Example #1
// sf is the recursive function used to build the structure neeeded by SelectFields
func sf(in interface{}, c echo.Context) (interface{}, error) {

	in = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(in)).Interface()
	Type := reflect.TypeOf(in)

	switch Type.Kind() {
	case reflect.Struct:
		ret := make(map[string]interface{})
		value := reflect.ValueOf(in)
		if fieldString := c.QueryParam("fields"); fieldString != "" {
			fields := strings.Split(fieldString, ",")
			for _, field := range fields {
				fieldName := utils.UpperFirst(field)
				if structField, ok := Type.FieldByName(fieldName); ok {
					jsonTag := structField.Tag.Get("json")
					if jsonTag != "-" && jsonTag != "" {
						ret[strings.Split(jsonTag, ",")[0]] = value.FieldByName(fieldName).Interface()
				} else {
					// Else check if json field name is different from struct field name (with first letter in uppercase)
					// this is the user expected behaviour, but we prefer the above approach to speed up the process
					var found bool
					for i := 0; i < Type.NumField(); i++ {
						jsonTag := Type.Field(i).Tag.Get("json")
						if strings.Split(jsonTag, ",")[0] == field {
							ret[field] = value.Field(i).Interface()
							found = true
					if !found {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("Field %s does not exists", field)
		} else {
			for i := 0; i < Type.NumField(); i++ {
				jsonTag := Type.Field(i).Tag.Get("json")
				if jsonTag != "-" && jsonTag != "" {
					ret[strings.Split(jsonTag, ",")[0]] = value.Field(i).Interface()
		return &ret, nil

	case reflect.Slice:
		value := reflect.ValueOf(in)
		ret := make([]interface{}, value.Len())
		for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ {
			if m, e := sf(value.Index(i).Elem().Interface(), c); e == nil {
				ret[i] = m
			} else {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf(`Error "%s" on field number %d`, e.Error(), i)
		return &ret, nil

	return nil, errors.New("input parameter is not a struct or a slice of struct")
func (h *handler) handleDownloadTarFunc(c echo.Context) error {
	pathToSend := c.QueryParam("path")
	fileFilter := c.QueryParam("file-filter")
	if strings.TrimSpace(pathToSend) == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("Request does not contain query 'path' value")

	var tarProvider tar_io.TarProvider
	if isDir, err := path_utils.DirectoryExists(pathToSend); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to determine if path '%s' is a directory, error: %s", pathToSend, err.Error())
	} else if isDir {
		tarProvider = tar_io.Factories.TarProvider.Dir(pathToSend, fileFilter)
		h.logger.Infof("Now starting to send dir '%s'", pathToSend)
	} else if isFile, err := path_utils.FileExists(pathToSend); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to determine if path '%s' is a file, error: %s", pathToSend, err.Error())
	} else if isFile {
		tarProvider = tar_io.Factories.TarProvider.File(pathToSend)
		h.logger.Infof("Now starting to send file '%s'", pathToSend)
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("Path '%s' is not an existing file or directory", pathToSend)

	handler := &sendTarHandler{writer: c.Response()}
	err := tar_io.UploadProvider(tarProvider, handler)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to send file, error: %s", err.Error())

	return nil
Example #3
func (self InstallController) SetupConfig(ctx echo.Context) error {
	// config/env.ini 存在
	if db.MasterDB != nil {
		if logic.DefaultInstall.IsTableExist(ctx) {
			return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/")
		return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/install/do")

	step := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("step"))
	if step == 2 {
		err := self.genConfig(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			data := map[string]interface{}{
				"dbhost":   ctx.FormValue("dbhost"),
				"dbport":   ctx.FormValue("dbport"),
				"dbname":   ctx.FormValue("dbname"),
				"uname":    ctx.FormValue("uname"),
				"err_type": 1,

			if err == db.ConnectDBErr {
				data["err_type"] = 1
			} else if err == db.UseDBErr {
				data["err_type"] = 2

			return renderInstall(ctx, "install/setup-err.html", data)
	return renderInstall(ctx, "install/setup-config.html", map[string]interface{}{"step": step})
Example #4
// 消息列表
func (MessageController) ReadList(ctx echo.Context) error {
	user := ctx.Get("user").(*model.Me)
	msgtype := ctx.Param("msgtype")
	if msgtype == "" {
		msgtype = "system"

	curPage := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("p"), 1)
	paginator := logic.NewPaginator(curPage)

	var (
		messages []map[string]interface{}
		total    int64
	switch msgtype {
	case "system":
		messages = logic.DefaultMessage.FindSysMsgsByUid(ctx, user.Uid, paginator)
		total = logic.DefaultMessage.SysMsgCount(ctx, user.Uid)
	case "inbox":
		messages = logic.DefaultMessage.FindToMsgsByUid(ctx, user.Uid, paginator)
		total = logic.DefaultMessage.ToMsgCount(ctx, user.Uid)
	case "outbox":
		messages = logic.DefaultMessage.FindFromMsgsByUid(ctx, user.Uid, paginator)
		total = logic.DefaultMessage.FromMsgCount(ctx, user.Uid)
		return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/")

	pageHtml := paginator.SetTotal(total).GetPageHtml(fmt.Sprintf("/message/%s", msgtype))

	return render(ctx, "messages/list.html", map[string]interface{}{"messages": messages, "msgtype": msgtype, "page": template.HTML(pageHtml)})
Example #5
func (h *handler) handleStatsFunc(c echo.Context) error {
	path := c.QueryParam("path")
	if strings.TrimSpace(path) == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("Request does not contain query 'path' value")

	info, err := os.Stat(path)
	if err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return c.JSON(200, &dtos.StatsDto{
				Path:   path,
				Exists: false,
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get stats of path '%s', error: %s", path, err.Error())

	returnDto := &dtos.StatsDto{
		Path:    path,
		Exists:  true,
		IsDir:   info.IsDir(),
		ModTime: info.ModTime(),
		Mode:    info.Mode(),
		Size:    info.Size(),
	return c.JSON(200, returnDto)
Example #6
// ReadList 获得wiki列表
func (WikiController) ReadList(ctx echo.Context) error {
	limit := 20

	lastId := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("lastid"))
	wikis := logic.DefaultWiki.FindBy(ctx, limit+5, lastId)
	if wikis == nil {
		logger.Errorln("wiki controller: find wikis error")
		return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/wiki")

	num := len(wikis)
	if num == 0 {
		if lastId == 0 {
			return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/")
		return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/wiki")

	var (
		hasPrev, hasNext bool
		prevId, nextId   int

	if lastId != 0 {
		prevId = lastId

		// 避免因为wiki下线,导致判断错误(所以 > 5)
		if prevId-wikis[0].Id > 5 {
			hasPrev = false
		} else {
			prevId += limit
			hasPrev = true

	if num > limit {
		hasNext = true
		wikis = wikis[:limit]
		nextId = wikis[limit-1].Id
	} else {
		nextId = wikis[num-1].Id

	pageInfo := map[string]interface{}{
		"has_prev": hasPrev,
		"prev_id":  prevId,
		"has_next": hasNext,
		"next_id":  nextId,

	// 获取当前用户喜欢对象信息
	// me, ok := ctx.Get("user").(*model.Me)
	// var likeFlags map[int]int
	// if ok {
	// 	likeFlags, _ = logic.DefaultLike.FindUserLikeObjects(ctx, me.Uid, model.TypeWiki, wikis[0].Id, nextId)
	// }

	return render(ctx, "wiki/list.html", map[string]interface{}{"wikis": wikis, "activeWiki": "active", "page": pageInfo})
func (h *handler) handlePathSummaryFunc(c echo.Context) error {
	path := c.QueryParam("path")
	if strings.TrimSpace(path) == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("Request does not contain query 'path' value")

	info, err := os.Stat(path)
	if err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			//TODO: Return empty dir instead of NotFound so that on the other side it will result in a "out of sync" status?
			//return c.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, &dtos.FilesystemSummaryDto{
			return c.JSON(200, &dtos.FilesystemSummaryDto{
				FlattenedFiles: []*dtos.FileSummary{
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get stats of path '%s', error: %s", path, err.Error())

	baseDir := ""
	flattenedFiles := []*dtos.FileSummary{}
	if info.IsDir() {
		dirSummary, err := h.svcs.FilePathSummaries.GetDirSummary(path)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get dir '%s' summary, error: %s", path, err.Error())

		baseDir = path
		for _, f := range dirSummary.FlattenedFileSummaries {
			flattenedFiles = append(flattenedFiles, &dtos.FileSummary{
				RelativePath: f.RelativePath,
				ModTime:      f.ModTime,
				ChecksumHex:  f.Checksum.HexString(),
	} else {
		//TODO: 2016-05-09 20:57 - it is hacky to use an empty basedir and full path for single files. See other spot where we reference this timestamp in the TODO
		baseDir = ""
		fileSummary, err := h.svcs.FilePathSummaries.GetFileSummary(baseDir, path)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get file '%s' summary, error: %s", path, err.Error())

		flattenedFiles = append(flattenedFiles, &dtos.FileSummary{
			RelativePath: fileSummary.RelativePath,
			ModTime:      fileSummary.ModTime,
			ChecksumHex:  fileSummary.Checksum.HexString(),
	returnDto := &dtos.FilesystemSummaryDto{
		BaseDir:        baseDir,
		FlattenedFiles: flattenedFiles,
	return c.JSON(200, returnDto)
Example #8
// ReadCatResources 某个分类的资源列表
func (ResourceController) ReadCatResources(ctx echo.Context) error {
	curPage := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("p"), 1)
	paginator := logic.NewPaginator(curPage)
	catid := goutils.MustInt(ctx.Param("catid"))

	resources, total := logic.DefaultResource.FindByCatid(ctx, paginator, catid)
	pageHtml := paginator.SetTotal(total).GetPageHtml(ctx.Request().URL().Path())

	return render(ctx, "resources/index.html", map[string]interface{}{"activeResources": "active", "resources": resources, "categories": logic.AllCategory, "page": template.HTML(pageHtml), "curCatid": catid})
Example #9
// ReadList 开源项目列表页
func (ProjectController) ReadList(ctx echo.Context) error {
	limit := 20
	lastId := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("lastid"))
	projects := logic.DefaultProject.FindBy(ctx, limit+5, lastId)

	num := len(projects)
	if num == 0 {
		if lastId == 0 {
			return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/")
		} else {
			return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/projects")

	var (
		hasPrev, hasNext bool
		prevId, nextId   int

	if lastId > 0 {
		prevId = lastId

		// 避免因为项目下线,导致判断错误(所以 > 5)
		if prevId-projects[0].Id > 5 {
			hasPrev = false
		} else {
			prevId += limit
			hasPrev = true

	if num > limit {
		hasNext = true
		projects = projects[:limit]
		nextId = projects[limit-1].Id
	} else {
		nextId = projects[num-1].Id

	pageInfo := map[string]interface{}{
		"has_prev": hasPrev,
		"prev_id":  prevId,
		"has_next": hasNext,
		"next_id":  nextId,

	// 获取当前用户喜欢对象信息
	me, ok := ctx.Get("user").(*model.Me)
	var likeFlags map[int]int
	if ok {
		likeFlags, _ = logic.DefaultLike.FindUserLikeObjects(ctx, me.Uid, model.TypeProject, projects[0].Id, nextId)

	return render(ctx, "projects/list.html", map[string]interface{}{"projects": projects, "activeProjects": "active", "page": pageInfo, "likeflags": likeFlags})
Example #10
File: tags.go Project: mewben/onix
// Get all tags
func (*TagsController) Get(c echo.Context) error {
	var model models.Tag
	var name = c.QueryParam("name")

	ret, err := model.Get(name)
	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(400, utils.ErrMarshal(err.Error()))

	return c.JSON(200, ret)
Example #11
File: posts.go Project: mewben/onix
// Get posts
func (*PostsController) Get(c echo.Context) error {
	var model models.Post
	var title = c.QueryParam("title")

	ret, err := model.Get(title)
	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(400, utils.ErrMarshal(err.Error()))

	return c.JSON(200, ret)
Example #12
// CheckExist 检测 uri 对应的项目是否存在(验证,true表示不存在;false表示存在)
func (ProjectController) CheckExist(ctx echo.Context) error {
	uri := ctx.QueryParam("uri")
	if uri == "" {
		return ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, `true`)

	if logic.DefaultProject.UriExists(ctx, uri) {
		return ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, `false`)
	return ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, `true`)
Example #13
func (handlerGroup *HandlerGroup) CallbackHandler(context echo.Context) error {
	domain := "jessemillar.auth0.com"

	// Instantiating the OAuth2 package to exchange the Code for a Token
	conf := &oauth2.Config{
		ClientID:     os.Getenv("AUTH0_CLIENT_ID"),
		ClientSecret: os.Getenv("AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET"),
		RedirectURL:  os.Getenv("AUTH0_CALLBACK"),
		Scopes:       []string{"openid", "name", "email", "nickname"},
		Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
			AuthURL:  "https://" + domain + "/authorize",
			TokenURL: "https://" + domain + "/oauth/token",

	// Getting the Code that we got from Auth0
	code := context.QueryParam("code")

	// Exchanging the code for a token
	token, err := conf.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, code)
	if err != nil {
		return context.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())

	// Getting the user information
	client := conf.Client(oauth2.NoContext, token)
	resp, err := client.Get("https://" + domain + "/userinfo")
	if err != nil {
		return context.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())

	// Reading the body
	raw, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return context.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())

	// Unmarshal the JSON of the Auth0 profile
	var profile map[string]interface{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &profile); err != nil {
		return context.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())

	helpers.MakeCookie(context, "id_token", token.Extra("id_token").(string))

	// Redirect to logged in page
	context.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/frontend")

	return context.String(http.StatusOK, "Callback finished") // We'll never actually hit this...?
Example #14
// NodeTopics 某节点下的主题列表
func (TopicController) NodeTopics(ctx echo.Context) error {
	curPage := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("p"), 1)
	paginator := logic.NewPaginator(curPage)

	querystring, nid := "nid=?", goutils.MustInt(ctx.Param("nid"))
	topics := logic.DefaultTopic.FindAll(ctx, paginator, "topics.mtime DESC", querystring, nid)
	total := logic.DefaultTopic.Count(ctx, querystring, nid)
	pageHtml := paginator.SetTotal(total).GetPageHtml(ctx.Request().URL().Path())

	// 当前节点信息
	node := logic.GetNode(nid)

	return render(ctx, "topics/node.html", map[string]interface{}{"activeTopics": "active", "topics": topics, "page": template.HTML(pageHtml), "total": total, "node": node})
Example #15
// ReadingList 晨读列表页
func (ReadingController) ReadingList(ctx echo.Context) error {
	limit := 20
	lastId := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("lastid"))
	rtype := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("rtype"), model.RtypeGo)

	readings := logic.DefaultReading.FindBy(ctx, limit+5, rtype, lastId)
	num := len(readings)
	if num == 0 {
		if lastId == 0 {
			return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/")
		} else {
			return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/readings")

	var (
		hasPrev, hasNext bool
		prevId, nextId   int

	if lastId > 0 {
		prevId = lastId

		// 避免因为项目下线,导致判断错误(所以 > 5)
		if prevId-readings[0].Id > 5 {
			hasPrev = false
		} else {
			prevId += limit
			hasPrev = true

	if num > limit {
		hasNext = true
		readings = readings[:limit]
		nextId = readings[limit-1].Id
	} else {
		nextId = readings[num-1].Id

	pageInfo := map[string]interface{}{
		"has_prev": hasPrev,
		"prev_id":  prevId,
		"has_next": hasNext,
		"next_id":  nextId,
	return render(ctx, "readings/list.html", map[string]interface{}{"activeReadings": "active", "readings": readings, "page": pageInfo, "rtype": rtype})
Example #16
// http localhost:5025/admin/get-users?q=<query> X-Diskette-Session-Token:<session_token>
func (service *serviceImpl) GetUsers(c echo.Context) error {
	var query map[string]interface{}
	queryStr := c.QueryParam("q")
	if queryStr != "" {
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(queryStr), &query); err != nil {
			return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, util.CreateErrResponse(err))

	var documents []interface{}
	err := service.userCollection.Find(query).All(&documents)
	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, util.CreateErrResponse(err))

	return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, util.CreateOkResponse(documents))
Example #17
// WrapUrl 包装链接
func (IndexController) WrapUrl(ctx echo.Context) error {
	tUrl := ctx.QueryParam("u")
	if tUrl == "" {
		return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/")

	if pUrl, err := url.Parse(tUrl); err != nil {
		return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, tUrl)
	} else {
		if !pUrl.IsAbs() {
			return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, tUrl)

		// 本站
		domain := config.ConfigFile.MustValue("global", "domain")
		if strings.Contains(pUrl.Host, domain) {
			return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, tUrl)

		iframeDeny := config.ConfigFile.MustValue("crawl", "iframe_deny")
		// 检测是否禁止了 iframe 加载
		// 看是否在黑名单中
		for _, denyHost := range strings.Split(iframeDeny, ",") {
			if strings.Contains(pUrl.Host, denyHost) {
				return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, tUrl)

		// 检测会比较慢,进行异步检测,记录下来,以后分析再加黑名单
		go func() {
			resp, err := http.Head(tUrl)
			if err != nil {
				logger.Errorln("[iframe] head url:", tUrl, "error:", err)
			defer resp.Body.Close()
			if resp.Header.Get("X-Frame-Options") != "" {
				logger.Errorln("[iframe] deny:", tUrl)

	return render(ctx, "wr.html", map[string]interface{}{"url": tUrl})
Example #18
// RecentComment 最新评论
func (SidebarController) RecentComment(ctx echo.Context) error {
	limit := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("limit"), 10)
	recentComments := logic.DefaultComment.FindRecent(ctx, 0, -1, limit)

	uids := slices.StructsIntSlice(recentComments, "Uid")
	users := logic.DefaultUser.FindUserInfos(ctx, uids)

	result := map[string]interface{}{
		"comments": recentComments,

	// json encode 不支持 map[int]...
	for uid, user := range users {
		result[strconv.Itoa(uid)] = user

	return success(ctx, result)
Example #19
File: posts.go Project: mewben/onix
// Update post
func (*PostsController) Update(c echo.Context) error {
	var model models.Post
	var payload models.PostPayload
	var status = c.QueryParam("status")

	if err := c.Bind(&payload); err != nil {
		return c.JSON(400, utils.ErrMarshal(err.Error()))

	iss := 1

	payload.UpdatedBy = iss
	ret, err := model.Update(c.P(0), payload, status)
	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(400, utils.ErrMarshal(err.Error()))
	return c.JSON(200, ret)
Example #20
func (TopicController) topicList(ctx echo.Context, view, orderBy, querystring string, args ...interface{}) error {
	curPage := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("p"), 1)
	paginator := logic.NewPaginator(curPage)

	topics := logic.DefaultTopic.FindAll(ctx, paginator, orderBy, querystring, args...)
	total := logic.DefaultTopic.Count(ctx, querystring, args...)
	pageHtml := paginator.SetTotal(total).GetPageHtml(ctx.Request().URL().Path())

	data := map[string]interface{}{
		"topics":       topics,
		"activeTopics": "active",
		"nodes":        logic.GenNodes(),
		"view":         view,
		"page":         template.HTML(pageHtml),

	return render(ctx, "topics/list.html", data)
Example #21
func appTempGet(c echo.Context) error {

	args := new(types.GetParams)
	app := new(types.App)

	args.Region = c.QueryParam("region")

	if args.Region == "" {
		args.Region = types.DefaultRegion

	args.Id = c.QueryParam("id")
	err := appTempHandler.Get(args, app)
	// 获取数据失败
	if err != nil {
		return c.String(http.StatusNotFound, "")
	return SendData(c, http.StatusOK, app)
Example #22
// Activate 用户激活
func (AccountController) Activate(ctx echo.Context) error {
	contentTpl := "user/activate.html"

	data := map[string]interface{}{}

	param := goutils.Base64Decode(ctx.QueryParam("param"))
	values, err := url.ParseQuery(param)
	if err != nil {
		data["error"] = err.Error()
		return render(ctx, contentTpl, data)

	uuid := values.Get("uuid")
	timestamp := goutils.MustInt64(values.Get("timestamp"))
	sign := values.Get("sign")
	email, ok := regActivateCodeMap[uuid]
	if !ok {
		data["error"] = "非法请求!"
		return render(ctx, contentTpl, data)

	if timestamp < time.Now().Add(-4*time.Hour).Unix() {
		delete(regActivateCodeMap, uuid)
		// TODO:可以再次发激活邮件?
		data["error"] = "链接已过期"
		return render(ctx, contentTpl, data)

	user, err := logic.DefaultUser.Activate(ctx, email, uuid, timestamp, sign)
	if err != nil {
		data["error"] = err.Error()
		return render(ctx, contentTpl, data)

	delete(regActivateCodeMap, uuid)

	// 自动登录
	SetCookie(ctx, user.Username)

	return render(ctx, contentTpl, data)
Example #23
// examples:
// http DELETE localhost:5025/collection/user?q='{"name":"dfreire"}'
func (service *serviceImpl) Delete(c echo.Context) error {
	collection := c.Param("collection")

	queryStr := c.QueryParam("q")
	if queryStr == "" {

		return c.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, util.CreateErrResponse(errors.New("Missing parameter 'q' (for query)")))

	var query map[string]interface{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(queryStr), &query); err != nil {
		return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, util.CreateErrResponse(err))

	_, err := service.db.C(collection).RemoveAll(query)
	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, util.CreateErrResponse(err))

	return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, util.CreateOkResponse(nil))
Example #24
func appGet(c echo.Context) error {

	ty := c.QueryParam("type")
	var returnValue proto.Message
	var err error
	var Region = c.QueryParam("region")

	if ty == "value" { // 获取单个应用信息
		args := new(types.GetParams)
		app := new(types.App)
		returnValue = app
		args.Region = Region
		args.Id = c.QueryParam("id")
		err = appHandler.Get(args, app)
	} else { // 获取应用列表
		args := new(types.ListParams)
		applist := new(types.AppList)
		returnValue = applist
		args.Region = Region
		args.Offset = 0  // 列表偏移量
		args.Length = 10 // 列表长度
		err = appHandler.List(args, applist)

	// 获取数据失败
	if err != nil {
		return SendData(c, http.StatusNotFound, returnValue)

	return SendData(c, http.StatusOK, returnValue)
Example #25
// Publish
func (ReadingController) Publish(ctx echo.Context) error {
	var data = make(map[string]interface{})

	if ctx.FormValue("submit") == "1" {
		user := ctx.Get("user").(*model.Me)
		errMsg, err := logic.DefaultReading.SaveReading(ctx, ctx.FormParams(), user.Username)
		if err != nil {
			return fail(ctx, 1, errMsg)
		return success(ctx, nil)

	id := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("id"))
	if id != 0 {
		reading := logic.DefaultReading.FindById(ctx, id)
		if reading != nil {
			data["reading"] = reading

	return render(ctx, "reading/modify.html", data)
Example #26
// Modify 编辑规则
func (self RuleController) Modify(ctx echo.Context) error {
	var data = make(map[string]interface{})

	if ctx.FormValue("submit") == "1" {
		user := ctx.Get("user").(*model.Me)

		errMsg, err := logic.DefaultRule.Save(ctx, ctx.FormParams(), user.Username)
		if err != nil {
			return fail(ctx, 1, errMsg)
		return success(ctx, nil)

	rule := logic.DefaultRule.FindById(ctx, ctx.QueryParam("id"))
	if rule == nil {
		return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, ctx.Echo().URI(echo.HandlerFunc(self.RuleList)))

	data["rule"] = rule

	return render(ctx, "rule/modify.html", data)
Example #27
// Modify
func (self ArticleController) Modify(ctx echo.Context) error {
	var data = make(map[string]interface{})

	if ctx.FormValue("submit") == "1" {
		user := ctx.Get("user").(*model.Me)
		errMsg, err := logic.DefaultArticle.Modify(ctx, user, ctx.FormParams())
		if err != nil {
			return fail(ctx, 1, errMsg)
		return success(ctx, nil)
	article, err := logic.DefaultArticle.FindById(ctx, ctx.QueryParam("id"))
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, ctx.Echo().URI(echo.HandlerFunc(self.ArticleList)))

	data["article"] = article
	data["statusSlice"] = model.ArticleStatusSlice
	data["langSlice"] = model.LangSlice

	return render(ctx, "article/modify.html", data)

Example #28
// CommentList 获取某对象的评论信息
func (CommentController) CommentList(ctx echo.Context) error {
	objid := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("objid"))
	objtype := goutils.MustInt(ctx.QueryParam("objtype"))

	commentList, err := logic.DefaultComment.FindObjectComments(ctx, objid, objtype)
	if err != nil {
		return fail(ctx, 1, "服务器内部错误")

	uids := slices.StructsIntSlice(commentList, "Uid")
	users := logic.DefaultUser.FindUserInfos(ctx, uids)

	result := map[string]interface{}{
		"comments": commentList,

	// json encode 不支持 map[int]...
	for uid, user := range users {
		result[strconv.Itoa(uid)] = user

	return success(ctx, result)
Example #29
func podGet(c echo.Context) error {

	var arg = new(types.GetParams)
	arg.Region = c.QueryParam("region")
	arg.ParentId = c.QueryParam("appid")
	arg.Id = c.QueryParam("id")
	var pod = new(types.Pod)

	err := podHandler.Get(arg, pod)
	if err != nil {
		return SendData(c, http.StatusNotFound, pod)
	return SendData(c, http.StatusOK, pod)
Example #30
// GetCrop - Fetch and crop an image on the fly
func (handler *CropHandler) GetCrop(c echo.Context) error {

	// Get height and width from url parameters
	width, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.QueryParam("width"))
	height, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.QueryParam("height"))

	// Get file parameter
	filename := c.QueryParam("file")
	ext := GetExtension(filename)

	// If no file given, not much we can do
	if filename == "" {
		return c.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, &Error{
			Message: "No file given",
			Code:    http.StatusNotFound,

	// Fetch image from S3
	file, err := handler.bucket.Get("content/" + filename)

	// If file can't be fetched, throw a 404
	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, &Error{
			Message: "File not found in bucket",
			Code:    http.StatusNotFound,

	// Decode image from bytes to `image.Image`
	img, err := handler.decoder.DecodeBytes(file)

	// Crop image
	cropped, err := handler.cropper.Crop(uint(width), uint(height), img, ext)

	if err != nil {
		return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, &Error{
			Message: err,
			Code:    http.StatusInternalServerError,

	// Return cropped image
	return c.File(string(cropped))