func Extension(name string) bool { if strings.HasPrefix(name, "GL_") { return stringutil.InSliceAt(Extensions(), name) >= 0 } for _, ep := range extensionPrefixes { if stringutil.InSliceAt(Extensions(), ep+name) >= 0 { return true } } return false }
func ExtractZipFile(zipFilePath, targetDirPath string, deleteZipFile bool, fileNamesPrefix string, fileNamesToExtract ...string) error { var fnames []string = nil var fnprefix string = "" var efile *os.File var zfile *zip.File var zfileReader io.ReadCloser var unzip, err = zip.OpenReader(zipFilePath) if unzip != nil { if (err == nil) && (unzip.File != nil) { if (fileNamesToExtract != nil) && (len(fileNamesToExtract) > 0) { fnames = fileNamesToExtract for i, fn := range fnames { if fn[0:len(fileNamesPrefix)] == fileNamesPrefix { fnames[i] = fn[len(fileNamesPrefix):] fnprefix = fileNamesPrefix } } } for _, zfile = range unzip.File { if (fnames == nil) || (stringutil.InSliceAt(fnames, zfile.FileHeader.Name) >= 0) { zfileReader, err = zfile.Open() if zfileReader != nil { if err == nil { efile, err = os.Create(path.Join(targetDirPath, fnprefix+zfile.FileHeader.Name)) if efile != nil { if err == nil { _, err = io.Copy(efile, zfileReader) } efile.Close() } } zfileReader.Close() } } if err != nil { break } } } unzip.Close() if deleteZipFile && (err == nil) { err = os.Remove(zipFilePath) } } return err }
func fixupAdminDiv(r bson.M, countries []string) bson.M { var n, na = stringutil.ToString(r["n"], ""), stringutil.ToString(r["na"], "") var a = stringutil.ToStrings(r["a"]) var pos int delete(r, "n") delete(r, "na") if (a != nil) && (len(a) > 0) { if pos = stringutil.InSliceAt(countries, a[0]); pos >= 0 { r["c"] = pos } a = a[1:] } if (a != nil) && (len(a) > 0) { r["a"] = a } else { delete(r, "a") } if (len(n) == 0) && (len(na) > 0) { n = na na = "" } if n == na { na = "" } if len(na) == 0 { pos = strings.Index(n, " / ") if (pos >= 0) && (pos == strings.LastIndex(n, " / ")) && stringutil.IsAscii(n[pos+3:]) && !stringutil.IsAscii(n[:pos]) { na = n[pos+3:] n = n[:pos] } } if len(n) > 0 { r["n"] = n } if len(na) > 0 { r["na"] = na } return r }
func createDb(sourceDir string) { var err error var dbConn *mgo.Session var dbIndex, lastIndex = 0, 0 var dbName, tmp string var dbNames []string var admins []*adminDiv var features = []string{} var timezones = []string{} var countries = []string{} fmt.Println("Connecting...") dbutil.Panic = true dbConn, err = dbutil.ConnectToGlobal() dbNames, err = dbConn.DatabaseNames() if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, dbName = range dbNames { if strings.HasPrefix(dbName, "gn_") { dbIndex++ } } for { dbName = fmt.Sprintf("gn_%d", dbIndex) if stringutil.InSliceAt(dbNames, dbName) < 0 { break } else { dbIndex++ } } createDbCollection(dbConn, dbName, path.Join(sourceDir, "timeZones.txt"), "t", true, false, func(index int, rec []string) bson.M { var n = strings.Replace(rec[0], "_", " ", -1) timezones = append(timezones, n) return bson.M{"_id": index - 1, "n": n, "g": stringutil.ToFloat32(rec[1]), "d": stringutil.ToFloat32(rec[2]), "r": stringutil.ToFloat32(rec[3])} }) createDbCollection(dbConn, dbName, path.Join(sourceDir, "featureCodes_en.txt"), "f", false, false, func(index int, rec []string) bson.M { features = append(features, rec[0]) return bson.M{"_id": index, "n": rec[0], "t": rec[1], "d": rec[2]} }) createDbCollection(dbConn, dbName, path.Join(sourceDir, "countryInfo.txt"), "c", false, false, func(index int, rec []string) bson.M { /* #ISO ISO3 ISO-Numeric fips Country Capital Area(in sq km) Population Continent tld CurrencyCode CurrencyName Phone Postal Code Format Postal Code Regex Languages geonameid neighbours EquivalentFipsCode AD AND 020 AN Andorra Andorra la Vella 468 84000 EU .ad EUR Euro 376 AD### ^(?:AD)*(\d{3})$ ca 3041565 ES,FR AE ARE 784 AE United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 82880 4975593 AS .ae AED Dirham 971 ar-AE,fa,en,hi,ur 290557 SA,OM */ countries = append(countries, rec[0]) return bson.M{"_id": index, "i": rec[0], "i3": rec[1], "f": rec[2], "t": rec[4], "ca": rec[5], "co": rec[8], "d": rec[9], "cc": rec[10], "cn": rec[11], "p": rec[12], "l": stringutil.Split(rec[15], ","), "g": stringutil.ToInt(rec[16]), "n": stringutil.Split(rec[17], ",")} }) createDbCollection(dbConn, dbName, path.Join(sourceDir, "zip_allCountries.txt"), "z", false, true, func(index int, rec []string) bson.M { var an = []string{stringutil.Title(rec[3]), stringutil.Title(rec[5]), stringutil.Title(rec[7])} var ac = []string{rec[4], rec[6], rec[8]} var ll, err = numutil.NewDvec2(rec[10], rec[9]) var n = rec[2] var r = bson.M{"_id": index, "c": stringutil.InSliceAt(countries, rec[0]), "z": rec[1], "n": n} var words []string if (err == nil) && (ll.X >= geoutil.LonMin) && (ll.X <= geoutil.LonMax) && (ll.Y >= geoutil.LatMin) && (ll.Y <= geoutil.LatMax) { r["l"] = ll } else { return nil } r["a"], admins = findAdminIndex(admins, rec[0], ac[0], ac[1], ac[2], an) if len(n) > 0 { if n == strings.ToUpper(n) { n = stringutil.Title(n) } if words = stringutil.Split(n, " "); len(words) > 1 { n = "" for i, w := range words { if stringutil.InSliceAt(words, w) == i { n = stringutil.Concat(n, w, " ") } } r["n"] = n[0 : len(n)-1] } else { r["n"] = n } } return r }) for i, ad := range admins { dbutil.Insert(dbConn, dbName, "a", fixupAdminDiv(bson.M{"_id": i, "a": stringutil.NonEmpties(true, ad.ac1, ad.ac2, ad.ac3, ad.ac4), "n": ad.n}, countries)) } stringutil.ForEach(func(i int, s string) { createDbCollection(dbConn, dbName, path.Join(sourceDir, s), "a", false, false, func(index int, rec []string) bson.M { var a = stringutil.Split(rec[0], ".") var n, na = rec[1], rec[2] var r bson.M for _, ad := range admins { if (ad.ac1 == a[0]) && (ad.ac2 == a[1]) && ((len(a) == 2) || (ad.ac3 == a[2])) { return nil } } index += len(admins) if i == 0 { lastIndex = index } else { index = index + 1 + lastIndex } r = bson.M{"_id": index, "a": a, "g": stringutil.ToInt(rec[3]), "n": n, "na": na} return fixupAdminDiv(r, countries) }) }, "admin1CodesASCII.txt", "admin2Codes.txt") lastIndex = 0 stringutil.ForEach(func(i int, s string) { createDbCollection(dbConn, dbName, path.Join(sourceDir, s), "n", false, true, func(index int, rec []string) bson.M { /* 0 geonameid : integer id of record in geonames database 1 name : name of geographical point (utf8) varchar(200) 2 asciiname : name of geographical point in plain ascii characters, varchar(200) 3 alternatenames : alternatenames, comma separated varchar(5000) 4 latitude : latitude in decimal degrees (wgs84) 5 longitude : longitude in decimal degrees (wgs84) 6 feature class : see, char(1) 7 feature code : see, varchar(10) 8 country code : ISO-3166 2-letter country code, 2 characters 9 cc2 : alternate country codes, comma separated, ISO-3166 2-letter country code, 60 characters 10 admin1 code : fipscode (subject to change to iso code), see exceptions below, see file admin1Codes.txt for display names of this code; varchar(20) 11 admin2 code : code for the second administrative division, a county in the US, see file admin2Codes.txt; varchar(80) 12 admin3 code : code for third level administrative division, varchar(20) 13 admin4 code : code for fourth level administrative division, varchar(20) 17 timezone : the timezone id (see file timeZone.txt) */ var pos, c = -1, -1 var ll, err = numutil.NewDvec2(rec[5], rec[4]) var n, na = rec[1], rec[2] var an = stringutil.Without(stringutil.Split(rec[3], ","), false, n, na, "") var tz = strings.Replace(rec[17], "_", " ", -1) var r = bson.M{"g": stringutil.ToInt(rec[0])} if (err == nil) && (ll.X >= geoutil.LonMin) && (ll.X <= geoutil.LonMax) && (ll.Y >= geoutil.LatMin) && (ll.Y <= geoutil.LatMax) { r["l"] = ll } else { return nil } if i == 0 { lastIndex = index } else { index = index + 1 + lastIndex } r["_id"] = index if len(n) == 0 { n = na } if (len(n) == 0) && (len(an) > 0) { n = an[0] } if (len(na) > 0) && (strings.ToLower(na) == strings.ToLower(n)) { na = "" } an = stringutil.Without(an, false, n, na) if len(n) > 0 { r["n"] = n } if len(na) > 0 { r["na"] = na } if len(an) > 0 { r["an"] = an } if pos = stringutil.InSliceAt(timezones, tz); pos >= 0 { r["t"] = pos } if pos = stringutil.InSliceAt(countries, rec[8]); pos >= 0 { c = pos r["c"] = pos } else if len(rec[9]) > 0 { for _, cn := range stringutil.Split(rec[9], ",") { if pos = stringutil.InSliceAt(countries, cn); pos >= 0 { c = pos r["c"] = pos break } } } if c >= 0 { pos, _ = findAdminIndex(admins, countries[c], rec[10], rec[11], rec[12], nil) if pos >= 0 { r["a"] = pos } } if pos = stringutil.InSliceAt(features, stringutil.Concat(rec[6], ".", rec[7])); pos >= 0 { r["f"] = pos } return r }) }, "allCountries.txt", "null.txt") dbNames, err = dbConn.DatabaseNames() if err == nil { dbutil.Panic = false for _, tmp = range dbNames { if (tmp != dbName) && strings.HasPrefix(tmp, "gn_") { dbutil.DropDatabase(dbConn, tmp) } } } }
func createElevs(targetDir string) { type sourceRec struct { dirPath string filePath string fileTime time.Time byteOrder binary.ByteOrder fileLen int64 } var srcBasePath = "/media/hdx/elev_raw/" var force = []string{ /*"N64W024"*/ } var initSourceRec = func(dirRelPath string) *sourceRec { return &sourceRec{path.Join(srcBasePath, dirRelPath), "", time.Time{}, binary.LittleEndian, 0} } var fexts = []string{".hgt", ".hgt.le", ".HGT", ".HGT.LE"} var srcRecs = map[string]*sourceRec{"": initSourceRec(""), "bathy": initSourceRec("bathy/hgt"), "srtm": initSourceRec("srtm/hgt"), "rmw": initSourceRec("rmw3"), "vfp": initSourceRec("vfp")} var lola numutil.Dvec2 var fp, fbName, skey, nkey string var hasBathy, hasElev bool var srec *sourceRec var newest, srtmTime time.Time var pngMakers = 0 var pngChan = make(chan bool) var makePng = func(outFilePath string, elevFile *sourceRec, bathyFilePath string) { var ps, ps1, psx = 1200, 1201, 1200 * 2400 var bathyLandVal int16 = 0 var bathyMapping = []int16{-4500, -2500, -9500, -6500, -10500, -3500, bathyLandVal, -5500, -7500, -200, -8500, -1500, -750} var pngSize = image.Rect(0, 0, ps, ps) var px, py int var bv, ev, fv int16 var srcFile, bathFile, pngFile *os.File var err error var pngImage *image.NRGBA fmt.Println(outFilePath) if pngFile, err = os.Create(outFilePath); err != nil { fmt.Println("PANIC", err) panic(err) } if bathFile, err = os.Open(bathyFilePath); err != nil { bathFile = nil } if srcFile, err = os.Open(elevFile.filePath); err != nil { srcFile = nil } if (bathFile != nil) || (srcFile != nil) { pngImage = image.NewNRGBA(pngSize) for py = 0; py < pngSize.Max.Y; py++ { for px = 0; px < pngSize.Max.X; px++ { if (bathFile == nil) || !fileutil.ReadFromBinary(bathFile, int64((math.Floor(float64(py)/40)*30)+math.Floor(float64(px)/40))*2, binary.LittleEndian, &bv) { bv = bathyLandVal } else { bv = bathyMapping[bv] } if (srcFile == nil) || !fileutil.ReadFromBinary(srcFile, (int64((py*coreutil.Ifi(int(elevFile.fileLen) == psx, ps, ps1))+px)*2) /*+ coreutil.Ifl(int(elevFile.fileLen) == psx, 0, 2402)*/, elevFile.byteOrder, &ev) { ev = -32768 } fv = coreutil.Ifs(bv == bathyLandVal, ev, coreutil.Ifs((ev != 0) && (ev > bv), ev, bv)) pngImage.Set(px, py, color.NRGBA{0, byte(fv), byte(fv >> 8), 255}) } } if bathFile != nil { bathFile.Close() } if srcFile != nil { srcFile.Close() } err = png.Encode(pngFile, pngImage) if err != nil { fmt.Println("PANIC", err) panic(err) } } pngFile.Close() pngChan <- true } var goMakePng = func(outFilePath string, elevFile *sourceRec, bathyFilePath string) { for pngMakers >= 8 { <-pngChan pngMakers-- } pngMakers++ go makePng(outFilePath, elevFile, bathyFilePath) } srtmTime = time.Date(2008, 10, 15, 12, 30, 30, 500, time.Local) for lola.Y = geoutil.LatMin; lola.Y < geoutil.LatMax; lola.Y++ { for lola.X = geoutil.LonMin; lola.X < geoutil.LonMax; lola.X++ { fbName = geoutil.LoLaFileName(lola.X, lola.Y) if (len(force) == 0) || (stringutil.InSliceAt(force, fbName) >= 0) { fp = path.Join(targetDir, fbName) for skey, srec = range srcRecs { if len(skey) > 0 { srec.filePath, srec.fileTime, srec.fileLen = fileutil.FileExistsPath(srec.dirPath, fbName, fexts, true, false) if skey == "srtm" { srec.fileTime = srtmTime } } } newest = time.Time{} nkey = "" for skey, srec = range srcRecs { if (len(skey) > 0) && (skey != "bathy") && (len(srec.filePath) > 0) && (srec.fileTime.After(newest)) { newest = srec.fileTime nkey = skey if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(srec.filePath), ".hgt.le") { srec.byteOrder = binary.LittleEndian } else { srec.byteOrder = binary.BigEndian } } } if hasBathy, hasElev = len(srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) > 0, len(nkey) > 0; hasBathy || hasElev { goMakePng(fp, srcRecs[nkey], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) } else { fmt.Println("\tNO BATHY, NO ELEV!\n") } if (len(srcRecs["rmw"].filePath) > 0) && (len(srcRecs["srtm"].filePath) > 0) && (len(srcRecs["vfp"].filePath) > 0) { goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_rsv", fbName+"."+nkey+".r.png"), srcRecs["rmw"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_rsv", fbName+"."+nkey+".s.png"), srcRecs["srtm"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_rsv", fbName+"."+nkey+".v.png"), srcRecs["vfp"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) } else if (len(srcRecs["rmw"].filePath) > 0) && (len(srcRecs["vfp"].filePath) > 0) { goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_rv", fbName+"."+nkey+".r.png"), srcRecs["rmw"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_rv", fbName+"."+nkey+".v.png"), srcRecs["vfp"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) } else if (len(srcRecs["rmw"].filePath) > 0) && (len(srcRecs["srtm"].filePath) > 0) { goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_rs", fbName+"."+nkey+".r.png"), srcRecs["rmw"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_rs", fbName+"."+nkey+".s.png"), srcRecs["srtm"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) } else if (len(srcRecs["vfp"].filePath) > 0) && (len(srcRecs["srtm"].filePath) > 0) { goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_sv", fbName+"."+nkey+".v.png"), srcRecs["vfp"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) goMakePng(path.Join(targetDir+"_sv", fbName+"."+nkey+".s.png"), srcRecs["srtm"], srcRecs["bathy"].filePath) } } } } }