values are used to set the respective HeatMap
// fields.
func NewHeatMap(g GridXYZ, p palette.Palette) *HeatMap {
	var min, max float64
	type minMaxer interface {
		Min() float64
		Max() float64
	switch g := g.(type) {
	case minMaxer:
		min, max = g.Min(), g.Max()
		min, max = math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1)
		c, r := g.Dims()
		for i := 0; i < c; i++ {
			for j := 0; j < r; j++ {
				v := g.Z(i, j)
				if math.IsNaN(v) {
				min = math.Min(min, v)
				max = math.Max(max, v)

	return &HeatMap{
		GridXYZ: g,
		Palette: p,
		Min:     min,
		Max:     max,
// TestFloatCmpSpecialValues tests that Cmp produces the correct results for
// combinations of zero (±0), finite (±1 and ±2.71828), and infinite (±Inf)
// operands.
func TestFloatCmpSpecialValues(t *testing.T) {
	zero := 0.0
	args := []float64{math.Inf(-1), -2.71828, -1, -zero, zero, 1, 2.71828, math.Inf(1)}
	xx := new(Float)
	yy := new(Float)
	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
		for _, x := range args {
			// check conversion is correct
			// (no need to do this for y, since we see exactly the
			// same values there)
			if got, acc := xx.Float64(); got != x || acc != Exact {
				t.Errorf("Float(%g) == %g (%s)", x, got, acc)
			for _, y := range args {
				got := xx.Cmp(yy)
				want := 0
				switch {
				case x < y:
					want = -1
				case x > y:
					want = +1
				if got != want {
					t.Errorf("(%g).Cmp(%g) = %s; want %s", x, y, got, want)
// Train computes and stores the bin values
// for the training instances.
func (b *BinningFilter) Train() error {

	as := b.getAttributeSpecs()
	// Set up the AttributeSpecs, and values
	for attr := range b.attrs {
		if !b.attrs[attr] {
		b.minVals[attr] = float64(math.Inf(1))
		b.maxVals[attr] = float64(math.Inf(-1))

	err := b.train.MapOverRows(as, func(row [][]byte, rowNo int) (bool, error) {
		for i, a := range row {
			attr := as[i].GetAttribute()
			attrf := attr.(*base.FloatAttribute)
			val := float64(attrf.GetFloatFromSysVal(a))
			if val > b.maxVals[attr] {
				b.maxVals[attr] = val
			if val < b.minVals[attr] {
				b.minVals[attr] = val
		return true, nil

	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Training error: %s", err)
	b.trained = true
	return nil
文件: example.go 项目: DavyC/goa
// generateValidatedLengthExample generates a random size array of examples based on what's given.
func (eg *exampleGenerator) generateValidatedLengthExample() interface{} {
	minlength, maxlength := math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1)
	if eg.a.Validation != nil {
		if eg.a.Validation.MinLength != nil {
			minlength = float64(*eg.a.Validation.MinLength)
		if eg.a.Validation.MaxLength != nil {
			minlength = float64(*eg.a.Validation.MaxLength)
	count := 0
	if math.IsInf(minlength, 1) {
		count = int(maxlength) - (eg.r.Int() % 3)
	} else if math.IsInf(maxlength, -1) {
		count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % 3)
	} else if minlength < maxlength {
		count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % int(maxlength-minlength))
	} else if minlength == maxlength {
		count = int(minlength)
	} else {
		panic("Validation: MinLength > MaxLength")
	if !eg.a.Type.IsArray() {
		return eg.r.faker.Characters(count)
	res := make([]interface{}, count)
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		res[i] = eg.a.Type.ToArray().ElemType.GenerateExample(eg.r)
	return res
// checkIsBestApprox checks that f is the best possible float64
// approximation of r.
// Returns true on success.
func checkIsBestApprox(t *testing.T, f float64, r *Rat) bool {
	if math.Abs(f) >= math.MaxFloat64 {
		// Cannot check +Inf, -Inf, nor the float next to them (MaxFloat64).
		// But we have tests for these special cases.
		return true

	// r must be strictly between f0 and f1, the floats bracketing f.
	f0 := math.Nextafter(f, math.Inf(-1))
	f1 := math.Nextafter(f, math.Inf(+1))

	// For f to be correct, r must be closer to f than to f0 or f1.
	df := delta(r, f)
	df0 := delta(r, f0)
	df1 := delta(r, f1)
	if df.Cmp(df0) > 0 {
		t.Errorf("Rat(%v).Float64() = %g (%b), but previous float64 %g (%b) is closer", r, f, f, f0, f0)
		return false
	if df.Cmp(df1) > 0 {
		t.Errorf("Rat(%v).Float64() = %g (%b), but next float64 %g (%b) is closer", r, f, f, f1, f1)
		return false
	if df.Cmp(df0) == 0 && !isEven(f) {
		t.Errorf("Rat(%v).Float64() = %g (%b); halfway should have rounded to %g (%b) instead", r, f, f, f0, f0)
		return false
	if df.Cmp(df1) == 0 && !isEven(f) {
		t.Errorf("Rat(%v).Float64() = %g (%b); halfway should have rounded to %g (%b) instead", r, f, f, f1, f1)
		return false
	return true
func TestAllSetDefaults(t *testing.T) {
	// Exercise SetDefaults with all scalar field types.
	m := &Defaults{
		// NaN != NaN, so override that here.
		F_Nan: Float32(1.7),
	expected := &Defaults{
		F_Bool:    Bool(true),
		F_Int32:   Int32(32),
		F_Int64:   Int64(64),
		F_Fixed32: Uint32(320),
		F_Fixed64: Uint64(640),
		F_Uint32:  Uint32(3200),
		F_Uint64:  Uint64(6400),
		F_Float:   Float32(314159),
		F_Double:  Float64(271828),
		F_String:  String(`hello, "world!"` + "\n"),
		F_Bytes:   []byte("Bignose"),
		F_Sint32:  Int32(-32),
		F_Sint64:  Int64(-64),
		F_Enum:    NewDefaults_Color(Defaults_GREEN),
		F_Pinf:    Float32(float32(math.Inf(1))),
		F_Ninf:    Float32(float32(math.Inf(-1))),
		F_Nan:     Float32(1.7),
	if !Equal(m, expected) {
		t.Errorf(" got %v\nwant %v", m, expected)
func TestNewFromFloat(t *testing.T) {
	var err float64
	for f, s := range testTable {
		d := NewFromFloat(f)
		if d.String() != s {
			// t.Errorf("expected %s, got %s (%d, %d)",
			// 	s, d.String(), d.compact, d.scale)

	// Some margin of error is acceptable when converting from
	// a float. On a table of roughly 9,000 entries an acceptable
	// margin of error is around 450.
	// Currently, using Gaussian/banker's rounding our margin
	// of error is roughly 215 per 9,000 entries, for a rate of
	// around 2.3%.
	if err >= 0.05*float64(len(testTable)) {
		t.Errorf("expected error rate to be < 0.05%% of table, got %.f", err)

	shouldPanicOn := []float64{

	for _, n := range shouldPanicOn {
		var d *Decimal
		if !didPanic(func() { d = NewFromFloat(n) }) {
			t.Fatalf("expected panic when creating a Decimal from %v, got %v instead", n, d.String())
func (b *Button) Initialize() {

	b.DrawOp = draw.Over

	b.Label = NewLabel(b.Size, LabelConfig{
		Text:     "",
		FontSize: 12,
		Color:    color.Black,

	b.Clickers = map[Clicker]bool{}
	b.AddClicker = make(chan Clicker, 1)
	b.RemoveClicker = make(chan Clicker, 1)

	var cs geom.Coord
	cs.X, cs.Y = b.Bounds().Size()
	sh := uik.SizeHint{
		MinSize:       cs,
		PreferredSize: cs,
		MaxSize:       geom.Coord{math.Inf(1), math.Inf(1)},

	b.setConfig = make(chan ButtonConfig, 1)
	b.getConfig = make(chan ButtonConfig, 1)
文件: example.go 项目: RouGang/goa
// generateValidatedLengthExample generates a random size array of examples based on what's given.
func (eg *exampleGenerator) generateValidatedLengthExample() interface{} {
	minlength, maxlength := math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1)
	for _, v := range eg.a.Validations {
		switch actual := v.(type) {
		case *dslengine.MinLengthValidationDefinition:
			minlength = math.Min(minlength, float64(actual.MinLength))
			maxlength = math.Max(maxlength, float64(actual.MinLength))
		case *dslengine.MaxLengthValidationDefinition:
			minlength = math.Min(minlength, float64(actual.MaxLength))
			maxlength = math.Max(maxlength, float64(actual.MaxLength))
	count := 0
	if math.IsInf(minlength, 1) {
		count = int(maxlength) - (eg.r.Int() % 3)
	} else if math.IsInf(maxlength, -1) {
		count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % 3)
	} else if minlength < maxlength {
		count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % int(maxlength-minlength))
	} else if minlength == maxlength {
		count = int(minlength)
	} else {
		panic("Validation: MinLength > MaxLength")
	if !eg.a.Type.IsArray() {
		return eg.r.faker.Characters(count)
	res := make([]interface{}, count)
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		res[i] = eg.a.Type.ToArray().ElemType.GenerateExample(eg.r)
	return res
文件: stats.go 项目: cbarrick/evo
// Merge merges the data of two Stats objects.
func (s Stats) Merge(t Stats) Stats {
	if s.count == 0 {
		s.max = math.Inf(-1)
		s.min = math.Inf(+1)

	delta := t.mean - s.mean
	newcount := t.count + s.count

	// max & min
	s.max = math.Max(s.max, t.max)
	s.min = math.Min(s.min, t.min)

	// mean
	s.mean += delta * (t.count / newcount)

	// sum of squares
	s.sumsq += t.sumsq
	s.sumsq += delta * delta * (t.count * s.count / newcount)

	// count
	s.count = newcount

	return s
func TestRTT_getDatacenterDistance(t *testing.T) {
	s := newMockServer()

	// The serfer's own DC is always 0 ms away.
	if dist, err := getDatacenterDistance(s, "dc0"); err != nil || dist != 0.0 {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %v err: %v", dist, err)

	// Check a DC with no coordinates, which should give positive infinity.
	if dist, err := getDatacenterDistance(s, "dcX"); err != nil || dist != math.Inf(1.0) {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %v err: %v", dist, err)

	// Similar for a totally unknown DC.
	if dist, err := getDatacenterDistance(s, "acdc"); err != nil || dist != math.Inf(1.0) {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %v err: %v", dist, err)

	// Check the trivial median case (just one node).
	if dist, err := getDatacenterDistance(s, "dc2"); err != nil || dist != 0.002 {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %v err: %v", dist, err)

	// Check the more interesting median case, note that there's a mystery
	// node4 in there that should be excluded to make the distances sort
	// like this:
	// [0] node3 (0.005), [1] node1 (0.007), [2] node2 (0.008)
	// So the median should be at index 3 / 2 = 1 -> 0.007.
	if dist, err := getDatacenterDistance(s, "dc1"); err != nil || dist != 0.007 {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %v err: %v", dist, err)
func TestMinimalSurface(t *testing.T) {
	for _, size := range [][2]int{
		{20, 30},
		{30, 30},
		{50, 40},
	} {
		f := NewMinimalSurface(size[0], size[1])
		x0 := f.InitX()
		grad := make([]float64, len(x0))
		f.Grad(grad, x0)
		fdGrad := fd.Gradient(nil, f.Func, x0, &fd.Settings{Formula: fd.Central})

		// Test that the numerical and analytical gradients agree.
		dist := floats.Distance(grad, fdGrad, math.Inf(1))
		if dist > 1e-9 {
			t.Errorf("grid %v x %v: numerical and analytical gradient do not match. |fdGrad - grad|_∞ = %v",
				size[0], size[1], dist)

		// Test that the gradient at the minimum is small enough.
		// In some sense this test is not completely correct because ExactX
		// returns the exact solution to the continuous problem projected on the
		// grid, not the exact solution to the discrete problem which we are
		// solving. This is the reason why a relatively loose tolerance 1e-4
		// must be used.
		xSol := f.ExactX()
		f.Grad(grad, xSol)
		norm := floats.Norm(grad, math.Inf(1))
		if norm > 1e-4 {
			t.Errorf("grid %v x %v: gradient at the minimum not small enough. |grad|_∞ = %v",
				size[0], size[1], norm)
func TestScrubValues(t *testing.T) {
	dummy := Converter{
		tracker: new(tracker),

	epoch := time.Unix(0, 0)
	simple := []tsm1.Value{tsm1.NewValue(epoch, 1.0)}

	for _, tt := range []struct {
		input, expected []tsm1.Value
			input:    simple,
			expected: simple,
		}, {
			input:    []tsm1.Value{simple[0], tsm1.NewValue(epoch, math.NaN())},
			expected: simple,
		}, {
			input:    []tsm1.Value{simple[0], tsm1.NewValue(epoch, math.Inf(-1))},
			expected: simple,
		}, {
			input:    []tsm1.Value{simple[0], tsm1.NewValue(epoch, math.Inf(1)), tsm1.NewValue(epoch, math.NaN())},
			expected: simple,
	} {
		out := dummy.scrubValues(tt.input)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, tt.expected) {
			t.Errorf("Failed to scrub '%s': Got '%s', Expected '%s'", pretty(tt.input), pretty(out), pretty(tt.expected))
文件: ml.go 项目: adityanatraj/go_ml
// Normalize Returns all the values of the given matrix normalized, the formula
// applied to all the elements is: (Xn - Avg) / (max - min) If all the elements
// in the slice have the same values, or the slice is empty, the slice can't be
// normalized, then returns false in the valid parameter
func Normalize(values []float64) (norm []float64, valid bool) {
	avg := 0.0
	max := math.Inf(-1)
	min := math.Inf(1)
	for _, val := range values {
		avg += val
		if val < min {
			min = val
		if val > max {
			max = val

	if max == min || len(values) == 0 {
		valid = false

	valid = true
	avg /= float64(len(values))
	for _, val := range values {
		norm = append(norm, (val-avg)/(max-min))

func TestScaledUpHalfKStandardWeibullProb(t *testing.T) {
	pts := []univariateProbPoint{
			loc:     0,
			prob:    math.Inf(1),
			cumProb: 0,
			logProb: math.Inf(1),
			loc:     -1,
			prob:    0,
			cumProb: 0,
			logProb: 0,
			loc:     1,
			prob:    0.180436508682207,
			cumProb: 0.558022622759326,
			logProb: -1.712376315541750,
			loc:     20,
			prob:    0.002369136850928,
			cumProb: 0.974047406098605,
			logProb: -6.045229588092130,
	testDistributionProbs(t, Weibull{K: 0.5, Lambda: 1.5}, "0.5K 1.5λ Weibull", pts)
 * Starting at node 'root', finds the best node at which to insert
 * 'node' and returns it.
func (node *RTreeNode) ChooseInsertionPoint(newNode *RTreeNode) *RTreeNode {
	for {
		if node.leaf {
			return node

		var selectedNode *RTreeNode

		minArea := float32(math.Inf(1))
		minEnlargement := float32(math.Inf(1))

		// The best insertion point is the one that minimizes the enlargement
		// of the target subtree's bounding box. Or, if enlargements are the
		// same, the smaller of the resulting areas.
		for _, child := range node.children {
			area := child.Bounds.Area()
			containingBox := newNode.Bounds.Union(&child.Bounds)
			containingArea := containingBox.Area()
			enlargement := containingArea - area

			if enlargement < minEnlargement ||
				(enlargement == minEnlargement && area < minArea) {
				minEnlargement = enlargement
				minArea = Min(area, minArea)
				selectedNode = child

		node = selectedNode
func TestScaledDownHalfKStandardWeibullProb(t *testing.T) {
	pts := []univariateProbPoint{
			loc:     0,
			prob:    math.Inf(1),
			cumProb: 0,
			logProb: math.Inf(1),
			loc:     -1,
			prob:    0,
			cumProb: 0,
			logProb: 0,
			loc:     1,
			prob:    0.171909491538362,
			cumProb: 0.756883265565786,
			logProb: -1.760787152653070,
			loc:     20,
			prob:    0.000283302579100,
			cumProb: 0.998208237166091,
			logProb: -8.168995047393730,
	testDistributionProbs(t, Weibull{K: 0.5, Lambda: 0.5}, "0.5K 0.5λ Weibull", pts)
func percentile(data []float64, percent float64, interpolate bool) float64 {
	if len(data) == 0 || percent < 0 || percent > 100 {
		return math.NaN()
	if len(data) == 1 {
		return data[0]

	k := (float64(len(data)-1) * percent) / 100
	length := int(math.Ceil(k)) + 1
	quickselect.Float64QuickSelect(data, length)
	top, secondTop := math.Inf(-1), math.Inf(-1)
	for _, val := range data[0:length] {
		if val > top {
			secondTop = top
			top = val
		} else if val > secondTop {
			secondTop = val
	remainder := k - float64(int(k))
	if remainder == 0 || !interpolate {
		return top
	return (top * remainder) + (secondTop * (1 - remainder))
func (d *bincDecDriver) decodeFloat(chkOverflow32 bool) (f float64) {
	switch d.vd {
	case bincVdSpecial:
		d.bdRead = false
		switch d.vs {
		case bincSpNan:
			return math.NaN()
		case bincSpPosInf:
			return math.Inf(1)
		case bincSpZeroFloat, bincSpZero:
		case bincSpNegInf:
			return math.Inf(-1)
			decErr("Invalid d.vs decoding float where d.vd=bincVdSpecial: %v", d.vs)
	case bincVdFloat:
		f = d.decFloat()
		_, i, _ := d.decIntAny()
		f = float64(i)
	checkOverflowFloat32(f, chkOverflow32)
	d.bdRead = false
// Finds the minimum possible cost this cost model can return for valid length and
// distance symbols.
func (costModel costModelFun) minCost(costContext interface{}) float64 {
	var minCost float64

	// Table of distances that have a different distance symbol in the deflate
	// specification. Each value is the first distance that has a new symbol. Only
	// different symbols affect the cost model so only these need to be checked.
	// See RFC 1951 section 3.2.5. Compressed blocks (length and distance codes).

	// bestPair has lowest cost in the cost model
	var bestPair, pair lz77Pair
	pair.dist = 1
	minCost = math.Inf(1)
	for pair.litLen = uint16(3); pair.litLen < 259; pair.litLen++ {
		c := costModel(pair, costContext)
		if c < minCost {
			bestPair.litLen = pair.litLen
			minCost = c

	// TODO: try using bestPair.litlen instead of 3
	pair.litLen = 3
	minCost = math.Inf(1)
	for i := 0; i < 30; i++ {
		pair.dist = dSymbolTable[i]
		c := costModel(pair, costContext)
		if c < minCost {
			bestPair.dist = pair.dist
			minCost = c

	return costModel(bestPair, costContext)
func (t *MsgpackTest) TestFloat64(c *C) {
	table := []struct {
		v float64
		b []byte
		{.1, []byte{0xcb, 0x3f, 0xb9, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x9a}},
		{.2, []byte{0xcb, 0x3f, 0xc9, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x9a}},
		{-.1, []byte{0xcb, 0xbf, 0xb9, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x9a}},
		{-.2, []byte{0xcb, 0xbf, 0xc9, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0x9a}},
		{math.Inf(1), []byte{0xcb, 0x7f, 0xf0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}},
		{math.Inf(-1), []byte{0xcb, 0xff, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}},
		{math.MaxFloat64, []byte{0xcb, 0x7f, 0xef, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}},
		{math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64, []byte{0xcb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1}},
	for _, r := range table {
		c.Assert(t.enc.Encode(r.v), IsNil)
		c.Assert(t.buf.Bytes(), DeepEquals, r.b, Commentf("err encoding %v", r.v))

		var v float64
		c.Assert(t.dec.Decode(&v), IsNil)
		c.Assert(v, Equals, r.v)

		c.Assert(t.enc.Encode(r.v), IsNil)
		iface, err := t.dec.DecodeInterface()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(iface, Equals, r.v)

	in := math.NaN()
	c.Assert(t.enc.Encode(in), IsNil)
	var out float64
	c.Assert(t.dec.Decode(&out), IsNil)
	c.Assert(math.IsNaN(out), Equals, true)
func (t *MsgpackTest) TestFloat32(c *C) {
	table := []struct {
		v float32
		b []byte
		{.1, []byte{0xca, 0x3d, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcd}},
		{.2, []byte{0xca, 0x3e, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0xcd}},
		{-.1, []byte{0xca, 0xbd, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcd}},
		{-.2, []byte{0xca, 0xbe, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0xcd}},
		{float32(math.Inf(1)), []byte{0xca, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00}},
		{float32(math.Inf(-1)), []byte{0xca, 0xff, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00}},
		{math.MaxFloat32, []byte{0xca, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff}},
		{math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32, []byte{0xca, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1}},
	for _, r := range table {
		c.Assert(t.enc.Encode(r.v), IsNil)
		c.Assert(t.buf.Bytes(), DeepEquals, r.b, Commentf("err encoding %v", r.v))

		var v float32
		c.Assert(t.dec.Decode(&v), IsNil)
		c.Assert(v, Equals, r.v)

		c.Assert(t.enc.Encode(r.v), IsNil)
		iface, err := t.dec.DecodeInterface()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(iface, Equals, r.v)

	in := float32(math.NaN())
	c.Assert(t.enc.Encode(in), IsNil)
	var out float32
	c.Assert(t.dec.Decode(&out), IsNil)
	c.Assert(math.IsNaN(float64(out)), Equals, true)
func TestLogistic(t *testing.T) {
	for _, x := range []float64{
		1e-300, 1e-15, 1e-7, .2, .3, .5,
	} {
		for _, x := range []float64{x, -x} {
			p := Logistic(x)
			logit := Logit(p)
			if err := math.Abs(logit - x); err > 3e-16 {
				t.Errorf("mismatch: %g differs from %g by %g", Logit(p), x, err)

	for _, c := range []struct{ p, logit float64 }{
		{1, math.Inf(1)},
		{0, math.Inf(-1)},
	} {
		if logit := Logit(c.p); logit != c.logit {
			t.Errorf("Logit error: got %g, wanted %g", logit, c.logit)
	for _, p := range []float64{-1, -1e300, 1 + 1e300, 2} {
		if !math.IsNaN(Logit(p)) {
			t.Errorf("expected NaN for Logit(%g), got %g", p, Logit(p))
文件: value.go 项目: mschoch/otto
func init() {
	__NaN__ = math.NaN()
	__PositiveInfinity__ = math.Inf(+1)
	__NegativeInfinity__ = math.Inf(-1)
	__PositiveZero__ = 0
	__NegativeZero__ = math.Float64frombits(0 | (1 << 63))
func TestIsFinite(t *testing.T) {
	finites := []float64{
		1.0 / 3,
	for _, f := range finites {
		if !isFinite(f) {
			t.Errorf("!IsFinite(%g (%b))", f, f)
	nonfinites := []float64{
	for _, f := range nonfinites {
		if isFinite(f) {
			t.Errorf("IsFinite(%g, (%b))", f, f)
文件: rect.go 项目: sclif/geom
// this rect contains nothing
func NilRect() (r Rect) {
	r.Min.X = math.Inf(1)
	r.Min.Y = math.Inf(1)
	r.Max.X = math.Inf(-1)
	r.Max.Y = math.Inf(-1)
文件: atof.go 项目: kraj/gcc
func special(s string) (f float64, ok bool) {
	if len(s) == 0 {
	switch s[0] {
	case '+':
		if equalIgnoreCase(s, "+inf") || equalIgnoreCase(s, "+infinity") {
			return math.Inf(1), true
	case '-':
		if equalIgnoreCase(s, "-inf") || equalIgnoreCase(s, "-infinity") {
			return math.Inf(-1), true
	case 'n', 'N':
		if equalIgnoreCase(s, "nan") {
			return math.NaN(), true
	case 'i', 'I':
		if equalIgnoreCase(s, "inf") || equalIgnoreCase(s, "infinity") {
			return math.Inf(1), true
func TestHalfKStandardWeibullProb(t *testing.T) {
	pts := []univariateProbPoint{
			loc:     0,
			prob:    math.Inf(1),
			cumProb: 0,
			logProb: math.Inf(1),
			loc:     -1,
			prob:    0,
			cumProb: 0,
			logProb: 0,
			loc:     1,
			prob:    0.183939720585721,
			cumProb: 0.632120558828558,
			logProb: -1.693147180559950,
			loc:     20,
			prob:    0.001277118038048,
			cumProb: 0.988577109006533,
			logProb: -6.663149272336520,
	testDistributionProbs(t, Weibull{K: 0.5, Lambda: 1}, "0.5K Standard Weibull", pts)
func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeFloat(chkOverflow32 bool) (f float64) {
	if !d.bdRead {
	vd, vs := d.vd, d.vs
	if vd == bincVdSpecial {
		d.bdRead = false
		if vs == bincSpNan {
			return math.NaN()
		} else if vs == bincSpPosInf {
			return math.Inf(1)
		} else if vs == bincSpZeroFloat || vs == bincSpZero {
		} else if vs == bincSpNegInf {
			return math.Inf(-1)
		} else {
			d.d.errorf("Invalid d.vs decoding float where d.vd=bincVdSpecial: %v", d.vs)
	} else if vd == bincVdFloat {
		f = d.decFloat()
	} else {
		f = float64(d.DecodeInt(64))
	if chkOverflow32 && chkOvf.Float32(f) {
		d.d.errorf("binc: float32 overflow: %v", f)
	d.bdRead = false
func init() {
	INFINITY = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: math.Inf(1), sValue: "Infinity", isNil: false}
	NEGATIVE_INFINITY = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: math.Inf(-1), sValue: "-Infinity", isNil: false}
	NAN = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: math.NaN(), sValue: "NaN", isNil: false}
	ZERO = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: 0, sValue: "0", isNil: false}
	NUMERIC_NULL = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: 0, sValue: "0", isNil: true}