func versionCheck(s *State, ctl *ui.Controller) { check := func() { resp, err := http.Get(versionEndpoint) if err != nil { log.Warn("Failed to get version info %s: %v", versionEndpoint, err) return } defer resp.Body.Close() var payload struct { Client struct { Version string } } err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&payload) if err != nil { log.Warn("Failed to read version info: %v", err) return } if payload.Client.Version != version.MajorMinor() { s.newVersion = payload.Client.Version ctl.Update(s) } } // check immediately and then at a set interval check() for _ = range time.Tick(versionCheckInterval) { check() } }
/** * Establishes and manages a tunnel proxy connection with the server */ func proxy(proxyAddr string, s *State, ctl *ui.Controller) { start := time.Now() remoteConn, err := conn.Dial(proxyAddr, "pxy", tlsConfig) if err != nil { // XXX: What is the proper response here? // display something to the user? // retry? // reset control connection? log.Error("Failed to establish proxy connection: %v", err) return } defer remoteConn.Close() err = msg.WriteMsg(remoteConn, &msg.RegProxyMsg{Url: s.publicUrl}) if err != nil { // XXX: What is the proper response here? // display something to the user? // retry? // reset control connection? log.Error("Failed to write RegProxyMsg: %v", err) return } localConn, err := conn.Dial(s.opts.localaddr, "prv", nil) if err != nil { remoteConn.Warn("Failed to open private leg %s: %v", s.opts.localaddr, err) badGatewayBody := fmt.Sprintf(BadGateway, s.publicUrl, s.opts.localaddr, s.opts.localaddr) remoteConn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: %d %s`, len(badGatewayBody), badGatewayBody))) return } defer localConn.Close() m := s.metrics m.proxySetupTimer.Update(time.Since(start)) m.connMeter.Mark(1) ctl.Update(s) m.connTimer.Time(func() { localConn := s.protocol.WrapConn(localConn) bytesIn, bytesOut := conn.Join(localConn, remoteConn) m.bytesIn.Update(bytesIn) m.bytesOut.Update(bytesOut) m.bytesInCount.Inc(bytesIn) m.bytesOutCount.Inc(bytesOut) }) ctl.Update(s) }
func reconnectingControl(s *State, ctl *ui.Controller) { // how long we should wait before we reconnect maxWait := 30 * time.Second wait := 1 * time.Second for { control(s, ctl) if s.status == "online" { wait = 1 * time.Second } log.Info("Waiting %d seconds before reconnecting", int(wait.Seconds())) time.Sleep(wait) // exponentially increase wait time wait = 2 * wait wait = time.Duration(math.Min(float64(wait), float64(maxWait))) s.status = "reconnecting" ctl.Update(s) } }
func progressWatcher(s *State, ctl *ui.Controller, progress chan int, complete chan int) { for { select { case pct, ok := <-progress: if !ok { close(complete) return } else if pct == 100 { s.update = ui.UpdateInstalling ctl.Update(s) close(complete) return } else { if pct%25 == 0 { log.Info("Downloading update %d%% complete", pct) } s.update = ui.UpdateStatus(pct) ctl.Update(s) } } } }
/** * Establishes and manages a tunnel control connection with the server */ func control(s *State, ctl *ui.Controller) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Error("control recovering from failure %v", r) } }() // establish control channel conn, err := conn.Dial(s.opts.server, "ctl", tlsConfig) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer conn.Close() // register with the server err = msg.WriteMsg(conn, &msg.RegMsg{ Protocol: s.opts.protocol, OS: runtime.GOOS, HttpAuth: s.opts.httpAuth, Hostname: s.opts.hostname, Subdomain: s.opts.subdomain, ClientId:, Version: version.Proto, MmVersion: version.MajorMinor(), User: s.opts.authtoken, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } // wait for the server to ack our register var regAck msg.RegAckMsg if err = msg.ReadMsgInto(conn, ®Ack); err != nil { panic(err) } if regAck.Error != "" { emsg := fmt.Sprintf("Server failed to allocate tunnel: %s", regAck.Error) ctl.Cmds <- ui.CmdQuit{Message: emsg} return } // update UI state s.publicUrl = regAck.Url conn.Info("Tunnel established at %v", s.GetPublicUrl()) s.status = "online" s.serverVersion = regAck.MmVersion ctl.Update(s) SaveAuthToken(s.opts.authtoken) // start the heartbeat lastPong := time.Now().UnixNano() go heartbeat(&lastPong, conn) // main control loop for { var m msg.Message if m, err = msg.ReadMsg(conn); err != nil { panic(err) } switch m.(type) { case *msg.ReqProxyMsg: go proxy(regAck.ProxyAddr, s, ctl) case *msg.PongMsg: atomic.StoreInt64(&lastPong, time.Now().UnixNano()) } } }
func autoUpdate(s *State, ctl *ui.Controller, token string) { tryAgain := true params := make(url.Values) params.Add("version", version.MajorMinor()) params.Add("os", runtime.GOOS) params.Add("arch", runtime.GOARCH) params.Add("user", token) updateUrl := updateEndpoint + "?" + params.Encode() checkUrl := checkEndpoint + "?" + params.Encode() update := func() { log.Info("Checking for update") available, err := update.NewDownload(checkUrl).Check() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while checking for update: %v", err) return } if !available { log.Info("No update available") return } // stop trying after a single download attempt // XXX: improve this so the we can: // 1. safely update multiple times // 2. only retry after a network connection failure tryAgain = false download := update.NewDownload(updateUrl) downloadComplete := make(chan int) go progressWatcher(s, ctl, download.Progress, downloadComplete) log.Info("Trying to update . . .") err, errRecover := download.GetAndUpdate() <-downloadComplete if err != nil { // log error to console log.Error("Error while updating ngrok: %v", err) if errRecover != nil { log.Error("Error while recovering from failed ngrok update, your binary may be missing: %v", errRecover.Error()) params.Add("errorRecover", errRecover.Error()) } // log error to's servers for debugging purposes params.Add("error", err.Error()) resp, reportErr := http.PostForm("", params) if err != nil { log.Error("Error while reporting update error: %v, %v", err, reportErr) } resp.Body.Close() // tell the user to update manually s.update = ui.UpdateAvailable } else { if !download.Available { // this is the way the server tells us to update manually log.Info("Server wants us to update manually") s.update = ui.UpdateAvailable } else { // tell the user the update is ready log.Info("Update ready!") s.update = ui.UpdateReady } } ctl.Update(s) return } // try to update immediately and then at a set interval update() for _ = range time.Tick(updateCheckInterval) { if !tryAgain { break } update() } }
func autoUpdate(s *State, ctl *ui.Controller, token string) { update := func() (updateSuccessful bool) { params := make(url.Values) params.Add("version", version.MajorMinor()) params.Add("os", runtime.GOOS) params.Add("arch", runtime.GOARCH) download := update.NewDownload() downloadComplete := make(chan int) go func() { for { select { case progress, ok := <-download.Progress: if !ok { close(downloadComplete) return } else if progress == 100 { s.update = ui.UpdateInstalling ctl.Update(s) close(downloadComplete) return } else { if progress%25 == 0 { log.Info("Downloading update %d%% complete", progress) } s.update = ui.UpdateStatus(progress) ctl.Update(s) } } } }() log.Info("Checking for update") err := download.UpdateFromUrl(updateEndpoint + "?" + params.Encode()) <-downloadComplete if err != nil { log.Error("Error while updating ngrok: %v", err) if download.Available { s.update = ui.UpdateError } else { s.update = ui.UpdateNone } // record the error to's servers for debugging purposes params.Add("error", err.Error()) params.Add("user", token) resp, err := http.PostForm("", params) if err != nil { log.Error("Error while reporting update error") } resp.Body.Close() } else { if download.Available { log.Info("Marked update ready") s.update = ui.UpdateReady updateSuccessful = true } else { log.Info("No update available at this time") s.update = ui.UpdateNone } } ctl.Update(s) return } // try to update immediately and then at a set interval update() for _ = range time.Tick(updateCheckInterval) { if update() { // stop trying to update if the update function is successful // XXX: improve this by trying to download versions newer than // the last one we downloaded return } } }