文件: main.go 项目: nikhilm/pushgo
// -- main
func main() {

	var configFile string

	flag.StringVar(&configFile, "config", "config.ini", "Configuration File")
	log.Printf("Using config %s", configFile)
	config := util.MzGetConfig(configFile)

	// Convert the token_key from base64 (if present)
	if k, ok := config["token_key"]; ok {
		key, _ := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(k.(string))
		config["token_key"] = key

	logger = util.NewHekaLogger(config)

	simplepush.Clients = make(map[string]*simplepush.Client)

	// Initialize the common server.
	simplepush.InitServer(config, logger)

	// Register the handlers
	// each websocket gets it's own handler.
	http.HandleFunc("/update/", makeHandler(simplepush.UpdateHandler))
	http.HandleFunc("/status/", makeHandler(simplepush.StatusHandler))
	http.Handle("/", websocket.Handler(simplepush.PushSocketHandler))

	// Config the server
	host := util.MzGet(config, "host", "localhost")
	port := util.MzGet(config, "port", "8080")

	// Hoist the main sail
		fmt.Sprintf("listening on %s:%s", host, port), nil)
	err := http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", host, port), nil)
	if err != nil {
		panic("ListenAndServe: " + err.Error())
文件: main.go 项目: rtilder/pushgo
// -- main
func main() {
	var certFile string
	var keyFile string

	config := util.MzGetConfig(*configFile)
	// The config file requires some customization and normalization
	config = simplepush.FixConfig(config)
	config["VERSION"] = VERSION

	// Report what the app believes the current host to be, and what version.
	log.Printf("CurrentHost: %s, Version: %s",
		config["shard.current_host"], VERSION)

	// Metrics reporting
	if mprefix, ok := config["metrics.prefix"]; ok {
	if mstatsd, ok := config["metrics.statsd_target"]; ok {
		err := simplepush.MetricsStatsdTarget(mstatsd.(string))
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("Couldn't create statsd client: ", err)

	// Only create profiles if requested. To view the application profiles,
	// see http://blog.golang.org/profiling-go-programs
	if *profile != "" {
		log.Printf("Creating profile...")
		f, err := os.Create(*profile)
		if err != nil {
		defer func() {
			log.Printf("Closing profile...")
	if *memProfile != "" {
		defer func() {
			profFile, err := os.Create(*memProfile)
			if err != nil {

	// Logging can be CPU intensive (note: variable reflection is VERY
	// CPU intensive. Avoid things like log.Printf("%v", someStruct) )
	// If logging is specified as a command line flag, it overrides the
	// value specified in the config file. This allows short term logging
	// for operations.
	if *logging > 0 {
		config["logger.enable"] = "1"
		config["logger.filter"] = strconv.FormatInt(int64(*logging), 10)
	if v, ok := config["logger.enable"]; ok {
		if v, _ := strconv.ParseBool(v.(string)); v {
			logger = util.NewHekaLogger(config)
			logger.Info("main", "Enabling full logger", nil)

	// Routing allows stand-alone instances to send updates between themselves.
	// Websock does not allow for native redirects in some browsers. Routing
	// allows websocket connections and updates to be handled by any server,
	// with the approriate notification sent.
	// Note: While this is fairly primative, it works. There are more efficient
	// models and systems that could be used for this (e.g. 0mq, rabbit, etc.)
	// however those also add additional complexity to the server system.
	// Since this is mostly point-to-point (we know the host location to send
	// to), there wasn't much justification to add that complexity.
	// Obviously, this can and will change over time.
	route = &router.Router{
		Port:   util.MzGet(config, "shard.port", "3000"),
		Logger: logger,
	defer func() {
		if route != nil {

	// Currently, we're opting for a memcache "storage" mechanism, however
	// and key/value store would suffice. (bonus points if the records are
	// self expiring.)
	store = storage.New(config, logger)

	// Initialize the common server.
	simplepush.InitServer(config, logger)
	handlers := simplepush.NewHandler(config, logger, store, route)

	// Config the server
	var wsport string
	var wshost string
	var WSMux *http.ServeMux = http.DefaultServeMux
	var RESTMux *http.ServeMux = http.DefaultServeMux
	host := util.MzGet(config, "host", "localhost")
	port := util.MzGet(config, "port", "8080")

	// Register the handlers
	// each websocket gets it's own handler.
	if util.MzGet(config, "wsport", port) != port {
		wsport = util.MzGet(config, "wsport", port)
		wshost = util.MzGet(config, "wshost", host)
		WSMux = http.NewServeMux()

	RESTMux.HandleFunc("/update/", handlers.UpdateHandler)
	RESTMux.HandleFunc("/status/", handlers.StatusHandler)
	RESTMux.HandleFunc("/realstatus/", handlers.RealStatusHandler)
	RESTMux.HandleFunc("/metrics/", handlers.MetricsHandler)
	WSMux.Handle("/", websocket.Handler(handlers.PushSocketHandler))

	// Hoist the main sail.
	if logger != nil {
			fmt.Sprintf("listening on %s:%s", host, port), nil)

	// Get the (optional) SSL certs
	if name, ok := config["ssl.certfile"]; ok {
		certFile = name.(string)
	if name, ok := config["ssl.keyfile"]; ok {
		keyFile = name.(string)
	wscertFile := util.MzGet(config, "ssl.ws.certfile", certFile)
	wskeyFile := util.MzGet(config, "ssl.ws.keyfile", keyFile)

	// wait for sigint
	sigChan := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGHUP, SIGUSR1)
	errChan := make(chan error)

	// Weigh the anchor!
	go func() {
		addr := host + ":" + port
		if len(certFile) > 0 && len(keyFile) > 0 {
			if logger != nil {
				logger.Info("main", "Using TLS", nil)
			errChan <- http.ListenAndServeTLS(addr, certFile, keyFile, nil)
		} else {
			errChan <- http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil)
	// Oh, we have a different context for WebSockets. Weigh that anchor too!
	if WSMux != RESTMux {
		if logger != nil {
			logger.Info("main", "Starting separate context for WS", nil)
				fmt.Sprintf("ws listen on %s:%s", wshost, wsport), nil)
		go func() {
			wsaddr := wshost + ":" + wsport
			if len(wscertFile) > 0 && len(wskeyFile) > 0 {
				errChan <- http.ListenAndServeTLS(wsaddr, wscertFile, wskeyFile, WSMux)
			} else {
				errChan <- http.ListenAndServe(wsaddr, WSMux)

	// And we're underway!
	go route.HandleUpdates(updater)

	select {
	case err := <-errChan:
		if err != nil {
			panic("ListenAndServe: " + err.Error())
	case <-sigChan:
		if logger != nil {
			logger.Info("main", "Recieved signal, shutting down.", nil)
		route = nil