// Attempt to process the queue. func deliver(client *rpc.Client) (*rpc.Reply, error) { return client.Deliver() }
// Fetches queue info. func queue(client *rpc.Client) (*rpc.Reply, error) { return client.QueueInfo() }
// Unsubscribes an email from a feed. func unsubscribe(client *rpc.Client) (*rpc.Reply, error) { if flag.NArg() < 3 { usage() } return client.Unsubscribe(flag.Arg(1), flag.Arg(2)) }
// Lists all subscription filtered by email. func subscriptions(client *rpc.Client) (*rpc.Reply, error) { if flag.NArg() < 2 { usage() } return client.ListSubscriptions(flag.Arg(1)) }
// Fetches the servers mem stats. func mem(client *rpc.Client) (*rpc.Reply, error) { return client.MemStats() }