// ContainsIpAddress performs a binary search on the networkList to
// find a network containing the candidate IP address.
func (list networkList) ContainsIpAddress(addr net.IP) bool {

	// Search criteria
	// The following conditions are satisfied when address_IP is in the network:
	// 1. address_IP ^ network_mask == network_IP ^ network_mask
	// 2. address_IP >= network_IP.
	// We are also assuming that network ranges do not overlap.
	// For an ascending array of networks, the sort.Search returns the smallest
	// index idx for which condition network_IP > address_IP is satisfied, so we
	// are checking whether or not adrress_IP belongs to the network[idx-1].

	// Edge conditions check
	// idx == 0 means that address_IP is  lesser than the first (smallest) network_IP
	// thus never satisfies search condition 2.
	// idx == array_length means that address_IP is larger than the last (largest)
	// network_IP so we need to check the last element for condition 1.

	addrValue := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(addr.To4())
	index := sort.Search(len(list), func(i int) bool {
		networkValue := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(list[i].IP)
		return networkValue > addrValue
	return index > 0 && list[index-1].IP.Equal(addr.Mask(list[index-1].Mask))
文件: dnsup.go 项目: DHowett/dnsup
func (i *IP) ApplyIPToMask(ip net.IP) net.IP {
	newIp := ip.Mask(i.mask).To16()
	ourIp := i.ip.To16()
	for idx, val := range ourIp {
		newIp[idx] = newIp[idx] | val
	return newIp
func (t TargetOptions) GetTargets(ip net.IP) ([]string, int) {

	targets := make([]string, 0)

	var country, continent, region, regionGroup, asn string
	var netmask int

	if t&TargetASN > 0 {
		asn, netmask = geoIP.GetASN(ip)

	if t&TargetRegion > 0 || t&TargetRegionGroup > 0 {
		country, continent, regionGroup, region, netmask = geoIP.GetCountryRegion(ip)

	} else if t&TargetCountry > 0 || t&TargetContinent > 0 {
		country, continent, netmask = geoIP.GetCountry(ip)

	if t&TargetIP > 0 {
		ipStr := ip.String()
		targets = append(targets, "["+ipStr+"]")
		ip4 := ip.To4()
		if ip4 != nil {
			if ip4[3] != 0 {
				ip4[3] = 0
				targets = append(targets, "["+ip4.String()+"]")
		} else {
			// v6 address, also target the /48 address
			ip48 := ip.Mask(cidr48Mask)
			targets = append(targets, "["+ip48.String()+"]")

	if t&TargetASN > 0 && len(asn) > 0 {
		targets = append(targets, asn)

	if t&TargetRegion > 0 && len(region) > 0 {
		targets = append(targets, region)
	if t&TargetRegionGroup > 0 && len(regionGroup) > 0 {
		targets = append(targets, regionGroup)

	if t&TargetCountry > 0 && len(country) > 0 {
		targets = append(targets, country)

	if t&TargetContinent > 0 && len(continent) > 0 {
		targets = append(targets, continent)

	if t&TargetGlobal > 0 {
		targets = append(targets, "@")
	return targets, netmask
// NetList : subnet helper function
func NetList(ip net.IP, subnet net.IP) (IPlist []net.IP) {
	//ip, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidrNet)
	mask := net.IPv4Mask(subnet[0], subnet[1], subnet[2], subnet[3])
	ipnet := net.IPNet{ip, mask}
	for ip := ip.Mask(mask); ipnet.Contains(ip); incIP(ip) {
		IPlist = append(IPlist, net.IP{ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]})
func maskRange(ip net.IP, mask net.IPMask) (btm, top net.IP) {
	btm = ip.Mask(mask)
	top = make(net.IP, len(ip))
	copy(top, ip)
	for i, b := range mask {
		top[i] |= ^b
文件: net.go 项目: taysom/va
func Mask(addr net.IP) {
	mask := addr.DefaultMask()
	network := addr.Mask(mask)
	ones, bits := mask.Size()
	fmt.Println("Address is ", addr.String(),
		" Default mask length is ", bits,
		"Leading ones count is ", ones,
		"Mask is (hex) ", mask.String(),
		" Network is ", network.String())
// SpanningCIDR computes network covers given IP addresses
func SpanningCIDR(first, last net.IP) *net.IPNet {
	_, bits := last.DefaultMask().Size()

	var network net.IPNet
	for ones := bits; !network.Contains(first); ones-- {
		network.Mask = net.CIDRMask(ones, bits)
		network.IP = last.Mask(network.Mask)
	return &network
func (i *IP2ASNClient) keys(IP net.IP) []net.IPNet {
	var keys []net.IPNet
	for _, n := range netmasks {
		ipn := net.IPNet{
			IP:   IP.Mask(n),
			Mask: n,
		keys = append(keys, ipn)
	return keys
文件: ip.go 项目: gstackio/spiff
func SubIP(ip net.IP, mask net.IPMask) net.IP {
	m := ip.Mask(mask)
	fmt.Printf("%d\n", len(m))
	out := make(net.IP, len(ip))
	for i, v := range ip {
		j := len(ip) - i
		if j > len(m) {
			out[i] = v
		} else {
			out[i] = v &^ m[len(m)-j]
	return out
文件: peermap.go 项目: ypie/chihaya
func (pm *PeerMap) mask(ip net.IP) string {
	if !pm.Config.PreferredSubnet {
		return ""

	var maskedIP net.IP
	if len(ip) == net.IPv6len {
		maskedIP = ip.Mask(net.CIDRMask(pm.Config.PreferredIPv6Subnet, 128))
	} else {
		maskedIP = ip.Mask(net.CIDRMask(pm.Config.PreferredIPv4Subnet, 32))

	return maskedIP.String()
// NetworkRange calculates the first and last IP addresses in an IPNet
func NetworkRange(network *net.IPNet) (net.IP, net.IP) {
	var netIP net.IP
	if network.IP.To4() != nil {
		netIP = network.IP.To4()
	} else if network.IP.To16() != nil {
		netIP = network.IP.To16()
	} else {
		return nil, nil

	lastIP := make([]byte, len(netIP), len(netIP))
	for i := 0; i < len(netIP); i++ {
		lastIP[i] = netIP[i] | ^network.Mask[i]
	return netIP.Mask(network.Mask), net.IP(lastIP)
// ipRange returns a range of IP addresses suitable for querying MySQL for the
// purpose of rate limiting using a range that is inclusive on the lower end and
// exclusive at the higher end. If ip is an IPv4 address, it returns that address,
// plus the one immediately higher than it. If ip is an IPv6 address, it applies
// a /48 mask to it and returns the lowest IP in the resulting network, and the
// first IP outside of the resulting network.
func ipRange(ip net.IP) (net.IP, net.IP) {
	ip = ip.To16()
	// For IPv6, match on a certain subnet range, since one person can commonly
	// have an entire /48 to themselves.
	maskLength := 48
	// For IPv4 addresses, do a match on exact address, so begin = ip and end =
	// next higher IP.
	if ip.To4() != nil {
		maskLength = 128

	mask := net.CIDRMask(maskLength, 128)
	begin := ip.Mask(mask)
	end := incrementIP(begin, maskLength)

	return begin, end
文件: impl.go 项目: keep94/Dominator
func findInterfaceForHost(hostname string) (string, error) {
	var hostIP net.IP
	if hostname == "" {
		hostIP = make(net.IP, 4)
	} else {
		hostIPs, err := net.LookupIP(hostname)
		if err != err {
			return "", err
		if len(hostIPs) < 1 {
			return "", errors.New("not enough IPs")
		hostIP = hostIPs[0]
	file, err := os.Open(procRouteFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer file.Close()
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
	mostSpecificInterfaceName := ""
	mostSpecificNetmaskBits := -1
	for scanner.Scan() {
		var interfaceName string
		var destAddr, gatewayAddr, flags, mask uint32
		var ign int
		nCopied, err := fmt.Sscanf(scanner.Text(),
			"%s %x %x %x %d %d %d %x %d %d %d",
			&interfaceName, &destAddr, &gatewayAddr, &flags, &ign, &ign, &ign,
			&mask, &ign, &ign, &ign)
		if err != nil || nCopied < 11 {
		maskIP := net.IPMask(intToIP(mask))
		destIP := intToIP(destAddr)
		if hostIP.Mask(maskIP).Equal(destIP) {
			size, _ := maskIP.Size()
			if size > mostSpecificNetmaskBits {
				mostSpecificInterfaceName = interfaceName
				mostSpecificNetmaskBits = size
	return mostSpecificInterfaceName, scanner.Err()
func main() {
	mn := new(MyNet)
	ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
	if err != nil {
	for _, iface := range ifaces {
		if iface.Flags&net.FlagUp == 0 {
			continue // interface down
		if iface.Flags&net.FlagLoopback != 0 {
			continue // loopback interface
		addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
		if err != nil {
		for _, addr := range addrs {
			var ip net.IP
			switch v := addr.(type) {
			case *net.IPNet:
				ip = v.IP
			case *net.IPAddr:
				//	ip = v.IP
			if ip == nil || ip.IsLoopback() {
			ip = ip.To4()
			if ip == nil {
				continue // not an ipv4 address
			fmt.Println("IP: ", ip)
			fmt.Println("Subnet: ", ip.Mask(ip.DefaultMask()))
			mn.IP = addr.(*net.IPNet)
			mn.Subnet = ip.Mask(ip.DefaultMask())
// Process a packet
func (nflog *NfLog) ProcessPacket(packet []byte, seq uint32) AddPacket {
	// log.Printf("Packet %#v", packet)
	// Peek the IP Version out of the header
	ip_version := packet[IpVersion] >> IpVersionShift & IpVersionMask
	// log.Printf("Received %d: size %d, IPv%d", seq, payload_len, ip_version)
	if seq != 0 && seq != nflog.seq {
		log.Printf("%d missing packets detected, %d to %d", seq-nflog.seq, seq, nflog.seq)
	nflog.seq = seq + 1
	if ip_version != nflog.IpVersion {
		log.Printf("Bad IP version: %d", ip_version)
		return AddPacket{Length: -1}
	i := nflog.IpPacket
	if len(packet) < i.HeaderSize {
		log.Printf("Short IPv%d packet %d/%d bytes", ip_version, len(packet), i.HeaderSize)
		return AddPacket{Length: -1}

	var addr net.IP
	if nflog.Direction {
		addr = i.Src(packet)
	} else {
		addr = i.Dst(packet)

	// Mask the address
	if nflog.UseMask {
		addr = addr.Mask(nflog.Mask)

	return AddPacket{
		Direction: nflog.Direction,
		Addr:      string(addr),
		Length:    i.Length(packet),
func MaskNetwork(ip net.IP, mask net.IPMask) net.IP {
	return ip.Mask(mask)
func first(ip net.IP, mask net.IPMask) net.IP {
	return ip.Mask(mask)
// Check whether an IP matches a Ban
func (ban Ban) Match(ip net.IP) bool {
	banned := ban.IP.Mask(ban.IPMask())
	masked := ip.Mask(ban.IPMask())
	return banned.Equal(masked)
// GetClientGroup returns a *net.IPNet which represents a subnet of prefix
// size v4PrefixSize in the case of IPv4 addresses.
func GetClientGroup(ip net.IP) *net.IPNet {
	if ip.To4() == nil {
		return &net.IPNet{IP: ip.Mask(v6PrefixMask), Mask: v6PrefixMask}
	return &net.IPNet{IP: ip.Mask(v4PrefixMask), Mask: v4PrefixMask}