Example #1
func runZmqStream() {
	var context zmq.Context
	var socket zmq.Socket

	// connect to zmq
	var err error
	if context, err = zmq.NewContext(); err != nil {
		panic("No ZMQ Context?")
	defer context.Close()

	if socket, err = context.NewSocket(zmq.SUB); err != nil {
		panic("No ZMQ Socket Outbound??")
	defer socket.Close()
	socket.SetSockOptString(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")

	for {
		// block here, waiting for inbound requests
		msg, _ := socket.Recv(0)
		if len(msg) > 0 {
			parts := strings.Split(string(msg), "\n\n")
Example #2
func proxyRouting(status chan bool) {
	// intialize the zmq context.
	context, err := zmq.NewContext()
	if err != nil {
		status <- false
		log.Fatal("Intialize the zeromq context failure.\n")
	defer context.Close()

	var subscriber, publisher *zmq.Socket
	subscriber, err = context.NewSocket(zmq.XSUB)
	if err != nil {
		status <- false
		log.Fatal("Intialize the subscriber failure.\n")
	defer subscriber.Close()

	var (
		sub_address, pub_address = "*", "*"
		subPort, pubPort         = 6001, 6000

	// Bind the subscriber
	address := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%v", sub_address, subPort)
	err = subscriber.Bind(address)
	if err != nil {
		status <- false
		log.Fatalf("Subscriber bind on the address %s failure\n", address)
	log.Printf("Subscriber bind on the address %s.\n", address)

	publisher, err = context.NewSocket(zmq.XPUB)
	if err != nil {
		status <- false
		log.Fatal("Intialize the publisher failure.\n")
	defer publisher.Close()

	// Bind the publisher
	address = fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%v", pub_address, pubPort)
	err = publisher.Bind(address)
	if err != nil {
		status <- false
		log.Fatalf("Publisher bind on the address %s failure.\n", address)
	log.Printf("Publisher bind on the address %s.\n", address)

	log.Println("Proxy successfully launched...")
	// Poll the events on relevant sockets.
	zmq.Proxy(subscriber, publisher, nil)
Example #3
func (t *TransportZmq) bridge(bridge_in *zmq.Socket) {
	var message interface{}

	// Wait on channel, passing into socket
	// This keeps the socket in a single thread, otherwise we have to lock the entire publisher

	for {
		select {
		case notify := <-t.bridge_chan:
			bridge_in.Send(notify, 0)

			// Shutdown?
			if string(notify) == zmq_signal_shutdown {
				break BridgeLoop
		case message = <-t.recv_bridge_chan:
			// The reason we flush recv through the bridge and not directly to recv_chan is so that if
			// the poller was quick and had to cache a receive as the channel was full, it will stop
			// polling - flushing through bridge allows us to signal poller to start polling again
			// It is not the publisher's responsibility to do this, and TLS wouldn't need it
			bridge_in.Send([]byte(zmq_signal_input), 0)

			// Keep trying to forward on the message
			for {
				select {
				case notify := <-t.bridge_chan:
					bridge_in.Send(notify, 0)

					// Shutdown?
					if string(notify) == zmq_signal_shutdown {
						break BridgeLoop
				case t.recv_chan <- message:
					break ForwardLoop

	// We should linger by default to ensure shutdown is transmitted
Example #4
func (t *TransportZmq) poller(bridge_out *zmq.Socket) {
	// ZMQ sockets are not thread-safe, so we have to send/receive on same thread
	// Thus, we cannot use a sender/receiver thread pair like we can with TLS so we use a single threaded poller instead
	// In order to asynchronously send and receive we just poll and do necessary actions

	// When data is ready to send we'll get a channel ping, that is bridged to ZMQ so we can then send data
	// For receiving, we receive here and bridge it to the channels, then receive more once that's through

	t.poll_items = make([]zmq.PollItem, 3)
	t.poll_items[0].Socket = bridge_out
	t.poll_items[0].Events = zmq.POLLIN | zmq.POLLOUT
	t.poll_items[1].Socket = t.dealer
	t.poll_items[1].Events = zmq.POLLIN | zmq.POLLOUT
	t.poll_items[2].Socket = t.monitor
	t.poll_items[2].Events = zmq.POLLIN

	for {
		// Poll for events
		if _, err := zmq.Poll(t.poll_items, -1); err != nil {
			// Retry on EINTR
			if err == syscall.EINTR {

			// Failure
			t.recv_chan <- fmt.Errorf("zmq.Poll failure %s", err)

		// Process control channel
		if t.poll_items[0].REvents&zmq.POLLIN != 0 {
			if !t.processControlIn(bridge_out) {

		// Process dealer send
		if t.poll_items[1].REvents&zmq.POLLOUT != 0 {
			if !t.processDealerOut() {

		// Process dealer receive
		if t.poll_items[1].REvents&zmq.POLLIN != 0 {
			if !t.processDealerIn() {

		// Process monitor receive
		if t.poll_items[2].REvents&zmq.POLLIN != 0 {
			if !t.processMonitorIn() {

Example #5
File: m2go.go Project: araddon/m2go
// the listen and server for mongrel, expects an address like this
// @addr = string config parameter like this:
//    m2go.ListenAndServe("tcp://|tcp://|54c6755b-9628-40a4-9a2d-cc82a816345e", handler)
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler http.Handler) {
	var Context zmq.Context
	var SocketIn zmq.Socket
	var SocketOut zmq.Socket
	var hasExited bool
	var err error

	m2addr := strings.Split(addr, "|") //

	log.Printf("m2go serving  %s\n", addr)

	  Connection to ZMQ setup
	connect := func() {
		if Context, err = zmq.NewContext(); err != nil {
			panic("No ZMQ Context?")

		// listen for incoming requests
		if SocketIn, err = Context.NewSocket(zmq.PULL); err != nil {
			panic("No ZMQ Socket?")

		if SocketOut, err = Context.NewSocket(zmq.PUB); err != nil {
			panic("No ZMQ Socket Outbound??")
		// outbound response on a different channel
		SocketOut.SetSockOptString(zmq.IDENTITY, m2addr[2])
		//socket.SetSockOptString(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, filter)


	handleResponse := func(response []byte) {
		SocketOut.Send(response, 0)
	stopper := func() {
		if !hasExited {
			hasExited = true
	defer stopper()

	for {
		// each inbound request
		m2data, err := SocketIn.Recv(0)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("ZMQ Socket Input accept error ", err.Error())
		} else {
			go HandleM2Request(m2data, handleResponse, handler)
	log.Print("after close of runner")