Beispiel #1
// rpcOutputBlock converts the given block to the RPC output which depends on fullTx. If inclTx is true transactions are
// returned. When fullTx is true the returned block contains full transaction details, otherwise it will only contain
// transaction hashes.
func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) rpcOutputBlock(b *types.Block, inclTx bool, fullTx bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	fields := map[string]interface{}{
		"number":           rpc.NewHexNumber(b.Number()),
		"hash":             b.Hash(),
		"parentHash":       b.ParentHash(),
		"nonce":            b.Header().Nonce,
		"sha3Uncles":       b.UncleHash(),
		"logsBloom":        b.Bloom(),
		"stateRoot":        b.Root(),
		"miner":            b.Coinbase(),
		"difficulty":       rpc.NewHexNumber(b.Difficulty()),
		"totalDifficulty":  rpc.NewHexNumber(s.bc.GetTd(b.Hash())),
		"extraData":        fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", b.Extra()),
		"size":             rpc.NewHexNumber(b.Size().Int64()),
		"gasLimit":         rpc.NewHexNumber(b.GasLimit()),
		"gasUsed":          rpc.NewHexNumber(b.GasUsed()),
		"timestamp":        rpc.NewHexNumber(b.Time()),
		"transactionsRoot": b.TxHash(),
		"receiptRoot":      b.ReceiptHash(),

	if inclTx {
		formatTx := func(tx *types.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
			return tx.Hash(), nil

		if fullTx {
			formatTx = func(tx *types.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
				return newRPCTransaction(b, tx.Hash())

		txs := b.Transactions()
		transactions := make([]interface{}, len(txs))
		var err error
		for i, tx := range b.Transactions() {
			if transactions[i], err = formatTx(tx); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		fields["transactions"] = transactions

	uncles := b.Uncles()
	uncleHashes := make([]common.Hash, len(uncles))
	for i, uncle := range uncles {
		uncleHashes[i] = uncle.Hash()
	fields["uncles"] = uncleHashes

	return fields, nil