func onCommand(bot *telebot.Bot, command string, args []string) { if command == "msg" && len(args) > 1 { user := config.GetUser(args[0]) if user.UID == config.NilUser.UID { log.Errorf("[Syscmds] Couldn't get an user with the name or UID %s", args[0]) } msg := connect(args[1:]) bot.SendMessage(user, "*[Sysadmin]* "+msg, util.Markdown) log.Infof("[Syscmds] Sent message %[1]s to %[2]s", msg, user.Name) } else if command == "broadcast" && len(args) > 0 { msg := connect(args) for _, user := range config.GetAllUsers() { bot.SendMessage(user, "*[Sysadmin Broadcast]* "+msg, util.Markdown) } log.Infof("[Syscmds] Broadcasted message %[1]s", msg) } else if command == "config" && len(args) > 0 { if strings.EqualFold(args[0], "save") { if !config.IndentConfig && len(args) > 1 && strings.EqualFold(args[0], "pretty") { config.IndentConfig = true config.Save() config.IndentConfig = false } else { config.Save() } } else if strings.EqualFold(args[0], "load") { config.Load() } } else if command == "stop" { Shutdown("Sysadmin") } }
// Shutdown shuts down the Ranssibot. func Shutdown(by string) { log.Infof("Ranssibot cleaning up and exiting...") config.Save() log.Shutdown() var shutdown = "Ranssibot shut down" if *debug { shutdown = fmt.Sprintf("Ranssibot shut down by %[2]s @ %[1]s", time.Now().Format("15:04:05 02.01.2006"), by) } log.Infof(shutdown) onoffspam(shutdown) os.Exit(0) }