Ejemplo n.º 1
func podRunningOrUnschedulable(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	_, cond := v1.GetPodCondition(&pod.Status, v1.PodScheduled)
	if cond != nil && cond.Status == v1.ConditionFalse && cond.Reason == "Unschedulable" {
		return true
	running, _ := testutils.PodRunningReady(pod)
	return running
Ejemplo n.º 2
// waitForPods waits for timeout duration, for pod_count.
// If the timeout is hit, it returns the list of currently running pods.
func waitForPods(f *framework.Framework, pod_count int, timeout time.Duration) (runningPods []*v1.Pod) {
	for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) {
		podList, err := f.PodClient().List(v1.ListOptions{})
		if err != nil {
			framework.Logf("Failed to list pods on node: %v", err)

		runningPods = []*v1.Pod{}
		for _, pod := range podList.Items {
			if r, err := testutils.PodRunningReady(&pod); err != nil || !r {
			runningPods = append(runningPods, &pod)
		framework.Logf("Running pod count %d", len(runningPods))
		if len(runningPods) >= pod_count {
	return runningPods
Ejemplo n.º 3
func printStatusAndLogsForNotReadyPods(c clientset.Interface, ns string, podNames []string, pods []*v1.Pod) {
	printFn := func(id, log string, err error, previous bool) {
		prefix := "Retrieving log for container"
		if previous {
			prefix = "Retrieving log for the last terminated container"
		if err != nil {
			framework.Logf("%s %s, err: %v:\n%s\n", prefix, id, err, log)
		} else {
			framework.Logf("%s %s:\n%s\n", prefix, id, log)
	podNameSet := sets.NewString(podNames...)
	for _, p := range pods {
		if p.Namespace != ns {
		if !podNameSet.Has(p.Name) {
		if ok, _ := testutils.PodRunningReady(p); ok {
		framework.Logf("Status for not ready pod %s/%s: %+v", p.Namespace, p.Name, p.Status)
		// Print the log of the containers if pod is not running and ready.
		for _, container := range p.Status.ContainerStatuses {
			cIdentifer := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", p.Namespace, p.Name, container.Name)
			log, err := framework.GetPodLogs(c, p.Namespace, p.Name, container.Name)
			printFn(cIdentifer, log, err, false)
			// Get log from the previous container.
			if container.RestartCount > 0 {
				printFn(cIdentifer, log, err, true)
Ejemplo n.º 4
var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("Probing container", func() {
	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("container-probe")
	var podClient *framework.PodClient
	probe := webserverProbeBuilder{}

	BeforeEach(func() {
		podClient = f.PodClient()

	It("with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart [Conformance]", func() {
		p := podClient.Create(makePodSpec(probe.withInitialDelay().build(), nil))

		p, err := podClient.Get(p.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
		isReady, err := testutils.PodRunningReady(p)
		Expect(isReady).To(BeTrue(), "pod should be ready")

		// We assume the pod became ready when the container became ready. This
		// is true for a single container pod.
		readyTime, err := getTransitionTimeForReadyCondition(p)
		startedTime, err := getContainerStartedTime(p, probTestContainerName)

		framework.Logf("Container started at %v, pod became ready at %v", startedTime, readyTime)
		initialDelay := probTestInitialDelaySeconds * time.Second
		if readyTime.Sub(startedTime) < initialDelay {
			framework.Failf("Pod became ready before it's %v initial delay", initialDelay)