// Show exposes the window. func (win *Window) Show() { gui(func() { C.windowShow(win.addr) }) }
// Show exposes the window. func (win *Window) Show() { RunMain(func() { C.windowShow(win.addr) }) }
// These functions set the appropriate control font. // Which one is used on each control was determined by comparing https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AppleHIGuidelines/Characteristics/Characteristics.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002721-SW10 to what Interface Builder says for each control. // (not applicable to ProgressBar, Area) // Button, Checkbox, Combobox, LineEdit, Label, Listbox func applyStandardControlFont(id C.id) { C.applyStandardControlFont(id) } var classTypes = [nctypes]*classData{ c_window: &classData{ make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id { return C.makeWindow(appDelegate) }, show: func(what C.id) { C.windowShow(what) }, hide: func(what C.id) { C.windowHide(what) }, settext: func(what C.id, text C.id) { C.windowSetTitle(what, text) }, text: func(what C.id, alternate bool) C.id { return C.windowTitle(what) }, }, c_button: &classData{ make: func(parentWindow C.id, alternate bool, s *sysData) C.id { button := C.makeButton() C.buttonSetTargetAction(button, appDelegate)
func (w *window) Show() { C.windowShow(w.id) // TODO we need a dummy resize here because things might not be in the right place }
func (w *window) Show() { C.windowShow(w.id) }