func (dec *Decoder) decodeSlice(atyp *reflect.SliceType, state *decodeState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, indir, elemIndir int, ovfl os.ErrorString) {
	n := int(uintptr(state.decodeUint()))
	if indir > 0 {
		up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
		if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) == nil {
			// Allocate the slice header.
			*(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) = unsafe.Pointer(new([]unsafe.Pointer))
		p = *(*uintptr)(up)
	// Allocate storage for the slice elements, that is, the underlying array.
	// Always write a header at p.
	hdrp := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
	hdrp.Data = uintptr(unsafe.NewArray(atyp.Elem(), n))
	hdrp.Len = n
	hdrp.Cap = n
	dec.decodeArrayHelper(state, hdrp.Data, elemOp, elemWid, n, elemIndir, ovfl)
func decodeSlice(atyp *reflect.SliceType, state *decodeState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, indir, elemIndir int, ovfl os.ErrorString) os.Error {
	length := uintptr(decodeUint(state))
	if indir > 0 {
		up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
		if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) == nil {
			// Allocate the slice header.
			*(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) = unsafe.Pointer(new(reflect.SliceHeader))
		p = *(*uintptr)(up)
	// Allocate storage for the slice elements, that is, the underlying array.
	data := make([]byte, length*atyp.Elem().Size())
	// Always write a header at p.
	hdrp := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
	hdrp.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]))
	hdrp.Len = int(length)
	hdrp.Cap = int(length)
	return decodeArrayHelper(state, hdrp.Data, elemOp, elemWid, int(length), elemIndir, ovfl)