Example #1
func Search(c *middleware.Context) {
	query := c.Query("query")
	tags := c.QueryStrings("tag")
	starred := c.Query("starred")
	limit := c.QueryInt("limit")

	if limit == 0 {
		limit = 1000

	searchQuery := search.Query{
		Title:     query,
		Tags:      tags,
		UserId:    c.UserId,
		Limit:     limit,
		IsStarred: starred == "true",
		OrgId:     c.OrgId,

	err := bus.Dispatch(&searchQuery)
	if err != nil {
		c.JsonApiErr(500, "Search failed", err)

	c.JSON(200, searchQuery.Result)
Example #2
func GraphiteProxy(c *middleware.Context) {
	proxyPath := c.Params("*")
	target, _ := url.Parse(setting.GraphiteUrl)

	// check if this is a special raintank_db requests
	if proxyPath == "metrics/find" {
		query := c.Query("query")
		if strings.HasPrefix(query, "raintank_db") {
			response, err := executeRaintankDbQuery(query, c.OrgId)
			if err != nil {
				c.JsonApiErr(500, "Failed to execute raintank_db query", err)
			c.JSON(200, response)

	director := func(req *http.Request) {
		req.URL.Scheme = target.Scheme
		req.URL.Host = target.Host
		req.Header.Add("X-Org-Id", strconv.FormatInt(c.OrgId, 10))
		req.URL.Path = util.JoinUrlFragments(target.Path, proxyPath)

	proxy := &httputil.ReverseProxy{Director: director}

	proxy.ServeHTTP(c.RW(), c.Req.Request)
Example #3
func ProxyDataSourceRequest(c *middleware.Context) {

	ds, err := getDatasource(c.ParamsInt64(":id"), c.OrgId)

	if err != nil {
		c.JsonApiErr(500, "Unable to load datasource meta data", err)

	if ds.Type == m.DS_CLOUDWATCH {
		cloudwatch.HandleRequest(c, ds)

	if ds.Type == m.DS_INFLUXDB {
		if c.Query("db") != ds.Database {
			c.JsonApiErr(403, "Datasource is not configured to allow this database", nil)

	targetUrl, _ := url.Parse(ds.Url)
	if len(setting.DataProxyWhiteList) > 0 {
		if _, exists := setting.DataProxyWhiteList[targetUrl.Host]; !exists {
			c.JsonApiErr(403, "Data proxy hostname and ip are not included in whitelist", nil)

	proxyPath := c.Params("*")

	if ds.Type == m.DS_ES {
		if c.Req.Request.Method == "DELETE" {
			c.JsonApiErr(403, "Deletes not allowed on proxied Elasticsearch datasource", nil)
		if c.Req.Request.Method == "PUT" {
			c.JsonApiErr(403, "Puts not allowed on proxied Elasticsearch datasource", nil)
		if c.Req.Request.Method == "POST" && proxyPath != "_msearch" {
			c.JsonApiErr(403, "Posts not allowed on proxied Elasticsearch datasource except on /_msearch", nil)

	proxy := NewReverseProxy(ds, proxyPath, targetUrl)
	proxy.Transport, err = ds.GetHttpTransport()
	if err != nil {
		c.JsonApiErr(400, "Unable to load TLS certificate", err)

	logProxyRequest(ds.Type, c)
	proxy.ServeHTTP(c.Resp, c.Req.Request)
Example #4
func setIndexViewData(c *middleware.Context) (*dtos.IndexViewData, error) {
	settings, err := getFrontendSettingsMap(c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var data = dtos.IndexViewData{
		User: &dtos.CurrentUser{
			Id:             c.UserId,
			IsSignedIn:     c.IsSignedIn,
			Login:          c.Login,
			Email:          c.Email,
			Name:           c.Name,
			LightTheme:     c.Theme == "light",
			OrgId:          c.OrgId,
			OrgName:        c.OrgName,
			OrgRole:        c.OrgRole,
			GravatarUrl:    dtos.GetGravatarUrl(c.Email),
			IsGrafanaAdmin: c.IsGrafanaAdmin,
		Settings:           settings,
		AppUrl:             setting.AppUrl,
		AppSubUrl:          setting.AppSubUrl,
		GoogleAnalyticsId:  setting.GoogleAnalyticsId,
		GoogleTagManagerId: setting.GoogleTagManagerId,

	if setting.DisableGravatar {
		data.User.GravatarUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/img/user_profile.png"

	if len(data.User.Name) == 0 {
		data.User.Name = data.User.Login

	themeUrlParam := c.Query("theme")
	if themeUrlParam == "light" {
		data.User.LightTheme = true

	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
		Text: "Dashboards",
		Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-th-large",
		Href: "/",

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Data Sources",
			Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-database",
			Href: "/datasources",

	return &data, nil
Example #5
func SearchOrgs(c *middleware.Context) Response {
	query := m.SearchOrgsQuery{
		Query: c.Query("query"),
		Name:  c.Query("name"),
		Page:  0,
		Limit: 1000,

	if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
		return ApiError(500, "Failed to search orgs", err)

	return Json(200, query.Result)
Example #6
func setIndexViewData(c *middleware.Context) error {
	settings, err := getFrontendSettingsMap(c)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	currentUser := &dtos.CurrentUser{
		Id:             c.UserId,
		IsSignedIn:     c.IsSignedIn,
		Login:          c.Login,
		Email:          c.Email,
		Name:           c.Name,
		LightTheme:     c.Theme == "light",
		OrgId:          c.OrgId,
		OrgName:        c.OrgName,
		OrgRole:        c.OrgRole,
		GravatarUrl:    dtos.GetGravatarUrl(c.Email),
		IsGrafanaAdmin: c.IsGrafanaAdmin,

	if setting.DisableGravatar {
		currentUser.GravatarUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/img/user_profile.png"

	if len(currentUser.Name) == 0 {
		currentUser.Name = currentUser.Login

	themeUrlParam := c.Query("theme")
	if themeUrlParam == "light" {
		currentUser.LightTheme = true

	c.Data["User"] = currentUser
	c.Data["Settings"] = settings
	c.Data["AppUrl"] = setting.AppUrl
	c.Data["AppSubUrl"] = setting.AppSubUrl

	if setting.GoogleAnalyticsId != "" {
		c.Data["GoogleAnalyticsId"] = setting.GoogleAnalyticsId

	if setting.GoogleTagManagerId != "" {
		c.Data["GoogleTagManagerId"] = setting.GoogleTagManagerId

	return nil
Example #7
func SearchPlaylists(c *middleware.Context) Response {
	query := c.Query("query")
	limit := c.QueryInt("limit")

	if limit == 0 {
		limit = 1000

	searchQuery := m.GetPlaylistsQuery{
		Name:  query,
		Limit: limit,
		OrgId: c.OrgId,

	err := bus.Dispatch(&searchQuery)
	if err != nil {
		return ApiError(500, "Search failed", err)

	return Json(200, searchQuery.Result)
Example #8
func SearchDashboardSnapshots(c *middleware.Context) Response {
	query := c.Query("query")
	limit := c.QueryInt("limit")

	if limit == 0 {
		limit = 1000

	searchQuery := m.GetDashboardSnapshotsQuery{
		Name:  query,
		Limit: limit,
		OrgId: c.OrgId,

	err := bus.Dispatch(&searchQuery)
	if err != nil {
		return ApiError(500, "Search failed", err)

	dtos := make([]*m.DashboardSnapshotDTO, len(searchQuery.Result))
	for i, snapshot := range searchQuery.Result {
		dtos[i] = &m.DashboardSnapshotDTO{
			Id:          snapshot.Id,
			Name:        snapshot.Name,
			Key:         snapshot.Key,
			DeleteKey:   snapshot.DeleteKey,
			OrgId:       snapshot.OrgId,
			UserId:      snapshot.UserId,
			External:    snapshot.External,
			ExternalUrl: snapshot.ExternalUrl,
			Expires:     snapshot.Expires,
			Created:     snapshot.Created,
			Updated:     snapshot.Updated,

	return Json(200, dtos)
	//return Json(200, searchQuery.Result)
Example #9
func GetAnnotations(c *middleware.Context) Response {

	query := &annotations.ItemQuery{
		From:        c.QueryInt64("from") / 1000,
		To:          c.QueryInt64("to") / 1000,
		Type:        annotations.ItemType(c.Query("type")),
		OrgId:       c.OrgId,
		AlertId:     c.QueryInt64("alertId"),
		DashboardId: c.QueryInt64("dashboardId"),
		PanelId:     c.QueryInt64("panelId"),
		Limit:       c.QueryInt64("limit"),
		NewState:    c.QueryStrings("newState"),

	repo := annotations.GetRepository()

	items, err := repo.Find(query)
	if err != nil {
		return ApiError(500, "Failed to get annotations", err)

	result := make([]dtos.Annotation, 0)

	for _, item := range items {
		result = append(result, dtos.Annotation{
			AlertId:   item.AlertId,
			Time:      item.Epoch * 1000,
			Data:      item.Data,
			NewState:  item.NewState,
			PrevState: item.PrevState,
			Text:      item.Text,
			Metric:    item.Metric,
			Title:     item.Title,

	return Json(200, result)
Example #10
func Search(c *middleware.Context) {
	query := c.Query("query")
	tags := c.QueryStrings("tag")
	starred := c.Query("starred")
	limit := c.QueryInt("limit")

	if limit == 0 {
		limit = 1000

	dbids := make([]int, 0)
	for _, id := range c.QueryStrings("dashboardIds") {
		dashboardId, err := strconv.Atoi(id)
		if err == nil {
			dbids = append(dbids, dashboardId)

	searchQuery := search.Query{
		Title:        query,
		Tags:         tags,
		UserId:       c.UserId,
		Limit:        limit,
		IsStarred:    starred == "true",
		OrgId:        c.OrgId,
		DashboardIds: dbids,

	err := bus.Dispatch(&searchQuery)
	if err != nil {
		c.JsonApiErr(500, "Search failed", err)

	c.JSON(200, searchQuery.Result)
Example #11
func GetPluginList(c *middleware.Context) Response {
	typeFilter := c.Query("type")
	enabledFilter := c.Query("enabled")
	embeddedFilter := c.Query("embedded")

	pluginSettingsMap, err := plugins.GetPluginSettings(c.OrgId)

	if err != nil {
		return ApiError(500, "Failed to get list of plugins", err)

	result := make(dtos.PluginList, 0)
	for _, pluginDef := range plugins.Plugins {
		// filter out app sub plugins
		if embeddedFilter == "0" && pluginDef.IncludedInAppId != "" {

		// filter on type
		if typeFilter != "" && typeFilter != pluginDef.Type {

		listItem := dtos.PluginListItem{
			Id:   pluginDef.Id,
			Name: pluginDef.Name,
			Type: pluginDef.Type,
			Info: &pluginDef.Info,

		if pluginSetting, exists := pluginSettingsMap[pluginDef.Id]; exists {
			listItem.Enabled = pluginSetting.Enabled
			listItem.Pinned = pluginSetting.Pinned

		// filter out disabled
		if enabledFilter == "1" && !listItem.Enabled {

		// filter out built in data sources
		if ds, exists := plugins.DataSources[pluginDef.Id]; exists {
			if ds.BuiltIn {

		result = append(result, listItem)

	return Json(200, result)
Example #12
func setIndexViewData(c *middleware.Context) (*dtos.IndexViewData, error) {
	settings, err := getFrontendSettingsMap(c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var data = dtos.IndexViewData{
		User: &dtos.CurrentUser{
			Id:             c.UserId,
			IsSignedIn:     c.IsSignedIn,
			Login:          c.Login,
			Email:          c.Email,
			Name:           c.Name,
			LightTheme:     c.Theme == "light",
			OrgId:          c.OrgId,
			OrgName:        c.OrgName,
			OrgRole:        c.OrgRole,
			GravatarUrl:    dtos.GetGravatarUrl(c.Email),
			IsGrafanaAdmin: c.IsGrafanaAdmin,
		Settings:           settings,
		AppUrl:             setting.AppUrl,
		AppSubUrl:          setting.AppSubUrl,
		GoogleAnalyticsId:  setting.GoogleAnalyticsId,
		GoogleTagManagerId: setting.GoogleTagManagerId,

	if setting.DisableGravatar {
		data.User.GravatarUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/img/user_profile.png"

	if len(data.User.Name) == 0 {
		data.User.Name = data.User.Login

	themeUrlParam := c.Query("theme")
	if themeUrlParam == "light" {
		data.User.LightTheme = true

	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
		Text: "Dashboards",
		Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-th-large",
		Url:  "/",

	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
		Text: "Playlists",
		Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-list",
		Url:  "/playlists",

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Data Sources",
			Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-database",
			Url:  "/datasources",

		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Apps",
			Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-cubes",
			Url:  "/apps",

	enabledPlugins, err := plugins.GetEnabledPlugins(c.OrgId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, plugin := range enabledPlugins.Apps {
		if plugin.Module != "" {
			data.PluginModules = append(data.PluginModules, plugin.Module)

		if plugin.Css != nil {
			data.PluginCss = append(data.PluginCss, &dtos.PluginCss{Light: plugin.Css.Light, Dark: plugin.Css.Dark})

		if plugin.Pinned {
			data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
				Text: plugin.Name,
				Url:  "/apps/edit/" + plugin.Id,
				Img:  plugin.Info.Logos.Small,

	return &data, nil
Example #13
func setIndexViewData(c *middleware.Context) (*dtos.IndexViewData, error) {
	settings, err := getFrontendSettingsMap(c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	prefsQuery := m.GetPreferencesWithDefaultsQuery{OrgId: c.OrgId, UserId: c.UserId}
	if err := bus.Dispatch(&prefsQuery); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	prefs := prefsQuery.Result

	// Read locale from acccept-language
	acceptLang := c.Req.Header.Get("Accept-Language")
	locale := "en-US"

	if len(acceptLang) > 0 {
		parts := strings.Split(acceptLang, ",")
		locale = parts[0]

	appUrl := setting.AppUrl
	appSubUrl := setting.AppSubUrl

	// special case when doing localhost call from phantomjs
	if c.IsRenderCall {
		appUrl = fmt.Sprintf("%s://localhost:%s", setting.Protocol, setting.HttpPort)
		appSubUrl = ""
		settings["appSubUrl"] = ""

	var data = dtos.IndexViewData{
		User: &dtos.CurrentUser{
			Id:             c.UserId,
			IsSignedIn:     c.IsSignedIn,
			Login:          c.Login,
			Email:          c.Email,
			Name:           c.Name,
			OrgId:          c.OrgId,
			OrgName:        c.OrgName,
			OrgRole:        c.OrgRole,
			GravatarUrl:    dtos.GetGravatarUrl(c.Email),
			IsGrafanaAdmin: c.IsGrafanaAdmin,
			LightTheme:     prefs.Theme == "light",
			Timezone:       prefs.Timezone,
			Locale:         locale,
			HelpFlags1:     c.HelpFlags1,
		Settings:                settings,
		AppUrl:                  appUrl,
		AppSubUrl:               appSubUrl,
		GoogleAnalyticsId:       setting.GoogleAnalyticsId,
		GoogleTagManagerId:      setting.GoogleTagManagerId,
		BuildVersion:            setting.BuildVersion,
		BuildCommit:             setting.BuildCommit,
		NewGrafanaVersion:       plugins.GrafanaLatestVersion,
		NewGrafanaVersionExists: plugins.GrafanaHasUpdate,

	if setting.DisableGravatar {
		data.User.GravatarUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/public/img/transparent.png"

	if len(data.User.Name) == 0 {
		data.User.Name = data.User.Login

	themeUrlParam := c.Query("theme")
	if themeUrlParam == "light" {
		data.User.LightTheme = true

	dashboardChildNavs := []*dtos.NavLink{
		{Text: "Home", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/"},
		{Text: "Playlists", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/playlists"},
		{Text: "Snapshots", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/snapshots"},

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN || c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_EDITOR {
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Divider: true})
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "New", Icon: "fa fa-plus", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/new"})
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Import", Icon: "fa fa-download", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/new/?editview=import"})

	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
		Text:     "Dashboards",
		Icon:     "icon-gf icon-gf-dashboard",
		Url:      setting.AppSubUrl + "/",
		Children: dashboardChildNavs,

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN || c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_EDITOR {
		alertChildNavs := []*dtos.NavLink{
			{Text: "Alert List", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/alerting/list"},
			{Text: "Notifications", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/alerting/notifications"},

		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text:     "Alerting",
			Icon:     "icon-gf icon-gf-alert",
			Url:      setting.AppSubUrl + "/alerting/list",
			Children: alertChildNavs,

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Data Sources",
			Icon: "icon-gf icon-gf-datasources",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/datasources",

		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Plugins",
			Icon: "icon-gf icon-gf-apps",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins",

	enabledPlugins, err := plugins.GetEnabledPlugins(c.OrgId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, plugin := range enabledPlugins.Apps {
		if plugin.Pinned {
			appLink := &dtos.NavLink{
				Text: plugin.Name,
				Url:  plugin.DefaultNavUrl,
				Img:  plugin.Info.Logos.Small,

			for _, include := range plugin.Includes {
				if !c.HasUserRole(include.Role) {

				if include.Type == "page" && include.AddToNav {
					link := &dtos.NavLink{
						Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/page/" + include.Slug,
						Text: include.Name,
					appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, link)

				if include.Type == "dashboard" && include.AddToNav {
					link := &dtos.NavLink{
						Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/db/" + include.Slug,
						Text: include.Name,
					appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, link)

			if len(appLink.Children) > 0 && c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN {
				appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, &dtos.NavLink{Divider: true})
				appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Plugin Config", Icon: "fa fa-cog", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/edit"})

			if len(appLink.Children) > 0 {
				data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, appLink)

	if c.IsGrafanaAdmin {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Admin",
			Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-cogs",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin",
			Children: []*dtos.NavLink{
				{Text: "Global Users", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/users"},
				{Text: "Global Orgs", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/orgs"},
				{Text: "Server Settings", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/settings"},
				{Text: "Server Stats", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/stats"},

	return &data, nil
Example #14
func setIndexViewData(c *middleware.Context) (*dtos.IndexViewData, error) {
	settings, err := getFrontendSettingsMap(c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	prefsQuery := m.GetPreferencesWithDefaultsQuery{OrgId: c.OrgId, UserId: c.UserId}
	if err := bus.Dispatch(&prefsQuery); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	prefs := prefsQuery.Result

	var data = dtos.IndexViewData{
		User: &dtos.CurrentUser{
			Id:             c.UserId,
			IsSignedIn:     c.IsSignedIn,
			Login:          c.Login,
			Email:          c.Email,
			Name:           c.Name,
			OrgId:          c.OrgId,
			OrgName:        c.OrgName,
			OrgRole:        c.OrgRole,
			GravatarUrl:    dtos.GetGravatarUrl(c.Email),
			IsGrafanaAdmin: c.IsGrafanaAdmin,
			LightTheme:     prefs.Theme == "light",
			Timezone:       prefs.Timezone,
		Settings:           settings,
		AppUrl:             setting.AppUrl,
		AppSubUrl:          setting.AppSubUrl,
		GoogleAnalyticsId:  setting.GoogleAnalyticsId,
		GoogleTagManagerId: setting.GoogleTagManagerId,

	if setting.DisableGravatar {
		data.User.GravatarUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/public/img/transparent.png"

	if len(data.User.Name) == 0 {
		data.User.Name = data.User.Login

	themeUrlParam := c.Query("theme")
	if themeUrlParam == "light" {
		data.User.LightTheme = true

	dashboardChildNavs := []*dtos.NavLink{
		{Text: "Home", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/"},
		{Text: "Playlists", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/playlists"},
		{Text: "Snapshots", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/snapshots"},

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN || c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_EDITOR {
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Divider: true})
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "New", Icon: "fa fa-plus", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/new"})
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Import", Icon: "fa fa-download", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/import/dashboard"})

	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
		Text:     "Dashboards",
		Icon:     "icon-gf icon-gf-dashboard",
		Url:      setting.AppSubUrl + "/",
		Children: dashboardChildNavs,

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Data Sources",
			Icon: "icon-gf icon-gf-datasources",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/datasources",

		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Plugins",
			Icon: "icon-gf icon-gf-apps",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins",

	enabledPlugins, err := plugins.GetEnabledPlugins(c.OrgId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, plugin := range enabledPlugins.Apps {
		if plugin.Pinned {
			appLink := &dtos.NavLink{
				Text: plugin.Name,
				Url:  plugin.DefaultNavUrl,
				Img:  plugin.Info.Logos.Small,

			for _, include := range plugin.Includes {
				if include.Type == "page" && include.AddToNav {
					link := &dtos.NavLink{
						Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/page/" + include.Slug,
						Text: include.Name,
					appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, link)
				if include.Type == "dashboard" && include.AddToNav {
					link := &dtos.NavLink{
						Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/db/" + include.Slug,
						Text: include.Name,
					appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, link)

			if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN {
				appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, &dtos.NavLink{Divider: true})
				appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Plugin Config", Icon: "fa fa-cog", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/edit"})

			data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, appLink)

	if c.IsGrafanaAdmin {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Admin",
			Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-cogs",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin",
			Children: []*dtos.NavLink{
				{Text: "Global Users", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/users"},
				{Text: "Global Orgs", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/orgs"},
				{Text: "Server Settings", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/settings"},
				{Text: "Server Stats", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/stats"},

	return &data, nil
Example #15
func setIndexViewData(c *middleware.Context) (*dtos.IndexViewData, error) {
	settings, err := getFrontendSettingsMap(c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var data = dtos.IndexViewData{
		User: &dtos.CurrentUser{
			Id:             c.UserId,
			IsSignedIn:     c.IsSignedIn,
			Login:          c.Login,
			Email:          c.Email,
			Name:           c.Name,
			LightTheme:     c.Theme == "light",
			OrgId:          c.OrgId,
			OrgName:        c.OrgName,
			OrgRole:        c.OrgRole,
			GravatarUrl:    dtos.GetGravatarUrl(c.Email),
			IsGrafanaAdmin: c.IsGrafanaAdmin,
		Settings:           settings,
		AppUrl:             setting.AppUrl,
		AppSubUrl:          setting.AppSubUrl,
		GoogleAnalyticsId:  setting.GoogleAnalyticsId,
		GoogleTagManagerId: setting.GoogleTagManagerId,

	if setting.DisableGravatar {
		data.User.GravatarUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/public/img/user_profile.png"

	if len(data.User.Name) == 0 {
		data.User.Name = data.User.Login

	themeUrlParam := c.Query("theme")
	if themeUrlParam == "light" {
		data.User.LightTheme = true

	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
		Text: "Dashboards",
		Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-th-large",
		Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/",
		// Children: []*dtos.NavLink{
		// 	{Text: "Playlists", Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-list", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/playlists"},
		// 	{Text: "Snapshots", Icon: "fa-fw icon-gf icon-gf-snapshot", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/snapshots"},
		// },

	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Playlists", Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-list", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/playlists"})
	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Snapshots", Icon: "fa-fw icon-gf icon-gf-snapshot", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/snapshots"})

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Data Sources",
			Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-database",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/datasources",

		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Apps",
			Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-cubes",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/apps",

	enabledPlugins, err := plugins.GetEnabledPlugins(c.OrgId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, plugin := range enabledPlugins.Apps {
		if plugin.Pinned {
			pageLink := &dtos.NavLink{
				Text: plugin.Name,
				Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/apps/" + plugin.Id + "/edit",
				Img:  plugin.Info.Logos.Small,

			for _, page := range plugin.Pages {
				pageLink.Children = append(pageLink.Children, &dtos.NavLink{
					Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/apps/" + plugin.Id + "/page/" + page.Slug,
					Text: page.Name,

			data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, pageLink)

	return &data, nil
Example #16
func OAuthLogin(ctx *middleware.Context) {
	if setting.OAuthService == nil {
		ctx.Handle(404, "login.OAuthLogin(oauth service not enabled)", nil)

	name := ctx.Params(":name")
	connect, ok := social.SocialMap[name]
	if !ok {
		ctx.Handle(404, "login.OAuthLogin(social login not enabled)", errors.New(name))

	error := ctx.Query("error")
	if error != "" {
		errorDesc := ctx.Query("error_description")
		ctx.Logger.Info("OAuthLogin Failed", "error", error, "errorDesc", errorDesc)
		ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login?failCode=1003")

	code := ctx.Query("code")
	if code == "" {
		state := GenStateString()
		ctx.Session.Set(middleware.SESS_KEY_OAUTH_STATE, state)
		if setting.OAuthService.OAuthInfos[name].HostedDomain == "" {
			ctx.Redirect(connect.AuthCodeURL(state, oauth2.AccessTypeOnline))
		} else {
			ctx.Redirect(connect.AuthCodeURL(state, oauth2.SetParam("hd", setting.OAuthService.OAuthInfos[name].HostedDomain), oauth2.AccessTypeOnline))

	// verify state string
	savedState := ctx.Session.Get(middleware.SESS_KEY_OAUTH_STATE).(string)
	queryState := ctx.Query("state")
	if savedState != queryState {
		ctx.Handle(500, "login.OAuthLogin(state mismatch)", nil)

	// handle call back

	// initialize oauth2 context
	oauthCtx := oauth2.NoContext
	if setting.OAuthService.OAuthInfos[name].TlsClientCert != "" {
		cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(setting.OAuthService.OAuthInfos[name].TlsClientCert, setting.OAuthService.OAuthInfos[name].TlsClientKey)
		if err != nil {

		// Load CA cert
		caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(setting.OAuthService.OAuthInfos[name].TlsClientCa)
		if err != nil {
		caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()

		tr := &http.Transport{
			TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
				InsecureSkipVerify: true,
				Certificates:       []tls.Certificate{cert},
				RootCAs:            caCertPool,
		sslcli := &http.Client{Transport: tr}

		oauthCtx = context.TODO()
		oauthCtx = context.WithValue(oauthCtx, oauth2.HTTPClient, sslcli)

	// get token from provider
	token, err := connect.Exchange(oauthCtx, code)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Handle(500, "login.OAuthLogin(NewTransportWithCode)", err)

	ctx.Logger.Debug("OAuthLogin Got token")

	// set up oauth2 client
	client := connect.Client(oauthCtx, token)

	// get user info
	userInfo, err := connect.UserInfo(client)
	if err != nil {
		if err == social.ErrMissingTeamMembership {
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login?failCode=1000")
		} else if err == social.ErrMissingOrganizationMembership {
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login?failCode=1001")
		} else {
			ctx.Handle(500, fmt.Sprintf("login.OAuthLogin(get info from %s)", name), err)

	ctx.Logger.Debug("OAuthLogin got user info", "userInfo", userInfo)

	// validate that the email is allowed to login to grafana
	if !connect.IsEmailAllowed(userInfo.Email) {
		ctx.Logger.Info("OAuth login attempt with unallowed email", "email", userInfo.Email)
		ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login?failCode=1002")

	userQuery := m.GetUserByEmailQuery{Email: userInfo.Email}
	err = bus.Dispatch(&userQuery)

	// create account if missing
	if err == m.ErrUserNotFound {
		if !connect.IsSignupAllowed() {
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login")
		limitReached, err := middleware.QuotaReached(ctx, "user")
		if err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(500, "Failed to get user quota", err)
		if limitReached {
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login")
		cmd := m.CreateUserCommand{
			Login:          userInfo.Login,
			Email:          userInfo.Email,
			Name:           userInfo.Name,
			Company:        userInfo.Company,
			DefaultOrgRole: userInfo.Role,

		if err = bus.Dispatch(&cmd); err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(500, "Failed to create account", err)

		userQuery.Result = &cmd.Result
	} else if err != nil {
		ctx.Handle(500, "Unexpected error", err)

	// login
	loginUserWithUser(userQuery.Result, ctx)


	ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/")
Example #17
func setIndexViewData(c *middleware.Context) (*dtos.IndexViewData, error) {
	settings, err := getFrontendSettingsMap(c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var data = dtos.IndexViewData{
		User: &dtos.CurrentUser{
			Id:             c.UserId,
			IsSignedIn:     c.IsSignedIn,
			Login:          c.Login,
			Email:          c.Email,
			Name:           c.Name,
			LightTheme:     c.Theme == "light",
			OrgId:          c.OrgId,
			OrgName:        c.OrgName,
			OrgRole:        c.OrgRole,
			GravatarUrl:    dtos.GetGravatarUrl(c.Email),
			IsGrafanaAdmin: c.IsGrafanaAdmin,
		Settings:           settings,
		AppUrl:             setting.AppUrl,
		AppSubUrl:          setting.AppSubUrl,
		GoogleAnalyticsId:  setting.GoogleAnalyticsId,
		GoogleTagManagerId: setting.GoogleTagManagerId,

	if setting.DisableGravatar {
		data.User.GravatarUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/public/img/transparent.png"

	if len(data.User.Name) == 0 {
		data.User.Name = data.User.Login

	themeUrlParam := c.Query("theme")
	if themeUrlParam == "light" {
		data.User.LightTheme = true

	dashboardChildNavs := []*dtos.NavLink{
		{Text: "Home", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/"},
		{Text: "Playlists", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/playlists"},
		{Text: "Snapshots", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/snapshots"},

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN || c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_EDITOR {
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Divider: true})
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "New", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/new"})
		dashboardChildNavs = append(dashboardChildNavs, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Import", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/import/dashboard"})

	data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
		Text:     "Dashboards",
		Icon:     "icon-gf icon-gf-dashboard",
		Url:      setting.AppSubUrl + "/",
		Children: dashboardChildNavs,

	if c.OrgRole == m.ROLE_ADMIN {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Data Sources",
			Icon: "icon-gf icon-gf-datasources",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/datasources",

		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Plugins",
			Icon: "icon-gf icon-gf-apps",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins",

	enabledPlugins, err := plugins.GetEnabledPlugins(c.OrgId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, plugin := range enabledPlugins.Apps {
		if plugin.Pinned {
			pageLink := &dtos.NavLink{
				Text: plugin.Name,
				Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/edit",
				Img:  plugin.Info.Logos.Small,

			for _, page := range plugin.Pages {
				if !page.SuppressNav {
					pageLink.Children = append(pageLink.Children, &dtos.NavLink{
						Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/page/" + page.Slug,
						Text: page.Name,

			data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, pageLink)

	if c.IsGrafanaAdmin {
		data.MainNavLinks = append(data.MainNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{
			Text: "Admin",
			Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-cogs",
			Url:  setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin",
			Children: []*dtos.NavLink{
				{Text: "Global Users", Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-cogs", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/users"},
				{Text: "Global Orgs", Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-cogs", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/orgs"},
				{Text: "Server Settings", Icon: "fa fa-fw fa-cogs", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/settings"},
				{Text: "Server Stats", Icon: "fa-fw fa-cogs", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/stats"},

	return &data, nil
Example #18
func GetPluginList(c *middleware.Context) Response {
	typeFilter := c.Query("type")
	enabledFilter := c.Query("enabled")
	embeddedFilter := c.Query("embedded")
	coreFilter := c.Query("core")

	pluginSettingsMap, err := plugins.GetPluginSettings(c.OrgId)

	if err != nil {
		return ApiError(500, "Failed to get list of plugins", err)

	result := make(dtos.PluginList, 0)
	for _, pluginDef := range plugins.Plugins {
		// filter out app sub plugins
		if embeddedFilter == "0" && pluginDef.IncludedInAppId != "" {

		// filter out core plugins
		if coreFilter == "0" && pluginDef.IsCorePlugin {

		// filter on type
		if typeFilter != "" && typeFilter != pluginDef.Type {

		listItem := dtos.PluginListItem{
			Id:            pluginDef.Id,
			Name:          pluginDef.Name,
			Type:          pluginDef.Type,
			Info:          &pluginDef.Info,
			LatestVersion: pluginDef.GrafanaNetVersion,
			HasUpdate:     pluginDef.GrafanaNetHasUpdate,
			DefaultNavUrl: pluginDef.DefaultNavUrl,

		if pluginSetting, exists := pluginSettingsMap[pluginDef.Id]; exists {
			listItem.Enabled = pluginSetting.Enabled
			listItem.Pinned = pluginSetting.Pinned

		if listItem.DefaultNavUrl == "" || !listItem.Enabled {
			listItem.DefaultNavUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + listItem.Id + "/edit"

		// filter out disabled
		if enabledFilter == "1" && !listItem.Enabled {

		// filter out built in data sources
		if ds, exists := plugins.DataSources[pluginDef.Id]; exists {
			if ds.BuiltIn {

		result = append(result, listItem)

	return Json(200, result)
Example #19
func OAuthLogin(ctx *middleware.Context) {
	if setting.OAuthService == nil {
		ctx.Handle(404, "login.OAuthLogin(oauth service not enabled)", nil)

	name := ctx.Params(":name")
	connect, ok := social.SocialMap[name]
	if !ok {
		ctx.Handle(404, "login.OAuthLogin(social login not enabled)", errors.New(name))

	code := ctx.Query("code")
	if code == "" {
		ctx.Redirect(connect.AuthCodeURL("", oauth2.AccessTypeOnline))

	// handle call back
	token, err := connect.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, code)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Handle(500, "login.OAuthLogin(NewTransportWithCode)", err)

	ctx.Logger.Debug("OAuthLogin Got token")

	userInfo, err := connect.UserInfo(token)
	if err != nil {
		if err == social.ErrMissingTeamMembership {
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login?failCode=1000")
		} else if err == social.ErrMissingOrganizationMembership {
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login?failCode=1001")
		} else {
			ctx.Handle(500, fmt.Sprintf("login.OAuthLogin(get info from %s)", name), err)

	ctx.Logger.Debug("OAuthLogin got user info", "userInfo", userInfo)

	// validate that the email is allowed to login to grafana
	if !connect.IsEmailAllowed(userInfo.Email) {
		ctx.Logger.Info("OAuth login attempt with unallowed email", "email", userInfo.Email)
		ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login?failCode=1002")

	userQuery := m.GetUserByLoginQuery{LoginOrEmail: userInfo.Email}
	err = bus.Dispatch(&userQuery)

	// create account if missing
	if err == m.ErrUserNotFound {
		if !connect.IsSignupAllowed() {
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login")
		limitReached, err := middleware.QuotaReached(ctx, "user")
		if err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(500, "Failed to get user quota", err)
		if limitReached {
			ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/login")
		cmd := m.CreateUserCommand{
			Login:   userInfo.Email,
			Email:   userInfo.Email,
			Name:    userInfo.Name,
			Company: userInfo.Company,

		if err = bus.Dispatch(&cmd); err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(500, "Failed to create account", err)

		userQuery.Result = &cmd.Result
	} else if err != nil {
		ctx.Handle(500, "Unexpected error", err)

	// login
	loginUserWithUser(userQuery.Result, ctx)


	ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubUrl + "/")