文件: clients.go 项目: adrian-bl/rna
func (cq *Cq) clientLookup(cr *clientRequest) {
	// Ensure that this query makes some sense
	if len(cr.Query.Questions) == 1 {
		q := cr.Query.Questions[0]
		c := make(chan *lookupRes)
		go cq.collapsedLookup(q, c)
		lres := <-c
		l.Debug("final lookup reply -> %v", lres)
		if lres != nil { // fixme: error
			cres := lres.cres
			p := &packet.ParsedPacket{}
			p.Header.Id = cr.Query.Header.Id
			p.Header.Response = true
			p.Header.ResponseCode = cres.ResponseCode
			p.Questions = cr.Query.Questions
			if lres.negative {
				p.Nameservers = append(p.Nameservers, cres.ResourceRecord...)
			} else {
				p.Answers = append(p.Answers, cres.ResourceRecord...)
			cq.conn.WriteToUDP(packet.Assemble(p), cr.RemoteAddr)
		} else {
			l.Info("Lookup returned an error, should send it back to client (fixme): %+v", lres)
	} else {
		l.Info("Dropping nonsense query")
文件: clients.go 项目: adrian-bl/rna
func (cq *Cq) advanceCache(q packet.QuestionFormat) *packet.ParsedPacket {
	// our hardcoded, not so redundant slist
	targetNS := ""
	targetXH := &packet.Namelabel{}
	targetQT := q.Type

	for i := 0; ; i++ {
		label := q.Name.PoppedLabel(i) // removes 'i' labels from the label list
		nsrec, _ := cq.cache.Lookup(*label, constants.TYPE_NS)

		if nsrec != nil { // we got an NS cache entry for this level
			var candidate_cres *cache.CacheResult
			var candidate_label packet.Namelabel

			// loop trough all NS servers for this record
			for _, candidate_data := range nsrec.ResourceRecord {
				name, err := packet.ParseName(candidate_data.Data)
				if err == nil {
					l.Debug("NS %v handles %v", name, label)
					cres, _ := cq.cache.Lookup(name, constants.TYPE_A)
					if cres != nil {
						candidate_cres = cres
					} else {
						candidate_label = name

			// Fixme: We should try to resolve (yet unknown) nameservers
			// even if we got a candidate_res as the one we are contacting
			// might fail for some reason.

			if candidate_cres == nil && candidate_label.Len() > 0 {
				l.Debug("Looking up IP of known candidate: %v", candidate_label)
				c := make(chan *lookupRes)
				go cq.collapsedLookup(packet.QuestionFormat{Type: constants.TYPE_A, Class: constants.CLASS_IN, Name: candidate_label}, c)
				lres := <-c
				if lres != nil && lres.negative == false {
					candidate_cres = lres.cres
			if candidate_cres != nil {
				l.Debug("We got an RR: %v", candidate_cres)
				for _, v := range candidate_cres.ResourceRecord {
					if v.Type != constants.TYPE_A {
						l.Panic("Not an A type: %v", v)
					targetNS = fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d:53", v.Data[0], v.Data[1], v.Data[2], v.Data[3])
					targetXH = label
					break POP_LOOP
		if label.Len() == 1 {

	pp := &packet.ParsedPacket{}
	pp.Header.Id = uint16(rand.Uint32()) // will simply overflow
	pp.Header.Opcode = constants.OP_QUERY
	pp.Header.QuestionCount = 1
	pp.Questions = []packet.QuestionFormat{{Name: q.Name, Class: constants.CLASS_IN, Type: targetQT}}
	remoteNs, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", targetNS)

	if err == nil {
		l.Info("+ op=query, remote=%s, type=%d, id=%d, name=%v", targetNS, targetQT, pp.Header.Id, q.Name)
		cq.conn.WriteToUDP(packet.Assemble(pp), remoteNs)
		cq.sq.registerQuery(pp.Questions[0], remoteNs, targetXH)

	return pp