Example #1
func doTestRequireAuthc(p *Provider, t *testing.T) {
	h := p.RequireAuthc(fooHandler)
	hserv := httptest.NewServer(h)
	defer hserv.Close()
	// Valid Authentication
	auth, _ := p.NewAuthz("jtkirk", "", nil)
	header := make(http.Header)
	header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+auth.Token)
	rr := restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:    hserv.URL,
		Method: "GET",
		Header: &header,
	status, err := restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	assert.Equal(t, 200, status)
	// Invalid Auth Token
	header = make(http.Header)
	header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer foorbar") // "foobar" is not a valid token
	rr = restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:    hserv.URL,
		Method: "GET",
		Header: &header,
	status, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	assert.Equal(t, 401, status)
	// No Auth Token
	rr = restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:    hserv.URL,
		Method: "GET",
	status, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	assert.Equal(t, 401, status)
Example #2
func newArtist(hserv *httptest.Server) (*Artist, error) {
	url := hserv.URL + "/api/v1/artists"
	a := Artist{}
	rr := restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:            url,
		Method:         "POST",
		Data:           &ggAllin,
		Result:         &a,
		ExpectedStatus: 200,
	_, err := restclient.Do(&rr)
	return &a, err
Example #3
func (gs *GoogleSearch) Query(s string) (hits int, err error) {
	u, err := url.Parse(googleSearchApi)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	v := url.Values{}
	v.Set("key", gs.ApiKey)
	v.Set("cx", gs.CustomSearchId)
	v.Set("q", s)
	u.RawQuery = v.Encode()
	resp := struct {
		Queries struct {
			Request []struct {
				TotalResults string `json:"totalResults"`
			} `json:"requests"`
		} `json:"queries"`
	e := new(interface{})
	req := restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:    u.String(),
		Method: "GET",
		Result: &resp,
		Error:  e,
	status, err := restclient.Do(&req)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	if status != 200 {
		log.Printf("Bad response code from Google: %v", status)
		return -1, BadResponse
	if len(resp.Queries.Request) < 1 {
		err = errors.New("Could not parse JSON response from Google.")
		return -1, BadResponse
	count, err := strconv.Atoi(resp.Queries.Request[0].TotalResults)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	return count, nil
Example #4
func (bs *BingSearch) Query(s string) (hits int, err error) {
	query := fmt.Sprintf("'%v'", s) // Enclose in single quote marks
	payload := map[string]string{
		"Sources": "'web'", // Inner single quote marks are required
		"$format": "json",  // Yes the $ prefix is correct
		"Query":   query,
	resp := struct {
		D struct {
			Results []struct {
				Total string `json:"WebTotal"`
			} `json:"results"`
		} `json:"d"`
	req := restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:      bingSearchApi,
		Method:   "GET",
		Userinfo: url.UserPassword(bs.CustomerId, bs.Key),
		Params:   payload,
		Result:   &resp,
	// r.json['d']['results'][0]['WebTotal']
	status, err := restclient.Do(&req)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	if status != 200 {
		log.Printf("Bad response code from Bing: %v", status)
		return -1, BadResponse
	if len(resp.D.Results) != 1 {
		log.Printf("Expected single item in results dict, but got", len(resp.D.Results))
		return -1, BadResponse
	hits, err = strconv.Atoi(resp.D.Results[0].Total)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, err
	return hits, nil
Example #5
func TestNewArtist(t *testing.T) {
	hserv := setupTest(t)
	defer hserv.Close()
	// Create a new artist
	_, err := newArtist(hserv)
	if err != nil {
	// Confirm DB record
	query := "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM artist WHERE email=$1"
	cnt, err := dbmap.SelectInt(query, ggEmail)
	if err != nil {
	assert.Equal(t, int64(1), cnt, "One and only one artist with this email.")
	// Create with invalid request
	rr := restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:            hserv.URL + "/api/v1/artists",
		Method:         "POST",
		Data:           "foobar",
		ExpectedStatus: 400,
	_, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	// Try to use duplicate email
Example #6
func main() {
	// Prompt user for Github username/password
	var username string
	fmt.Printf("Github username: "******"%s", &username)
	if err != nil {
	passwd, err := gopass.GetPass("Github password: "******"scopes"`
		Note   string   `json:"note"`
		Scopes: []string{"public_repo"},
		Note:   "testing Go restclient",
	// Struct to hold response data
	res := struct {
		Id        int
		Url       string
		Scopes    []string
		Token     string
		App       map[string]string
		Note      string
		NoteUrl   string `json:"note_url"`
		UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`
		CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
	// Struct to hold error response
	e := struct {
		Message string
	// Setup HTTP Basic auth (ONLY use this with SSL)
	u := url.UserPassword(username, passwd)
	rr := restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:      "https://api.github.com/authorizations",
		Userinfo: u,
		Method:   "POST",
		Data:     &d,
		Result:   &res,
		Error:    &e,
	// Send request to server
	status, err := restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	// Process response
	if status == 201 {
		fmt.Printf("Github auth token: %s\n\n", res.Token)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Bad response status from Github server")
		fmt.Printf("\t Status:  %v\n", status)
		fmt.Printf("\t Message: %v\n", e.Message)
Example #7
func TestNewPatron(t *testing.T) {
	hserv := setupTest(t)
	defer hserv.Close()
	// Create a new artist
	a, _ := newArtist(hserv)
	// Create new patron
	payload := PatronageRequest{
		Email: "*****@*****.**",
		Zip:   "94102",
	p := Patron{}
	url := hserv.URL + "/api/v1/artists/" + strconv.Itoa(int(a.Id)) + "/patrons"
	rr := restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:            url,
		Method:         "POST",
		Data:           payload,
		Result:         &p,
		ExpectedStatus: 200,
	_, err := restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	// Invalid payload
	rr = restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:            url,
		Method:         "POST",
		Data:           "foobar",
		Result:         &p,
		ExpectedStatus: 400,
	_, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	// Invalid artist id
	rr = restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:            hserv.URL + "/api/v1/artists/foobar/patrons",
		Method:         "POST",
		Data:           payload,
		Result:         &p,
		ExpectedStatus: 400,
	_, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	// Bad zip code
	payload.Zip = "foobar"
	rr = restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:            url,
		Method:         "POST",
		Data:           payload,
		Result:         &p,
		ExpectedStatus: 400,
	_, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
Example #8
func doTestRequireScope(p *Provider, t *testing.T) {
	h := p.RequireScope(fooHandler, "enterprise")
	hserv := httptest.NewServer(h)
	defer hserv.Close()
	// Valid Scope
	username := "******"
	scopes := []string{"enterprise", "shuttlecraft"}
	note := "foo bar baz"
	auth, _ := p.NewAuthz(username, note, scopes)
	header := make(http.Header)
	header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+auth.Token)
	rr := restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:    hserv.URL,
		Method: "GET",
		Header: &header,
	status, err := restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	assert.Equal(t, 200, status)
	// No Token
	rr = restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:    hserv.URL,
		Method: "GET",
	status, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	assert.Equal(t, 401, status)
	// Bad Header
	header = make(http.Header)
	header.Add("Authorization", "foobar")
	rr = restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:    hserv.URL,
		Method: "GET",
		Header: &header,
	status, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	assert.Equal(t, 401, status)
	// Unauthorized Scope
	h1 := p.RequireScope(fooHandler, "foobar") // Not among the authorized scopes
	hserv1 := httptest.NewServer(h1)
	defer hserv1.Close()
	header = make(http.Header)
	header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+auth.Token)
	rr = restclient.RequestResponse{
		Url:    hserv1.URL,
		Method: "GET",
		Header: &header,
	status, err = restclient.Do(&rr)
	if err != nil {
	assert.Equal(t, 401, status)