// Execute execudes the commands with the given arguments and returns an error,
// if any.
func (c *DemoCmd) Execute(args []string) error {
	// We create a new in-memory store. All information about traces will
	// eventually be stored here.
	store := appdash.NewMemoryStore()

	// Listen on any available TCP port locally.
	l, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 0})
	if err != nil {
	collectorPort := l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
	log.Printf("Appdash collector listening on tcp:%d", collectorPort)

	// Start an Appdash collection server that will listen for spans and
	// annotations and add them to the local collector (stored in-memory).
	cs := appdash.NewServer(l, appdash.NewLocalCollector(store))
	cs.Debug = c.Debug // Debug logging
	cs.Trace = c.Trace // Trace logging
	go cs.Start()

	// Print the URL at which the web UI will be running.
	appdashURLStr := "http://localhost" + c.AppdashHTTPAddr
	appdashURL, err := url.Parse(appdashURLStr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error parsing http://localhost:%s: %s", c.AppdashHTTPAddr, err)
	log.Printf("Appdash web UI running at %s", appdashURL)

	// Start the web UI in a separate goroutine.
	tapp := traceapp.New(nil)
	tapp.Store = store
	tapp.Queryer = store
	go func() {
		log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(c.AppdashHTTPAddr, tapp))

	// Print the URL at which the demo app is running.
	demoURLStr := "http://localhost" + c.DemoHTTPAddr
	demoURL, err := url.Parse(demoURLStr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error parsing http://localhost:%s: %s", c.DemoHTTPAddr, err)
	log.Printf("Appdash demo app running at %s", demoURL)

	// The Appdash collection server that our demo app will use is running
	// locally with our HTTP server in this case, so we set this up now.
	localCollector := appdash.NewRemoteCollector(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", collectorPort))

	// Handle the root path of our app.
	http.Handle("/", &middlewareHandler{
		middleware: httptrace.Middleware(localCollector, &httptrace.MiddlewareConfig{
			RouteName:      func(r *http.Request) string { return r.URL.Path },
			SetContextSpan: requestSpans.setRequestSpan,
		next: &demoApp{collector: localCollector, baseURL: demoURL, appdashURL: appdashURL},
	return http.ListenAndServe(c.DemoHTTPAddr, nil)
文件: main.go 项目: bg451/appdash
func main() {
	// Create a recent in-memory store, evicting data after 20s.
	// The store defines where information about traces (i.e. spans and
	// annotations) will be stored during the lifetime of the application. This
	// application uses a MemoryStore store wrapped by a RecentStore with an
	// eviction time of 20s (i.e. all data after 20s is deleted from memory).
	memStore := appdash.NewMemoryStore()
	store := &appdash.RecentStore{
		MinEvictAge: 20 * time.Second,
		DeleteStore: memStore,

	// Start the Appdash web UI on port 8700.
	// This is the actual Appdash web UI -- usable as a Go package itself, We
	// embed it directly into our application such that visiting the web server
	// on HTTP port 8700 will bring us to the web UI, displaying information
	// about this specific web-server (another alternative would be to connect
	// to a centralized Appdash collection server).
	url, err := url.Parse("http://localhost:8700")
	if err != nil {
	tapp, err := traceapp.New(nil, url)
	if err != nil {
	tapp.Store = store
	tapp.Queryer = memStore
	log.Println("Appdash web UI running on HTTP :8700")
	go func() {
		log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8700", tapp))

	// We will use a local collector (as we are running the Appdash web UI
	// embedded within our app).
	// A collector is responsible for collecting the information about traces
	// (i.e. spans and annotations) and placing them into a store. In this app
	// we use a local collector (we could also use a remote collector, sending
	// the information to a remote Appdash collection server).
	collector = appdash.NewLocalCollector(store)

	// Create the appdash/httptrace middleware.
	// Here we initialize the appdash/httptrace middleware. It is a Negroni
	// compliant HTTP middleware that will generate HTTP events for Appdash to
	// display. We could also instruct Appdash with events manually, if we
	// wanted to.
	tracemw := httptrace.Middleware(collector, &httptrace.MiddlewareConfig{
		RouteName: func(r *http.Request) string { return r.URL.Path },
		SetContextSpan: func(r *http.Request, spanID appdash.SpanID) {
			context.Set(r, CtxSpanID, spanID)

	// Setup our router (for information, see the gorilla/mux docs):
	router := mux.NewRouter()
	router.HandleFunc("/", Home)
	router.HandleFunc("/endpoint", Endpoint)

	// Setup Negroni for our app (for information, see the negroni docs):
	n := negroni.Classic()
	n.Use(negroni.HandlerFunc(tracemw)) // Register appdash's HTTP middleware.
文件: main.go 项目: bg451/appdash
func main() {
	// Create a default InfluxDB configuration.
	conf, err := appdash.NewInfluxDBConfig()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create influxdb config, error: %v", err)

	// Enable InfluxDB server HTTP basic auth.
	conf.Server.HTTPD.AuthEnabled = true
	conf.AdminUser = appdash.InfluxDBAdminUser{
		Username: "******",
		Password: "******",

	// If you do not want metrics to be reported (see: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v0.10/administration/config/#reporting-disabled-false) uncomment the following line:
	//conf.Server.ReportingDisabled = true

	// Configure InfluxDB ports, if you desire:
	//conf.Server.Admin.BindAddress = ":8083"
	//conf.Server.BindAddress = ":8088"
	//conf.Server.CollectdInputs[0].BindAddress = "" // auto-chosen
	//conf.Server.GraphiteInputs[0].BindAddress = ":2003"
	//conf.Server.HTTPD.BindAddress = ":8086"
	//conf.Server.OpenTSDBInputs[0].BindAddress = ":4242"
	//conf.Server.UDPInputs[0].BindAddress = "" // auto-chosen

	// Control where InfluxDB server logs are written to, if desired:
	//conf.LogOutput = ioutil.Discard

	store, err := appdash.NewInfluxDBStore(conf)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create influxdb store, error: %v", err)
	defer func() {
		if err := store.Close(); err != nil {
	url, err := url.Parse("http://localhost:8700")
	if err != nil {
	tapp, err := traceapp.New(nil, url)
	if err != nil {
	tapp.Store = store
	tapp.Queryer = store
	tapp.Aggregator = store
	log.Println("Appdash web UI running on HTTP :8700")
	go func() {
		log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8700", tapp))
	collector = appdash.NewLocalCollector(store)
	tracemw := httptrace.Middleware(collector, &httptrace.MiddlewareConfig{
		RouteName: func(r *http.Request) string { return r.URL.Path },
		SetContextSpan: func(r *http.Request, spanID appdash.SpanID) {
			context.Set(r, CtxSpanID, spanID)
	router := mux.NewRouter()
	router.HandleFunc("/", Home)
	router.HandleFunc("/endpoint", Endpoint)
	n := negroni.Classic()