文件: symbol_table.go 项目: mhoc/msp
// Generic handler for retrieval of all variable types
// This is made generic through the errorName parameter which is the fully
// qualified name of the variable for error printing purposes
// You can better understand how this works by looking at the retrieval
// methods for arrays and objects
func GetVariableGeneric(varName string, errorName string, lineno int) Value {

	// Check local table
	in, value := GetFromScope(varName)
	if in && value.Type == VALUE_UNDEFINED && !value.Written {
		log.ValueError(lineno, errorName)
	if in {
		return value

	// Check the global table
	in, value = GetFromGlobal(varName)
	if in && value.Type == VALUE_UNDEFINED && !value.Written {
		log.ValueError(lineno, errorName)
	if in {
		return value

	// At this point the value must be in neither table
	log.ValueError(lineno, errorName)
	return Value{Written: false, Type: VALUE_UNDEFINED, Line: lineno}

文件: symbol_table.go 项目: mhoc/msp
func GetArrayMember(arrayName string, index int, lineno int) Value {

	// Find the array itself
	array := GetVariable(arrayName, lineno)
	if array.Type == VALUE_UNDEFINED {
		log.ValueError(lineno, arrayName)
	if array.Type != VALUE_ARRAY {
		return Value{Type: VALUE_UNDEFINED, Line: lineno}

	oldScope := Scope
	Scope = array.Value.(map[string]Value)
	keyValue := GetVariableGeneric(strconv.Itoa(index), fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", arrayName, index), lineno)
	Scope = oldScope

	return Value{Type: keyValue.Type, Value: keyValue.Value, Written: keyValue.Written, Line: keyValue.Line}

文件: symbol_table.go 项目: mhoc/msp
func GetObjectMember(objectName string, keyName string, lineno int) Value {

	// Find the object itself
	object := GetVariable(objectName, lineno)
	if object.Type == VALUE_UNDEFINED {
		log.ValueError(lineno, objectName)
	if object.Type != VALUE_OBJECT {
		return Value{Type: VALUE_UNDEFINED, Line: lineno}

	// Set this object's fields as the new scope then restore it later
	// This is, quite possibly, the smartest thing I have ever devised. Lol. Lol. Lol.
	// Full of himself meter = 10/10. Chance of anyone ever seeing this: 1/10
	oldScope := Scope
	Scope = object.Value.(map[string]Value)
	keyValue := GetVariableGeneric(keyName, objectName+"."+keyName, lineno)
	Scope = oldScope

	// All other error handling is done in gvg()
	return Value{Type: keyValue.Type, Value: keyValue.Value, Written: keyValue.Written, Line: keyValue.Line}
