// Find the children of a given span id.
func (store *dataStore) FindChildren(sid common.SpanId, lim int32) []common.SpanId {
	childIds := make([]common.SpanId, 0)
	var err error

	startIdx := store.getShardIndex(sid)
	idx := startIdx
	numShards := len(store.shards)
	for {
		if lim == 0 {
		shd := store.shards[idx]
		childIds, lim, err = shd.FindChildren(sid, childIds, lim)
		if err != nil {
			store.lg.Errorf("Shard(%s): FindChildren(%s) error: %s\n",
				shd.path, sid.String(), err.Error())
		if idx >= numShards {
			idx = 0
		if idx == startIdx {
	return childIds
// Find the child IDs of a given span ID.
func (hcl *Client) FindChildren(sid common.SpanId, lim int) ([]common.SpanId, error) {
	buf, _, err := hcl.makeGetRequest(fmt.Sprintf("span/%s/children?lim=%d",
		sid.String(), lim))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var spanIds []common.SpanId
	err = json.Unmarshal(buf, &spanIds)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error: error unmarshalling response "+
			"body %s: %s", string(buf), err.Error()))
	return spanIds, nil
// Get information about a trace span.  Returns nil, nil if the span was not found.
func (hcl *Client) FindSpan(sid common.SpanId) (*common.Span, error) {
	buf, rc, err := hcl.makeGetRequest(fmt.Sprintf("span/%s", sid.String()))
	if err != nil {
		if rc == http.StatusNoContent {
			return nil, nil
		return nil, err
	var span common.Span
	err = json.Unmarshal(buf, &span)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error unmarshalling response "+
			"body %s: %s", string(buf), err.Error()))
	return &span, nil
func (shd *shard) FindSpan(sid common.SpanId) *common.Span {
	lg := shd.store.lg
	primaryKey := append([]byte{SPAN_ID_INDEX_PREFIX}, sid.Val()...)
	buf, err := shd.ldb.Get(shd.store.readOpts, primaryKey)
	if err != nil {
		if strings.Index(err.Error(), "NotFound:") != -1 {
			return nil
		lg.Warnf("Shard(%s): FindSpan(%s) error: %s\n",
			shd.path, sid.String(), err.Error())
		return nil
	var span *common.Span
	span, err = shd.decodeSpan(sid, buf)
	if err != nil {
		lg.Errorf("Shard(%s): FindSpan(%s) decode error: %s\n",
			shd.path, sid.String(), err.Error())
		return nil
	return span
// Fill in the entry in the 'next' array for a specific shard.
func (src *source) populateNextFromShard(shardIdx int) {
	lg := src.store.lg
	var err error
	iter := src.iters[shardIdx]
	if iter == nil {
		lg.Debugf("Can't populate: No more entries in shard %d\n", shardIdx)
		return // There are no more entries in this shard.
	if src.nexts[shardIdx] != nil {
		lg.Debugf("No need to populate shard %d\n", shardIdx)
		return // We already have a valid entry for this shard.
	for {
		if !iter.Valid() {
			lg.Debugf("Can't populate: Iterator for shard %d is no longer valid.\n", shardIdx)
			break // Can't read past end of DB
		key := iter.Key()
		if !bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte{src.keyPrefix}) {
			lg.Debugf("Can't populate: Iterator for shard %d does not have prefix %s\n",
				shardIdx, string(src.keyPrefix))
			break // Can't read past end of indexed section
		var span *common.Span
		var sid common.SpanId
		if src.keyPrefix == SPAN_ID_INDEX_PREFIX {
			// The span id maps to the span itself.
			sid = common.SpanId(key[1:17])
			span, err = src.store.shards[shardIdx].decodeSpan(sid, iter.Value())
			if err != nil {
				lg.Debugf("Internal error decoding span %s in shard %d: %s\n",
					sid.String(), shardIdx, err.Error())
		} else {
			// With a secondary index, we have to look up the span by id.
			sid = common.SpanId(key[9:25])
			span = src.store.shards[shardIdx].FindSpan(sid)
			if span == nil {
				lg.Debugf("Internal error rehydrating span %s in shard %d\n",
					sid.String(), shardIdx)
		if src.pred.Op.IsDescending() {
		} else {
		if src.pred.satisfiedBy(span) {
			lg.Debugf("Populated valid span %v from shard %d.\n", sid, shardIdx)
			src.nexts[shardIdx] = span // Found valid entry
		} else {
			lg.Debugf("Span %s from shard %d does not satisfy the predicate.\n",
				sid.String(), shardIdx)
			if src.numRead[shardIdx] <= 1 && mayRequireOneSkip(src.pred.Op) {
			// This and subsequent entries don't satisfy predicate
	lg.Debugf("Closing iterator for shard %d.\n", shardIdx)
	src.iters[shardIdx] = nil
// Fill in the entry in the 'next' array for a specific shard.
func (src *source) populateNextFromShard(shardIdx int) {
	lg := src.store.lg
	var err error
	iter := src.iters[shardIdx]
	shdPath := src.shards[shardIdx].path
	if iter == nil {
		lg.Debugf("Can't populate: No more entries in shard %s\n", shdPath)
		return // There are no more entries in this shard.
	if src.nexts[shardIdx] != nil {
		lg.Debugf("No need to populate shard %s\n", shdPath)
		return // We already have a valid entry for this shard.
	for {
		if !iter.Valid() {
			lg.Debugf("Can't populate: Iterator for shard %s is no longer valid.\n", shdPath)
			break // Can't read past end of DB
		key := iter.Key()
		if len(key) < 1 {
			lg.Warnf("Encountered invalid zero-byte key in shard %s.\n", shdPath)
		ret := src.checkKeyPrefix(key[0], iter)
		if ret == NOT_SATISFIED {
			break // Can't read past end of indexed section
		} else if ret == NOT_YET_SATISFIED {
			if src.pred.Op.IsDescending() {
			} else {
			continue // Try again because we are not yet at the indexed section.
		var span *common.Span
		var sid common.SpanId
		if src.keyPrefix == SPAN_ID_INDEX_PREFIX {
			// The span id maps to the span itself.
			sid = common.SpanId(key[1:17])
			span, err = src.shards[shardIdx].decodeSpan(sid, iter.Value())
			if err != nil {
				if lg.DebugEnabled() {
					lg.Debugf("Internal error decoding span %s in shard %s: %s\n",
						sid.String(), shdPath, err.Error())
		} else {
			// With a secondary index, we have to look up the span by id.
			sid = common.SpanId(key[9:25])
			span = src.shards[shardIdx].FindSpan(sid)
			if span == nil {
				if lg.DebugEnabled() {
					lg.Debugf("Internal error rehydrating span %s in shard %s\n",
						sid.String(), shdPath)
		if src.pred.Op.IsDescending() {
		} else {
		ret = src.pred.satisfiedBy(span)
		if ret == SATISFIED {
			if lg.DebugEnabled() {
				lg.Debugf("Populated valid span %v from shard %s.\n", sid, shdPath)
			src.nexts[shardIdx] = span // Found valid entry
		if ret == NOT_SATISFIED {
			// This and subsequent entries don't satisfy predicate
	lg.Debugf("Closing iterator for shard %s.\n", shdPath)
	src.iters[shardIdx] = nil