Example #1
//ProxyDataSourceRequest TODO need to cache datasources
func ProxyDataSourceRequest(c *middleware.Context) {
	id := c.ParamsInt64(":id")
	query := m.GetDataSourceByIdQuery{Id: id, OrgId: c.OrgId}

	if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
		c.JsonApiErr(500, "Unable to load datasource meta data", err)

	ds := query.Result
	targetUrl, _ := url.Parse(ds.Url)
	if len(setting.DataProxyWhiteList) > 0 {
		if _, exists := setting.DataProxyWhiteList[targetUrl.Host]; !exists {
			c.JsonApiErr(403, "Data proxy hostname and ip are not included in whitelist", nil)

	if query.Result.Type == m.DS_CLOUDWATCH {
	} else {
		proxyPath := c.Params("*")
		proxy := NewReverseProxy(&ds, proxyPath, targetUrl)
		proxy.Transport = dataProxyTransport
		proxy.ServeHTTP(c.RW(), c.Req.Request)
Example #2
func GraphiteProxy(c *middleware.Context) {
	proxyPath := c.Params("*")
	target, _ := url.Parse(setting.GraphiteUrl)

	// check if this is a special raintank_db requests
	if proxyPath == "metrics/find" {
		query := c.Query("query")
		if strings.HasPrefix(query, "raintank_db") {
			response, err := executeRaintankDbQuery(query, c.OrgId)
			if err != nil {
				c.JsonApiErr(500, "Failed to execute raintank_db query", err)
			c.JSON(200, response)

	director := func(req *http.Request) {
		req.URL.Scheme = target.Scheme
		req.URL.Host = target.Host
		req.Header.Add("X-Org-Id", strconv.FormatInt(c.OrgId, 10))
		req.URL.Path = util.JoinUrlFragments(target.Path, proxyPath)

	proxy := &httputil.ReverseProxy{Director: director}

	proxy.ServeHTTP(c.RW(), c.Req.Request)
Example #3
//ProxyDataSourceRequest TODO need to cache datasources
func ProxyDataSourceRequest(c *middleware.Context) {
	id := c.ParamsInt64(":id")
	query := m.GetDataSourceByIdQuery{Id: id, OrgId: c.OrgId}

	if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
		c.JsonApiErr(500, "Unable to load datasource meta data", err)

	proxyPath := c.Params("*")
	proxy := NewReverseProxy(&query.Result, proxyPath)
	proxy.Transport = dataProxyTransport
	proxy.ServeHTTP(c.RW(), c.Req.Request)
Example #4
func ProxyCloudWatchDataSourceRequest(c *middleware.Context) {
	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Req.Request.Body)

	reqInfo := &struct {
		Region  string `json:"region"`
		Service string `json:"service"`
		Action  string `json:"action"`
	json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), reqInfo)

	svc := cloudwatch.New(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String(reqInfo.Region)})

	switch reqInfo.Action {
	case "GetMetricStatistics":
		reqParam := &struct {
			Parameters struct {
				Namespace  string              `json:"Namespace"`
				MetricName string              `json:"MetricName"`
				Dimensions []map[string]string `json:"Dimensions"`
				Statistics []string            `json:"Statistics"`
				StartTime  int64               `json:"StartTime"`
				EndTime    int64               `json:"EndTime"`
				Period     int64               `json:"Period"`
			} `json:"parameters"`
		json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), reqParam)

		statistics := make([]*string, 0)
		for k := range reqParam.Parameters.Statistics {
			statistics = append(statistics, &reqParam.Parameters.Statistics[k])
		dimensions := make([]*cloudwatch.Dimension, 0)
		for _, d := range reqParam.Parameters.Dimensions {
			dimensions = append(dimensions, &cloudwatch.Dimension{
				Name:  aws.String(d["Name"]),
				Value: aws.String(d["Value"]),

		params := &cloudwatch.GetMetricStatisticsInput{
			Namespace:  aws.String(reqParam.Parameters.Namespace),
			MetricName: aws.String(reqParam.Parameters.MetricName),
			Dimensions: dimensions,
			Statistics: statistics,
			StartTime:  aws.Time(time.Unix(reqParam.Parameters.StartTime, 0)),
			EndTime:    aws.Time(time.Unix(reqParam.Parameters.EndTime, 0)),
			Period:     aws.Int64(reqParam.Parameters.Period),

		resp, err := svc.GetMetricStatistics(params)
		if err != nil {
			c.JsonApiErr(500, "Unable to call AWS API", err)

		respJson, _ := json.Marshal(resp)
		fmt.Fprint(c.RW(), string(respJson))
	case "ListMetrics":
		reqParam := &struct {
			Parameters struct {
				Namespace  string              `json:"Namespace"`
				MetricName string              `json:"MetricName"`
				Dimensions []map[string]string `json:"Dimensions"`
			} `json:"parameters"`
		json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), reqParam)

		dimensions := make([]*cloudwatch.DimensionFilter, 0)
		for _, d := range reqParam.Parameters.Dimensions {
			dimensions = append(dimensions, &cloudwatch.DimensionFilter{
				Name:  aws.String(d["Name"]),
				Value: aws.String(d["Value"]),

		params := &cloudwatch.ListMetricsInput{
			Namespace:  aws.String(reqParam.Parameters.Namespace),
			MetricName: aws.String(reqParam.Parameters.MetricName),
			Dimensions: dimensions,

		resp, err := svc.ListMetrics(params)
		if err != nil {
			c.JsonApiErr(500, "Unable to call AWS API", err)

		respJson, _ := json.Marshal(resp)
		fmt.Fprint(c.RW(), string(respJson))
		c.JsonApiErr(500, "Unexpected CloudWatch action", errors.New(reqInfo.Action))