Example #1
// SendResponse sends a message back to return identites of the received message.
func (receipt *MsgReceipt) SendResponse(socket *zmq.Socket, msg ComposedMsg) {
	socket.SendMultipart(receipt.Identities, zmq.SNDMORE)
	socket.Send([]byte("<IDS|MSG>"), zmq.SNDMORE)
	socket.SendMultipart(msg.ToWireMsg(receipt.Sockets.Key), 0)
	logger.Println("<--", msg.Header.Msg_type)
	logger.Printf("%+v\n", msg.Content)
Example #2
// Publishes stored events to event listeners.
// Pops previously stored messages off a channel and published them to a
// ZeroMQ socket.
func publishAllSavedEvents(toPublish chan eventstore.StoredEvent, evpub zmq.Socket) {
	msg := make(zMsg, 3)
	for stored := range toPublish {
		msg[0] = stored.Event.Stream
		msg[1] = stored.Id
		msg[2] = stored.Event.Data

		if err := evpub.SendMultipart(msg, 0); err != nil {
Example #3
// SendResponse sends a message back to return identites of the received message.
func (receipt *MsgReceipt) SendResponse(socket *zmq.Socket, msg ComposedMsg) {

	socket.SendMultipart(receipt.Identities, zmq.SNDMORE)
	socket.Send([]byte("<IDS|MSG>"), zmq.SNDMORE)

	msgParts, err := msg.ToWireMsg(receipt.Sockets.Key)
	if err != nil {
	socket.SendMultipart(msgParts, 0)
	logger.Println("<--", msg.Header.MsgType)
	logger.Printf("%+v\n", msg.Content)
Example #4
// A blocking function that will infinitely forward multi-part messages between two zmq.Sockets
func Forward(a, b zmq.Socket) {
	for {
		parts, err := a.RecvMultipart(0)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error receiving message on frontend broker", err)

		err = b.SendMultipart(parts, 0)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error sending message on backend broker", err)

		// log.Println("Brokered message:", Stringify(parts))
Example #5
// The core ZeroMQ messaging loop. Handles requests and responses
// asynchronously using the router socket. Every request is delegated to
// a goroutine for maximum concurrency.
// `gozmq` does currently not support copy-free messages/frames. This
// means that every message passing through this function needs to be
// copied in-memory. If this becomes a bottleneck in the future,
// multiple router sockets can be hooked to this final router to scale
// message copying.
// TODO: Make this a type function of `Server` to remove a lot of
// parameters.
func loopServer(estore *eventstore.EventStore, evpubsock, frontend zmq.Socket,
	stop chan bool) {
	toPoll := zmq.PollItems{
		zmq.PollItem{Socket: &frontend, zmq.Events: zmq.POLLIN},

	pubchan := make(chan eventstore.StoredEvent)
	go publishAllSavedEvents(pubchan, evpubsock)
	defer close(pubchan)

	pollchan := make(chan zmqPollResult)
	respchan := make(chan zMsg)

	pollCancel := make(chan bool)
	defer stopPoller(pollCancel)

	go asyncPoll(pollchan, toPoll, pollCancel)
	for {
		select {
		case res := <-pollchan:
			if res.err != nil {
				log.Println("Could not poll:", res.err)
			if res.err == nil && toPoll[0].REvents&zmq.POLLIN != 0 {
				msg, _ := toPoll[0].Socket.RecvMultipart(0)
				zmsg := zMsg(msg)
				go handleRequest(respchan, estore, zmsg)
			go asyncPoll(pollchan, toPoll, pollCancel)
		case frames := <-respchan:
			if err := frontend.SendMultipart(frames, 0); err != nil {
		case <-stop:
			log.Println("Server asked to stop. Stopping...")