func TestClosePort(t *testing.T) { l := NewListener() l.AddPort(56561) gcnt := runtime.Goroutines() l.ClosePort(56561) // ClosePort is not synchronized, so give it some time (on mac, dialog pops up) for i := 0; i < 100 && 0 != len(l.ports); i++ { time.Sleep(1e6) } if runtime.Gosched(); 0 != len(l.ports) { t.Errorf("After ClosePort(), ports should have 0 entries, got %d", len(l.ports)) } if runtime.Gosched(); gcnt <= runtime.Goroutines() { t.Errorf("Expected fewer than %d goroutines after ClosePort(), %d running", gcnt, runtime.Goroutines()) } l.Close() if 0 != len(l.ports) { t.Errorf("After Close(), ports should have 0 entries, got %d", len(l.ports)) } if runtime.Gosched(); gcnt <= runtime.Goroutines() { t.Errorf("Expected fewer than %d goroutines after Close(), %d running", gcnt, runtime.Goroutines()) } }
func Test2(t *testing.T) { ch1, ch2 := make(chan bool), make(chan bool) go func() { for { bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("bigfile") println("2", len(bytes)) } ch2 <- true }() i := 0 go func() { for { i++ // time.Sleep(1000000) if i == 1000000000 { println("tick") i = 0 } } ch1 <- true }() println("i =", i) println("grc =", runtime.Goroutines()) <-ch1 <-ch2 }
func StatsServer(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { stats := runtime.MemStats w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8") fmt.Fprintf(w, "Total allocated: %d bytes, In-use: %d bytes\n", stats.TotalAlloc, stats.Alloc) fmt.Fprintf(w, "Heap in-use: %d bytes, Number of heap objects: %d\n", stats.HeapAlloc, stats.HeapObjects) fmt.Fprintf(w, "There are %d Goroutines in the system\n", runtime.Goroutines()) }
func TestGoroutines(t *testing.T) { gs := runtime.Goroutines() func() { l := mustListen() defer l.Close() u := mustListenPacket(l.Addr().String()) defer u.Close() go Main("a", "", u, l, nil) cl, err := client.Dial(l.Addr().String()) assert.Equal(t, nil, err) cl.Noop() }() assert.T(t, gs+leaked >= runtime.Goroutines(), gs+leaked) }
func (s *Stats) SummaryLine() string { defer return fmt.Sprintf("Running %d mins, %d accept, %d expire, %d req, %d resp; MaxReqRespTime: %dms; %d goroutine", (time.Nanoseconds()-s.TimeStarted)/(60*1e9), s.AcceptConnCount, s.ExpireConnCount, s.RequestCount, s.ResponseCount, s.MaxReqRespTime/1e6, runtime.Goroutines()) }
func init() { start := time.Seconds() Publish("runtime", map[string]interface{}{ "cgocalls": Func(func() interface{} { return runtime.Cgocalls() }), "goroutines": Func(func() interface{} { return runtime.Goroutines() }), "version": runtime.Version(), "memstats": &runtime.MemStats, }) Publish("uptimeSeconds", Func(func() interface{} { return time.Seconds() - start })) Publish("cmdline", &os.Args) }
func TestAddPort(t *testing.T) { l := NewListener() gcnt := runtime.Goroutines() l.AddPort(56561) if 1 != len(l.ports) { t.Errorf("Length of ports array should be 1, got %d", len(l.ports)) } if runtime.Gosched(); gcnt >= runtime.Goroutines() { t.Errorf("Expected more than %d goroutines after AddPort, %d running", gcnt, runtime.Goroutines()) } if listener, ok := l.ports[56561]; ok { if listener == nil { t.Errorf("Port listener should not be nil") } } else { t.Errorf("Listener should have entry for port 56561, got %v", l.ports) } gcnt = runtime.Goroutines() l.Close() if 0 != len(l.ports) { t.Errorf("After Close(), ports should have 0 entries, got %d", len(l.ports)) } if runtime.Gosched(); gcnt <= runtime.Goroutines() { t.Errorf("Expected fewer than %d goroutines after Close(), %d running", gcnt, runtime.Goroutines()) } }
func main() { netf := flag.String("net", "", "Network address") port := flag.String("port", "6667", "Network port") passf := flag.String("pass", "", "Network Password") nickf := flag.String("nick", "go-irc-chans", "Nickname on network") userf := flag.String("user", "", "Irc user (defaults to nick)") rnf := flag.String("realname", "", "Real Name (defaults to nick)") chans := flag.String("chans", "#go-nuts", "Channles to join separated by commas (e.g. #foo,#bar; defaults to #go-nuts)") logfile := flag.String("logfile", "", "File used for logging (default: stderr)") usage := flag.Bool("h", false, "Display usage and help message") flag.Parse() if *usage { flag.PrintDefaults() os.Exit(0) } if *userf == "" { userf = nickf } if *rnf == "" { rnf = nickf } log.Println(strings.Join([]string{*netf, *port}, ":"), *nickf, *userf, *rnf, *passf, *logfile) channels := strings.Split(*chans, ",", -1) n := ircchans.NewNetwork(*netf, *port, *nickf, *userf, *rnf, *passf, *logfile) //test replies, outgoing messages go func() { chin := make(chan *ircchans.IrcMessage, 100) n.Listen.RegListener("PRIVMSG", "testreply", chin) for !closed(chin) { msg := <-chin nick := n.GetNick() if msg.Destination() == nick { switch strings.Join(msg.Params[1:], " ") { case "memusage": targ := strings.Split(msg.Prefix, "!", 2) n.Privmsg([]string{targ[0]}, fmt.Sprintf("Currently allocated: %.2fMb, taken from system: %.2fMb", float32(runtime.MemStats.Alloc)/1024/1024, float32(runtime.MemStats.Sys)/1024/1024)) n.Privmsg([]string{targ[0]}, fmt.Sprintf("Currently allocated (heap): %.2fMb, taken from system (heap): %.2fMb", float32(runtime.MemStats.HeapAlloc)/1024/1024, float32(runtime.MemStats.HeapSys)/1024/1024)) n.Privmsg([]string{targ[0]}, fmt.Sprintf("Goroutines currently running: %d", runtime.Goroutines())) n.Privmsg([]string{targ[0]}, fmt.Sprintf("Next garbage collection will be when heap reaches %.1f Mb.", float32(runtime.MemStats.NextGC)/1024/1024)) case "reconnect": n.Disconnect("Order") } } } n.Listen.DelListener("PRIVMSG", "testreply") }() ticker := time.Tick(1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 15) ticker15 := time.Tick(1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 15) for !closed(ticker) { select { case <-ticker: fmt.Println(time.LocalTime()) if n.Disconnected { fmt.Println("Disconnected") for err := n.Connect(); err != nil; err = n.Connect() { fmt.Printf("Connection failed: %s", err.String()) time.Sleep(minute / 12) } if err := n.Join(channels, []string{}); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error joining channels %v\n", channels) os.Exit(1) } } case <-ticker15: nick, _ := n.Nick("") fmt.Println(n.Whois([]string{nick}, "")) } } os.Exit(0) }